Активно начала работу экспедиция PT0S to St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks, (DXCC: PY0S, IOTA: SA-014), under the call sign PT0S. The PT0S DXpedition will be on the air from approximately Nov 10 to Nov 22 , 2012. Please check this website regularly for news updates or announcements. (Like all things maritime, the exact dates of our travel to the rocks will be subject to the weather and issues related to the boat.) There has been an official ban on Amateur Radio activities from PY0S. Although the ban, which was created for environmental and safety reasons, remains in place, the Araucaria DX Group was given a special permit by Brazil's SECIRM (Secretaria da Comissao Interministerial para Os Recursos do Mar), the Brazilian Navy, Ministry of Environment and LABRE to conduct a two week long operation. The operation will have a strong low band focus. There will be a dedicated 160 meter station operating on 160 meters from sunset to sunrise. A second station will be on 80 and 40 meters at night. During the day we will operate two stations on the higher bands -- and 6 meters -- based on conditions. RTTY will also be supported. The DXpedition's goal is to give this rare and difficult entity to as many amateurs as possible, taking maximum advantage of this unique opportunity. The group will be using newly designed RX antennas and receiving equipment to allow small and QRP stations to work PT0S on all bands, but especially on 80 and 160 meters. All QSO-s will be loaded onto LoTW within 36 hours of taking place. Operators will be Fred Carvalho PY2XB (PY2XB/PY0F, PQ0F, VP5/PY2XB, 8P9XB), Peter Sprengel PP5XX/PY5CC (PY0FM, PW0T, HK0NA). Tomi Pekarik, HA7RY and George Wallner, AA7JV. Due to environmental considerations, we have been limited to four operators.
Да, смотрел по VOACAP-Online, то по низам, даже 40-ке, вообще проблема, на 20-ке окно около часа, на более высокочастотных диапазонах окно около 6 часов в середине дня, так они начинают поздно работать и мы захватываем всего часа 2 - 3. Кроме того, что через шквал Европы попробуй пробиться, так они в это время еще и направленный вызов NA/SA делают...