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Главная » 2010 » Январь » 6 » EY8MM -Yasme Excellence Awards
EY8MM -Yasme Excellence Awards
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Решением совета директоров YASME Нодир EY8MM награжден YASME Excellence Award

Yasme Excellence Awards

January 4, 2010
Winners – Yasme Excellence Awards
On January 8, 2008, The Directors of The Yasme Foundation announced the establishment of the Yasme Excellence Awards. The Directors stated that these awards would be given from time to time as the board feels appropriate. These awards are given for service and dedication to amateur radio as recognized by the foundation’s Directors. Awards were later announced for the year 2007. No awards were given for 2008. The Yasme Foundation Board of Directors is now pleased to announce the latest winners of the Yasme Excellence Awards.
The Awards have been given to the following amateurs --
Jamie Dupree, NS3T – For his creation of the Radiosport Web site ( This takes contest reporting into a new genre - the sports reporter. Jamie also created the Radio-Sport.Net World Rankings database that has been used by many contesters around the world. is an important new forum for Amateur Radio operation.
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR – For the invention of APRS and the continuing enhancement of its capabilities. Recently, Bob has expanded the messaging ability of the system to allow sending information in support of emcomm and other activities. Since APRS doesn’t require the complexity of other systems, such as Winlink, APRS is a valuable addition to the amateur's tool kit. Bob is a tireless, personal promoter and publicizer of amateur radio.
George Wallner, AA7JV and Tomi Pekarik HA7RY (award divided equally) – In 2009, George and Tomi completed DXpeditions to Mellish Reef, VK9GMW and the Chesterfield Islands, TX3A. These expeditions represent a somewhat unique and refreshing approach to DXpeditioning. They show that a small group can exchange time for equipment and mega-funds and come out ahead. By focusing on fewer bands for a longer period, they have been able to log more unique calls from smaller stations. This brings more operators into the HF DX environment and encourages other expeditions to adopt these useful tactics.
Don Hill, AA5AU - Don has been a leader in RTTY contesting for many years. His persistent efforts have finally borne fruit as in recent years, RTTY/Digital contesting has grown at the fastest rate of any contest activity. His Web page ( is the first stop for all RTTY contesters, and he is well-known as the "RTTY Elmer" in digital contesting circles.
Tursoon-Zadeh, EY8MM - Nodir has been a beacon from Central Asia on Topband as well as 6-Meters. Not only technically and operationally skilled, Nodir has worked to establish a QSL Bureau for Tajikistan and is the Vice President of the Amateur Radio Society of Tajikistan.
Rich Strand, KL7RA - Rich was the driving force behind the highly successful W1AW/KL7 and KL5O operations, both of which highlighted a resurgence in Alaskan contesting and DX activity over the past couple of years. Rich works hard to promote operating standards and educate the new contest and DX operators about good operating practices. This is resulting in more Alaskan HF operation which also encourages beginning DXers elsewhere in North America.
For additional information about the Yasme Foundation, visit our Web site at On behalf of The Yasme Foundation, congratulations to the winners!
Wayne A. Mills, N7NG, President
The Yasme Foundation
Directors -- K3ZO, N7NG, N0AX, OH2BH, W6BSY, W6OAT, W6RGG, W6SZN

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