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Главная » 2010 » Март » 5 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (04-12 March 2010)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (04-12 March 2010) | 09:04 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar
date (day/month/year) ============================================ Earthquake
in Chile - At the request of the International Amateur Radio Union
(IARU) and the Red Chilena Nor Austral Servicio (RECNA), all Amateurs are
requested to keep all IARU Center of Activity Frequencies clear
until further notice as health and welfare traffic is being passed to
and from Chile. As well, the RECNA requests that they're call
frequencies be avoided. They are
28300,28500,21200,21350,14200,14350,7050,7095,3738,3750 khz. [Radio
Amateurs of Canada] ---------- 04/03/2010: Chad, WE9V will be
active as 6Y9V from the 6Y1V contest station, Hopewell, Jamaica (IOTA
NA-097, WLOTA LH-0214) on 4-14th March 2010, including an entry in
the ARRL DX SSB Contest. Activity will be on 160-10 metres CW, SSB
and RTTY, with an emphasis on 160, 30, 17 and 12m. QSL via WD9DZV
(QRZ.com). Online log search will be available at: www.clublog.org/charts/?c=6y9v
[425 DX News]
04/03/2010: Harry, AC8G will be active from near
Lance aux Epines, island of Grenada (IOTA NA-024, WLOTA LH-0718), as
J37K from 4-7th March 2010. QRV 160-10m, with emphasis on 15m or 17m
SSB and looking for Europe. He will also participate in the ARRL
International DX Contest as a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL via
home call, direct or Bureau. [DXNL]
04/03/2010: Alan, N3AD
will be active from the island of Antigua (IOTA NA-100, WLOTA
LH-1118) as V26M between 4-7th March 2010. Activity will include a
Single-Op/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7th March).
Outside the contest, Alan will be QRV on the HF bands only - 160/80/40m
in evening and 20/15/10m during daytime. QSL via his home callsign.
[OPDX Bulletin]
04/03/2010: Cal WF5W (YN2EA), Mike K5UO (YN2UO),
Keith NM5G (YN2MG) and Doug WB5TKI (YN2TKI) will be active near
Grenada (WW Loc. EK71AU), Nicaragua, on 4-9th March 2010. They plan
to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 160-10 metres, and to participate in
the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7th March) as YN2EA (Multi-Single). During
non-contest periods, they will have two stations active on all modes
and bands. QSL for all callsigns via W5PF and LoTW. Further
information and log search (available after the trip) can be found on
the Texas DX Society's website (www.tdxs.net/). [425 DX News]
Look for Niels, OZ8KR to be active holiday style from Bakuto, The
Gambia, as C56KR from 5-24 March. QRV 80-10m SSB with 100 W, Wires-2x36m
- 12 m high - close to the Atlantic. QSL via home call, direct
(QRZ.com). [NG3K]
05/03/2010: Alain F6BFH and XYL Danielle will
be vacationning on Les Saintes Island (IOTA NA-114, DIFO FG-007,
WLOTA LH-3998) from 5-12th March 2010. They will meet Serge who is
currently FG/F6AUS. Alain will sign FG/F6BFH on the HF bands using CW
and SSB. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F5NQL]
Dennis, KT8X will once again be active from St. Martin (IOTA NA-105,
DIFO FS-001, WLOTA L0383) as FS/KT8X from 5-12 March. This will be a
holiday style operation with an emphasis on the 30/17/12 metre bands
using CW, SSB and RTTY. However, he does plan to enter the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (6-7 March) as a Single-Op entry. QSL route will be the Logbook
of The World (LoTW). [OPDX Bulletin]
05/03/2010: Operators Laci
HA0HW, Toni HA0LG, Tomi HA4DX and Geza HA4XG will be active as
HG0WFF from the Ferto-Hansag National Park (WFF HAFF-005) on 5-8th
March 2010. QRV 80-10m CW and SSB, with two radios. In this time
frame they would also like to work from at last one of these too:
HAFF-035, HAFF-041 and HAFF-042. QSL via HA0HW, direct or Bureau.
05/03/2010: Look for Tommy, ON3TD to be active from
Schouwen Duiveland (IOTA EU-146) as PD/ON3TD/p from 5-8th March 2010.
Mainly QRV in the evenings on 40-20m using digital modes. QSL via
home call, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
Operators Brian K9QQ, Mike KA4RRU, Dan W0CN, Dennis W4DC and Kyle
WA4PGM will be active from Costa Rica as TI5N during the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (6-7 March) as a Multi-? entry. QSL via W3HNK, direct or Bureau.
06/03/2010: Tom, W2SC will be operating as 8P5A from
Warleigh Plantation, St. Peter Parish, Barbados (IOTA NA-021, WLOTA
LH-0999) in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via NN1N. Logs will be
uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
06/03/2010: Look for Jimmy, BX5AA to be
active from Changhua City, Taiwan (IOTA AS-020, WLOTA LH-0022) for
the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL
via the information at QRZ.com. [NG3K]
06/03/2010: Eduardo,
CO8LY will be active from Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (IOTA NA-015, WLOTA
LH-0032) in the ARRL Interantional DX SSB Contest as a
Single-Op/Single-Band (15m)/Low-Power entry. QSL direct to EA7ADH. [NG3K]
Juan-Carlos, CO8TW will also be active from Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
(IOTA NA-015, WLOTA LH-0032) in the ARRL Interantional DX SSB Contest
as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via HB9SVT. [NG3K]
Operators Tino HI3CC, Rafael HI8KW and Edwin HI3K will be active
from Loma Del Toro, Dominican Republic (NA-096, WLOTA LH-2974) as HI3K
for the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via KB2MS. [NG3K]
Look for Dave, G3TBK to be active as J88DR from the island of St.
Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492) for the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via his home call, direct or
Bureau. [NG3K]
06/03/2010: Philippe, LX2A will be active from
Eschdorf, Luxembourg, as LX7I in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a
Single-Op entry. QSL via LX2A, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
MM0DGR/p will be working from Whitlaw Mosses National Nature Reserve
(WFF GMFF-067, WAB NT52, WW Loc. IO85ON) on Saturday, 6th March,
2010. The station will be located at Lindean Reservoir (nr. Selkirk),
EU Area SC26 (Scottish Borders). QRV 80-10 metres using BPSK63, CW,
and SSB. QSL cards should be sent via MM0DFV. Further info at:
www.srars.org/wff-reports/gmff-067.htm [MM0DFV]
Andrew RN1CW (COTA-RU team), will be active on 6th and 7th March
2010, from Leningrad Fortified in Sankt-Petersburg City (WCA UA-00304,
COTA-RU U-114, RDA SP-05). Plans are to work as RZ1CWC/p on 20, 30
and 40 metres, mostly CW. QSL via RN1CW, Bureau or direct. For more
information, please visit: www.wcagroup.org/ [RN1CW]
Bob, 9V1QQ will be operating from Singapore (IOTA AS-019, WW Loc.
OJ11XH) during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op entry, using
his contest callsign S65Q. QSL via 9V1QQ, direct or Bureau. [425 DX
06/03/2010: Operators CO6LP, CO6LC, CM6YAC, CO6CAC, CO6EC
and CO6YWR will be active as T46A during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a
Multi-Single entry from Santa Clara, Cuba (IOTA NA-015, WLOTA
LH-0032). QSL via CO6LC (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
06/03/2010: Siggi,
TF3CW will be active from Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA LH-2975) as a
Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest. QSL
direct to LX1NO. [NG3K]
06/03/2010: Operators Keith W4KTR, Eddie
K4UN, Bob W4BW, Lex W4XO, Carlos TI2KAC, Juan Carlos TI2JCY and
TI2ZM will be active as TI8M from Quepos, Puntarenas Province, Costa
Rica, during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7th March) as a Multi-?
entry. QSL via TI2KAC, direct preferred but bureau 'OK'. [NG3K]
Al, F5VHJ will be active as TO5A from the island of Martiique
(NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA L-1041) during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as
a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via F5VHJ, direct or
Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
06/03/2010: Kurt,
W6PH will be QRV from Hamilton Perish, Bermuda (IOTA NA-005, WLOTA
LH-0201), as VP9/W6PH for the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power
entry. QSL direct to home call (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
Peter, VE3IKV will activate St. Simons Island (IOTA NA-058, USi
GA003S, WLOTA LH-4115, WW Loc. EM91HD), Glynn County, Georgia, as W4/VG3RA
on 6-7th March 2010. Low power operation, on or near the usual IOTA
frequencies. QSL via VE3IKV, Bureau or direct. NOTE: VG3 is special 2010
Olympics prefix. [rsgbiota.org]
06/03/2010: Tom, ZP5AZL will be
operating from his contest station located in Villa Morra, Asuncion,
Paraguay WW Loc. GG14ER) as ZP0R during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a
Single-Op entry. QSL ZP0R via ZP5AZL, direct preferred but Bureau
ok. [NG3K]
08/03/2010: Pista, HA5AO will be back to the Trading
Post Lodge, Roma (near Maseru), Kingdom of Lesotho, once again as
7P8AO, between 8-22nd March 2010. He plans to working on the HF
bands, 80-10 metres, on CW, SSB and RTTY. The station setup: ICOM
7000 transceiver with 300 W solid state PA, 10.2 m wire vertical
antenna with SG-235 automatic antenna coupler. He should like to be
on the air as much time as possible, however, please note, that this
is a single operator mini expedition. QSL via home call, direct or
Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. Logsearch will be
available on his website: ha5ao.novolab.hu/. [HA0HW]
Look for Peter, VE3IKV to be active from Key West (IOTA NA-062, USi
FL040S, WW Loc. EL94CN), Monroe County, Florida, as W4/VG3RA on
8-13th March 2010. Low power operation, on or near the usual IOTA frequencies.
QSL via VE3IKV, Bureau or direct. [rsgbiota.org]
Bob, G3PJT will be active from the north east coast of St. Lucia
(IOTA NA-108, WLOTA LH-1336) from 9-16th March, including an entry in
the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (13-14th March). Outside the contest, Bob
will be QRV holiday style with K2 and verticals with focus on 80 and 30
metres. QSL via home call, direct (QRZ.com). [BERU contest news]
Bob, W4OWY (V25WY) and Mark, W9OP (V25OP) plan to operate CW, SSB
and RTTY on 160-6 metres from Gunthroppes, island of Antigua (IOTA
NA-100, WLOTA LH-1118, WW Loc. FK97BC) from March 9-18th, 2010. QSL
via home calls, direct, Bureau, also LoTW and eQSL. [NG3K]
Tom, N4XP, will be on Kwajalein (IOTA OC-028) between 9-22nd March
2010. Look for him to be active as V7/N4XP on 160-10 metres using CW
and SSB. Tom tells OPDX that he plans to be active on 60 metres this
trip. QSL via his home callsign. [OPDX Bulletin]
10/03/2010: Al,
LA9SN will be active from Isla Robinson Crusoe (IOTA SA-005, DICE
ICE-004, WLOTA LH-0153), Juan Fernandez, from 10-23 March as
CE0Z/LA9SN. End date might extend to March 26th. QRV 80-10 metres, mostly
CW, 100W. QSL via homecall (subject to change). Al will report any
changes, should they should arise. Web site: www.la9sn.com/ [NG3K]
Nick, G4FAL will be active as VP2MCC from Gingerbread Hill, St
Peters Parish, island of Montserrat (IOTA NA-103, WLOTA LH-1475) from 10-17
March, including an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (13-14 March).
The contest is for operators located within the Commonwealth or British
Mandated Territories, so Nick says he "will be keen to work other
stations" outside the BERU event. Activity is likely to be restricted
to 80-10 metre CW, however if he can organise an aerial for 160m
then he may be able to try some morning greyline contacts with Europe
on CW on 15 or 16 March. QSL via G4FAL, direct and LoTW. [425 DX News]
Colin, G3VCQ (J38CW) and Sharon, M3VCQ (J38SW) will be active from
the island of Granada (NA-024, WLOTA L-0718) from 11-25 March. QRV
all HF bands/modes. QSL both calls via G3VCQ, direct or by the
Bureau. [F5NQL]
11/03/2010: Members of the Amateur Radio Outdoor
Adventures, Inc., will be active 11-15th March as K4T from Fort
Jefferson, Garden Key (USi FL013S) in the Dry Tortugas (IOTA NA-079,
WW Loc. EL84NP, Monroe county), Florida. This activity will also
count for the Fort Jefferson lighthouse (ARLHS USA-316, TWLHD WLH
K-066). Team members will include Mike AC2V, Dave N2NL, Chris KN3ZIG,
Pete AI4QY, Gary K4MF, Max KJ4EUT, Dan W4UH, Pete WD4IXD, Fred K9VV,
Vick WA0USA, Zoli HA1AG and Jennifer LeSueur. QRV with 3 HF stations
and one satellite station using CW, SSB and digital modes. Power
will be provided by batteries, 8 75W solar panels and a 500W wind
turbine. QSL via HA1AG. Further infomation can be found on their web
site at: aroadventures.org/ [AROA]
12/03/2010: Ray ZL4TY (home
call VK4DXA), Paul ZL4PA and Paul ZL4M (home call ZL4PW) will be
activating Stewart Island (OC-203, Grid RE43) from Friday 12-23
March. This will be a 2-station operation using verticals for 160-30m
and a Spiderbeam for 20-10m. QSL via home calls. Further information
can be found at: www.zl4pw.orconhosting.net.nz/OC203/si_index.htm
12/03/2010: Look for Dave, G3TBK to be active from the
island of St. Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492) as J88DR during
the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (13-14th March) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call, direct or
Bureau. [NG3K]
12/03/2010: Alan, G3XAQ, will once again be
active (possibly as 9G5XA) during March (specific dates not
provided). He plans to be an entry in the RSGB's 73rd Commonwealth
Contest (13-14th March) in the 12 hour category. Alan will use a K2
w/100 watts into an Inverted-L for 80m, Inverted-Vee doublet for 40m
and a Moxon beam for 20/15m. QSL via G3SWH, Bureau or direct. [OPDX
12/03/2010: From 12-20 March 2010 you'll be able to
contact the first 2010 Dxpedition by the Provins ARC (F6KOP) to
Ouessant Island (IOTA EU-065, DIFM AT001, WLOTA LH-0208), located in
Department Finistere/29 and Province Brittany (DPF 06). An
international crew, will operate from there as TM7CC. As usual, there
are some newcomers, coming to learn the Dxpedition traffic. Among
the operators, lead by Frank, F4AJQ are namely: Bob N6OX, Gabriele
I2VGW, Bernard F9IE, Jean-Paul F8BJI, Alain F6ENO, Ghislain F6CEL,
Robert F5HTR, Michel F5EOT, Martin F4UKP, Olivier F4FLF, Philippe
F4EAT, Jean-Michel F4DLM, Gerard F2VX, Henri F1HRE and Michel F1AFW.
QRV from 160-10m, using CW, SSB, Digitals (RTTY, PSK31 and more). QSL
via F9IE, direct or bureau. Further information can be found at:
www.tm7cc.com/ [F5NQL]
Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for
updated ARRL International DX Phone Contest activity at: http://ng3k.com/Misc/adxs2010.html
.. Good luck to all participants & have fun!!! ============================================ LOOKING
17/03/2010: Tom SP5UAF and Marcin SP5ES will be active
as CT8/homecall from the island of Sao Miguel (IOTA EU-003, DIP
AZ-002, WLOTA LH-2016), Azores, on 17-29th March 2010. Operators plan
to be active on all HF bands, using CW, SSB and digital modes. They
will participate Russian DX Contest (20-21st March) and the CQWW WPX
SSB Contest (27-28th March). This will be a low power (100W)
activity. Antennas will be verticals and a spiderbeam. QSL via home
calls via Bureau or direct. [SP5UAF]
19/03/2010: Operators Gabi
DF9TM, Frank DL2SWW, Matthias DK7LV, Fred DL4BBH, Helmut DL1BGC,
Peter DJ4RU, Henning DB5BZ and Ric DL2VFR will be active from Newark
Island (EU-127, GIA N-012) from 19-21st March 2010. They plan to
activate Special DOK 700NWK (700 years Neuwerk) operating from the
Newark lighthouse (DLTD_GLHS #38, ARLHS FED-165, TWLHD WLH DL-019,
WLOTA LH-2311) using the callsign DA0GLH. They will also activate
Hamburg Wadden Sea (WFF DLFF-005) using the callsign DF0WFF. QRV all
HF bands using CW, SSB and PSK. QSL both calls via DL2VFR, direct or
by the Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
19/03/2010: Andrei, NP3D will be
active as HR2/NP3D from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on 19-29th March
2010, including Single-Op/All-Band entry in the Russian DX Contest
(20-21st March), BARTG Spring RTTY (20-21st March) and CQWW WPX SSB
Contests (27-28th March) using the callsign HQ2T. Outside the
contests, Andrei will be QRV 160-10 metres, with focus on 160 metres.
QSL via W3HNK, RW6HS, or via LoTW. [NG3K]
20/03/2010: Special
event station VX3S will be aired between 20th March and 19th April
2010 to commemorate the 2010 G-8 Summit being held in Huntsville,
Ontario, Canada. QSL direct to VE3NNG. [RAC]
20/03/2010: Members
of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club of North Texas (www.wc5c.org/),
WC5C plan to be active from Goat Island (USI TX-New, Not IOTA),
Texas, on 20 March 2010. The island is located on Caddo Lake, Caddo
Lake State Park, Harrison County, Texas. QSL direct to KB5YLG (David
Johnson, 820 Wood Ln, Azle, TX 76020 USA) with SASE/SAE + sufficient
postage. [rsgbiota.org]
27/03/2010: Look for Gord, VE6SV to be
signing VC6R from Sherwood Park, Alberta, during the CQWW WPX SSB
Contest (27-28th March). No entry category was given. QSL VC6R via
VE6SV, direct or by the Bureau.
27/03/2010: Members of the
Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association (VE7NA) will be active from
Nanaimo, BC, as a Multi-Op entry in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (27-28th
March) using the special callsign VC7C. QSL via VE7NA.
For the 30th anniversary of Union de Radioaficionats Andorrans
(URA), Andoran hams are granted to use the prefixes C35 and C36,
during the entire month of April 2010. QSL via the individual operators'
instructions. [dx-world.net]
03/04/2010: Anneke, PB7XYL of the
'Women On The Air (WOTA) Club' (member #12) will be QRV from
Heinenoord (WW Loc. JO21FT), The Netherlands, using the special
callsign PB88XYL from 3-30th April 2010. This is the first activity
by the Women On The Air (WOTA). QSL via PB7XYL, direct or by the
Bureau. See: www.qrz.com/db/pb88xyl also wotaclub2010.blogspot.com/
09/04/2010: Stephane, F5UOW will be vacationing on
Reunion Island (IOTA AF-016, DIFO FR-001, WLOTA LH-1812) between 9th
April and 2nd May 2010. >From 9-17th April he will sign FR/F5UOW
on 20m. Then he will move to another QTH from which he will sign
TO2R, trying to be active from 80-10m, mostly CW. QSL via home call.
11/04/2010: Operators Sho JA7HMZ (V63DX), Koh
JA1ADT (V63DQ), and Kei JA7GYP (V63T) will be active from Pohnpei
(IOTA OC-010), Micronesia, from 11-17th April 2010. QRV on all
bands/all modes. Focus on the low bands. QSL via the operators' home
call. [dx-world.net]
12/04/2010: Special event station CK8G will
be QRV 12-30th April 2010 from Inuvik, Northwest Territories, to
commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Roman Catholic Mission in
Paulatuk, NT. Look for activity on all HF bands/modes. QSL via VE8EV.
15/05/2010: Operators Hans OH0/PA0VHA, Steve OH0/PA2A,
Wim OH0/PA2AM, Teun OH0/PB5A, Jack OH0/PA3BAG, Wil OH0/PA3ALK and
Martin OH0/PA2VMA will be active from Aland Island (EU-002, WLOTA
LH-1373) from 15-28th May 2010. QRV on all bands, with emphasis on
the WARC bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY. They will also be QRV on 6
metre EME with WSJT (JT65A). The callsign for EME will be OH0/PA2AM.
QSL via the operators home callsign. Web: www.pi4cc.nl/
05/06/2010: Max, NN5L will be homecall/p from
North Padre Island (NA-092), Texas, from 5-8th June 2010. QRV on or
near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call, direct
or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
20/07/2010: Operators Theodoro
SV1GRM, Sotiris SV1HER, Toze CT1GFK will be active from Corvo Island
(EU-089, DIP AZ-009, WLOTA LH-0707) as CQ8SV from 20-27th July 2010.
They will also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25th July).
QSL via SV1GRM. Further info at QRZ.com under CQ8SV. [rsgbiota.org]
Paul, M3KBU will be active from the Isle of Lismore (IOTA EU-008,
IOSA FL01, SCOTIA CN07) as MM3KBU/p from 23-29 July 2010, including
an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25th July). QSL via MM3KBU,
direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org] ============================================ SPECIAL
01/03/2010: The ISWL Club Callsign's in use during
March 2010 will be: GX4BJC /A & GX4BJC /P - Operated /A from
Walton on the Naze, in Essex, by Herbie - G6XOU. [ISWL Council Member
& QSL Bureau Manager]. (/A WAB Square = TM22 - England, IOTA =
EU-005 & WLOTA = LH-1841). MX1SWL /A - Operated /A from Stratton,
near Bude in Cornwall, by Mike - M0SMJ. (/A WAB Square = SS20 -
England, IOTA = EU-005 & WLOTA = LH-1841). The ISWL's WAB Book
numbers are: 16316 and 16724. (WAB Info: http://www.worked-all-britain.org.uk) All
QSL Info is on www.iswl.org.uk/ or www.qrz.com/ or via www.eQSL.cc/
NO LOTW. ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see
www.iswl.org.uk/ for full details. eQSL.cc cards ARE accepted for
our awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
06/03/2010: Special stations
II0IDP QTH: Cagliari (QSL via IS0SDX), II0IDR QTH: Roma (QSL via
IZ0FVD), II1ICS QTH: La Spezia (QSL via I1SAF), II1IGG QTH: Genova
(QSL via I2AZ), II3ICZ QTH: Venezia (QSL via IW3IE), II7ICT QTH:
Taranto (QSL via IZ7EDQ), II8ICN QTH: Napoli (QSL via IK8JPV), II9ICF
QTH: Messina (QSL via IT9MRM) and IQ0FM/IGU QTH: Gaeta (QSL via
IW0HP)- all representing former coast radio stations of the Italian
Navy - will be active on 6-21st March 2010 for the 4th Italian Navy
Coastal Radio Stations Award (www.assoradiomarinai.tk/). [425 DX
11/03/2010: Special event station 8J1IBR will be aired
from 11-31st March 2010 to celebrate the opening of Ibaraki Airport.
Hyakuri Air Base is a Japan Air Self-Defense Force air base in the
city of Omitama, Ibaraki Prefecture, Kanto Region, Honshu (IOTA
AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. As of 2007,
construction of facilities for joint use for civil aviation is in
progress. Upon completion it will be known as Ibaraki Airport. QSL
via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
12/03/2010: The Council of
Europe Radio Amateur Club will be active 12-14th March 2010 with the
call TP60CE in SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and Satellite to commemorate the
60th Anniversary of the Convention of Human Rights. QSL via F5LGF.
Web: ewwa.free.fr/ [F6FQK]
U.S.A. Special event station
information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE
04/03-14/03 6Y9V: Jamaika Island LH-0214 QSL WD9DZV
(d) 04/03-07/03 J37K: Grenada Island LH-0718 QSL AC8G (d/b) 04/03-07/03
V26M: Antigua Island LH-1118 QSL N3AD (d) 05/03-12/03 FG/F6BFH: Les
Saintes Island LH-3998 QSL HC (d/b) 05/03-12/03 FS/KT8X: St. Martin
Island (FS Only) LH-0383 QSL LoTW 06/03-07/03 8P5A: Barbados Island
LH-0999 QSL NN1N (d/b) 06/03-07/03 BX5AA: T'ai-Wan (Main Island
Taiwan) LH-0022 QSL QRZ.com 06/03-07/03 CO8LY: Cuba Island LH-0032
QSL EA7ADH (d) 06/03-07/03 CO8TW: Cuba Island LH-0032 QSL HB9SVT
(d/b) 06/03-07/03 CR2X: Ilha de Sao Miguel LH-2016 QSL OH2BH (d/b) 06/03-07/03
D4C: Ilha de Sao Vicente LH-1976 QSL IZ4DPV (d) 06/03-07/03 HI3K:
Dominican Rep. LH-2974 QSL KB2MS (d/b) 06/03-07/03 T46A: Cuba Island
LH-0032 QSL CO6LC (d) 06/03-07/03 TF3CW: Iceland LH-2975 QSL LX1NO
(d) 06/03-07/03 TO5A: Martinique Island LH-1041 QSL F5VHJ (d/b) 06/03-11/03
VP2MPL: Montserrat Island LH-1475 QSL AA1M (d/b) 06/03-07/03
VP9/W6PH: Hamilton Island LH-0201 QSL HC (d) 06/03-07/03 W4/VG3RA:
St. Simons Island LH-4115 QSL VE3IKV (d/b) 07/03-14/03 P40D: Aruba
Island LH-0033 QSL WD9DZV (d/b) 09/03-16/03 J6/G3PJT: Sta. Lucia
Island LH-1336 QSL HC (d) 09/03-18/03 V25OP: Antigua Island LH-1118
QSL W9OP (d/b) 09/03-18/03 V25WY: Antigua Island LH-1118 QSL W4OWY
(d/b) 10/03-23/03 CE0Z/LA9SN: Isla Robinson Crusoe LH-0153 QSL HC
(d/b) 10/03-17/03 VP2MCC: Montserrat Island LH-1475 QSL G4FAL (d) 11/03-15/03
5W0OU: Upolu Island LH-1944 QSL N7OU (d/b) 11/03-15/03 5W0YA: Upolu
Island LH-1944 QSL W7YAQ (d/b) 11/03-31/03 8J1IBR: Honshu LH-2376
QSL JARL Buro 11/03-25/03 J38CW: Grenada Island LH-0718 QSL G3VCQ
(d/b) 11/03-25/03 J38SW: Grenada Island LH-0718 QSL G3VCQ (d/b) 11/03-15/03
K4T: Ft. Jefferson USA-316 WLH:K-066 QSL Op's Info 12/03-20/03
TM7CC: Ouessant Island LH-0208 QSL F9IE (d/b) ============================================ SIX
WAS-EME: Dear Moonnet, I have updated my
website listing the biggest 2M EME stations, CW and WSJT, from each
state. I am happy to include the first Nevada station on the site,
W7OJT. He has a good signal off the moon. 4 nine element yagis, 350
watts, with elevation. Web:
home.comcast.net/~kd3uy/site/?/page/2M_EME_WAS/ This site is a
perpetual work in progress. If you spot any errors or omissions,
please email me off list. I would particularly appreciate it if an
experienced CW operator could review the CW information. Hope some of
you find this helpful. [KD3UY via MMMonVHF]
W4/VG3RA: St Simons Isl NA-058 Grid:EM91 6M 100W Diamond
HF-50CX QSL HC (d/b) 08/03-13/03 W4/VG3RA: Key West
NA-062 Grid:EL94 6M 100W Diamond HF-50CX QSL
HC (d/b) 09/03-18/03 V25OP: Antigua NA-100 Grid:FK97BC 6M 100W
M2-11el-JHV QSL W9OP (d/b) 09/03-18/03
V25WY: Antigua NA-100 Grid:FK97BC 6M 100W M2-11el-JHV
QSL W4OWY (d/b) 10/03-17/03 VP2MCC: Montserrat NA-103
Grid:FK86VS 6M 100W 3ele QSL G4FAL (d) 11/03-15/03
K4T: Garden Key NA-079 Grid:EL84NP 6M SSB 100W
QSL HA1AG (d/b)
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON'
Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 04 March
Information about current VHF activities can be found on
the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
(Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL
The following operations are approved for DXCC
credit: 3V3S - Tunisia - 2009 Operation D2CQ - Angola - Current
Operation 73 es DX! Bill Moore NC1L Awards Branch Manager
[ARRL] ---------- Karl, DK2WV is closing following logs till end
of April: Conway Reef -->3D2WV Banaba --> T33WV Tunisia
--> 3V8W QSLs via DK2WV qrz.com [SRT-DX] ---------- Effective
immediately Joe, W3HNK, will be the QSL manager for P40N. [K1XN] ---------- QSLs
received Bureau - 5R8GM, 6K2DFG, 6V7G, 6W1SJ, 7P8DA, 7P8FC, 8J1RL, 9G5XA,
and ZP6/DL7VEE.
QSLs received Direct - 3V3S (DL9USA), CO7PH/P
[NA-201] (W3HNK), FT5WO (F4DYW), RA2FF (QRZ.com), ST2AR (S53R),
VP9/N1SNB (hc) and Z29KM (EA7FTR).
QSLs received LoTW -
4U1AIDS, 9G5AA, 9M2/JH3GCN, 9Q2L, 9Y4/DL6FBL, A6/VE6LB, A92IO, K4M,
PP5/DL6FBL, PY0FF, SQ85IARU, T70A, TX4T, YB3ASQ, YK9SV and YV5ANF. ============================================ BITS
group out of Radio Arcala and their associates will put the Azores on
the air on a variety of bands for the ARRL SSB weekend. CU2CE, CU2DX, OH2BH
and OH8NC will be at the controls to provide you with an elusive Azores
multiplier under a callsign not determined yet. Please update your
CTY files to take note of the fact that the CR2 prefix along with the
traditional CU2 will represent this Azorean outpost, the westernmost point
of Europe, one hour behind UTC time.
Soon Radio Arcala is
scheduled to hold their Annual Meeting in the Azores and may activate
several stations for the WPX SSB contest. The meeting is expected to
have on its agenda the important issue of broadening the scope of
the original Arcalians and their mission by inviting several
international partners to join the radio operator team and to enter
into Radio Arcala technology partnerships.
((( 73 ))) Jarmo
OH2BN ---------------- New Digital Mode - ROS is a digital
communications software based on Spread Spectrum techniques. It is
designed to fully optimize the power available and make contacts in
the toughest conditions, for HF, EME or Meteor Scatter The software
has two Symbol Rates: 16 and 1 baud (the latter aimed at weak signals
until -35 dbs of S/N) and can automatically synchronize any Symbol
Rate. ROS also automatically reply to the operators that include an
email in any of your messages, reporting on the parameters of the received
signal. Read more: rosmodem.wordpress.com/ [MMMonVHF] ---------------- Photos
of the ZZ6Z ABROLHOS 2010 DXpedition can be found at: http://picasaweb.google.com/jhlimeira/ZZ6ZDXpeditionABROLHOS2010 [ZZ6Z
Team] *******************************************
73 and Good
DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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