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Главная » 2010 » Апрель » 2 » ICPO Bulletin (01-09 April 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (01-09 April 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
01/04/2010: Elmo EA5BYP and Javier EA5KM will be active from Annobón
Island (IOTA AF-039, WLOTA LH-0174) for two weeks during the month of
April as 3C0C. QRV 160-10 metres, using CW, SSB and RTTY, with an
emphasis on the low bands and CW. QSL via EA7FTR, direct or Bureau.
Further information will be available at: [NG3K]

01/04/2010: A DXpedition is being planned to operate from the Sierra
Nevada del Cocuy, Colombia, from where you get the legendary rock
formation called Devil's Pulpit, the peak Sugarloaf Peak and Concave.
Callsign will be 5K7SNC. This will be only a two day operation.
Announced dates and hours of operation frequency are: 1st April - 7140
kHz SSB between 1700-2400z and 2nd April - 7140 kHz SSB between
0000-1700z. QSL via HK3OCH. For more details visit: [OPDX Bulletin]

01/04/2010: Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (KARS - 9K2RA)
will be active using a special callsign 9K2F from Faylakah [aka Failaka]
Island (IOTA AS-118), lying in the Persian Gulf near the entrance to
Kuwait Bay (WW Loc. LL49DL), from 1st to 5th April, 2010. QSL via 9K2HN,
direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Website:
[OPDX Bulletin]

02/04/2010: Kelly, K4UPG and a crew of QRP friends will be out on the
island of Hontoon (USI FL481, Not IOTA, WW Loc. EL98HX, Volusia County),
located on the St. Johns River, Florida, on Good Friday (2 April 2010
from 1400z-2000z), mostly QRP CW on 40, 30, 20 and 15m, but they will
throw out a few tries on SSB on the USi calling frequencies to get this
new one qualified. QSL via home call. [USi]

02/04/2010: Ben, DO1BEN and XYL Barbara, DO1IQ will be active as
OZ/homcalls from Lolland Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-015, WW Loc. JO54QV)
2-9th April 2010. Look for activity on or near the usual IOTA
freqiencies. QSL via home calls, direct or Bureau. Web:

02/04/2010: Operators Paul N6PSE (Team Leader), Bob N6OX, Bruce W8HW,
Wayne W5KDJ, David AH6HY, Bill N2WB, Al K3VN, Jun JH4RHF, Hrane YT1AD,
David K3LP, Jack W0UCE, Michel FM5CD, Krassimir K1LZ and Heathem YI1UNH
have planned a DXpedition to Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, and will be QRV
2-12th April, 2010, using the callsign YI9PSE. Activity will be on
160-10 metres, including the WARC bands, using CW, SSB and Digital modes
with 5 stations at the same time on different bands and modes (2 CW, 2
SSB, 1 Digimodes). Suggested frequencies are: CW - 1824, 3504, 7004,
10104, 14024, 18074, 21024, 24894 and 28024 kHz; SSB - 1845, 3780,
7065/7180, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz; RTTY - 7035, 14080,
18100, 21080, 24920 and 28080 kHz. Online logs will be available during
and after the DXpedition. QSL via N6NKT (George Williams, 3600
Springbrook Dr., San Jose, CA 95148 USA). All donors of $5.00 or more,
will be sent a QSL to your QRZ address. You don't need to mail them your
card. You may donate directly to N6PSE, or via our PayPal. Further
information can be found at: [NG3K]

03/04/2010: François/F5JNE and Claude/F5MCC will be active as F5JNE/p
on 3rd April, 2010 from the Castle of Les Ormes (DFCF 45-057), located
in the city of Ouzouer des Champs (CP 45290), canton [county] of Lorris
(DDCF 45-16), Department Loiret/45 and Province Centre (DPF 07). QRV on
80/40m, CW and SSB. QSL via home call, Bureau preferred and SWL cards
are welcome. [F5NQL]

04/04/2010: Mart, DL6UAA will once again be back in Mauritius (IOTA
AF-049, WLOTA LH-0595) as 3B8MM beginning April 4th; duration will be 3
weeks. Activity will be on 160-10 metres, mostly CW. Some SSB and
Digital will be possible. QSL via DL6UAA, by the Bureau or direct. [OPDX

05/04/2010: Weather permitting, Jacques F5PJQ/p will be active Easter
Monday (5 April 2010) from the reference DFCF DFCF 02-032, for the
moment as he did not choose the castle yet. But doubtless that it will
be the Castle of Hanicourt. He will begin on 80 metres, then QSY to 40
metres. Jacques will attempt 20 metres near the end of the activity. QSL
via home call, Bureau preferred. [F5NQL]

05/04/2010: Operators Filip LX9FC (team leader), Steffi ON4AEO, Kath
ON7BK, Jose ON4CJK, Ronny ON4RK, Gert ZS6GC, Lucas ZS6ACT, Sid ZS6AYC,
Adele ZR6APT and possibly others will be active from Luxembourg as LX9FC
from 5-11th April. QRV 80-10m using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via
ON4CJK, Bureau or direct. Further information and log search can be
found at:

06/04/2010: David, ON4DN will be active as MJ/ON4DN/p from the Isle of
Jersey (EU-013, WLOTA LH-0818) on 6-9th April 2010. He will operate
holiday style on 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres SSB and digital modes, and he
also plans to operate from one or more lighthouses. QSL via ON4DN,
direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]

07/04/2010: Slavo, SP2JMB will be active on all bands, CW only, as
3B8SC from Flic en Flac, located on the west coast of Mauritius island
(IOTA AF-049, WLOTA LH-0595), from 7-21st April, 2010. Bogdan, SP2FUD
will be joining Slavo and will operate SSB and RTTY modes. QSL via
SP2JMB, direct or Bureau. Website: [F5NQL]

07/04/2010: A team composed of both Union Française des Telegraphistes
UFT and Clipperton DX Club CDXC members, is heading to Brehat Island
(EU-074, DIFM MA-012, WLOTA LH-2010) and will stay there between 7th and
12th April, 2010. The crew includes Jean F5IRC, Christophe F5UBH,
François F5JNE and Jean-Claude F5IL. QRV as F8UFT on as many HF bands as
possible, using SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL for this operation only
via F5UBH, either direct (SAE + return funds) or Bureau. A SSB/Digit
modes operator is needed to day. If interested, please contact quickly
Christophe/F5UBH at [F5NQL]

07/04/2010: The French TM5EL DX Group will be active on Sein Island
(IOTA EU-068, DIFM AT007, CP 29990) in Department Finistere/29 and
Province Brittany (DPF 06), France on 7-14th April 2010. Plans are also
to activate the Grand Phare lighthouse (DPLF PB106, ARLHS FRA 066, TWLHD
WLH F-027, WLOTA LH-2721, WW Loc. IN78NA). Operators include F4BCG,
F4FCS, F5RAB, F6AXN, F6DXE, D6DPD, F8AEJ. TM5EL will be active on the HF
bands, 6m, 2m, 70cm, and 23cm using SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via
F6KHI, direct or Bureau. [F5NQL]

08/04/2010: Dervin, PD9DX will once again be active from Iceland (IOTA
EU-021, WLOTA LH-2975) as TF/PD9DX from 8-17th April. QRV 80-10 metres
using SSB. QSL via his home call, direct or Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

09/04/2010: Stephane, F5UOW will be vacationing on Reunion Island (IOTA
AF-016, DIFO FR-001, WLOTA LH-1812) between 9th April and 2nd May 2010.
>From 9-17th April he will sign FR/F5UOW on 20m. Then he will move to
another QTH from which he will sign TO2R, trying to be active from
80-10m, mostly CW. QSL via home call. []

10/04/2010: Gil, F4FGJ and Claude, F5MCC will be active on 10th Arpil,
2010 as F5MCC/p from the Castle of Barcour (DFCF 89-131, WCA F-04637),
city of Escolives Sainte Camille (CP 89290). At the same time and they
will also give the following references: For the French Mills award,
Champs sur Yonne Mill (DMF 89-058), in the city of Champs sur Yonne (CP
89290); for the French Inland Islands on rivers and lakes Award,
Marcigny Island (DIFI 89037R), in the city of Saint Bris le Vineux (CP
89290). For the three activities, grid map: JN17TR, Department Yonne/89
and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV on 80m SSB and 40m CW and SSB,
between 0545 and 0900 UTC. QSL via F5MCC, Bureau preferred and SWL cards
are welcome. [F5NQL]

10/04/2010: Phil, F4EGS will be active once again from Chad for two
months starting on 10th April, 2010. The callsign is not known at this
moment but it will certainly be his old TT8PK, he used at least 4 times
in the past. More information to come in due time. QRV in his spare time
on 40-10 metres, using CW, SSB and a little RTTY, using FT850 into an
old R7 (very tired: BTW, Phil will consider any offer for a new second
hand vertical, to replace it). QSL via F4EGS, direct ( or via
the Bureau. Skeds are possible at: [F5NQL]

10/04/2010: On 10 April 2010, GB100GLD will be on the air to
commemorate the first recorded SOS message from the Lizard Wireless
Station, England (EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841). QSL via the RSGB Bureau.

10/04/2010: Over the weekend 10 and 11 April 2010, GB2NOR will be on
the air as part of the Norbreck Amateur Radio Rally in Blackpool,
England (EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841). QSL via the Bureau. [GB2RS]

17/04/2010: Look for special event station CV7G to be active 17-19th
April 2010 in commemoration of "The Landing of 33 Oriental in Agraciada
Beach" (19 April 1825). QRV 40 and 20 metre, phone only. The Treinta y
Tres Orientales (Thirty-Three Easterners) was a militant revolutionary
group led by Juan Antonio Lavalleja against the Empire of Brazil. Their
actions culminated in the foundation of modern Uruguay. They became
famous by the name of the Treinta y Tres Orientales when, in 1825, they
began an insurrection for the independence of Oriental Province--a
historical territory encompassing modern Uruguay and part of modern
Brazilian Rio Grande do Sul--from Brazilian control. A special QSL card
will be issued for this event. QSL direct to CX7ABK (Ricardo Casarotti,
26 de Marzo 3495 - Apto.401, 11.300 Montevideo, URUGUAY. [PT2OP]

02/05/2010: Makoto, JI5RPT will be active as JD1BLY from Chichi-jima
Island (AS-031, JIIA AS-031-003, JCG 10007, WLOTA LH-2269, WW Loc.
QL17CC) on 2-7th May, 2010. QRV 40m to 6m (No 6m EME) + Satellite, using
CW, SSB and Digital modes. QSL via home call, Bureau or direct.
Logsearch will be on his website: [NG3K]

21/05/2010: The Charente DX Group (CDXG) will activate Brehat Island
(EU-074, DIFM MA-012, WLOTA LH-2010, WW Loc. IN88MU) from 21st May to
28th May 2010 signing TM0B. The team will consist of Joel F1BLQ, Michel
F5EOT, Eric F5LOW, Laurent F5MNK, Fabrice F5NBQ, Bert F6HKA and Leon
ON4ZD/OS0S. QRV on all HF bands with 4 or 5 stations. Modes
SSB-CW-RTTY-PSK. QSL via F6ANA direct or Bureau. After the expedition
the log will be online at: [F5NQL]

29/05/2010: Look for Luis, EA8AY to be active as EF8E in the CQWW WPX
CW Contest (29-30th May) from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Isla de Tenerife
(AF-004, DIE S-012, ESA TF, WLOTA LH-1276) as a Single-Op entry. QSL
EF8E via EA8AY. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Ali TA2LM will be QRV from Istanbul, Turkey, for the CQWW
WPX CW Contest (29-30th May) as a Single-Op/Single-Band entry. QSL via [NG3K]

07/07/2010: Alex, IW5ELA and Giampiero I5NOC will be in Mongolia from
7-22nd July, 2010. Alex will use the callsign JT1/IW5ELA. He will
operate holiday style for one week from the club station in Ulaanbaatar
and then one week mobile from other zones. Portable rig: FT857, Power
supply, H/M verticals wire antennas for 15/20/17/40m. QSL via home call,
direct or Bureau. No eQSL! [NG3K]

30/10/2010: Nasran, V85ZX will be active from Bandar Seri Begawan,
Brunei (OC-088, WLOTA LH-1628) during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31st
October) as a Single-Op/Single-Band(20m)/Low-Power entry. QSL direct
( [NG3K]

The ISWL Club Callsign's in use during April 2010 will be:
GX4BJC /A - Operated from Braintree, in Essex, by Keith - M0CLO. (WAB
Square = TL72 - England & IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = LH-1841).
MX1SWL /A - Operated from Lambourn, in West Berkshire, by John - G0GWK.
(WAB Square = SU37- England & IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = LH-1841).
The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316 and 16724.
(WAB Info:
All QSL Info is on or
or via NO LOTW.
ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see
for full details. cards ARE accepted for our awards.

01/04/2010: For the 30th anniversary of Union de Radioaficionats
Andorrans (URA), Andoran hams are granted to use the prefixes C35 and
C36, during the entire month of April 2010. QSL via the individual
operators' instructions. []

01/04/2010: Special station II0SPQR will be active 1-30 April to
celebrate the 2763rd anniversary of the Foundation of Rome. QSL via
IK0QNZ. [425 DX News]

01/04/2010: Special station 8J1F will be aired from 1 April to 31 May
2010 to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of (Consolidated) Fukaya-city,
Saitama prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/04/2010: Look for special event station 8J1YUME to be active from 1
April to 25 October 2010 for the 65th National Athletic Meet in Chiba
prefecture Honshu, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan. "Yume Hanto (or Dream Peninsula) Chiba Kokutai (or
National Athletic Meet)". QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/04/2010: Look for 8J2A to be active from 1 April to 30 May 2010 to
celebrate the 52nd JARL annual general meeting, in Nagoya-city,
Aichi-prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/04/2010: Special event station 8J860YAB will be active from 1 April
to 30 June 2010 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the JARL Sapporo
Amateur Radio Club (JA8YAB), Sapporo city, Hokkaido prefecture, island
of Hokkaido (AS-078, JIIA AS-078-001, WLOTA LH-2967), Japan. QSL via the

01/04/2010: Special event station 8N0K will be aired from 1 April to 30
September 2010 to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Kashiwazaki-city,
Niigata prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/04/2010: 8N1S will be active from 1 April to 30 September 2010 for
Sagamihara-city's Promotion to a Seirei-shitei-toshi (or a cabinet-order
designated city), Kanagawa prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA
AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau.

01/04/2010: Special callsigns 8N3KHXV (Fixed station) and 8N3XV (Mobile
station) will be active from 1 April to 18 July 2010 for the 15th Kansai
Amateur Radio Festival 2010 "KANHAM 2010", Kansai region, Nara
prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376),
Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

03/04/2010: Special event station GB2RAF will be active for the
Airfields/RAF Stations on the Air event on 3rd April from RAF
Neatishead, Norfolk, England (EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841), between 1000-1600
UTC. QSL via Other stations participating in this event (3-4th
April 2010) include: GB2HAM RAF Harrington; GX5KN RAF Tempsford; G0RAF/P
RAF Coleby Grange; G3KWY/P RAF Wymeswold (Saturday only); G4SOH RAF
Benson, Oxfordshire; GB2VQJ RAF Holmpton, Yorkshire; GB2MC RAF Weyborne,
Norfolk; GB2AOA RAF Ronaldsway, Isle of Man; G3HWF/P RFC Cullingworth,
Yorkshire; GB1RAF RAF Sandtoft, Lincolnshire; G4RBP RAF Binbrook,
Lincolnshire; G4NRZ/A RAF Langer, Nottinghamshire; GB0YAM RAF Elvington,
Yorkshire; G6RAF/A RAF Leconfield, Yorkshire; and G1RAF/P RAF Syerston,
Nottinghamshire. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

03/04/2010: Over the Easter weekend of 3 to 5 April 2010, Marches ARS
will be running GB2CAM from Chirk Airfield. The station celebrates the
opening of the Chirk Airfield Museum for the 2010 season. The Chirk
Airfield and Museum is a family run aviation facility located
approximately half way between Oswestry and Wrexham adjacent to the A5,
England (EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841). They plan to be active on HF from 80 to
10m, although the actual bands used will depending on propagation
conditions as well as 6m, 2m and 70cm. QSL via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

03/04/2010: Special event station 8J4FF will be aired from 3 April to 5
May 2010 to celebrate the Hiroshima Flower Festival, Hiroshima city,
Hiroshima prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

03/04/2010: Anneke, PB7XYL of the 'Women On The Air (WOTA) Club'
(member #12) will be QRV from Heinenoord (WW Loc. JO21FT), The
Netherlands, using the special callsign PB88XYL from 3-30th April 2010.
This is the first activity by the Women On The Air (WOTA). QSL via
PB7XYL, direct or by the Bureau. See: also [PB7XYL]

04/04/2010: GB0LAD will be on the air for the United Nations'
International Landmine Awareness Day on 4 April 2010. Operating from the
Carpetbaggers Aviation Museum, the station will be using the 80 to 20m
bands using SSB, CW and Digimodes. QSL via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

04/04/2010: The Preston Amateur Radio Society is running GX3KUE/P from
the 400 year old Bank Hall at Bretherton, near Preston, England (EU-005,
WLOTA LH-1841) on 4 April 2010. Bank Hall appeared on the BBC programme
Restoration. The club will be on 40 or 80m depending on band conditions.
QSL via G3KUE, Bureau preferred. [GB2RS]

04/04/2010: Special event station A71RCAR will be active on 4-6th
April, 2010, for the 2010 Regional Conference on Amateur Radio (RCAR),
hosted by the Qatar Amateur Radio Society (QARS) in cooperation with the
International Amateur Radio Union. QSL via the QARS bureau. [425 DX

05/04/2010: Friskney & East Lincolnshire Communications Club will be
helping to activate GB0BS, this is the Boston and Rural Boy Scouts based
at Butterwick, England (EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841). They will be running HF,
PSK and 2m from 9am to 5pm on 5 April 2010. If you hear them please give
them a call. QSL via operators' instructions. [GB2RS]

05/04/2010: Members of the Radio Club Haut-Rhin (REF68) will activate
special event station TM68X from 5-18th April, 2010. Activity is to
celebrate "World Amateur Radio Day" on 18th April. The club will also
organize a special exhibit at the MJC Fernand Anna de Wittenheim in
Upper Rhine. QSL via F8BUO, direct or Bureau. Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

01/04-31/04 3C0C: Isla de Annobon LH-0174 QSL EA7FTR (d/b)
01/04-31/05 8J1F: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-25/10 8J1YUME: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-30/05 8J2A: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-30/06 8J2A: Hokkaido - main island LH-2967 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-30/09 8N0K: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-30/09 8N1S: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-18/07 8N3KHXV: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-18/07 8N3XV/M: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
03/04-05/05 8J4FF: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
03/04-05/05 GB2CAM: England (Main Island) LH-1841 QSL Buro
03/04 GB2RAF: England (Main Island) LH-1841 QSL
04/04-25/04 3B8MM: Mauritius Island LH-0595 QSL DL6UAA (d/b)
04/04 GB0LAD: England (Main Island) LH-1841 QSL Buro
04/04 GX3KUE/P: England (Main Island) LH-1841 QSL G3KUE
05/04 GB0BS: England (Main Island) LH-1841 QSL Buro
06/04-09/04 MJ/ON4DN/P: Jersey Island (main) LH-0818 QSL HC (d/b)
07/04-21/04 3B8SC: Mauritius Island LH-0595 QSL SP2JMB (d/b)
07/04-12/04 F8UFT: Brehat Island LH-2010 QSL F5UBH (d/b)
07/04-14/04 TM5EL: Sein Island LH-2721 QSL F6KHI (d/b)
08/04-17/04 TF/PD9DX: Iceland LH-2975 QSL HC (d/b)
09/04-17/04 FR/F5UOW: La Reunion Island LH-1812 QSL HC (d/b)

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 31 March 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

W0BH - Bob - 3 Apr to 4 Apr - SSB and CW
Missouri QSO Party
Lorna (K0WHY) and I will run 27 counties in southern Missouri. Look for
us CW/SSB on 20/40 during the day and on 40/80 on Saturday evening.
We'll also check 15 and 10 from time to time. The exchange is signal
report, serial number, and state/province/DX.
Here are the counties in the order visited:
Saturday, 3 Apr (1800-0500Z)
Vernon/VRN, St Clair/SCL, Cedar/CED, Hickory/HIC, Camden/CAM,
Dallas/DAL, Polk/POL, Webster/WEB, Wright/WRT, Douglas/DGL, Texas/TEX,
Shannon/SHA (bird-watching stop for Lorna), Carter/CAR, Reynolds/REY,
Sunday, 4 Apr (1800-0000Z)
Ripley/RIP, Oregon/ORE, Howell/HOW, Ozark/OZA, Taney/TAN, Christian/CHR,
Stone/STN, Barry/BAR, Lawrence/LAW, Newton/NWT, Jasper/JAS, Barton/BTN.
Note the similarity between BARry and BarToN.
On Sunday morning, we'll be in Wayne county for awhile but I won't be
QRV from there during the QSO Party. I'll plan to run Wayne on CHN both
CW and SSB.
For a downloadable schedule, county-line info, frequency info and
last-minute changes, go my QRZ.COM listing:
Hope we put you in the log many times! QSL via home call. [County Hunter

K7DM - Don - 1* - April 5 to April 8 - CW Only
I'll be in San Juan, WA from April 5th-8th. I may be able to run Island,
Jefferson, and Clallam, WA on the 8th. QSL via home call. [County Hunter

QSLs received Bureau - None to report! :o(

QSLs received Direct - 5H3EE (DL4ME), 9G5XX (I2YSB), C91VM/5 (IK1RAE),
(EA4BT) and XV4D (DL7DF).

QSLs received LoTW - AL1G, AH7C, C6AKQ, F6KHM, GM3POI, GM7V, HB9LCW,

Englmar Wenk, DK1WE became a silent key on 22nd March, 2010.

Vincent F5MJV, President of the Union Française des Telegraphistes UFT
and the staff have to report with sadness of Claude/F6DJB’s passing last
Friday, 26th March, 2010. Claude died at 82, at the end of a long

IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

The following is from W5GAI, Skip, in reference to the status of VY0V,

Bernie, W3UR

DXpedition to East Pen Is. (NA-231 New)
3 days between March 26 - 31, 2010
Nunavut (CQ Zone 4), Canada

I saw this spot about 0330z and went to 10107.5. VY0V was on
frequency, asking for help. Others had marginal copy so I joined
and had several QSO's with Cezar VY0V between. 0330-0500z. He said
that rain and wind was fierce, visibility poor, he had no water, no
fire, no gas for generator, battery getting low, and native guide
had abandoned him 38 hours ago. He was worried and seemed delirious,
rambling on while running down his battery. I got Cezar to give me
his GPS coordinates 56" 44.854 N 88" 37.812 W and relayed this to
Ralph VE7XF who said Frank VE7DP was working to get a rescue and they
passed it on to a rescue team coordinator by phone who will get it to
them by sat phone next comm they have. The rescue team supposedly
left Fort Severn on a 7/8 hour trek at 4pm EDT which would have been
3PM CDT, so they should have been near him by 10-11 PM CDT or 03-0400z.
Cezar said at
0500z he had low visibility and no contact with the rescue team yet.
Told Cezar to conserve battery, get some sleep and try 10107.5 again
at 1100z just before his sunrise at 1130z if not rescued. Later Ralph
VE7XF informed me that guys that went to try to get Cezar today had to
turn back according to VE7DP, as their ski doo kept bogging down due
to the rise in temp in the area. I tried 10107.5 at 1100 and 1130z
and got no reply from VY0V. So I started looking on the internet for
RCMP phone numbers. I called RCMP's Ontario Division HQ 24/7. At
11:45z they patched me through to Jason at the North Bay Comm Center
of the Ontario Provincial Police. He said that the First Nations
Policing team from Fort Severn was working on the rescue and that
they were in communication with North Bay Comm Center. He said would
relay any new information to me for broadcast to the concerned amateur
radio community. At 1215z Jason called me to say that the rescue team
hads a visual sighting of Cezar's location and should be arriving at
his location shortly. I continue to monitor 10107.5 and 7007. Let's
hope for a positive outcome.

Skip Cameron W5GAI
Austin, TX

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

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