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Главная » 2021 » Май » 24 » СQ WPX CW уже в эти выходные!
СQ WPX CW уже в эти выходные!

The CQ WPX Contest Committee invites you to participate in the 2021 CQ WPX CW contest which runs from 00:00 UTC on 29 May to 23:59 UTC on 30 May, 2021.

CQ WPX CW is the largest "everyone can work everyone for points” CW operating event in the world. It’s a phenomenal opportunity to meet friends, build your prefix totals, contribute to your club’s efforts, and have fun! All are welcomed and encouraged to participate.

We have made several exciting changes for 2021. First, the MULTI-TRANSMITTER DISTRIBUTED category has been added. Stations operating in this category may have a maximum of six transmitted signals, one per band at any one time, from stations in different locations. All equipment must be located within the same DXCC entity and CQ Zone. Next, QSO alerting systems (Assistance) are now permitted in all Single Operator categories, except the Single Operator Classic Overlay categories where QSO alerting systems (Assistance) are prohibited. Finally, the maximum operating time for Single Operator Classic Overlay participants is now 24 hours.

The deadline for submitting logs is 23:59 UTC on 4 June 2021. Logs should be uploaded at < >. We encourage everyone to upload their logs and all participants submitting logs by the deadline can download certificates once the scores are finalized.

Please go to < > for the full set of rules, past results, records, plaques and other resources to support your CQ WPX CW activities.

Please direct any questions to

We wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you in CQ WPX CW 2021!


CQ WPX Contest Committee

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