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Главная » 2010 » Март » 12 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (11-19 March 2010)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (11-19 March 2010) | 09:51 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar
date (day/month/year) ============================================ 11/03/2010:
Alex, UX4UL will be active from near Colombo (Grid Loc. MJ96), Sri
Lanka (AS-003, WLOTA LH-0762) between 10th March and 7th April, 2010.
QRV 20-10 metres using mainly CW and PSK. QSL via UY5ZZ, direct or
Bureau. [NG3K]
11/03/2010: Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF will
be active as CT9/DL3KWR and CT9/DL3KWF from Madeira Island (AF-014,
DIP MA-001, WLOTA LH-0053) on 11-25 March. They plan to operate
mostly CW and on 12, 17 and 30 metres. Hardy will also give RTTY and
PSK-31 a try. QSL via home calls. E-mail requests for bureau cards
can be sent to dl3kwr-at-darc.de or dl3kwf-at-darc.de respectively.
Their web site is at: www.mydarc.de/dl3kwr [425 DX News]
Colin, G3VCQ (J38CW) and Sharon, M3VCQ (J38SW) will be active from
the island of Granada (NA-024, WLOTA L-0718) from 11-25 March. QRV
all HF bands/modes. QSL both calls via G3VCQ, direct or by the
Bureau. [F5NQL]
11/03/2010: Members of the Amateur Radio Outdoor
Adventures, Inc., will be active 11-15th March as K4T from Fort
Jefferson, Garden Key (USi FL013S) in the Dry Tortugas (IOTA NA-079,
WW Loc. EL84NP, Monroe county), Florida. This activity will also
count for the Fort Jefferson lighthouse (ARLHS USA-316, TWLHD WLH
K-066). Team members will include Mike AC2V, Dave N2NL, Chris KN3ZIG,
Pete AI4QY, Gary K4MF, Max KJ4EUT, Dan W4UH, Pete WD4IXD, Fred K9VV,
Vick WA0USA, Zoli HA1AG and Jennifer LeSueur. QRV with 3 HF stations
and one satellite station using CW, SSB and digital modes. Power
will be provided by batteries, 8 75W solar panels and a 500W wind
turbine. QSL via HA1AG. Further infomation can be found on their web
site at: aroadventures.org/ [AROA]
11/03/2010: Three members of
the Southeastern DX Club (SEDXC) and the K5D team, namely Bob K4UEE,
Gregg W6IZT and George N4GRN will on the island of Saba (NA-145,
WLOTA LH-2043, Grid Loc. FK87) from 11-15 March 2010 as
PJ6/homecalls. The purpose is to finalize plans and begin building a
station for the anticipated political realignment in the Netherlands
Antilles later this year. QSL PJ6/K4UEE and PJ6/N4GRN to their home
calls. QSL PJ6/W6IZT via N7XG, direct or Bureau. [K4UEE]
Hugh, K6HFA plans to operate from the following islands: Tonga (A3,
OC-049, OC-123, OC-064) from 12th March to 2nd April 2010; Wallis
(FW, OC-054, DIFO FW-001, WLOTA LH-0398, WW Loc. AH16vo) from 6-12th
April 2010; Tuvalu (T2, OC-015) from 13-21st April 2010; and Fiji (3D2,
OC-016 or OC-015) from 23-26th April 2010. QRV with 100 Watts, vertical
antenna, CW, SSB, maybe RTTY on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, and 15 metres.
IOTA frequencies 7040+- 14040+- kHz and others. Hugh will call for
EU, NA, SA, Asia etc. per propagation. Callsigns will be posted. QSL via
K6HFA. More info soon.... [NG3K]
12/03/2010: Ray ZL4TY (home
call VK4DXA), Paul ZL4PA and Paul ZL4M (home call ZL4PW) will be
activating Stewart Island (OC-203, Grid RE43) from Friday 12-23
March. This will be a 2-station operation using verticals for 160-30m
and a Spiderbeam for 20-10m. QSL via home calls. Further information
can be found at: www.zl4pw.orconhosting.net.nz/OC203/si_index.htm
12/03/2010: Look for Dave, G3TBK to be active from the
island of St. Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492) as J88DR during
the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (13-14th March) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call, direct or
Bureau. [NG3K]
12/03/2010: Alan, G3XAQ, will once again be
active (possibly as 9G5XA) during March (specific dates not
provided). He plans to be an entry in the RSGB's 73rd Commonwealth
Contest (13-14th March) in the 12 hour category. Alan will use a K2
w/100 watts into an Inverted-L for 80m, Inverted-Vee doublet for 40m
and a Moxon beam for 20/15m. QSL via G3SWH, Bureau or direct. [OPDX
12/03/2010: The University of Oulu Radio Club (OH8TA)
weekend expedition Hi-Winter 2010 to Hailuoto island (EU-184, WLOTA
LH-0580), Finland, will take place on 12-14th March 2010. Operators
include Tuomas OH8TH, Juho OH8GLV, Liv OH8FGT, Ossi OH8HUB, Heikki
OH8HMX, Tuomas OH8HWL, Jarkko OH8HQL, Marko OH8WM, Tuukka OH8FGR,
Juhani OH8MXL, Tiiti OH3HNY, Veikko OH8GUY, Jarto OH8GDK, Joel
OH3FON, Antti OH1HIH and Antti OH8KA. QRV mostly on HF with 100W and
wire antennas. QSL via bureau or direct to OH8T. Website:
oh8ta.fi/english/ [rsgbiota.org]
12/03/2010: From 12-20 March
2010 you'll be able to contact the first 2010 Dxpedition by the
Provins ARC (F6KOP) to Ouessant [Ushant] Island (IOTA EU-065, DIFM
AT001, WLOTA LH-0208), located in Department Finistere/29 and
Province Brittany (DPF 06). An international crew, will operate from
there as TM7CC. As usual, there are some newcomers, coming to learn
the Dxpedition traffic. Among the operators, lead by Frank, F4AJQ are
namely: Bob N6OX, Gabriele I2VGW, Bernard F9IE, Jean-Paul F8BJI,
Alain F6ENO, Ghislain F6CEL, Robert F5HTR, Michel F5EOT, Martin F4UKP,
Olivier F4FLF, Philippe F4EAT, Jean-Michel F4DLM, Gerard F2VX, Henri
F1HRE and Michel F1AFW. QRV from 160-10m, using CW, SSB, Digitals (RTTY,
PSK31 and more). QSL F9IE direct, Bureau or eMail request. Further
information can be found at: www.tm7cc.com/ [F5NQL]
Noel, F6BGC will be active as 8Q7NC from Madoogali Island, North Male
Atoll (AS-013, WLOTA LH-3911), Maldives on 13-21st March 2010. He
plans to operate holiday style on 80-6 metres. QSL via home call,
direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]
13/03/2010: François F5JNE and
Claude F5MCC will be active 13th March 2010 as F5JNE/p from the
Castle of The Guins (DFCF 89-314), located in the city of Les Sièges
(CP 89190), canton [county] of Villeneuve l'Archevêque (DDFC 89-36),
Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). Starting 0700
UTC, 80/40m, CW/SSB. QSL via the Bureau prefered, SWL cards welcome.
13/03/2010: Look for Philippe, F5MSB/p on 13th March
2010 to activate the Castle of Larée (DFCF 32-135), located in the
commune of Larée (CP 32150), Department Gers/32 and Province Midi
Pyrénées (DPF 15). QRV on 80 and 40 metre SSB. QSL via home call,
direct or Bureau. [amateurradio.org]
13/03/2010: MM0DGR/p
will be working from Kirkconnell Flow National Nature Reserve
(GMFF-040) on Saturday, 13th March, 2010. The station will be located
at the northwest side of the nature reserve (NX961701). WAB Square
NX97, QRA Locator IO85EA, Latitude: 55°00'53"N, Longitude: 03°37'31"W,
EU Area SC06 (Dumfries and Galloway), IOTA EU-005 and WLOTA LH-1234.
Bands: 160-10 metres. Modes: BPSK31 (EA Contest), BPSK63, CW, and
SSB. QSL cards should be sent via MM0DFV. More information is available
at www.gmff.org/ . This is a good chance to work NX97 square for
ALBA award. [MM0DFV]
13/03/2010: Alain, F6BFH and his XYL will
be active from the island of St. Martin (IOTA NA-105, DIFO FS-001,
WLOTA LH-0383), as TO5SM, between 13th and 23rd March. QRV HF SSB and
CW. QSL when return via F6BFH either direct or Bureau. More
information to be published at: alan-f6bfh.blogspot.com/ [F5NQL]
The Vero Beach Amateur Radio Club, W4OT will celebrate the 107th
Anniversary of Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge (www.pelicanislandfriends.org/)
and the 18th Annual Pelican Island Wildlife Festival on 13 March
2010. QRV from the Festival (Indian River County, Florida) on 7.040,
14.040 MHz CW and 7.190, 14.260 MHz SSB. A special event certificate
and QSL are available from: VBARC-W4OT, PO Box 2082, Vero Beach, FL
23961. Web: www.vbarc.net/ and www.pelicanislandfriends.org/ [W4OT]
Members of the Algarve STAR DX Team will be active as CR6A from the
Esporão East Mole lighthouse (DFFA Fa-27, PFFP FP-088, ARLHS POR-089),
Loulé County, on 14 March 2010. QRV all bands and modes. QSL via
CT1GFK, Bureau or direct. [Algarve STAR DX Team]
Alfredo, IK7JWX, and a team of operators will activate the city of
Essaouira (Cap Sim lighthouse ARLHS MOR-019, Grid square IM51) and
Agadir (Grande Jetée/Jetée Ouest lighthouse ARLHS MOR-040, Grid square
IM50), from 16-23rd March 2010. Operators mentioned (with callsigns)
to be active are: Alfredo/IK7JWX (5C2J), Leo/I8LWL (5C2L), Simon/IZ7ATN
(5C2SG), Ruggero/IK2PZC (5C2P), AntoNello/IK2DUW (5C2W) and Michele/IK2GPQ
(5C2Q). Activity will be on all HF bands and 6 metres, using CW,
SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via their home callsigns. [OPDX Bulletin]
Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG begin another DXpedition! They will be
QRV from near Pottery Village, located on the island of Antigua (IOTA
NA-100, WLOTA LH-1118, WW Loc. FK97CC) between 16th March and 4th April
as V21ZG. QRV on 80-6m, mainly RTTY, PSK and SSB. V21ZG will look especially
for JA-stations and "Little guns" and QRP stations. QSL via DL7AFS,
direct or Bureau. Further information and log search at: www.qsl.net/dl7afs/
17/03/2010: Tomek SP5UAF and Marcin SP5ES will
be active as CT8/homecalls from the island of Sao Miguel (IOTA
EU-003, DIP AZ-002, WLOTA LH-2016), Azores, on 17-29th March 2010.
Operators plan to be active on all HF bands, using CW, SSB and
digital modes, with low power 100w, wire antennas, low band +
multiband verticals and spider beam. They will participate in the
CQWW WPX SSB Contest (27-28th March) as CR1Z and CR1M repectively.
Some lighhouse activity will be considered during the stay. QSL via
home calls via Bureau or direct. [SP5UAF]
17/03/2010: The T32
IOTA DXpedition team to the Southern Line Islands is comprised of
Steve G4EDG, Mike K9AJ, Steve 9M6DXX, Derek G3KHZ and 5 Kiribati
Government officers. The team will sail on the 'SV Kwai' from Kiritimati
(Christmas Island) on approximately 17th March, 2010 returning to
Kiritimati approx 18th April, 2010. They plan to stop and operate
from four IOTA new ones, namely Malden Island (OC-279) using the callsign
T32MI; Starbuck Island (OC-280) using the callsign T32SI; Caroline
Island (OC-281) using the callsign T32CI; and Vostok Island (OC-282)
using the callsign T32VI. They will activate each island for four
days. QSL direct via SM6CAS. Further information will be updated on their
web site at: t32line.webnode.com/ [SM6CAS]
Operators Michal/OK7MT and Vit/OK5MM will be active as PJ4/OK7MT and
PJ4/OK5MM, respectively, from the island of Bonaire (IOTA SA-006,
WLOTA LH-1279) between 18th March and 1st April 2010. They are planning
to be entries in the Russian DX (20-21st March) and CQWW WPX SSB
Contests (27-28th March) as PJ4L. QSL PJ4L via OK7MT direct or Bureau.
[OPDX Bulletin]
19/03/2010: Operators Gabi DF9TM, Frank DL2SWW,
Matthias DK7LV, Fred DL4BBH, Helmut DL1BGC, Peter DJ4RU, Henning
DB5BZ and Ric DL2VFR will be active from Newark Island (EU-127, GIA
N-012) from 19-21st March 2010. They plan to activate Special DOK
700NWK (700 years Neuwerk) operating from the Newark lighthouse
(DLTD_GLHS #38, ARLHS FED-165, TWLHD WLH DL-019, WLOTA LH-2311) using
the callsign DA0GLH. They will also activate Hamburg Wadden Sea (WFF
DLFF-005) using the callsign DF0WFF. QRV all HF bands using CW, SSB
and PSK. QSL both calls via DL2VFR, direct or by the Bureau.
19/03/2010: Andrei, NP3D will be active as
HR2/NP3D from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on 19-29th March 2010,
including Single-Op/All-Band entry in the Russian DX Contest (20-21st
March), BARTG Spring RTTY (20-21st March) and CQWW WPX SSB Contests
(27-28th March) using the callsign HQ2T. Outside the contests, Andrei
will be QRV 160-10 metres, with focus on 160 metres. QSL via W3HNK,
RW6HS, or via LoTW. [NG3K]
19/03/2010: YO6CHB, YO6EZ, YO6GBE,
YO6MP and YO6UO will operate CW, SSB and RTTY as YP1WFF from the
Cheile Bicazului - Hasmas National Park (WFF YOFF-004) on 19-21st
March 2010, including activity during the Russian DX Contest. QSL
this operation via YO6EZ. [425 DX News] ============================================ LOOKING
20/03/2010: Members of the Tri-County Amateur Radio
Club of North Texas (www.wc5c.org/), WC5C plan to be active from Goat
Island (USI TX062, Not IOTA, WW Loc. EM22WS), Caddo Lake, Marion
County, Texas, on 20 March 2010. QSL direct to KB5YLG (David Johnson,
820 Wood Ln, Azle, TX 76020 USA) with SASE/SAE + ufficient postage.
23/03/2010: Look for special event station
8J6AIRA to be active from 23 March to 31 August 2010 to celebrate the
birth of Aira-city (JCC # 4626), Kyushu (IOTA AS-077, JIIA
AS-077-001, WLOTA LH-0963), Japan. A planned merger of municipalities
will be implemented in March 2010. The Aira District towns of Aira,
Kajiki, and Kamo will merge into the City of Aira. QSL via the JARL
Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
27/03/2010: Ray, K7RFW and other
operators will be on Antelope Island (USi UT001L, Not IOTA), at the
Garr Ranch for the Annual 2010 Buffalo Run Race
(www.buffalorun.org/). Due to the CQWW WPX Contest, they will be
operating above 14.280 MHz and depending on propagation, maybe around 7.180
MHz from 1300 to 1500 UTC. Also, this is a service event, so the HF
station may not always be manned due to the demands of the race event.
For K7RFW contacts, LoTW and eQSL (preferred), see QRZ for QSL cards
and sorry, no SASE, no card returned per XYL's orders. For US Island
certification, you can use the USI eQSL program or my call at arrl.net.
27/03/2010: Dimitry, UT5UGR will be active from Ducos,
island of Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA LH-1041, DDFM 97) as
TO7A during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (27-28th March) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry. QSL via home call (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
15/04/2010: John,
VE8EV plans to be active from Greens Island (IOTA NA-182, CIsA-New
One!) on 15-20th April 2010. QRV on the HF bands, on or near the
usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL VE8EV via direct, Bureau, OQRS
and/or LoTW. On-line logs will be uploaded as soon as possible after
the operation. Full information to be found at: ve8ev.blogspot.com/search/label/IOTA
24/04/2010: Kilmarnock & Loudoun ARC &
South Cheshire ARS Club Station members Graham MM0GHM (KLARC), Gordon
MM0GOR (KLARC) and Mark M0UTD (SCARS) will be active from the Isle
of Eigg (IOSA NH03, SCOTIA DI19, WAB NM48, WW Loc. IO66WV), Inner
Hebrides (IOTA EU-008), as GM6TW from 24-27th April 2010. They plan
to have three stations operating 80-10 metres. They will be active
with RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. QSL via G0UZP. Further information can be
found at: www.g6tw.co.uk/gm6tw.html [MM0GHM]
18/05/2010: PACIFIC
ODYSSEY 2010 - The Ukrainian DXpeditioners Team (UDXT) members,
namely Sergey UX0HX (Team Leader), Oleg RK3FA, Alex UT5UY, Yuriy
UT1HF, Oleg US7UX, Leo UR3HR and Yuriy Grushevskiy SWL will be active
on all bands, all modes as: 5W0OX from Apia, Upolu Island (WLOTA
LH-1944), Samoa (OC-097) on 18-19th May 2010; T31UR and T31X from Kanton
Island, Central Kiribati (OC-043) between 22nd May and 1st June 2010;
ZK3X from the Tokelau Islands (OC-048) on 2-6th June 2010. The main
mission of this DXpedition is activating T31 Central Kiribati, Kanton
Island, Phoenix Islands Group. This DXCC entity is ranked #7 in EU
and #19 in Worlds Most Wanted List. The next goal is activating ZK3 Tokelau
Islands, which is ranked #29 in EU and #35 in Worlds Most Wanted List.
QSL all callsigns via UR3HR, direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded
to their website after the DXpedition. For more information please
visit the DXpedition website at: www.uz1hz.com/pacificodyssey.html
[UT5UY] ============================================ SPECIAL
11/03/2010: Hyakuri Air Base is a Japan Air
Self-Defense Force air base in the city of Omitama, Ibaraki
Prefecture, Kanto Region, Honshu (IOTA AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan. As of 2007, construction of facilities for joint
use for civil aviation is in progress. Upon completion it will be
known as Ibaraki Airport. To celebrate the opening of Ibaraki
Airport, special event station 8J1IBR will be active 11-31st March
2010. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
12/03/2010: The
Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club will be active 12-14th March
2010 with the call TP60CE in SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and Satellite to
commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Convention of Human Rights.
QSL via F5LGF. Web: ewwa.free.fr/ [F6FQK]
U.S.A. Special event
station information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE
10/03-07/04 4S7ULG: Sri Lanka Island LH-0762 QSL
UY5ZZ (d/b) 11/03-15/03 5W0OU: Upolu Island LH-1944 QSL N7OU (d/b) 11/03-15/03
5W0YA: Upolu Island LH-1944 QSL W7YAQ (d/b) 11/03-31/03 8J1IBR:
Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro 11/03-25/03 CT9/DL3KWF: Ilha da Madeira
LH-0053 QSL HC (d/b) 11/03-25/03 CT9/DL3KWR: Ilha da Madeira
LH-0053 QSL HC (d/b) 11/03-25/03 J38CW: Grenada Island LH-0718 QSL
G3VCQ (d/b) 11/03-25/03 J38SW: Grenada Island LH-0718 QSL G3VCQ
(d/b) 11/03-15/03 K4T: Ft. Jefferson USA-316 WLH:K-066 QSL HA1AG
(d/b) 11/03-15/03 PJ6/K4UEE: Saba Island LH-2043 QSL HC (d/b) 11/03-15/03
PJ6/N4GRN: Saba Island LH-2043 QSL HC (d/b) 11/03-15/03 PJ6/W6IZT:
Saba Island LH-2043 QSL N7XG (d/b) 12/03-14/03 OH8T: Hailuoto
LH-0580 QSL OH8T (d/b) 12/03-20/03 TM7CC: Ouessant Island LH-0208
QSL F9IE (d/b) 13/03-21/03 8Q7NC: Male Atoll LH-3911 QSL F6BGC (d/b) 13/03-23/03
TO5SM: St. Martin Island LH-0383 QSL F6BFH (d/b) 14/03
CR6A: Esporao East Mole DFFA:Fa-27 POR-089
QSL CT1GFK (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2J: Cap Sim, Essaouira
MOR-019 QSL IK7JWX (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2J: Grande Jetee, Agadir
MOR-040 QSL IK7JWX (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2L: Cap Sim, Essaouira
MOR-019 QSL I8LWL (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2L: Grande Jetee, Agadir
MOR-040 QSL I8LWL (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2P: Cap Sim, Essaouira MOR-019
QSL IK2PZC (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2P: Grande Jetee, Agadir MOR-040 QSL
IK2PZC (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2Q: Cap Sim, Essaouira MOR-019 QSL
IK2GPQ (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2Q: Grande Jetee, Agadir MOR-040 QSL
IK2GPQ (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2SG: Cap Sim, Essaouira MOR-019 QSL
IZ7ATN (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2SG: Grande Jetee, Agadir MOR-040 QSL
IZ7ATN (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2W: Cap Sim, Essaouira MOR-019 QSL IK2DUW
(d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2W: Grande Jetee, Agadir MOR-040 QSL IK2DUW
(d/b) 16/03-04/04 V21ZG: Antigua Island LH-1118 QSL DL7AFS (d/b) 17/03-29/03
CT8/SP5ES: Ilha de Sao Miguel LH-2016 QSL HC (d/b) 17/03-29/03
CT8/SP5UAF: Ilha de Sao Miguel LH-2016 QSL HC (d/b) 18/03-01/04
PJ4/OK5MM: Bonaire Island LH-1279 QSL HC (d/b) 18/03-01/04
PJ4/OK7MT: Bonaire Island LH-1279 QSL HC (d/b) 19/03-21/03 DA0GLH:
Neuwerk DLTD:#38, WLH:DL-019 FED-165 LH-2311
QSL DL2VFR (d/b) 19/03-21/03 DF0WFF: Neuwerk
DLTD:#38, WLH:DL-019 FED-165 LH-2311
QSL DL2VFR (d/b) ============================================ SIX
VE7BQH 6m Antenna Comparison Table Issue #9: The
most recent version of VE7BQH's 6m Antenna Comparison Table (in both
text and Excel spreadsheet formats) now includes 3 Create yagis from
Japan. They are available now at: www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/6mTable.htm
K4T: Garden Key NA-079 EL84np 6m/SSB/100w QSL HA1AG (d/b) 13/03-21/03
8Q7NC: Madoogali Island AS-013 6m/100w QSL F6BGC (d/b) 16/03-23/03
5C2J: Agadir, Morocco IM50 6m/100w QSL IK7JWX (d/b) 16/03-23/03
5C2J: Essaouira, Morocco IM51 6m/100w QSL IK7JWX (d/b) 16/03-23/03
5C2L: Agadir, Morocco IM50 6m/100w QSL I8LWL (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2L:
Essaouira, Morocco IM51 6m/100w QSL I8LWL (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2P:
Agadir, Morocco IM50 6m/100w QSL IK2PZC (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2P:
Essaouira, Morocco IM51 6m/100w QSL IK2PZC (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2Q:
Agadir, Morocco IM50 6m/100w QSL IK2GPQ (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2Q:
Essaouira, Morocco IM51 6m/100w QSL IK2GPQ (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2SG:
Agadir, Morocco IM50 6m/100w QSL IZ7ATN (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2SG:
Essaouira, Morocco IM51 6m/100w QSL IZ7ATN (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2W:
Agadir, Morocco IM50 6m/100w QSL IK2DUW (d/b) 16/03-23/03 5C2W:
Essaouira, Morocco IM51 6m/100w QSL IK2DUW (d/b) 16/03-04/04 V21ZG:
Antigua NA-100 FK97cc 6m/SSB/100w QSL DL7AFS (d/b)
GOT6??? - Six
Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt
(Updated 04 March 2010)
Information about current VHF activities
can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:
www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ US
Pat, KØPC/9 - 14 March 2010 to 14 March
2010 - CW Only Wisconsin QSO Party - Sunday March 14th from 1 PM to 8
PM CDT. Activating (in order) Vernon, La Crosse, Monroe, Juneau,
Wood, Clark, Jackson, Trempealeau, Buffalo, Pepin, Eau Claire,
Chippewa, Dunn, St. Croix, Pierce. Using 20/40/80 M on CW only.
Route map (tinyurl.com/yh59x5x) with APRS tracking (K0PC-9) and
estimated arrival times. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]
- March 14, 2010 to March 15, 2010 - CW Only Wisconsin QSO Party
1800Z 3/14 - 0100Z 3/15. 80/40/20 CW. Planned route subject to change
due to time constraints or weather: Door, Kewanee, Brown, Manitowoc,
Calumet,Outagamie, Winnebago, Fon du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette,
Adams, Waushara, Portage, Waupaca, Shawano, Menominee, Langlade,
Oconto, Forest, Marinette, Florence. QSL via home call. [County
Hunter Web]
WØAA - 03/14/2010 to 03/14/2010 - CW Only Wisconsin
QSO Party. Counties in order: Polk, Burnett, Washburn, Sawyer, Bayfield,
Ashland, Price, Vilas, Oneida, Lincoln, Price(2nd), Taylor, Marathon,
Clark, Chippewa, Eau Claire. Subject to change.20/40/80 CW. W0AA/9
Op:Mark - WA0MHJ [County Hunter Web]
Jon, WØZQ/9 - March 14, 2010
to March 14, 2010 - SSB and CW Wisconsin QSO Party - Seven counties
in this order - Eau Claire, Trempealeau, Buffalo, Pepin, Dunn,
Pierce, and St. Croix. Will try 15m CW during the afternoon hrs,
otherwise 20/40/80m CW from each stop and 20/40m SSB while in motion
(single op driver & operator). QSL via home call. [County Hunter
============================================ QSL
Following the Xinthia storm (February 28th, 2010),
our houses suffered grave damage, after being flooded under 1,50
meters of water. We can indicate to day, that Franck F4DTO, Patrick
F4GFE and F4GFE / p (French REF cup SSB) logbooks were found in the
mud. They are very damaged but readable enough to permit us to
confirm the QSO’s after a while. Thank for your patience. All
our radio activity including that scheduled in ZA are postponed until
our homes will be repaired. Frank/F4DTO and Patrick/F4GFE ---------- F5KAQ/P
EU-094 St Nicolas Island (EU-094) - All the direct QSL cards received
up to March 8th 2010 are answered by the same way. All the bureau
cards and direct without sufficient return funds are now at the French
REF-Union Bureau in Tours. [F5NQL] ---------- Oleg, UA9UAX
reports that all direct and e-mail requests for UA9UAX/1 & UA9UAX/1/m
QSLs were answered couple days ago. He is still accepting e-mail
request for bureau cards (ua9uax -at- kuzbass.net). [UA9UAX] ---------- QSLs
received Bureau - CQ2I [EU-150], CYØX, MD/DK1SG, MUØFAL, P29NI [OC-181],
PJ4/PA3CNX [SA-006], S56DX, S57DX, RI1OP [EU-153], UA2FW and UE1OLH
QSLs received Direct - 3D2ØCR (DJ8NK), 5WØCF (PA3LEO),
(QRZ.com), FK8CP (QRZ.com), FT5WO (F4DYW), PY2XB/PYØF (hc), RWØCWA
QSLs received LoTW - A31A, C5YK, E51WWA, E51WWB, OY2J,
TX4T, TX5SPA, TX5SPM and VK9X/G6AY. ============================================ SILENT
Dr David Toth, VE3GYQ, President Emeritus of Tucson
Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR), passed away Friday, February 26 2010
after a long battle with cancer. He was 55. [The ARRL Letter]
Ivanovich Tranevskiy, RA6AGF, passed away Sunday, March 7 2010 after
a long illness. He was 64.
Kim Bednarchick, UA4OH, passed away
Friday, February 26 2010 after a long illness. He was 76.
M. Shelchkov, UA3GM, has recently been reported Silent Key.
Pronier, F5ODS, a very active member of the Tullins ARC F6KJJ, near
Grenoble, and very active also on Hyper frequencies and in the yearly
ISERAMAT meeting organization, passed away 9 March 2010. He was also
for years a member of the Union Francaise des Telegraphistes UFT. A funeral
service will be held on next Thursday. Sympathy messages can be sent
to: Family PRONIER , 27 LES HORIZONS II, 38210 TULLINS FURES (FRANCE). ============================================ BITS
We would like to introduce our new web site (
www.gmff.org/ ) dedicated to the Natural Heritage of Scotland under
the WFF award programme. All our informative photo and video reports
will be published there. Very soon we will run our own award
programme. Please keep an eye on our new web site. 73! GMFF Team
[MM0DFV] ---------------- Online logs for 6W/EI6DX and 6V7S,
November 2009, are available at: http://www.ei6dx.com/log-search/ ---------------- Photo
and video report about MMØDGR/p trip to Whitlaw Mosses GMFF-067 has
been listed at www.gmff.org . Enjoy it! [MM0DFV] ---------------- Flo
F5CWU and Frank F4AJQ inform us through the CDXC Web page. The 32nd CDXC
convention will be held in next September 2010, 17 & 18, in the city
of Pontarlier, (East of France, near the Swiss boarder). To those who
intend to participate, it’s asked to reserve the accomodations without
delay, for there will be several important manifestations during this
week end in Pontarlier. More information at: www.cdxc.org/fr/pontarlier ---------------- RAC
Bulletin 2010-007E - Canadian Amateur Radio Access to 137 Khz. 2010-03-10
Industry Canada has approved access by Canadian radio amateurs to the
Low Frequency (LF) band 135.7 to 137.8 kHz, subject to certain conditions.
The Revised Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations, promulgated in
December 2009 to incorporate changes arising from decisions taken at
World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) 2007, permits amateur use
on a Secondary basis subject to Footnote 5.67A.
The Footnote
states: "Stations in the amateur service using frequencies in the
band 135.7-137.8 kHz shall not exceed a maximum radiated power of 1 W
(EIRP) and shall not cause harmful interference to stations of the
radionavigation service operating in countries listed in No. 5.67.
(WRC-07)". Industry Canada has advised that Canadian radio amateurs
may now use the band and that Schedule I of RBR-4 Standards for the
Operation of Stations in the Amateur Radio Service will be amended in
due course.
Richard Ferch VE3IAY/VE3KI Vice President
Regulatory Affairs Radio Amateurs of Canada *******************************************
and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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