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Главная » 2013 » Сентябрь » 9 » RI1ANR info season 2013/2014!
RI1ANR info season 2013/2014! | 16:51 |
HI Folks, Oleg ZS1ANF -UA1PBA, Alex UA1PAW and Slava UA1PAI-RD3MX are almost ready to fly South where they expect to be active from Antarctica. This time the goal is Novo Runway (WAP MNB-06) with the call RI1ANR to activate Low Bands from Antarctic continent starting November 2013 through March 2014. Oleg ZS1ANF did inform WAP that they will be on the Runway during this coming Antarctic season. I expect busy time down there said Oleg, so I want to concentrate on Low Bands, especially 160m band. For that we'll install 18 meters vertical by RA6LBS for TX, the same we had at Bellingshausen, Beverage or K9AY for RX; one XL-222 with RY-63 rotator from Russian-Yagi for High Bands. ACOM1000 and some FT transceivers for the whole activity. Perhaps there will be a chance to visit other places during their stay . More info at WAP website
tnx info RZ3EM
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