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Главная » 2010 » Ноябрь » 22 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (19-26 November 2010)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (19-26 November 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)

19/11/2010: Look for Bernard, F5LMW/p to activate the Castle of Coulombiers (DFCF 86-076, WW Loc. JN06CL) on 19th November 2010, starting 0800 UTC on 7086 (+/-) kHz. The castle is located in the commune of Coulombiers (CP 86600), canton [county] of Lusignan (DDCF 86-13), Department Vienne/86 and Province Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). QSL via home call, bureau or direct. []

19/11/2010: Operators Nob JA2AAU (S79AU), Iwao JA2LSS (S79SS), Seiji JA2ATE (S79TE) and Mori JA2ZS will be QRV from Mahe Island (IOTA AF-024, WLOTA 3286, Grid Loc. LI75) on 19-27 November 2010. Activity will be on 160-6 metre CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via their home calls, direct or bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

19/11/2010: A team of operators, namely Gerd DJ5IW, Markus DJ7EO, Heye DJ9RR, Franz DK1II, Chris DL1MGB, Dietmar DL3DXX, Andy DL5CW, Tom DL5LYM, Felix DL5XL, Ben DL6FBL, Dieter DL8OH, Andree, DL8LAS and Robert SP5XVY will be active from Raoul Island [aka Sunday Island], Kermadec Islands (IOTA OC-039) as ZL8X from 19th November to 5th December 2010. They will use 7 stations all capable of all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY). The well-known Braveheart with his captain Nigel Jolly will bring the team and their equipment to the island and will support us with general logistics. Further information will be available at: [ZL2IFB]

20/11/2010: Kenny K2KW (C6ATA), Fred KE7X (C6AKX) and Tom N6BT (C6ARR) will be active on 20-29 November 2010 from North Palmetto Point, island of Eleuthera (IOTA NA-001), Bahamas. For the CQWW DX CW Contest they will each operate Single-Band/Low-Power with C6ATA on 40m, C6AKX on 20m and C6ARR on 160m. Outside the contest look for Kenny, C6ATA to be QRV on 40m and WARC bands, mainly CW. Tom, C6ARR will be looking for JA's on 160m. QSL all calls via Kappy, WA4WTG. [NG3K]

20/11/2010: Francois, ON4LO says he will be active as EA1/ON4LO/p from various Spanish lighthouses between 20-30th November 2010. He also plans to go and operate from Arosa Island (IOTA EU-080, DIE O-007, WLOTA 0368) during that time frame. He will operate SSB on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

20/11/2010: Gil, F4FGJ will be homecall/p on 20 November 2010 from the Castle of Subligny (DFCF 89-326), commune of Subligny (CP 89100), canton [county] Sens-Ouest (DDCF 89-30), Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV 80, 40 and 20 metres, starting about 0730 hours local time. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. []

20/11/2010: Look for Francois, F5JNE and Claude, F5MCC to be active on 20 November 2010 as F5JNE/p from the Castle of Quincy (DFCF 21-102) and the Mill of Quincy (DMF 21-014), commune of Quincy (CP 21700), canton [county] Nuits-Saint-Georges (DDCF 21-24), Department Cote d'Or/21 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV on 80 and 40 metres, starting about 0730 hours local time. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. []

20/11/2010: Alain, F6CUG will be active on 20 November 2010 as homecall/p from the Castle of Saint Esteve (DFCF 13-055), located in the commune of Plan d'Orgon (CP 13750), canton of Orgon (DDCF 13-26), Department Bouches du Rhone/13 and Province Cote d'Azur (DPF 20). QRV on 80 and 40 metres from 0730-1030 hours local time. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. []

20/11/2010: Laurent, F8FSC/p will activate the Castle of Cressia (DFCF 39-026) and the Mill of Cressia (DMF 39-026) on 20th November 2010, on 80 and 40 metres. Both references are located in the commune of Cressia (CP 39270), canton [county] of Orgelet (DDCF 39-21), Department Jura/39 and Province Franche-Comte (DPF 10). QSL via home call, bureau or direct. []

20/11/2010: Mick, G3LIK will be active from Waterlooville, England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841), as GB4RN during the RNARS CW Activity Contest (20-21 November). QSL via G3LIK, QTHR. [RNARS]

20/11/2010: Francis, ON6LY will once again be active as OP4A/p from the Groot Schietveld Nature Reserve (WFF ONFF-135), Province of West-Vlaanderen [West Flanders]. QRV on 40m SSB/CW maybe 20m SSB and also 80m CW in the evening, dipole antenna and IC-7200 at 100 Watts. QSL to ON6LY via the UBA bureau. Logs will be uploaded to eQSL, LoTW and WFF LogSearch. [MM0DFV]

20/11/2010: Masa, JN3NFQ will be active as PJ7/K1GI from the island of Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105) on 20-23 November 2010. Activity will be casual on 80-10 metres, including WARC bands, using CW, SSB and Digital modes. QSL via JG2BRI, direct or bureau (see for details). [OPDX Bulletin]

20/11/2010: Team SP9YFF/p will be active on 20th November 2010 from the Las Grodziecki Protected Landscape Area (WFF SPFF-536, Bytom gmina PGA BN01). QSL via SQ9IDG, bureau, direct and WFF LogSearch. Website: [SP9UPK]

20/11/2010: A group from the Haros Radio Club (HA5HRK) will be active from Orikum-Radhime Beach in the Bay of Vlora, Albania (WW Loc. JN90RH), on 20-29th November 2010, including a Multi-? entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest, using the callsign ZA3HA. Outside the contest they will be QRV 160-10 metres, using various modes. The team includes ZA/HA5PT, ZA/HA8MT, ZA/HA5OT, ZA/HA5TMK, ZA/HA5T and ZA/HA5X. QSL via their home calls (see []

20/11/2010: Dieter, DJ2EH will be active from Tristan da Cunha (IOTA AF-029) between 20 November and 8 December 2010, "if the vessel is on time". He will get his callsign upon arrival, and he plans to operate CW, SSB and RTTY using a vertical for 160-30 metres and a three-element wire beam. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

20/11/2010: Operators Andrea IK1PMR, Claudia PA3LEO, Al LA9SN, Doug N6TQS, Alan K6SRZ, Tom SP5UAF and others will be active from the Namukulu cottages, Niue Island (OC-040, WLOTA L-2139), as ZK2A between 20 November and 3 December, 2010. They will use 4 Elecraft K3s 160m-6m and solid state amps. Focus will be on Europe, 160m-40m + WARC, CW/RTTY with RX antennas. QSL direct to PA3LEO ( Notes: The ZK2 team will proceed to Norfolk Island (VK9N, OC-005, WLOTA 1469) and plan to be QRV 5-19 December 2010 (expected callsign VK9NN). Website: [NG3K]

21/11/2010: Operators John W6LD, Denny KX7M, Mike N7MH and Rick N6XI will be active as P40L from the P40L/P49Y QTH in Pos Chiquito, island of Aruba (IOTA SA-036, WLOTA 0033), as a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSLs go direct to WA3FRP. The team will be on the air from the evening of 21 November through the morning of 29 November 2010. Activity outside of the contest will be on all bands, 160-10 metres, using CW with little SSB, but no RTTY. [NG3K]

22/11/2010: Members of the SK6M Contest Team will be active as HC2/homecall from the HD2A Contest Team QTH located at Quinta La Guadalupe, Nobol, Guayas canton, Ecuador, between 22 November and 4 December 2010 La Guadalupe is a small farm very close to the Daule river near Nobol. The Swedish team will team up with some locals and be active as HD2M during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 27-28th) as a Multi-Multi entry. Operators include Alan HC2A, Alfredo HC2SL, Rune SM5COP, Fredy SM6FKF, Ben SM6LJU, Peter SM6MCW and Mats SM7BUA. SM5COP will use HC2/SM0COP outside the contest. QSL HD2M via SM6FKF. QSL others via their home calls. Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

22/11/2010: Operators JA1OZK (W6LJ), JA1CGC, JF1TAB, JH1FUD, JL1LOW, JA1NMH (W1NMH) and JA1MFR (WN1Y) will be active from Barrigada, Guam Island (IOTA OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA 0064, WFF KFF-110 Guam NWR) from 22-27 November 2010. Masa, JA1OZK is expected to show up as KH2KY (Guam Japanese DXer Club), the others will sign KH2/homecalls (which are also their QSL routes, bureau ok). QRV on all bands, using CW, SSB and digital modes. [NG3K]

22/11/2010: Eri, KH7ERI (11 year old YL Op) will be active from the island of Guam (IOTA OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA 0064, WFF KFF-110) as KH7ERI/KH2 on 22-25 November 2010. QSL direct to JF1VGZ. [NG3K]

22/11/2010: John, W2GD plans to be active from the island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA L-0033) as P40W between 22 November and 1 December, including a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. Outside the contest look for John on 160m and the WARC bands as time permits. QSL via N2MM, direct and LoTW. [NG3K]

22/11/2010: Nick, VE3EY will be active as TO3A on 22-30 November 2010 from the island of St. Barthelemy (NA-146, DIFO FJ-001, WLOTA 0377), including a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QRV 160-10 metre CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

22/11/2010: Operators Larry K3VX (VP2MVX), Will K9FO (VP2MFO), Don K9NR (VP2MNR), Carl K9CS (VP2MSC) and Bill K9OWQ (VP2MWP) will be active from the island of Montserrat (IOTA NA-103, WLOTA 1475) between 22 November and 6 December 2010. Activity will include entries in the CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28 November) and ARRL 160M Contests (3-5 December) as a Multi-2 class signing VP2M. Activity outside the contests will be on 160-10 metres, mostly CW but some SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL all callsigns via K9CS, direct or bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

23/11/2010: Olaf, DL4HG and Holger, DL5XAT will be active as 9H3TX from the island of Gozo (EU-023, MIA MM-004, WLOTA L-0046) on 23-30 November 2010. QRV all HF bands using 100W and verticals. They will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via DL5XAT, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

23/11/2010: Tony, IK1QBT will be active as IG9/IK1QBT from the island of Pantelleria (AF-018 IIA TP-001, MIA MI-124, WLOTA 0041, CQ Zone 33) on 23-30 November 2010, including a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest, using the callsign IH9X. QSL via home call, bureau or direct ( [NG3K]

23/11/2010: Tony, IK1QBT and Emilio, IZ1GAR will be active as IH9/IK1QBT and IH9/IZIGAR from Pantelleria Island (IOTA AF-018, IIA TP-001, MIA MI-124, WLOTA 0041) on 23-30 November 2010. Their activity will include the CQWW DX CW Contest. Tony will be a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry signing as IH9X. Emilio will be a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry signing as IH9R. Before the contest, they will be putting an emphasis on the lower bands. QSL via home calls, bureau or direct. [NG3K]

23/11/2010: John K4BAI, Jeff KU8E and Jim K9YC will be active as PJ4/homecalls from the island of Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA L-1279, WFF PAFF-024) on 23-30 November 2010, including a Multi-Single/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest, using the callsign PJ4A. QSL via K4BAI. [NG3K]

23/11/2010: Yuri, VE3DZ will be active as PZ5T from Paramaribo, Suriname,between 23 November and 1 December 2010, including a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

23/11/2010: Antonio, DL4EA plans to be active from Harare, Zimbabwe, as Z24EA on 23-30 November 2010 (dates may vary slightly). Possible participation during CQWW DX CW Contest. QRV 160-10m SSB/RTTY also planned. QSL via DL4EA, LoTW and eQSL. []

23/11/2010: Robert, K5PI will be active as ZF2PI from Grand Cayman Island (IOTA NA-016, WLOTA 1042) on 23-26 November 2010. His activity will also include the CQWW DX CW Contest as an operator with the ZF1A contest team. QSL ZF2PI via LoTW or K5PI ( QSL ZF1A via LoTW, and by the bureau or direct to K6AM. [OPDX Bulletin]

23/11/2010: Seppo, OH1VR and possibly others will be active from Chatham Island (IOTA OC-038, WLOTA 1627, WFF ZLFF-017) as ZL7VR on 23-29 November 2010. QRV on the HF bands (specific bands and modes not provided). Operations will also include a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via OH1VR. [OPDX Bulletin]

24/11/2010: Stan, EI6DX will be active as 6W/EI6DX from Le Calao, Somone, Senegal, on 24-30th November 2010. This will include a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest, using the special call 6V7Y. Stan will operate holiday style outside of the contest, mainly on 160, 80 and 30 metre CW. QSL via RX3RC, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

24/11/2010: Tony, KM0O will be active from the Langkah Syabas Beach Hotel club station, Kinarut, Sabah (IOTA OC-088, WLOTA 0119, WW Loc. OJ85AT) from 24-30 November 2010. Expect activity on all HF bands. He will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry (East Malaysia, CQ Zone 28). QSL via home call, by the bureau or LOTW (see [NG3K]

24/11/2010: Brian, ND3F will be active from Nassau, New Providence Island (IOTA NA-001, WLOTA 1115), Bahamas, as C6AQQ from 24th November and 6th December 2010, including an entry in the ARRL 160-Meter CW Contest (3-5 December). Outside the contest, Brian will forcus mainly on the low bands. QSL direct to his home call. [NG3K]

24/11/2010: Saty, JE1JKL will be active as FM/JE1JKL/p from the FM5BH QTH in Ducos, island of Martinique (IOTA NA-107, DIFO FM-001, DDFM 97, WFF FFF-016, WLOTA 1041) on 24-26 November 2010. He will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry, using the callsign TO5T. QSL via JE1JKL, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

24/11/2010: Operators Nick LZ1NK, Valentin LZ1WX, Krasimir LZ2UW, Christo LZ3FN and Bedri LZ4RR will be active as TC3WFF from the Kus Cenneti [Bird Paradise] National Reserve (WFF TAFF-022) on 24-30 November 2010. The expedition is organized by "LZ Contest group" and Bulgarian radio club "LZ Flora Fauna", and will be active on HF bands 160-10 metre, WARC include, using SSB and CW. They will also participate in the CQWW CW Contest (27-28 November) using the callsign TC3A. QSL TC3A via LZ1NK, direct. QSL TC3WFF via LZ1Z. [LZ1NK]

24/11/2010: Bud, AA3B will be active from the island of Antigua (IOTA NA-100, WLOTA 1118) as V26K on 24-29 November 2010, including a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. This will be an all CW operation on the contest HF bands only. QSL via AA3B. [OPDX Bulletin]

24/11/2010: Takuto, JE1SCJ will activate Pohnpei Island (OC-010, WW Loc. QJ96DX) as V63YT from 24 November until 28 November 2010. He will participate in CQWW DX CW Contest, but will have to QRT around 0900z on the 28th due to flight schedule. QRV 160-6 metres, mostly CW with some SSB, RTTY and PSK31, using 100W with wire antennas and a yagi for 6 metres. QSL via bureau or SASE direct to JE1SCJ ( [NG3K]

24/11/2010: Dave, W5CW will once again be active from the VP5JM HAMLET, North Caicos, island of Providenciales (IOTA NA-002, WLOTA 1476) between 24 November and 14 December 2010 as VP5/W5CW. He will enter three contests during his stay in VP5 - CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28 November), ARRL 160-METER Contest (3-5 December) and the ARRL 10-METER Contest (11-12 December), using the callsign VP5CW. Outside the contests he will be QRV on 160-6m CW and SSB. QSL direct to his home callsign.

25/11/2010: Operators Juan EA5BLJ, Darío EA5CP and José EA5YU will activate the ARRAM HQ station in Rabat, Morocco as 5C5T on 25-28 November 2010, including a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. Outside the contest they will be QRV 80-10m, 100W, CW only. QSL via EA5YU, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

25/11/2010: Nick, K9NB and John, K9EL will be operating from the island of French St. Martin (IOTA NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA 0383, Grid Loc. FK88) as FS/homecall between 25 November and 1 December 2010 and will be a casual entry into the CQWW CW Contest. Outside of the contest the plans are to be active on all bands 160-6m as conditions permit. Primary focus will be on CW with SSB and RTTY possible. QSL to home calls. Skeds welcome (k9el at comcast dot net). [NG3K]

25/11/2010: Three members of the Texas DX Society will return to the YN2N QTH near Grenada, Nicaragua, on 25-30 November 2010, to participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28 November) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry. Team members are: Cal WF5W (YN2EA), Paul W5PF (YN2PF) and Bill K5WAF (YN2WF). During the contest they will be using the H7V callsign. During non-contest periods they plan to have 2 stations active on 160-10 metres using CW, SSB and RTTY, operating with their own personal callsigns. QSL Manager for all callsigns is W5PF, direct with SASE/SAE + sufficient postage. Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

26/11/2010: Look for Jean, EA8/ON5JV and Georgette, EA8/ON6AK to be active from Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife Island (AF-004, DIE S-012, WLOTA 1276, EAA TF) between 26 November 2010 and 23 February 2011. QRV on 40-10 metre SSB and CW. QSL via home calls, bureau preferred. [425 DX News]

26/11/2010: Jay, NS4J will be in the Buffalo, New York, area for Thanksgiving and weather permitting will try to activate Squaw Island (USi NY032) and North Island (USi NY044) on 26th or 27th November 2010. Both islands are located in Erie County, New York. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [USi]

26/11/2010: Sigi, DL7DF and his XYL Sabine will be visiting Phu Quoc Island (IOTA AS-128, WLOTA 2523, WWF 3WFF-020, Grid Loc. OK10), Vietnam, between 26 November and 6 December 2010. Sigi plans to operate as XV4SP from 160m to 10m in CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. His equipment consists of a transceivers K2, a XV600, some Lowband Verticals and Dipoles, a HF9V, some Beverage antennas as well as a laptop computer. QSL via DL7DF, bureau or direct. []


27/11/2010: The Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club (LARC) in cooperation with the Qatar Amateur Radio Society (QARS), A71A, will be operating from Doha, Qatar, 27 November to 3 December 2010. Activity is planned on all bands, using CW/SSB and Digi Modes. If internet is available we plan a live transmission from this Dxpedition via the German ATV Repeater DB0DLH. You have the possibility to watch this transmission via live stream at: (VLC Media Player required). QSL via A71AN. []

27/11/2010: The Aquarius Beach Tower Contest Club, AH0BT will be QRV for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry from the island of Saipan (IOTA OC-086, USi NI002S, WLOTA 1333). QSL via 7L1FPU, JA-bureau or direct. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Serge, UT5UDX will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry from Kiev, Moldova, using the callsign ER0WW, in the the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via RA4LW, direct only. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Look for Darko, E70A to be QRV as J28AA from the Republic of Djibouti for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via K2PF and LoTW. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: A team of operators will be active from the LX2A QTH in Eschdorf, Luxembourg, as LX7I for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via LX2A, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Martin, G4XUM will be active from the Isle of Man (IOTA EU-116, WLOTA 0449) as MD4K during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry. QSL via G3NKC ( [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Dave, G3NKC will also be QRV from the Isle of Man (IOTA EU-116, WLOTA 0449) as MD6V during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL via G3NKC ( [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Ian, G3WVG will be active as MW5B, a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry, in the CQWW DX CW Contest from Newport, Monmouthshire, Wales (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 0453). QSL via G3TXF. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Look for Al, F5VHJ to be active as NH7A from Keaau, island of Hawaii (IOTA OC-019, USi HI-025S, WLOTA 0065, Hawaii County), Hawaii, during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via F5VHJ, REF bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Valery, R5GA (ex: RW3GU) will be active from the TRAC Clup Station (TA7KA), Trabzon, Turkey, as TC7M in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Assisted entry. QSL via R5GA. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Siggi, TF3CW will be QRV from Seltjarnarnes, Iceland (IOTA EU-021, WLOTA 2975) for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL direct to LX1NO. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Look for Russ, UN7AL to be signing UP7A from Aktau, Kazakhstan, in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. QSL via UN7AL, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Prasad, VU2PTT will be QRV from Bangalore, India, for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL direct or via the bureau. Log will be uploaded on LoTW after the contest. [NG3K]

03/12/2010: The Council of Europe Radioamateur Club (TP2CE) will be active 3rd to 5th December and 8th December 2010 on all HF bands and modes, including satellite, for the last time with the callsign TP60CE. QSL via F5LGF, bureau or direct. Website: [F6FQK]

23/01/2011: Craig, K2LZQ plans to be active as CE7/K2LZQ from Patagonia (Grid Loc. FE34), Chile, between 23 January and 3 February 2011. QRV on HF to 6 metres, with focus on the 6 metre band and also 6m EME. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [MMMonVHF]

26/02/2011: Roger, AC9Y will be active as 8P9PS between 26th January and 8th February 2011 from the MV Polar Star near the Antarctic Peninsula. He does not know what the daily schedule will be at the moment. However, he expects to operate on 20m mostly and after 2300z. Equipment will be an Icom IC-7000 and High Sierra Sidekick mounted on an outdoor hand rail. Depending on weather and the ship's schedule, Roger hopes to be on the air near daily. Why a Barbadian call sign? The MV Polar Star is registered in Barbados. QSL 8P9PS via AC9Y. []

05/03/2011: Al, NH7A will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6 March), from Keaau, island of Hawaii (IOTA OC-019, USi HI-025S, WLOTA 0065, Hawaii County), Hawaii. QSL via F5VHJ, REF bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]


20/11/2010: Look for special event station AU2JCB to be active between 20 November and 5 December 2010. QRV on 40-10 metre SSB. Suggested frequencies are: 28490, 21280, 21340, 14220, 14320 and 7030 kHz. QSL direct to VU2DSI. Operations are to celebrate the 152nd anniversary of the birth of Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose who they consider the "Father of radio communications". Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:


19/11-27/11 S79AU: Mahe Island WLOTA:3286 QSL JA2AAU (d/b)
19/11-27/11 S79SS: Mahe Island WLOTA:3286 QSL JA2LSS (d/b)
19/11-27/11 S79TE: Mahe Island WLOTA:3286 QSL JA2ATE (d/b)
20/11-30/11 EA1/ON4LO/P: Isla de Arosa WLOTA:0368 QSL HC (d/b)
20/11-03/12 ZK2AA: Niue Island WLOTA:2139 QSL PA3LEO (d)
22/11-30/11 FJ/VE3EY: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL HC (d/b)
22/11-02/12 HK0GU: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL DL7VOG (d/b)
22/11-27/11 KH2/JA1CGC: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL HC (d/b)
22/11-27/11 KH2/JA1MFR: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL HC (d/b)
22/11-27/11 KH2/JA1NMH: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL HC (d/b)
22/11-27/11 KH2/JA1OZK: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL HC (d/b)
22/11-27/11 KH2/JF1TAB: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL HC (d/b)
22/11-27/11 KH2/JH1FUD: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL HC (d/b)
22/11-27/11 KH2/JL1LOW: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL HC (d/b)
22/11-27/11 KH2KY: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL JA1OZK (d/b)
22/11-25/11 KH7ERI/KH2: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL JF1VGZ (d)
22/11-01/12 P40W: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL N2MM (d)
22/11-06/12 VP2MFO: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL K9CS (d/b)
22/11-06/12 VP2MNR: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL K9CS (d/b)
22/11-06/12 VP2MSC: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL K9CS (d/b)
22/11-06/12 VP2MVX: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL K9CS (d/b)
22/11-06/12 VP2MWP: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL K9CS (d/b)
23/11-30/11 9H3TX: Gozo Island WLOTA:0046 QSL DL5XAT (d/b)
23/11-30/11 IH9/IK1QBT: Isola di Pantelleria WLOTA:0041 QSL HC (d/b)
23/11-30/11 IH9/IZIGAR: Isola de Pantelleria WLOTA:0041 QSL HC (d/b)
23/11-30/11 PJ4/K4BAI: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL HC (d/b)
23/11-30/11 PJ4/K9YC: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL HC (d/b)
23/11-30/11 PJ4/KU8E: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL HC (d/b)
23/11-28/11 ZF2PI: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA:1042 QSL K5PI (d)
23/11-29/11 ZL7VR: Chatham Island WLOTA:1627 QSL OH1VR (d)
24/11-30/11 9M6/KM0O: Borneo Island (Sabah) WLOTA:0119 QSL HC (b/LoTW)
24/11-06/12 C6AQQ: New Providence WLOTA:1115 QSL ND3F (d)
24/11-26/11 FM/JE1JKL/P: Martinique Island WLOTA:1041 QSL HC (d/b)
24/11-29/11 V26K: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL AA3B (d)
24/11-14/12 VP5/W5CW: Caicos Island WLOTA:1476 QSL HC (d)
25/11-01/12 FS/K9EL: St. Martin Island (FS only) WLOTA:0383 QSL HC (d/b)
25/11-01/12 FS/K9NB: St. Martin Island (FS only) WLOTA:0383 QSL HC (d/b)
26/11-23/2/11 EA8/ON5JV: Isla de Tenerife WLOTA:1276 QSL HC (b)
26/11-23/2/11 EA8/ON6AK: Isla de Tenerife WLOTA:1276 QSL HC (b)
26/11-06/12 XV4SP: Dao Phu Quoc WLOTA:2523 QSL DL7DF (d/b)


AB7RW - Phil - 1* - 19 November 2010 to 19 November 2010 - CW Only WA: Skamania, Hood River, Wasco, Klickitat, Sherman, Gilliam and Morrow. Frequency Order: 20-17-30 and 40m. QSL via home call. No EQSL accepted. [County Hunter Web]

AB4YZ - Ray - 3* - 20 November 2010 to 20 November 2010 - SSB and CW In VA: Craig, Giles, Bland, Tazewell, Buchannan, Russel, Dickenson, Wise, Scott, Washington, Smyth, Wythe, Grayson, Carrol, Floyd and Franklin. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]


CE/K7CA qrv from FG41JM on 50 MHz EME soon - As those of you who worked K7CA this summer already know, Al is taking a converted HF amp and 36' yagi with him down to Huasco, Chile later this month. He tested out the system by making a dozen or so 6m EME contacts this summer. CE/K7CA will be in FG41jm, looking out over the ocean on moonset. I think he will be down there for at least 2 months this trip, so there should be many opportunities for contacts with stations in various locations during his moonset. It is very exciting to finally have activation of CE on 6m EME ;-) I am sure we will hear from Al if he is able to be QRV by the next optimum period for EME at the end of this month. [W7GJ via MMMonVHF]

PJ6 Saba Island 6M DXpedition - A Six Meter Expedition to Saba Island (PJ6, IOTA NA-145, WLOTA 2043, WFF PAFF-025) between 22nd June and 6th July 2011 is taking shape. The team will be Dick K5AND, Pat W5OZI and George K5TR. They have a location picked out reserved on the island. It is located on the northeast part of the island at about 150 meters above sea leavel (490 ft) with perfect take off to the US, EU, AF and most of SA (WW Loc. WW Loc. FK87JP). The plan is to operate CW on 50.106 Mhz and SSB on 50.118 Mhz. They will also be on JT65 during moonsets and moonrises on 50.190 Mhz. The group should have a web site up and running soon to post updates to the trip. Callsigns are unknown at this time. [K5TR]

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 18 November 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:


Is available now Log Online of last Algarve STAR DX Team activity on the last weekend. All QSOs are OK for many awards as DPRN, WFF and others... Pictures are also online. All informations and LOG on: 73's Algarve STAR DX Team

QSLs via Direct: 4K9W (DL6KVA), 9M6DXX/P (MØURX), 9V1/IK1PMR (PA3LEO), A31A (PA3LEO), CT3FQ (, E4X (EA5RM), J28RO (F8DFP), J3/AA8LL [NA-147] (hc), VK4LDX/P [OC-172] (hc), VP2EMR (PA3LEO), XE1RCS ( and ZL7J (JH1HRJ).

QSLs via LoTW: 5V7TT, 9M6DXX/P, DT8A, FP/KV1J, HBØ/HB9CVQ, OY6FRA, TR8CA, UA2FX, V44KAI, YJØHA, Z21BB and ZD8ZZ. LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: SOTA (Summits On The Air) at: WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:


CQ "Family" Members WN5N, K8OCL, Silent Keys

Two members of the CQ "family" have become Silent Keys.

Norm Koch, WN5N (ex-K6ZDL), was CQ WPX Award Manager for nearly a quarter century, from December 1981 to August 2006. He shepherded the program through a period of sustained growth to become one of CQ's leading award programs, as "prefix-chasing" became a sport in itself. Administering the program was and is quite a challenge, as new prefixes come and go quite frequently, and keeping track of them is a big part of the job. Norm also helped staff the CQ booth at Dayton for several years, and was a good friend to all of us here. We will miss him greatly.

John Champa, K8OCL, was CQ VHF magazine's High-Speed Multimedia (HSMM) editor from 2005 until earlier this year, when he stepped down due to health issues. John was also past chairman of the ARRL Technology Task Force on High Speed Multimedia Networking, and was very active in AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, including service on its board of directors and a term as Executive Vice President. Professionally, John was most recently a senior systems engineer for the government systems division of Rockwell Collins Communications. Among hams, he will be remembered for his contributions to the leading edge of amateur radio technology. [CQ Newsroom]


MoonSked 1.6.0 and 1.6.1 released, by David GM4JJJ Today I have released a bug fix update for MoonSked for Windows and MoonSked X for Macintosh computers. This fixes a potential problem where there could be a high CPU load if a Tracking Window was closed (1.6.0) Latest version (1.6.1) fixes a communication problem between MoonSked and Rotator Drivers when AutoTrack was toggled off and on more than twice. I would advise all users to consider updating to the latest release version 1.6.1 available on David´s website below. Thanks, 73 David, GM4JJJ
Francois, F8DVD reports that Mike, R1ANP is now active from the Zhongshan station (IOTA AN-016, AA BY-02, WAP CHN-02), Antarctica, as R1ANP/A. QSL via RW1AI, direct or bureau. GL!

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