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Главная » 2021 » Апрель » 1 » Приглашает SP DX 2021
Приглашает SP DX 2021


Since 1933  

We would like to invite you to participate in the SP DX Contest this weekend (Starts April 3, 2021 from 1500 UTC Saturday, ends April 4, 1459 UTC Sunday).  This is the biggest operating event of the year in Poland with typically over 1000 SP stations on the air on both CW and SSB. 


For some, it is a competitive event, for others it is a chance to make a QSO with old friends.  And for others yet, it is their only contest experience of the year and an opportunity to be seen and heard and to have fun.


The success of this contest depends on the participation of DX stations like you, whether you are a veteran contester or just enjoy making casual contacts and giving SP stations an opportunity to work DX.  It does not matter how much time you can spend and how many QSO’s you can make, we would like to see you in our logs!


Please visit  where you can see the current rules and upload your log after the contest.  Please note that logs can no longer be submitted via email.  We request that the logs be uploaded by April 18, 2021, 2359 UTC.  All entries will be immediately posted on that web page, followed by email confirmations. 


The final results will be processed and made available by June 30. We have adopted an open log policy, so all logs will be in public view.  Note the log analysis functionality that provides some useful information.  Just click on your (or any other) call sign in the scores tab. You may test this in 2018, 2019 and 2020 contest archives.


Along with the results, certificates of participation and top scoring certificates by category, country and continent will be available for download.  We also have a long list of plaques which have been sponsored by individuals and groups which you can see on the web page.  Finally, you can qualify for various levels of the POLSKA Award for working the 16 provinces (województwa) of Poland.



We hope we have made this contest interesting and exciting for you and we look forward to seeing you in the event!


2021 SP DX Contest Committee

Polish Amateur Radio Union, SP DX Club

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