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Vanuatu 25 March to 1 April, 2009
Andrew VK4HAM will be QRV as YJ0AAC on the above dates, active 10 - 80m. Also QRV for CQ WPX (SSB) 2009.
Derek G3KHZ has announced a new IOTA DXpedition from 22 October - 9 November 2009 to the following Papua New Guinea islands:
Несколько часов назад Stan SQ8X и Pete SQ9DIE создали блог для VK9LA, где будут размещаться самые свежие новости об экспедиции.
NL8F/VK4COF will operate 14 days as E51COF on 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 SSB and possibly 17 on Rarotonga Island OC-013.
QRV March 21 - April 4. Set up may take a day.
Группа из девяти новозеландских операторов: John/ZL1ALZ, John/ ZL1BYZ, Mike/ZL2CC, Lee/ZL2LE, Phil/ZL2RVW, Wayne/ZL2WG, Mark/ZL3AB и руководители экспедиции Lee/ZL2AL и Morrie/ZL2AAA организовала экспедицию ZL7T на о-ва Chatham IOTA, OC-038; WFF ZL-017 в течение 6-11 марта. Экспеди
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В ознаменование 150-летнего юбилея ученого, ФГУП «ГРЧЦ» совместно с Союзом радиолюбителей России организует научно-практическую экспедицию на остров Гогланд.
Участники экспедиции планируют 14 марта 2009 г. высадиться на острове. С 15 марта, в течение трех дней, специальный п
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Alfredo, IK7JWX, reports that he is preparing for a DXpedition (with 9 operators) to activate Mogador Island (AF-065), April 19-25th.
With almost 75% of IOTA participants needing this island, the group is still looking for sponsors and donations. I
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Команда ZL7T выедет на Chatham Island завтра в 0130 UTC и окажется на ZL7 около 0400 UTC. Время Вылета может измениться в зависимости от решения авиакомпании Air Chatam. Работа начнется после сборки антенн в четверг ночью. Команда сделает все, чтобы начать работу до утра пятницы.
Cezar VE3LYC details his attempted expedition to a most wanted IOTA:
St Kilda Archipelago - July 24 to 27, 2009.
Ellice Island operation is a go! Callsign will be VX8X and we have worked out an arrangement with the contractor providing communications support to the drilling operation that is ongoing at the island. March 12-17 is a
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May 16-Jun 20, 2009 -- Niue -- ZK2V -- QSL: LotW -- Source: ZL1CT (Jan 10, 2009) -- By ZL1CT fm OC-040; 80 40 20 15m, some WARC; CW SSB, some RTTY; QSL also OK via N3SL; LotW uploads by end of 2009.
Operators Bill N7OU and Bob W7YAQ are expected to be active this week as 3D2OU and 3D2NB, respectively, from Nadi, Viti Levu Island (OC-016, WLOTA LH-0055), between February 11-16th.
Iwill operate 14 days as E51COF 10,15,20,40,80 SSB and maybe 17 on Rarotonga Island OC-013 in the South Cooks . QSL Manager For The operation Is K8NA.
Skeds nk1k@islandchaser.com
March 21 through April 4 set up may take a day .
09 February, 2009
Island activities:
NA-092. Fred, N5IVZ, plans to activate South Padre Island (USI TX-007S, Cameron County, Texas), on February 28th (1400-2300z). There was no mention of a special callsign. This is a special IOTA o
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