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Главная » 2011 » Август » 12 » ICPO Bulletin (12-19 August 2011)
ICPO Bulletin (12-19 August 2011)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
12/08/2011:  Members of Baracoa Radio Club (CO8RCJ), with the support by the
Guantanamo HQ - Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba, will be active as CO9OBB
between 1800z 12 August and 1800z 14 August 2011. Activity is to celebrate the
500th anniversary of the very first Cuban Village founded in 1511. Operators
include Oriol CO8CY, Sinesio CO8AW, Rafael CM8RRM, Gamez CO8ZQ, Walfredo CM8WAL,
Rafael CO8RS and CO8MT. QRV on 80/40/20/15 metre CW, SSB and RTTY. Also counts
for IOTA NA-015 and WLOTA LH-0032. QSL via the Federacion de Radioaficionados de
Cuba bureau. (IOTA NA-015, WLOTA 0032). [OPDX Bulletin]

12/08/2011:  Maarten, PA3GZU, will once again be active from Mindanao Island
(IOTA OC-130, WLOTA 2803) as DU9/PA3GZU between 12 August and 4 September 2011.
He will be QRV on 40-10 metre SSB and PSK31 using TS520SE and TH6DXX. QSL via
home call, bureau preferred. []

12/08/2011:  Geoffrey, F4FVI and Chris, HB9ELV will be active from Barbatre (WW
Loc. IN86WV), Noirmoutier Island (IOTA EU-064, DIFM AT-020, WLOTA 1224) on the
12, 13 and 14 of August 2011 with the callsign TM0NOI. QRV on all HF bands,
propagation permitting. QSL via the bureau to F4FVI. If you need a direct reply,
QSL via HB9ELV with SASE/SAE + sufficient postage. Full information is available
at: []

13/08/2011:  Operators Dervin, PD9DX, Marc, ON8AK and Max, ON5UR will be active
as OJ0UR from Market Reef (IOTA EU-053, ARLHS MAR-001, TWLHD WLH OJ0-001, WLOTA
LH-0542, Admiralty C4472, NGA 16792, WFF OHFF-038) from 13-20th August 2011.
Activity will be on the HF bands using a Stepp-IR Big Vertical and a Stepp-IR 2
element beam. QSL via M0URX, direct (w/SAE plus 1 IRC/2 USDs), by the bureau, or
LoTW. Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

13/08/2011:  Hans, DK3PZ, will be active from Gotland Island (IOTA EU-020, WLOTA
2969) on 13-20th August 2011, using the callsign SM1/DK3PZ. QSL via home call,
bureau or direct. []

13/08/2011:  Members of the Old Barney ARC will be operating as W2T from the
Tucker's Island Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-911 - Historic) in the Tuckerton Seaport,
Ocean County, New Jersey, between 13-14th August 2011, from about 1300-2100z
each day. There will be two or three stations set up with activity primarily on
40/20/17 metre SSB. QSL via N2OO ( [OPDX Bulletin]

14/08/2011:  Alex, IZ4AMS, will be active holiday style on the HF bands as
PA/IZ4AMS from Texel Island (IOTA EU-038, WLOTA 0043) on 14-17th August 2011.
QSL via home call, bureau or direct. []

16/08/2011:  Reinhard, DH6DAO, will be active as EA7/DH6DAO from Velez, Malaga
Province, Spain (WW Loc. IM86AR) between 16th August and 2nd September 2011.
This includes the activation of Torrox lighthouse (FEA E-0074, ARLHS SPA-219).
QRV holiday style on 6m CW/SSB only. QSL via home call, bureau or direct.

16/08/2011:  Members of the Worked All Britain (WAB) are planning to activate
Fair Isle (IOTA EU-012, IOSA SH09, WLOTA 1319), Shetland Islands, Scotland,
using the callsign GS4WAB and GS7WAB from 16th to 22nd of August 2011. They plan
to activate the rare WAB squares HZ16, HZ17, HZ26 and HZ27. Fair Isle is the
only piece of land within the very rare HZ 100 km Ordnance Survey Grid Square.
GS4WAB will be established at the South Lighthouse (ARLHS SCO-079, BARLS A3750,
TWLHD WLH GM-028, WW Loc. IO99EM) on the island, while GS7WAB will be used for
portable activations on other parts of the island, including the North
Lighthouse (ARLHS SCO-078, BARLS A3756, TWLHD WLH GM-027, WW Loc. IO99EN). QSL
via G4IAR, direct or bureau. More details are forthcoming. [OPDX Bulletin]

17/08/2011:  Orlando, PT2OP (PQ8OP) and Fred, PY2XB (PQ8XB) will activate Ilha
do Para (IOTA SA-045, DIB AP-03) and Para lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-053, DFB AP-03,
TWLHD WLH PY-037 WLOTA 1123), in the Parazinho Biological Reserve, Bailique
Archipelago, from 17-25th August 2011. The team will operate on SSB/CW and
DIGITAL modes from 40m to 10m. They will use IOTA and DX frequencies. The
callsigns have been issued as PQ8OP (Orlando) and PQ8XB (Fred). Orlando will
carry on mostly Phone and Digital traffic. Fred will do mostly CW and also
Digital. They will also have 6m capabilities and will monitor the band for
openings. PQ8OP cards will be handled by PT2OP and PQ8XB cards by PT7WA. [PT2OP]

17/08/2011:  Giovanni I5JHW, will be active as T32JB from the Captain Cook
Hotel, Christmas Island (IOTA OC-024), West Kiribati, from 17-24th August 2011.
QRV on the HF bands using SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via home call. Website: [NG3K]

18/08/2011:  Peter, EI7CC, will once again be active from Maseru, Kingdom of
Lesotho, as 7P8PB from 18-30 August 2011. QRV holiday style on the HF bands. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

18/08/2011:  Members of ARMI Taranto and the 599 DX Team will be active as IJ7DX
from San Pietro Island (IOTA EU-073, IIA TA-002, MIA MI-094) on 18-21 August
2011. Operators include Fabrizio IZ7LDC (Team leader), Francesco IZ7AUH (Co-Team
leader), Luigi IZ7HYA, Antonio IZ7KDX, Elso I7LGM, Davide IW7EBA, Fabio IZ7FLQ,
Giovanni IZ7FLP, Simone IZ0BTV, Aurelio IZ8EGM, Antonio IK7WDS and Alessandro
IZ7FMM. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands with three
stations. QSL via IZ7LDC, direct or use the Online QSL Request System (OQRS) for
direct and bureau cards. Online log will also be available. Website: [425 DX News]

18/08/2011:  Isao, JH1ROJ, will be active possibly as PJ7ROJ from the island of
Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105, WLOTA 0711) from 18-25 August 2011. QRV on all HF
bands, CW and SSB. He will use a FT-450 with a 500w amp into a HF6V and 2
element beam for the higher bands. QSL via his home callsign. Log will be
uploaded to LoTW after the operation. [OPDX Bulletin]

19/08/2011:  Operators Ki-Sun HL4MC, Gyeong HL4CEL, Wang-hyun HL4RBR, Kei
HL2UVH, Eun-Gwang DS4EOI, Nao JA1HGY and Zorro JH1AJT will be active as D9A from
Cheju Island [Cheju Do] (IOTA AS-026, WLOTA 0686, KDN M11, WW Loc. PM33GM) from
19-26th August 2011. This special callsign will be used during the 20th Asian
Conference on Intellectual Disabilities from the Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel.
Activity will be on 160-10 metres, 6 and 2 metres, using CW, SSB, RTTY and FM.
QSL via DS4EOI. [OPDX Bulletin]

19/08/2011:  Bruce, ZL1AAO, plans to be active holiday style as E51AAO from the
island of Rarotonga (IOTA OC-013), South Cook Islands, from 19-28th August 2011.
The property he will be staying at is located on Muri beach, a popular resort
area. QRV on the HF bands when time permits - tourist activities come first. QSL
via home call. [OPDX Bulletin]

19/08/2011:  Aki, JA1NLX, is planning to operate as JA1NLX/VK4 from Lizard
(IOTA OC-187) on 19-23 August, 2011. Lizard Island is located about 240Km
north of Cairns, Queensland. He plans to be QRV for three or four days in August
on HF CW and SSB. Exact details are not fixed yet. []

20/08/2011:  From 20 until 22 August, Geoff MM5AHO and crew (ILLW UK0122) will
operate maritime mobile from a 10m yacht on Scotland's west coast visiting
inaccessible lighthouses. This year prime target destinations are Skerryvore
(BARLS A4096, ARLHS SCO-060, TWLHD WLH GM-021, WLOTA 1453, WAB NL82), which is
12 miles off Tiree (EU-008, IOSA NH04, SCOTIA DI10) in the Atlantic, and Dubh
Artach [pronounced "doob arr-tack"] (BARLS A4098, ARLHS SCO-060, TWLHD WLH
GM-021, WLOTA 1453, WAB NM10) 15 miles off the isle of Colonsay (EU-008, IOSA
NH19, SCOTIA DI05). Both are rock mounted Stevenson built lights and both are
subject to heavy weather. Sixty foot waves have been measured at Dubh Artach, so
both operations are strictly weather permitting. In the event of poor weather, a
series of lesser, but never-before-activated lighthouses will be visited.
Equipment on board comprises an FT-857, running 100W into an antenna formed by
the insulated backstay of the yacht's mast, plus two verticals. It is hoped to
land on each rock, but radio operations are unsafe ashore so they will be
conducted from the boat, anchored as close as is safe. QSL via MM5AHO. [G4IAR]

20/08/2011:  Lee, F5MUX, will once again be active as TK5UX from the island of
Corsica (IOTA EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390) between 20 August
and 3 September 2011. QRV holiday style on the HF bands, mainly CW, using 100
Watts and 1/4 wave vertical. QSL via F5MUX, bureau preferred. Each contact will
be confirmed via eQSL. [F5MUX]

21/08/2011:  Anja, DH2AK and Torsten, DL1THM will be active as PJ2/homecall from
the island of Curacao (IOTA SA-099, WLOTA 0942) between 21 August and 8
September 2011. QRV holiday style on the HF bands. QSL via home calls, bureau or
direct. [DE0MST]

25/08/2011:  Five operators from Oahu will travel to the Kalaupapa, Molokai
peninsula, island of Molokai (IOTA OC-019, USi HI015S, WLOTA 1045) and Kalawao
, the site of Kalaupapa National Historical Park (WFF KFF-043) where
Hawaii residents and others who were afflicted with leprosy (today called
Hansen's disease) were exiled. The team will be there from 25-29 August 2011,
operating up to 2 stations on 40-10 metre SSB and CW in the Hawaii QSO Party
(27-28 August). Before and after the contest they may be on WARC bands as time
permits. Callsign will be KH7Q. QSL via AH6NF or operator instructions. The
group will not have real-time Internet access while there. Website: [KARC]

04/09/2011:  Fred, K9VV / NP2X, will be active as PJ6/NP2X from the island of
Saba (IOTA NA-145, WFF PAFF-027, WLOTA 2043) from 4-9 September 2011. Holiday
style activity on the HF bands using mostly CW, with a little SSB, using 100
watts and wire antennas. No digital modes or 6m operation. When the bands are
poor, Fred will be scuba diving! QSL via K5WW. [NG3K]

15/09/2011:  Christo, LZ3FN, will be active as SV9/LZ3FN from the island of
Crete (IOTA EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA 1400) from 15-24 September
2011. QRV on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

10/10/2011:  John, W5JON and XYL Cathy, W5HAM will once again be active as V47JA
and V47HAM respectively from Calypso Bay, island of St. Kitts (IOTA NA-104, WW
Loc. FK87PG), between 10 October and 5 November 2011. QRV on 80-6m SSB
(including 60m). John will also participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30
October) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL both callsigns via W5JON (

01/12/2011:  Look for Bill, K9HZ to be active from Rum Point, Grand Cayman
(IOTA NA-016, WLOTA 1042, WW Loc. EK99II) as ZF2HZ in December 2011. QSL
via home call. []

18/02/2012:  Jim, N6TJ, will once again be active as ZD8Z from Ascension Island
(IOTA AF-003, WLOTA 1491) for the ARRL DX CW Contest (18-19 February 2012) as a
Single-Op entry. Look for some pre and post contest activity also. QSL via AI4U,
bureau or direct. [NG3K]

19/08/2011:  Special event station ZL4RUGBY will be active between 19th August
and 31st October 2011 from the South Island of New Zealand (IOTA OC-134, WLOTA
0342) for the 2011 Rugby World Cup (, which will be held
in various locations of New Zealand between 9 September and 23 October. Expect
activity on all HF bands. QSL via ZL4PW, direct ( or via the bureau. NO
eQSL. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Website: [ZL4PW]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

12/08-14/08  CO9OBB: Cuba Island WLOTA:0032 QSL FRC Buro
12/08-04/09  DU9/PA3GZU: Mindanao Island WLOTA:2803 QSL HC (b)
12/08-14/08  TM0NOI: Ile de Noirmoutier WLOTA:1224 QSL F4FVI (b)/HB9ELV (d)
13/08-14/08  W2T: Tucker Island Light WLOL:USA-911 QSL N2OO (d)
13/08-20/08  OJ0UR: Market Reef WLH:OJ0-001 WLOL:MAR-001 WLOTA:0542
                             Admiralty C 4472 QSL M0URX (d/b)
13/08-20/08  SM1/DK3PZ: Gotland WLOTA:2969 QSL HC (d/b)
14/08-17/08  PA/IZ4AMS: Texel Island WLOTA:0043 QSL HC (d/b)
16/08-22/08  GS4WAB: Fair Island WLOTA:1319 QSL G4IAR (d/b)
16/08-22/08  GS7WAB: Fair Island WLOTA:1319 QSL G4IAR (d/b)
16/08-22/08  GS4WAB: Fair Isle North BARLS:A3756 WLH:GM-027
                              WLOL:SCO 078 QSL G4IAR (d/b)
16/08-22/08  GS7WAB: Fair Isle South BARLS:A3750 WLH:GM-028
                              WLOL:SCO-079 QSL G4IAR (d/b)
17/08-25/08  PQ8OP: Para DFB:AP-03 WLH:PY-037 WLOL:BRA-053 WLOTA:1123
                             QSL PT2OP (d)
17/08-25/08  PQ8XB: Para DFB:AP-03 WLH:PY-037 WLOL:BRA-053 WLOTA:1123
                             QSL PT7WA (d)
18/08-25/08  PJ7ROJ: Sint Maarten Island WLOTA:0711 QSL JH1ROJ (d/b)
19/08-26/08  D9A: Cheju Do WLOTA:0686 QSL DS4EOI (d)
19/08-31/10  ZL4RUGBY: New Zealand (S. Island) WLOTA:0342 QSL ZL4PW (d/b)

K4YFH - jimmy - 1* - 14 AUG 2011 to 14 AUG 2011 - SSB and CW
Start about 1330 GMT - NC: Robeson, Hoke, Moore, Montgomery and Randolph in the
morning time. Later in the evening about 1900 GMT, in reverse order. I will run
20 and 40 meters SSB and CW. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Net]

K4YFH - Jimmy - 1* - 16 AUG to 18 AUG 2011 - SSB & CW
NC: Robeson, Hoke, Moore, Lee, Chatham, Orange, Durham and Person. Starting in
VA: Halifax, Charlotte, Prince Edward, Luenburg, Nottoway, Amelia and Powhatan.
On return trip home in VA: Powhatan, Chesterfield, Prince George, Dinwiddie,
Sussex and Greensville. NC: Northampton, Halifax, Nash, Wilson, Johnson,
Harnett, Cumberland and Roberon. I will run 20 and 40 SSB and CW. QSL via home
call. [County Hunter Net]

The Perseids: Only the "normal" peak, with ZHR around 100 hr-1, is
expected to occur this year. According to IMO, the maximum in 2011
is expected to occur on August 13, between 01h and 13h30m UT, with
peak around 06h UT having ZHR = 100 hr-1. No encounters with other
trails are expected this year. Lastest News on our MMMonVHF MS
Propagationpage: [MMMonVHF Team]

12/08-13/08  DUBUS 144 MHz Meteor Scatter Sprint  12 0000z-13 2359z
12/08             ES Open VUSHF Field Day (1) 432-438 MHz  1500z-2100z
12/08-14/08  N6T: Rare grid CM79 50.120 MHz USB QSL KZ6T (d)
13/08             ES Open VUSHF Field Day (2) 1296-1300 MHz  0300z-0700z
13/08             ES Open VUSHF Field Day (3) 144-146 MHz  1500z-2100z
13/08-14/08  Maryland-DC QSO Party 6m-70cm included
14/08             SKCC Weekend Sprintathon 6m included
14/08             ES Open VUSHF Field Day (4) Microwaves  0300z-0500z
14/08             ES Open VUSHF Field Day (5) 50 MHz  0600z-0800z
16/08             LY 1296MHz Activity Contest  1700z-2059z
16/08             Nordic 1.3GHz Activity Contest  1700z-2100z
16/08             RSGB 2.3GHz UKAC  2000z-2230z
16/08-02/09  EA7/DH6DAO: Torrox Lighthouse Grid:IM86 6m CW/SSB QSL HC (d/b)
17/08-24/08  PQ8OP: Ilha do Para SA-045 Grid:GI49 6m QSL PT2OP (d)
17/08-24/08  PQ8XB: Ilha do Para SA-045 Grid:GI49 6m QSL PT7WA (d)
19/08             Nordic 70MHz Activity Contest  1700z-2100z
19/08-26/08  D9A: Cheju Do AS-026 Grid:PM33GM 6&2m 4el quad QSL DS4EOI (d)

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 07 August, 2011)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

QSLs via Bureau: 9L5A, A71A, BA7IO, BP1ØØS, B7P, C56ETF, D2CQ, EK8SK, EK8WA,
TO3R, TY1MS, V47NZ, V85/9M8Z, VK9NW, and VP2V/K9NW.

QSLs via Direct: 3D2A (VK4AN), 5N6/YL2SW (H/c), 5Z4KI (YO9AFH), 9H5PF (,
9V1YC (W5UE), 9Y4D (, C6AGU (HA7RY), CN8SG (EA7FTR), CO2WF (K1KI), CX1AA
(W3HNK), FJ/OH2YL (H/c), HA5JI (, HK4CZE (EA7FTR), LA4UOA (,
LY2SA (, PJ2/NØVD (W3HNK), PJ2/W8QID (H/c), SV2ASP/A (, TE8X
YW5M (W4SO) and ZD7XF (G3TXF).

IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

Digital Will Now Replace RTTY  -

From: Moore, Bill, NC1L (ARRL Awards Branch)

In accordance with Minute 29 of the July 2011 ARRL Board of Directors meeting,
the DXCC award for RTTY is now changed to Digital.

Digital will now replace RTTY on these certificates effective July 25, 2011.

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager
Chile will be well represented for the upcoming International Lighthouse -
Lightship Weekend (ILLW) which takes place 20-21 August 2011.  From 19-22 August
lighthouses located throughout the Chilean territory, north and south, through
more than 800 km, will be activated.  Please note that these lighthouses are
also valid for the Diploma FEDERACHI Chilean Lights, which is the Federation of
Clubs, whose rules can be found on the website: . The
following lighthouses will participate in the ILLW -
CB2T - Faro Punta Tortuga (ILLW CL0006) QSL via
XR2FCU - Faro Punta Curaumillas (ILLW CL0017) QSL via CE2AA
XR2FPC - Faro Punta Condell (ILLW CL0015) QSL via CE2AA
XR2FPD - Faro Punta Duprat  (ILLW CL0016) QSL via CE2AA
XR2Q - Faro Quintay   (ILLW CL0018) QSL via CE3ETE
XR3BRL - Baliza Rio Limari, Ovalle. QSL via CE2UNE
XR6Z - Morro Gonzalo (ILLW CL0019) QSL via CE6AMN
XR7F - Faro Corona, Chiloe  (ILLW CL0020) QSL via CE7BLI
A complete list of all participating lighthouses can be found at: [CE3FZL]
RAC Bulletin 2011-023E - Deputy Director Appointed at St. John's AGM.

The 2011 AGM was hosted by the Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs

Atlantic Director Everett Price, VO1DK, took advantage of the recent
AGM in St. John's Newfoundland to announce the appointment of Len
Morgan, VE9MY, to the newly created position of Deputy Director for
the Atlantic Region.

Len is well known to the Region having served as Atlantic Director for
two terms ending in December 2010. This appointment will allow for
greater representation for Atlantic members. Everett, VO1DK is a
resident of Newfoundland and Labrador while Len 's home is in New

The position of Deputy Director was approved by the membership at the
Halifax AGM in 2010 and subsequently approved by the federal
government in February 2011. The Deputy Director position provides for
continuity of organization and greater access by members. The Deputy
differs form the position of Assistant Director in that the incumbent
fullfills the duties of Director when the Director is not available
and serves as an observer at Board meetings.

Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW
President and Chair Radio Amateurs of Canada [RAC]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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