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Главная » 2010 » Декабрь » 3 » ICPO Bulletin (02-10 December 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (02-10 December 2010) | 09:13 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 02/12/2010: A large group of operators from the Uruguay DX Group and Centro Radioaficionados Montevideo will operate as CW3TD from Timoteo Dominguez Island (IOTA SA-057, Grid Loc. GF05) on 2-6 December 2010. There will be four stations active on 160-2 metres, with an emphasis on digital modes. QSL route TBA. [425 DX News]
02/12/2010: Look for Jean-Pierre, F5AHO to be active as LU/F5AHO from Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego (IOTA SA-008), between 2-5th December 2010. He may also activate two other IOTAs. QRV using SSB and PSK on 20 and 17 metres. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]
02/12/2010: Mika, OH2FFP will be in charge of the next Finnish Antarctic Research Program expedition to Aboa station (AA OH-01, WAP FIN-01, WFF OHFF-036), Queen Maud Land (IOTA AN-016), Antarctica, in December-January. He will operate again as OJ1ABOA, and he might be QRV also from nearby Wasa Station (AA SM-01, WAP SWE-04, WFF SMFF-033) of Sweden. Around Christmas he will stay for three or fours days at Swedish Station Svea (AA SM-04, WAP SWE-02, WFF SMFF-030). QSL via OH2FFP. [425 DX News]
02/12/2010: Yuri, N3QQ (V73QQ) has reported that Tim, NL8F (V73CF) will join him on the Marshall Islands DXpedition. Both operators will arrive on Majuro Atoll (IOTA OC-029), Ratak Chain, on 30th November or 1 December 2010, and they will stay in V73-land until 16th December. On 2-4th December they will travel to Enewetak Atoll and operate as V73CF/mm and V73QQ/mm. QRV on 40-6m, possibly 160 metres also, from Enewetak Atoll (IOTA OC-087) on 5-7th December. The callsign V73RRC will be used on Ujelang Atoll (IOTA OC-278) planned for around 8-11th December. Yuri and Tim will then return to Enewetak atoll and be QRV 12-16th December. QSL V73QQ and V73RRC direct to N7RO. QSL V73CF via K8NA, direct (QRZ.com). Website: oc-278.ucoz.com/ [OPDX Bulletin, NG3K]
02/12/2010: Hiro, JF1OCQ (also W1VX, ZL1WY) and Toshi, JE1SYN will be active as ZL7/ZL1WY and ZL7/W1SY, respectively, from Chatham Island (IOTA OC-038, WLOTA 1627, WFF ZLFF-017) on 2-9th December 2010. QRV on 160-6m CW, SSB and Digi-modes, with an emphasis on 160m and 6m for around the Pacific. They will use a breakable beacon will be on 50.117MHz around the clock. QSL ZL7/ZL1WY via JF1OCQ (Hiro Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura, Maebashi, 371-0811 Japan). QSL ZL7/W1SY via JE1SYN. [NG3K]
03/12/2010: Wim, OS1T reports that a DXpedition is planned from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Congo, using the callsign 9Q50ON from 3-13th December 2010. The callsign celebrates the 50 years independence of the Democratic Republic Congo. The plan is to have at least two or three stations on the air 24/7 on all bands. QSL to ON4BR either via the bureau or direct. Further information and updates on their website at: www.9q50on.be/ [NG3K]
03/12/2010: Fred, PA0FAW will be active again as PC75HV on 3rd-31st December 2010 for 75 years of the Hoge Veluwe National Park (WFF PAFF-005), Gelderland region. QRV as usual mostly in CW and digital modes, but also some SSB. This activity will also count for the ISWL Monitor Award. QSL to PA0FAW, via direct, bureau and eQSL. SWL reports are always welcome. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
03/12/2010: Kaz JE7DMH and Teri JN7GLC will be active as WH0/WH7C on 3-6th December 2010 from the island of Saipan (IOTA OC-086, USi NI002S, WLOTA 1333, Grid Loc. QK25), Northern Mariana Islands. QRV on 80m-6m CW/SSB/FM. QSL via JE7DMH, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW/eQSL. [NG3K]
04/12/2010: Patrick F8DYD/p will be active on 4 December 2010 from the Castle of Cremault (DFCF 86-077) and the Mill Barreau (DMF 86-034), commune of Bonneuil-Matours (CP 86210), Department Vienne/86 and Province Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). QRV on 80 and 40 metres. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [F8DYD]
04/12/2010: Michel, F8GGZ/p will be QRV on 4 December 2010 from the Mill Danguier (DMF 39-028), commune of Trenal (CP 39570), Lons le Saunier Canton Sud (DDCF 39-34), Department Jura/39 and Province Franche-Comte (DPF 10). QSL via home call. [Radioamateur.org]
05/12/2010: Peter, DK2PR will be on the island of Mindanao (IOTA OC-130, WLOTA 2803), Philippines between 5 December 2010 and 3 January 2011. The island of Mindanao is called The Land of Promise. He hopes to be QRV on all HF bands, and other DU-islands are possible, but decision has to be taken when he is in DU land. QSL via home call, direct or by the bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
05/12/2010: Operators Andrea IK1PMR, YL Claudia PA3LEO, Al LA9SN, Doug N6TQS and possibly others will be active from the Pacific Palms resort, Norfolk Island (IOTA OC-005, WLOTA 1469), on 5-19 December 2010. They will use 4 Elecraft K3s 160m-6m and solid state amps. Focus will be on Europe, 160m-40m + WARC, CW/RTTY with RX antennas. QSL direct to PA3LEO (QRZ.com). Website: www.pacificdxpedition.com/index.php?s=intro [NG3K]
05/12/2010: The 'Buddies in the Caribbean' DXpedition group which specializes in 100 watt or less low power radios and the Buddipole portable antenna systems is heading back again to the island of St. Lucia (NA-108, WLOTA L-1336, WW Loc. FK94MC) on 5-13 December, 2010. The eight operators are: Budd W3FF, Guy N7UN (J68UN), Wey K8EAB, Bill W7ZT, Todd N4LA, Kent K4MK, Gary NX8L, and Tom W4OKW. There will be 3 villa stations (Chateau Devaux villa on the north shore) in operation on 160-10m using CW, SSB, and RTTY. At the same time, several teams will be battery-only, field portable either from St. Lucia beaches or scenic mountain tops. They group is applying for a unique J6BP callsign for the ARRL 10m contest (11-12 December). Outside the contest they will be using J68/homecall. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or mail to the operator's home callsign (SASE required). Further information can be found on their website at: sites.google.com/site/caribbeanbuddies/ [K1XN]
06/12/2010: Randy, N0TG reports that "the Sable Island (NA-063, CIsA NS004, WLOTA 0758, WFF CYFF-001, WW Loc. GN03CX) DXpedition is back on the calendar". Operational dates have been set for 6-13 December 2010. Exact dates are still dependent on weather conditions and other factors. Operators include Ron AA4VK, Rick AI5P, Gary VE1RGB and Randy N0TG. They will be QRV using CY0/homecall on 160-6m, including WARC bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY. ALL QSL requests via N0TG. Traditional bureau cards will be via each operator's home call. An ONLINE QSL Request service will be established as an optional method. Updates on the website as details develop: www.cy0dxpedition.com/ [N0TG]
06/12/2010: Mirek, VK6DXI (aka SP5IXI, 9M8DX, 9V1XE etc.) is going to visit Zimbabwe again and he will be active as Z21DXI. He is arriving in Bulawayo on 6th December and leaving on 17th December 2010. Note that this is a business trip, so the time for operation on the bands will be very limited. QSLs for Z21DXI: via SP5UAF, bureau, direct or eMail request. [SP5UAF]
08/12/2010: Operators Amdreina YY4AND, Atilano PY5EG, Peter PY5CC, Rick PY2EL, Hugo CX1ABB, Lupo CX6ABC, Jorge CX6DAP, Ricardo CX6ACY, Enrique CX8BBA, Pedro CX5BW, Julian CX5BE, Federico CX7BZ and Lupo CX2ABC will be active as CW5R from Isla de Lobos (IOTA SA-039) and lighthouse (ARLHS URU-002, TWLHD WLH CX-002, WLOTA 0799, Admiralty G0676) on 8-13 December 2010. QRV on 80-6 metres, using CW, SSB, PSK-31 and RTTY. QSL via CX2ABC, direct or bureau. Website: www.cw5r.net/ [NG3K]
10/12/2010: Craig, VK4LDX will signing VK4LDX/p from Magnetic Island (IOTA OC-171) on 10-12 December 2010. This will be another little holiday style trip with his understanding XYL Michelle. QRV 80-10 metres. Further information can be found on his website at: vk4ldxoc171.blogspot.com/ [VK4LDX] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
11/12/2010: The Yorkshire Dales Contest Group (M0YCG) will be using the special event callsign, GB1YDD to celebrate Yorkshire Dales on the Air Day and World Flaura and Fauna GFF-020 near Malham Tarn from 11th December to 12th December. Approximate times of operation will be continuous from 15:00 on Saturday through to the afternoon on Sunday. Intended bands of operation will be all 13 bands from 160m to 70cm using SSB, a little CW and FM so as to give as much opportuninty as possible for different stations to work this callsign. It is hoped that we will be qrv on 4m FM, but this is yet to be confirmed. For QSL information and activation details etc, please search the GB1YDD callsign on QRZ.com. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
22/12/2010: Ryosei Aimiya, JH0IXE will be active as T8CW from the Republic of Palau (IOTA OC-009) between 22nd December 2010 and 6th January 2011. QRV on 160-6 metres, using RTTY, PSK31, WSJT (JT65A), CW, SSB and SSTV. "I think that I will mainly operate a digital mode". QSL via home call. [NG3K]
01/01/2011: The International Short Wave League (ISWL) will be celebrating 65 years of service to Licensed Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners during the entire year 2011. The callsign GB65ISWL will be active from several locations throughout the year. The QSL Manager is Herbie G6XOU. QSL Cards will be returned on a QSLR basis. All logs will automatically be uploaded to eQSL.cc. ISWL info at: www.iswl.org.uk/ . This callsign can be claimed for the ISWL Monitor award. More information from Pete's-DX-Newsdesk shortly. www.dx-newsdesk.co.uk/ [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
07/01/2011: Cezar, VE3LYC and Johan, PA3EXX will attempt a very challenging expedition to Wollaston Islands (IOTA SA-031) and Diego Ramirez Islands (IOTA SA-097) between approximately 7th-22nd January 2011. In demand by 98% of IOTA chasers, SA-031 currently ranks #6 on the Most Wanted IOTA list World Wide and #1 in South America, whereas SA-097 has never been activated. The plan is to operate for 4 days from Herschel Island (IOTA SA-031) and Gonzalo Island (IOTA SA-097). However, weather and sea conditions can influence significantly this schedule. The team has retained for this trip the services of Thomas, an experienced skipper, with his 40 ft yacht, well equiped for Antarctic waters. Callsigns: CE9/VE3LYC and CE9/PA3EXX. QSL ALL QSOs via VE3LYC, direct or bureau. Further information can be found on their website at: CE9iota.weebly.com/ [VE3LYC]
19/02/2011: Look for Sig, NV7E to be active from Nairobi, Kenya (CQ Zone 37), as 5Z4EE during the ARRL DX CW Contest (19-20 February) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL direct to NV7E. [NG3K]
19/02/2011: David, WJ2O will be QRV as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest (19-20 February) from Samone, Senegal. QSL direct to his home call. [NG3K]
05/03/2011: Sig, NV7E will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6 March) from Nairobi, Kenya (CQ Zone 37). QSL direct to his home callsign. [NG3K]
05/03/2011: Jimmy Lou, BX5AA will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6 March) from Changhua City, Taiwan (IOTA AS-020, WLOTA 0022, WW Loc. PL04GC). QSL direct only (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
15/06/2011: The MS0INT group, Col MM0NDX (leader), George EA2TA, Christian EA3NT, Vincent F4BKV, Simon IZ7ATN, Bjorn/SM0MDG and possibly two more operators will be active on 15th-22nd June 2011 from the Outer Hebrides (EU-010). They plan to activate the following islands: Benbecula (IOSA OH04, SCOTIA HI08), Grimsay (IOSA OH27, SCOTIA HI10, WLOTA 3254), Baleshare (IOSA OH26, SCOTIA HI11), North Uist (IOSA OH02, SCOTIA HI13, WLOTA 3287) and Berneray (IOSA OH05, SCOTIA HI15, WLOTA 0756). They will also activate the St. Kilda archipelago (EU-059, for three full days) and the Monach Isles (EU-111, WFF GMFF-050) for 24 hours. QSL via M0URX, direct or bureau. Website: www.ms0int.com/ [MM0NDX] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
03/12/2010: The Council of Europe Radioamateur Club (TP2CE) will be active 3rd to 5th December and 8th December 2010 on all HF bands and modes, including satellite, for the last time with the callsign TP60CE. QSL via F5LGF. Website: ewwa.free.fr/ [F6FQK]
04/12/2010: Members of the Barrow Amateur Radio Club will activate special event Christmas station WR4BC from Bethlehem, GA, between 1700z, 4th December and 1700z, 5th December 2010. Suggested frequencies are (-/+ QRM): CW/Digital/RTTY - 3575, 7065, 14065, 21065 and 28065 kHz; SSB - 3875, 7265, 14265, 21365 and 28465 kHz. A Limited-Edition collectable QSL will be issued, complete with the Bethlehem Christmas Postmark, to arrive at your QTH before Christmas. To receive YOUR QSL card, make the QSO and send 1 USD to the address below to cover postage and printing. QSL to: Barrow Amateur Radio Club, 287 Crescent Court, Winder, GA 30680. Further information on their website at: www.barrowhamradio.org/ChristmasInBethlehem.aspx [ODPX Bulletin]
08/12/2010: Look for special station 5K3B to be active on 8th December 2010 from the traditional district of the Candelaria in the historical center of Bogota District Capitol, Colombia, celebrating their Bicentenary. QRV on 80-6 metre CW, SSB and Digital modes, plus 2m FM. This special callsign is good for the -DXCOL50HK- Award (www.macodex.com/bases.htm). QSL via QRZ.com. [HK5NLJ]
10/12/2010: Special station 8J6HAM will be activated between 10 December 2010 and 6 March 2011 for the 10th Nishinihon (or West Japan) Ham Fair. QSL via the JARL bureau for HF QSOs and QSL via JA6PL for Satellite QSOs. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
02/12-09/12 ZL7/W1SY: Chatham Island WLOTA:1627 QSL JE1SYN (d) 02/12-09/12 ZL7/ZL1WY: Chatham Island WLOTA:1627 QSL JF1OCQ (d) 03/12-05/12 VP2M: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL K9CS (d/b) 03/12-06/12 WH0/WH7C: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JE7DMH (d/b) 04/12-3/1/11 DU9/DK2PR: Mindanao Island WLOTA:2803 QSL HC (d/b) 05/12-13/12 J68/K4MK: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 05/12-13/12 J68/K8EAB: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 05/12-13/12 J68/N4LA: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 05/12-13/12 J68/NX8L: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 05/12-13/12 J68/W3FF: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 05/12-13/12 J68/W4OKW: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 05/12-13/12 J68/W7ZT: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 05/12-13/12 J68UN: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL N7UN (d) 05/12-19/12 VK9NN: Norfolk Island WLOTA:1469 QSL PA3LEO (d) 06/12-13/12 CY0/AA4VK: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL N0TG (d)/HC (b) 06/12-13/12 CY0/AI5P: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL N0TG (d)/HC (b) 06/12-13/12 CY0/N0TG: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL N0TG (d)/HC (b) 06/12-13/12 CY0/VE1RGB: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL N0TG (d)/HC (b) 08/12-13/12 CW5R: Isla de Lobos WLH:CX-002 WLOL:URU-002 WLOTA:0799 QSL CX2ABC (d/b) ============================================ COUNTY HUNTING (USA-CA) -
WY4D - Bennie - 12/03/2010 to 12/03/2010 - SSB Only After 1400z: From Roanoke, VA to Morristown, TN via I-81. These counties have been run quite often lately but there may still some who need them. 40 and 20 metres only on this trip. I am still good for the NO Star Award. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ 6 METRES & UP -
02/12-06/12 CW3TD: Timoteo Dominguez Isl SA-057 Grid:GF05 6/2m QSL TBA 03/12-06/12 WH0/WH7C: Saipan OC-086 Grid:QK25 6m CW/SSB/FM QSL JE7DMH (d/b) 04/12-05/12 NZART V/U/SHF Field Day 50 MHz & Up 04 0500z-05 0100z 04/12-06/12 Telephone Pioneer QSO Party 6m-70cm included 04 1900z-06 0500z 05/12 RSGB 144MHz AFS Contest 0900z-1700z 06/12-13/12 CY0/AA4VK: Sable Isl NA-063 Grid:GN03CX 6m QSL N0TG (d)/HC (b) 06/12-13/12 CY0/AI5P: Sable Isl NA-063 Grid:GN03CX 6m QSL N0TG (d)/HC (b) 06/12-13/12 CY0/N0TG: Sable Isl NA-063 Grid:GN03CX 6m QSL N0TG (d)/HC (b) 06/12-13/12 CY0/VE1RGB: Sable Isl NA-063 Grid:GN03CX 6m QSL N0TG (d)/HC (b) 07/12-13/12 International 70cm MS Contest 07 0000z-13 2359z 08/12 MOON Contest 432MHz CW/Digital/FM/SSB 1900z-2100z 08/12 5K3B: Colombia Bicentenary 50.105USB 50.105CW QSL HK3O (d/ b) 08/12-13/12 CW5R: Isla de Lobos SA-039 Grid:GF24NX 6m 100W QSL CX2ABC (d/b) 09/12 NRAU 50MHz Activity Contest 1800z-2200z
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 24 November 2010)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
The following operations are approved for DXCC credit: Uganda, 5X0CW 2010 operation Angola, D2QV 2010 operation -------------------------------- QSLs via Bureau: 3B9WR, 7P8AO, 8Q7AT, 9H8C, 9J3A, CE6M [Mocha Island] (CE6AMN), FG/F6AUS, HI3WL, J28JA, J5UAP, JW5LJA [EU-026] (LA5LJA), TM5EL [Sein Island] (F6KHI), TO2HI [Les Saintes island] (F6AUS), TO4D [La Desirade Island] (F6AUS), TO5SM/p [Tintamarre Island] (F6BFH), TY1MS, V31WA, VP2V/DL7VOG, XV4D and YU8/S56M.
QSLs via Direct: 3B9/IZ4AKS (IZ4AKS), 5V7TT (OQRS), 9XØTL (DL2RUM), AA4V/VP9 (hc), BA8AG (QRZ.com), BA8AG/4 (hc), BV1EJ (QRZ.com), CP4BT (EA5KB), ER3ZZ (QRZ.com), FS/N4ECW (hc), FWD2A (JH2BNL), TO7ZG (DL7AFS), V63CJB (JJ2CJB), VE3AXW (QRZ.com), VKØKEV (JE1LET), YBØ/WK1S (JA1PBV) and YB9/WK1S (JA1PBV).
QSLs via LoTW: 3B9C, 4Z5LA, 5V7TT, 7M4CDX, BD2RJ/2 [AS-158], CE4CT, CX/N3BNA, DU1/F4BKV, ERØFEO, ES1BA, EY8MM, F2DX, FJ/SM5ENX, FO8RZ, HK6K, GM4WZL, HB9BIN, HB9LCW, K1AR, K8PO, KH6ZM, KL7/N0HJZ, LA3ANA, LY2YR, N1IW, OA4SS, OH7MN, OK3R, OL1C, OY6FRA, PA7TWO, PC4U, PW7T, R1ANC, RW9C, SP5XOV, SP6CIK, SV1AVD, SV1GYG, SV1OZ, SX25JMO, UE3XFF/3, UN1L, UU2JQ, UY5AA, VU2PAI, W3LPL, XU7ADI, YO2DFA, YO4CSL, YS1ZC, ZA3HA, ZC4LI and ZK2DL. ============================================ LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air) at: www.sota.org.uk/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: www.wca.qrz.ru/ENG/main.html WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: wff44.com/ WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at: www.wlota.com/ ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
The December issue of WorldRadio Online is available for download at: www.worldradiomagazine.com/ -------------------------------- RAC Bulletin 2010-037E - RAC is now on Twitter 2010-11-30
On the 29th of November Radio Amateurs of Canada opened their new Twitter Account. If you are active on Twitter you can now follow RAC at @RACTWEETS.
Up-to-date information is also available from the RAC website at http://www.rac.ca and the RAC blog at http://blog.rac.ca.
James R. Hay, VE2VE ve2ve@rac.ca Vice President, Technical and Administrative Services Radio Amateurs of Canada *******************************************
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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