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Главная » 2010 » Март » 26 » DXCC card checking for Ukraine appointment
DXCC card checking for Ukraine appointment
Проект, начатый почти 3 года назад оказался успешным!
Желающих проверить карточки на дипломы, перечисленные ниже, прошу обращаться, начиная с 1-го апреля 2010.
Поздравляю всех украинских DX-men.
73 Vic US5WE/K1WE, DXCC card checker for Ukraine.

------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Moore, Bill, NC1L (ARRL Awards Branch)" <>
To: "Victor Goncharsky US5WE" <>
Subject: DXCC Appointment
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 18:08:10 -0000

Hi Victor:

Congratulations! You have been appointed as a DXCC Card Checker. As such, you will be responsible for checking and forwarding DXCC applications to the DXCC Desk for final processing.
You have completed the open book test and you are now ready to check cards. Please review all rules of the DXCC program as well as the DXCC list to keep up-to-date with the latest information on the program. Check the DXCC web site periodically for the latest rules and forms. The URL is:
Your name, callsign, address, telephone number and e-mail address will be shown in the DXCC List publication and on the DXCC web page so that applicants can contact you for an appointment.
When they occur, changes and updates will be sent to you via e-mail. Please remember to keep DXCC informed of any changes in your contact information.
There is an internet reflector set up for card checkers. is used for exchanges among card checkers to discuss anything related to the card checking program. Please feel free to use this reflector to discuss issues among the other card checkers. This is a closed reflector and not subject to spam or any other problems like this, but only card checkers can access or post messages to this reflector.
Remember, after checking an application you, not the applicant must send the paperwork and fees to DXCC. This must be done within 2 working days after checking the application.
Also, please visit the LogBook of the World (LoTW) web site at This is an important new tool for people to use and you may be asked questions on this and how it applies to DXCC. Also, there is a quick reference to this in the DXCC FAQ's on the DXCC web site to help people who want to apply for LoTW credits. If, after reading up on this program, you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Please remember these card checking points:
* You are the only checker required for applications
* Deleted entities are not eligible for card checking
* 160 Meters is not eligible for card checking
* Cards not eligible for checking by you cannot be sent with the application. This must be done separately and they will not count towards the application you checked. These would be considered a separate submission. Or you can advise the applicant that they can send the entire application and cards to DXCC. (Advising the applicant to send all cards to ARRL is the better choice as it is cheaper for them, but the final decision is theirs).
Also, as a reminder that besides DXCC you can also check cards for the following programs:
Worked All States (WAS)
VHF/UHF Century Club Award (VUCC)
Worked All Continents (WAC)
You can also check awards for the new IARU region 2 award. If you check the IARU Region 2 applications do not send them to DXCC. Applicants must provide you with payment and postage to forward applications to Venezuela.
You may be contacted by hams outside of your country to check cards. As long as they come to you can check their applications. However, if you travel outside of your home country and are asked to check cards, you must have approval from ARRL, in advance, to do this. Also, if the country you travel to already has a card checker appointed, you must also receive their OK, in addition to ARRL. (ARRL will handle this contact for you).
Congratulations on your appointment and we look forward to working with you.
Thank you for your support as a volunteer card checker and please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Telephone: (860) 594 0234
Fax: (860) 594-0346
DXCC Web Site:


Категория: Дипломы | Просмотров: 1185 | Добавил: us5we | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 2
2 us5we  
Спасибо всем, кто поздравил.
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Немного терпения друзья,
Успехов всем!

1 us0kf  
Поздравляю, Vic! Мы все давно ждали этого.
Пожалуйста, напишите здесь, как отправлять Вам карточки и обо всём, что связано с их проверкой Вами.
С уважением к Вам, - Яков, US0KF (ex UB5XY, UB5KF)

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