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2013 IOTA Contest results | 08:11 |
Dear OMs Thank you for submitting your log for the 2013 IOTA Contest. We are pleased to announce that the Provisional Results, subject to appeal, are now available.
REPORT: This year we received 2836 logs, including checklogs, which is yet another record entry. Of the 655,000 QSOs we were able to adjudicate 71.2% as valid with 4.8% being disallowed. We have received photographs from 275 stations and the majority of entrants have entered their location using Google maps.
The maps and photographs are integrated into the results page and we hope that they will be of interest. We also give you the opportunity to enter/edit your location on Google maps using your UBN key and you can email any IOTA contest related photographs, one per entry, to the contest manager at iotacontest@rsgbcc.org .
Many thanks for taking part in IOTA 2013. Certificates will be sent to leading scorers in each category and a list of trophy winners will be published on the website in due course.
APPEALS: Should you have any queries/disagreements about our adjudication please let us know by October 27th. We hope to finalise the results by November 4th 2013.
RESULTS PAGE: http://www.iotacontest.com/contest/iota/2013/finalScore.php
PHOTO GALLERY: http://www.iotacontest.com/contest/iota/2013/gallery.php
Official IOTA contest page page: http://www.iotacontest.com/
Your UBN report (in plain English): http://iotacontest.com/contest/iota/2013/ubn/9ecf0028fdb0d7ecfacc189c46cc964f.html
Your UBN KEY (you will need this to add or update your geographic location): 9ecf0028fdb0d7ecfacc189c46cc964f
You can contact us by email: iotacontest@rsgbcc.org
CU next year... 73s Roger Dixon G4BVY and the IOTA Contest Team
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