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ICPO Bulletin (14-21 October 2011) | 10:32 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 14/10/2011: Silverio 9A/IK3IUL, Ampelio 9A/IK3JBP, Calogero 9A/IW3ILP and Giacomo 9A/IZ3DBA will activate the island of Porer (IOTA EU-110, ACIA IC-78, CIA-35, IOCA CI-090, MIA MC-313, WLOTA 0240) on 14-16 October 2011. QRV on 80-10 metres, mainly CW and SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or by the bureau. [dx-world.net]
14/10/2011: Operators DG0OHD (Torsten), DK8YY (Rich), DL1AOB (Hans), DL1AWD (Dieter), DL4JS (Ingolf), DL5AOL (Olaf), DL8ALU (Lu) and DO5KO (Klaus) will be active as 9H9OB from SMO Malta (IOTA EU-023, MIA MM-001, WLOTA 1113) on 14-22 October, WAG Contest included (15-16 October). They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes on the HF bands, plus SSB and CW on 2m (Grid Loc. JM75). QSL via DH7WW, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]
14/10/2011: Jürgen, DJ2VO, is currently active near Lima, Peru, as OA4/DJ2VO until 1 November, 2011. QRV CW only on the HF bands, using 100 Watts and Verticals. QSL via home call, direct or via the DARC bureau. [NG3K]
14/10/2011: Dragan K0AP, Hector AD6D (XE2K) and Mike AB5EB plan to be active as homecall/5 from Grand [aka Half Moon] Island (IOTA NA-089), St. Bernard Parish, State of Louisianna, from 14-16 October, 2011. QRV on 40-10 metre CW and SSB, with two stations. Note that this operation is weather dependent. QSL via home calls. [AB5EB]
15/10/2011: Hans, OA/OE3NHW, will once again be touring Peru until March 2012. Rig: TS-480HX, Spider Beam and G5RV (16m). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [DX Newsletter]
16/10/2011: An International Team consisting of Leader Oleg R3FA, Co-leader Alex UT5UY, Michel FO5QB, Sergey UX0HX, Max UZ1HZ, Alex US0KW, Andy UU4JMG, Alex UX0LL, Andy RK7A, Leo UA7A and Andy RA6LBS will be active on all bands, all modes as: TX7M - 19 October to 1 November 2011 from Hatiheu, Nuku Hiva (IOTA OC-027, DIFO FO-023, WFF FFF-019, WLOTA 2030), Marquesas Islands; TX5A - 29 to 30 October 2011 from Hatiheu, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands (for CQWW DX SSB Contest); TX3T - 16 to 19 October and 1 to 4 November 2011 from Papeete, Tahiti (IOTA OC-046, DIFO FO-002, WLOTA 0885). QSL via RZ3EC direct, request bureau QSL on OQRS. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW after the expedition is over. Website: www.tx7m.com/ [RZ3EM]
17/10/2011: Joe LA5UF will be active from the Republic of Nauru (IOTA OC-031) as C21UF from 17-24 October, 2011. QRV on CW and PSK31. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [dx-world.net]
17/10/2011: Bill, N7OU, will be active from Rarotonga Island (IOTA OC-013, WFF E5FF-002) between 17th October and 7th November 2011 as E51NOU. Plans are to be QRV on 80-10m, CW only, during his spare time as work allows. QSL via N7OU. [OPDX Bulletin]
18/10/2011: Operators Georg DK7LX, Wolf DL4WK, Sigi DL7DF, Frank DL7UFR, Jan SP3CYY and Leszek SP3DOI will be active as 3XY1D from Guinea, West Africa, between 18th October and 1st November 2011. Plans are to have several stations on 160-6m using CW and SSB. One station will be exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. Pilot for this DXpedition is Bernd, DF3CB. The equipment consists of 5 transceivers (4 x K2, 1 x IC7000), 4 x kW linears, 2 x 18m Lowband Vertical, a 2 element vertical for 40m, a 2 element vertical for 30m, a vertical R7 for 40/30/20/17/15/12/10m, 2 Spiderbeams for 20/17/15/12/10m, a 5 element yagi for 6m, some Beverage antennas as well as some laptop computers. QSL via DL7DF either direct or via the German QSL bureau DARC to DL7DF. Full info and online log search can be found at: www.dl7df.com/3xy1d/index.php [DL7DF]
19/10/2011: Mike, DL4ABO, will be active from the island of Mallorca (IOTA EU-004, DIE E-021, MIA MB-004, WLOTA 1902) as EA6/DL4ABO from 19-24 October, 2011. Activity will be QRP with FT-817, focus on 30m CW. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [rsgbiota.org]
19/10/2011: Janusz, SP6IXF, and Wlodek, SP6EQZ, will once again be active as PJ5/homecalls from the island of Sint Eustatius (IOTA NA-145, WFF PAFF-025, WLOTA 2043) between 19 October and 4 November, 2011. They will be active on all HF bands running two high power stations on CW, SSB and RTTY. The antennas are wires, verticals and a Spiderbeam. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to www.clublog.org/ during the DXpedition. A website is under construction and will be ready before the activity. [SP5UAF]
19/10/2011: Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG will be active as VK9CX from the from Cocos (Keeling) Islands (IOTA OC-003, WFF VKFF-57) between 19 October and 9 November 2011. Plans are to be QRV on 80-6 metres, mainly in RTTY, PSK and SSB. QSL via DL7AFS. Updates and online log search will be available at: www.qsl.net/dl7afs/
20/10/2011: Adrian, AA5UK, will be active holiday style as EA6/AA5UK from the island of Ibiza (DIE E-023, MIA MB-003, WLOTA 0958), Balearic Islands (IOTA EU-004) between 20 October and 3 November. This will include a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October). QRV on 80-10m, mainly SSB and Digital modes, using 100W and wire antennas. QSL via AA5UK, direct, bureau, LoTW and eQSL. [NG3K]
21/10/2011: Gert, ZS6AYU and Hannes, ZS6BZP will be active from the Hawane Resort (WW Loc. KG53MS), near Mbabane, Kingdom of Swaziland, over the weekend 21-24 October, 2011. The same callsigns have been requested as for the November 2010 expedition. QRV 40-10 metres. Gert will be on CW only, as 3DA0GF while Hannes will operate on SSB as 3DA0HC. QSL 3DA0GF via ZS6AYU, direct or via the SARL QSL Bureau. QSL 3DA0HC via ZS6BZP, direct only. [NG3K]
21/10/2011: Holyland DX Group members Mark 4Z4KX, Ros 4Z5LA, Yulik 4X6HP, Reuven 4Z5FI, Art 4X4DZ and Jan 4X1VF will be active as 4X5A from Akhziv Island (IOTA AS-100, MIA MIR-001, WFF 4XFF-001, Holy land square H03AK, WW Loc. KM73MA) between Friday October 21 0700 UTC and Saturday October 22 2011 1200 UTC. Activity will be on 40-10 metre CW and SSB. They will run two stations on the air with verticals. QSL via 4Z5LA. Website: www.4x6hp.net/hdxg/index.php?page=4x5a-2011 [NG3K]
21/10/2011: After last year's successful expedition to Banjul, The Gambia, during which the Czecho-Slovak team participated in the CQWW CW contest to gain the world trophy in the Multi-Multi category, Richard OK8WW/OM2TW and Jiri OK1RI organize another contest DXpedition to this country. A group of 12 ops from OK and OM will operate under the callsign C50C from 21 October until 1 November and from 20 November until 29 November, 2011. Their main aim is to participate in both parts of the CQWW Contest (SSB and CW) under the callsign C5A. Plans are to be QRV on the HF bands 160-10m. Operators will be: Richard OK8WW/OM2TW, Jiri OK1RI, Joe OM5AW, Jiri OK1DO, Norbert OM6NM, Jan OM2IB, Lada OK1DIX, Petr OK1FFU, Zdenek OK1DSZ, Vlada OK1NU, David OK1RK and Vitek OK5MM. QSL via Brani OM2FY, direct or bureau. Website: www.om0c.com/ [dx-world.net]
21/10/2011: Following the successful activation of Hilbre Island (IOTA EU-120, WLOTA 2038) in May this year, Kev M0TNX and Martin M3POG have been granted another permit to operate from the island. Hilbre Island lies 2 miles off The Wirral Peninsula, and has been used over the centuries as a Monastery, a Gentleman's Club, and a decoy in the war to fool aircraft to drop bombs in a safer place! Martin and Kev hope to be on air from Friday, 21st October (evening) to 23rd Sunday (morning). Bands will be 160-10 conditions and weather allowing. With this activation taking place in Autumn, a special emphasis is being placed on the lower bands, with 160 and 80 being run on alternate sunrise and sunset. In May, the duo completed over 1500 contacts, and they hope to be busy this time as Hilbre has never been activated on 160M. This operation will try and run solidly through the night, with a mix of SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL is via Charles, M0OXO who has kindly offered to be the manager once again. There will also be a twice daily upload to LoTW and E-QSL, as long as an internet connection can be made. Website: http://www.gb2hi.co.uk/wordpress/ [dx-world.net]
21/10/2011: Chris, GM3WOJ/GM2V will be active as ZK2V from Namukulu, Niue Island (IOTA OC-040, WLOTA 2139, WFF ZLFF-021, WW Loc. AH50BW), starting about 21st October 2011 and onward for about 8 to 10 weeks. Keith, GM4YXI/GM5X, will join him for 2 weeks during the DXpedition and will be active in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry, using the callsign ZK2X. ZK2V will be making an extra effort on the low bands, with special antennas to overcome the local QRN problems on 160m and 80m which made these bands difficult in 2009. QSL via N3SL. Website: www.zk2v.com/ [NG3K]
21/10/2011: Operators Franz OE2SNL, Wolfgang OE2WNL and Tom OE2ATN will be active as ZF2OE from the Sundial Cove Villa, Cayman Brac Island (IOTA NA-016, WLOTA 0667), between 21 October and 2 November, 2011. QRV on 160-10m CW, RTTY and SSB, with focus on 160m and 80m. They will have no PAs with them - so just about 150W in CW and RTTY out of our TS-480's. Information on frequencies and times can be found on their homepage (www.zf2oe.net/) before the trip. Even during our stay we will post current frequencies, if the internet-connection is available and stable. QSL via OE2WNL, bureau preferred. [dx-world.net] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
22/10/2011: Members of the Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club (LARC) in cooperation with the Qatar Amateur Radio Society (QARS - A71A) will once agin be active as A71DLH from Doha, Qatar, between 22-29th October, 2011. QRV on all bands using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. Operators for this year's operation are Mustapha DL1BDF, Wolfgang DK2DO, Bernd DL2NTC, Michael DB4XN, Michael DF4HR and Sven/DG3HT. They will send their QSLs via the DARC bureau or QSL via their manager DL0LH. Online log will be available at: www.dl0lh.de/ [OPDX Bulletin]
25/10/2011: A team consisting of Steve HA0DU, Imi HA0MK, Joe HA0LC, Fatos ZA1G and Laci HA0NAR will operate from Vlorë, located in Vlorë County, Albania, between 25 October and 1 November, 2011 as ZA20QA (ZA twenty QA) on 160-2 metre CW, SSB and RTTY. They will also participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October). This activity is in memoriam of the legendary ZA1QA (in 1991). QSL via HA0NAR, direct or bureau. Website: www.qrz.com/db/ZA20QA [dx-world.net]
26/10/2011: Look for Yoshi, JK2VOC and Takashi, JA2BNN to be active as DL/homecalls, on the HF bands, while they visit Germany between 26 October and 1 Novermber, 2011. They will also participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th). QSL via their home calls, direct or bureau. Website: www5.ocn.ne.jp/~jk2voc/ [NG3K]
26/10/2011: Peter, HA5OV (J48OV) and Laci, YU7CM (J48CM) will be active from the island of Thasos (IOTA EU-174, GIOTA NAS-037, MIA MG-124, WLOTA 4186) between 26 October and 2 November, 2011. This will also include Single-Op/Single-Band entries in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th), with J48OV on 40 metres and J48CM on 80 metres. On 1-2 November they will work in the HA QRP (80m, CW only) contest. QSLs via home calls. [HA0HW]
29/10/2011: Tom, W2SC/8P9JG, will be active as 8P5A, a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry, from Warleigh Plantation, St. Peter Parish, Barbados (IOTA NA-021, WLOTA 0999, CQ Zone 8) in the CQWW SSB Contest (29-30 October). QSL via NN1N or LoTW. [NG3K]
29/10/2011: Operators Richard 9A1TT, Chris 9A5K, Ranko E70R, Vlado E70T, Sanjin E71DX, Vedo E72U, Zlatko E74IW, Zoran E76C, Braco E77DX, Robi E77E and Bill F5SNJ will be active as E7DX from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (CQ Zone 15), as a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October). QSL via E77E, bureau preferred. [NG3K]
29/10/2011: Herve, F5HRY, will be active from the Radio Amateurs de Kourou Club station (FY5KE), Kourou, French Guiana, as FY/F5HRY during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October), as a Single-Op/Single-Band (10m) entry in CQ Zone 9. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
29/10/2011: Marc, F1HAR, will be signing FY5KE in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October) from the Radio Amateurs Club de Kourou station (www.fy5ke.org/), Kourou, French Guiana (CQ Zone 9), as a Single-Op/Single-Band (10m) entry. QSL via FY1FL, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
29/10/2011: Hans LA5HPA, Njaal LA3XTA and Peter LA7QIA/JW7QIA will activate JW5E from the club station in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen Island (IOTA EU-026, WLOTA 0125), Svalbard (CQ Zone 40) as a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October). Njaal has only had his ham license for 10 months, but will work his first SSB contest from the "warm" end of the pile-up's. QSL JW5E, direct only (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
29/10/2011: Operators Geoff W0CG (PJ2DX), Wayne K8LEE, Joe W9JUV, Dan N1ZZ, Gus W1BV, Adam W1ASB, Don VA7AB and David VA7DXC will activate the Signal Point, island of Curacao (IOTA SA-006, WLOTA 0942, WW Loc. FK52KG) contest station as PJ2T in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October). Plans are for a Multi-Multi entry, CQ Zone 9. QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]
29/10/2011: Look for 13 year old Eduardo, PU5FJR (son of Sergio, PP5JR), to be active in his first CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October) from Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Island of Santa Catarina (IOTA SA-026, DIB SC-01, WLOTA 2981), Brazil. His entry will be Single-Op/Single-Band (10m)/Low-Power. QSL via PP5JR. [NG3K]
29/10/2011: Nob T88NB/JA1KSO, Hiroshi T88XT/JH1WXT and Tsuyako T88WL/JR1WMO plan to be active from the Palau Pacific Resort Hotel (WW Loc. PJ77FI) Arakebesang Island, Koror, Republic of Palau (IOTA OC-009), as T8AA between 29 October and 2 November, 2011. Participation in CQWW DX SSB contest (29-30 October). QSL via JH1WXT, direct or JARL bureau. [dx-world.net]
29/10/2011: Noel, VE2BR and Gregg, VE3ZZ will be active as VC2Z from Noel's QTH in Mercier, Quebec (CQ Zone 5), during the CQWW SSB Contest (29-30 October). Plans are for a Multi-Single entry. QSL VC2Z via VE2BR, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
03/11/2011: Just, LA9DL (A52DL) and Erling, LA6VM (A52VM) will be active from the Kingdom of Bhutan between 3-13 November, 2011. Using IC-7000's and PA's, they will be QRV on all bands between 80 and 10 metres. A52DL will concentrate on BPSK and SSB, with A52VM mostly on CW. QSL via home calls, bureau or direct. [dx-world.net]
03/11/2011: Look for Joe, LA5UF, to be active from Easter Island (IOTA SA-001, DICE ICE-001, WFF CEFF-027, WLOTA 0319) as CE0Y/LA5UF from 3-11 November, 2011. QRV mainly CW and PSK31 on the HF bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [dx-world.net]
04/11/2011: VK9X and VK9C expedition - Pekka, OH2YY, will be QRV on 4th November and 8-11th November 2011 on Christmas Island (IOTA OC-002, WFF VKFF-098). He has been allocated the callsign VK9XM. Pekka plans to operate SSB on the 7-28 MHz bands with a 200W transceiver, but the antenna set-up is still under consideration. Pekka will be QRV from Cocos (Keeling) Islands (IOTA OC-003, WFF VKFF-577) from 5-7th November 2011, using the callsign VK9CM. Same bands and equipment as on Christmas Island. He will QSL 100% either direct or via the SRAL QSL bureau. Direct QSL's to his home call address: Pekka Ahlqvist OH2YY, Vapaalanpolku 8B, 01650 Vantaa, Finland. [OH2YY/NG3K]
08/11/2011: Tom, K7ZZ (ZD8ZZ) and Al, W6HGF (ZD8F) will be active from Green Mountain, Garden Cottage, Ascension Island (IOTA AF-003, WLOTA 1491), from 8-22 November, 2011. Tom will focus on CW, and Al will focus on RTTY; both will operate SSB at times. There may be some 6 metre opening opportunity. It appears that there is no internet available for us on the mountain. QSL via home calls, direct only. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [W6HGF]
17/11/2011: Jean-Pierre, F5AHO, will be in Saint Martin (IOTA NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA 0383) / Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105, WLOTA 0711) as FS/F5AHO and PJ7/F5AHO from 17-30 November, 2011. He will also activate Tintamarre Island (IOTA NA199) during the weekends as FS/F5AHO/p. QRV mostly on 20 and 17 metre SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via F5AHO, direct or via the French REF bureau. [F6AJA]
26/11/2011: Andy, N2NT, will once again be active as V47NT from Charlestown, island of Nevis (IOTA NA-104, WLOTA 1470), for the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November), as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSLs go via W2RQ. [NG3K]
29/11/2011: Look for Manuel, XE2HUQ, to be active as XF1M from Santa Margarita Island (IOTA NA-078, WLOTA 1634), Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico, between 29 November and 3 December, 2011. QRV on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metre CW and SSB. QSL via XE2HUQ. [QRZ.com]
20/01/2012: Francis, F6BLP, will once again be active as 6W7SK from Mbour, Senegal between 20 January and 3 February, 2012. He will be mostly active in CW on the lower bands. QSL via home call. Website, including logsearch at: www.f6blp.org/ [F6AJA] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
14/10/2011: During 800th anniversary celebration of town Zbarazh in Ternopil oblast of Ukraine, from the 14th till 16th of October 2011 from territory of Castle Zbarazh (WCA UR-00119, UCFA TE-006 will be active special memorable station EM800BZB. To obtain a memorable QSL need to send SASE via UY5BC: P.O. Box 80, Ternopil, 46001, Ukraine. [RN1CW]
15/10/2011: Scout station II5BP will be active during the 54th Jamboree On The Air (15-16 October) from a field station near Florence, Italy. QSL via IW5EGT (but all of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau). [425 DX News]
16/10/2011: The Bedford and District Amateur Radio Club will be operating GB4BMA from Broham Mill on National Apple Day, 16 October 2011. The Mill is located in Bromham, Bedford Borough, England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
14/10-15/10 9A/IK3IUL: Porer Rock WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b) 14/10-15/10 9A/IK3JBP: Porer Rock WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b) 14/10-15/10 9A/IW3ILP: Porer Rock WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b) 14/10-15/10 9A/IZ3DBA: Porer Rock WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b) 14/10-22/10 9H9OB: Malta Island WLOTA:1113 QSL DH7WW (d/b) 16/10 GB4BMA: England (main island) WLOTA 1841 QSL Buro 16/10-19/10 TX3T: Tahiti Island WLOTA:0885 QSL RZ3EC (d) 19/10-24/10 EA6/DL4ABO: Isla de Mallorca WLOTA:1902 QSL HC (b) 19/10-04/11 PJ5/SP6EQZ: St. Eustatius Island WLOTA:1851 QSL HC (d/b) 19/10-04/11 PJ5/SP6IXF: St. Eustatius Island WLOTA:1851 QSL HC (d/b) 19/10-01/11 TX7M: Nuku Hiva Island WLOTA:2030 QSL RZ3EC (d) 20/10-03/11 EA6/AA5UK: Isla de Ibiza WLOTA:0958 QSL HC (d/b) 21/10-23/10 GB2HI: Hilbre Island WLOTA:2038 QSL M0OXO (d/b) 21/10-02/11 ZF2OE: Cayman Brac Island WLOTA:0667 QSL OE2WNL (b) 21/10-18/12? ZK2V: Niue Island WLOTA:2139 QSL N3SL (d/b) ============================================ COUNTY HUNTING (USA-CA) -
NU0Q - Bill - 1* - 10/15/2011 to 10/15/2011 - SSB and CW Iowa QSO Party - Starting 1400z, Ending early at 2130z. Mostly 40m and 20m CW, but hopefully some SSB also. As always, subject to change. Most likely route: Polk, Jasper, Marion, Mahaska, Wapello, Monroe, Appanoose, Davis, Van Buren, Jefferson, Henry, maybe Louisa, Washington and Johnson. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]
W0BH - Bob - 1400Z Oct 15 to 2300Z Oct 15 - SSB and CW Iowa QSO Party: Ron/AD0DX and I will run 22 counties in southwest Iowa. Look for us CW/SSB on 20/40/15. Here are the counties in the order visited - Saturday, 15 Oct (1400-2300z): Fremont, Page, Mills, Montgomery, Pottawattamie, Shelby, Audubon, Crawford, Carroll, Cass, Adair, Guthrie, Dallas, Madison, Union, Adams, Taylor, Ringgold, Decatur, Clarke, Lucas, Wayne and Decatur (again). For a downloadable schedule, map, county-line info, frequency info and last-minute changes, go to my QRZ.com listing. Hope we put you in the log many times! -- 73, Bob and Ron. [County Hunter Web]
W0GXA - Bob - 10/15/2011 to 10/15/2011 - CW Only Iowa QSO Party: Bob will be mobile in north east/north central Iowa, planning CW only and will run the entire contest duration 09:00-18:00 CT as long as he (and his driver) hold out. Check QRZ.com for QSL info. Update: Start in Chickasaw and progress counter clockwise through Chickasaw, Bremer, Butler, Floyd, Howard, Mitchell, Worth, Winnebago and Hancock. He is coordinating with other teams in Iowa and he will try to post those trips as well but he expects stations running in far NE Iowa as well. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ 6 METRES & UP -
15th INTERNATIONAL EME CONFERENCE - The EME 2012 web page http://www.eme2012.com/ has been updated with more detail of the program including links to the various tours and places of interest. This is to help you and your partner plan your visit next August. There will be further updates in the coming months and the booking page will open in January 2012. [MMMonVHF]
14/10-22/10 9H9OB: Malta EU-023 Grid:JM75 2m CW/SSB QSL DH7WW (d/b) 15/10 IA QSO Party 6m&Up CW/SSB/FM included 15 1400z-2300z 15/10-16/10 NY QSO Party 6m, 2m & Up 15 1400z-16 0200z 16/10 ON 2 Meter Contest Phone/CW 0600z-1000z 16/10 Trofeo ARI 50MHz - Grosseto 0700z-1400z 16/10 RSGB 2nd 50MHz Contest 0900z-1200z 16/10-17/10 IL QSO Party 6&2m included 16 1700z-17 0100z 18/10 LY 1296MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM 1700z-2059z 18/10 NRAU 1.3GHz Activity Contest 1700z-2100z 18/10 RSGB 2.3GHz UKAC 2000z-2230z 18/10-01/11 3XY1D: Guinea Grid:IJ39 6m 100w 5el QSL DL7DF (d/b)
Contest Calendar: www.qsl.net/va3rj/con_oct.html
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 05 October, 2011)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SMIRK: www.smirk.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
Info QSL's for C37MS expedition: Finaly I received last weekend the QSL's for C37MS expedition this summer from the printshop. First letters with cards are send today for all I received d irect. If you need a card direct, please send it soon to me, with SASE so I can handle this. Address is OK in QRZ.com. Within one month all other cards will be send to the QSL buro. Best 73's, Chris, PA2CHR. ------------------------------ QSLs via Bureau: 8J1RL
QSLs via Direct: 3B8FQ (K5XK), 5B5ØJ (5B4AHJ), 9HØHSJ (9H1VC), CS2W [EU-150] (HB9CRV), EZ75R (RU4SS), GB5TI [EU-108] (MMØBQI), HB6ØRF (HB9DDS), OX6YL (OZ7AGR), PJ6D (W5OZI), STØR (EA5RM), VKØKEV (JE1LET), VP9NI (cba) and XX9LT (XX9AH).
QSLs via LoTW: ZL4RUGBY ============================================ LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: www.wca.qrz.ru/ENG/main.html WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: www.wff44.org/program/wff/ WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at: www.wlota.com/ ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
JOTA/JOTI The scouts are meeting again for the Jamboree On The Air and the Jamboree On The Internet on Oct 15-16. For more information see: www.scout.org/en/information_events/events/jota/the_54th_jota_2011 [DX Newsletter] ------------------------------ MS0INT - Isle of Rockall, EU-189 (Expedition Postponed) Much has happened since the first press release was issued on August 27th. A few days later, we got word that the 2009 MM0RAI/p Rockall team were again going to attempt an activation of EU-189 at the end of September. To cut a long story short, IOTA chasers will be aware that the Belgian team did eventually activate the island, with the aide of a converted navy rescue vessel and large inflatables - we congratulate MM0RAI/p on their achievement as we all know how heavy the seas can be out there in Autumn. With careful consideration and much deliberation, we have decided to postpone our intended activation of the islet for at least one year. This decision was not taken easily considering our planning and organisational aspects were going extremely well. Suffice to say, we believe an activation so soon after the Belgian effort now makes Rockall a less attractive target - that is the crux of our decision. It is not lost on us that the majority of the world, outwith a proportion of Europe, still require EU-189 for their IOTA scores. With that in mind, this planned activity will not be cancelled, only postponed. All donations will be refunded. We thank sincerely those kind operators and groups who pledged financial support. What we can say is that another excellent location/target is now being organised. This involves a rare DXCC and IOTA. However, unlike MS0INT 2012 plans, we prefer to keep silent on this, and only release news and website one week before departure, sometime in mid-2012. Best regards Team MS0INT www.eu189.com *******************************************
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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