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Главная » 2013 » Ноябрь » 15 » All Austrian 160m Contest 2013
All Austrian 160m Contest 2013
I am writing to inform you about this yearґs All Austrian 160m Contest.

The Contest will take place tomorrow from Nov. 16 1600 UTC to Nov. 17 0700 UTC 2013

Please find the rules under the following link:

In 2013 there is again our contest robot in order to send the log data.
You can find the robot under:

It is important to upload the log in a specific Cabrillo format:

For OE stations :
QSO: 1800 CW 2008-11-15 1816 OE5CSP 599 007 GM OE3DSA 599 115 GF
QSO: 1800 CW 2008-11-15 1819 OE5CSP 599 009 GM DL8QS 599 074 --

For DX stations :
QSO: 1800 CW 2009-11-21 2050 DK0SU 599 001 -- OK1DIG 599 159 --
QSO: 1800 CW 2009-11-21 2052 DK0SU 599 002 -- OE3GCU 599 162 KO

Should there be any problems with the upload, because of a wrong Cabrillo format, please send the
Cabrillo log to the e-mail:

The results of logchecking, including the error logs will also be available at the above mentioned

Please find the results of 2012 under the following link:

Error logs under:

UcxLog, a free logging software, is supporting the All Austrian 160m Contest and export also the

Kind regards,
Dieter Kritzer, OE8KDK
HF-Contest Manager Austria

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