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Главная » 2012 » Июль » 29 » 2011 Oceania DX Contes Results
2011 Oceania DX Contes Results
Dear Entrant in the 2011 Oceania DX Contest

The Oceania DX (OCDX) contest committee is pleased to advise that the results of the 2011 contest are now available at ..

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the 2011 OCDX contest, even if it was only to make one or two QSOs.

What a difference one year can make! After many years of hibernation the 10M band finally exploded back to life with more than 20% of the action in the 2011 contest occurring on this band. The low bands were in poor shape but this was more than offset by the excellent conditions on the higher bands. The 2011 OCDX contest was the biggest so far with a total of 1259 logs being submitted. This represents a 15% increase over the previous record of 1092 logs in the 2010 contest. In particular it was pleasing to see an 81% increase in the number of logs submitted from North American stations. The increased activity can be attributed to excellent conditions on the HF bands, the efforts of the T32C and YJ0VK DX expeditions, and a growing awareness of the contest and the unique opportunity that it provides to work DX from the Oceania area.


Certificates have been awarded to the top scoring station in each category for each continent and country. Additionally, a participation certificate identifying the number of successful QSOs has been awarded to each station that participated in the contest. The certificates are available online for downloading and printing by individual entrants at their convenience. The web link to the certificates can be found at ..

Note: Printed certificates are no longer being delivered via the postal service except in response in response to written requests from entrants who won a category in their country and made more than 10 QSOs in that category. Requests for the delivery of printed certificates must be received by the contest committee before 31 August 2012 and should be addressed to .. 


Here are the winners of the 2011 OCDX contest trophies and plaques:

OCEANIA Ron Wills ZL2TT Memorial Trophy - VK4QH
OCEANIA Single-Op ALL Band CW Plaque - VK2IM
OCEANIA Single-Op ALL Band LOW Power CW Plaque - ZL1TM
AUSTRALIA Frank Hine VK2QL Memorial Trophy - VK2IM
AUSTRALIA Club Plaque - Eastern & Mountain District Radio Club
ASIA Single-Op ALL Band PHONE Plaque - JA7NVF
ASIA Single-Op ALL Band CW Plaque - UA0CA
NORTH AMERICA Single-Op ALL Band PHONE Plaque - K8IA/7
NORTH AMERICA Single-Op ALL Band CW Plaque -N6RO
EUROPE Single-Op ALL Band PHONE Plaque - RS3A
EUROPE Frank Vander Drift VK3COF Memorial Plaque - YL3FT

These plaques and trophies will be issued shortly, along with outstanding plaques from the 2010 contest.


Entrants in the 2011 contest can submit a request to the Contest Committee for a copy of the log checking report that has been created for their entry. This report provides detailed information about any QSOs that have been removed from the score calculation, including the reasons for their removal.


The next OCDX contest will be held on the first two full weekends of October 2012 as follows:

PHONE: 08:00 UTC Saturday 6 October to 08:00 UTC Sunday 7 October
CW: 08:00 UTC Saturday 13 October to 08:00 UTC Sunday 14 October

The full set of rules for the 2012 contest is available from our web site at .. 

We look forward to seeing you all again, along with new entrants, in the 2012 event. Hopefully there will be even better HF conditions and more participants to make it the biggest and best Oceania DX contest party yet!

73 from

Oceania DX Contest committee

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