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Главная » 2012 » Июнь » 18 » ICPO Bulletin (15-22 June 2012)
ICPO Bulletin (15-22 June 2012) | 07:20 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 15/06/2012: Tony, JA6CNL, will once again be active as KH0N from the island of Saipan (OC-086, USi NI002S, WLOTA 1333, WW Loc. QK25UF), Northern Mariana Islands, from 15-18 June, 2012. QRV on 80-6 metre CW only. QSL via JA6CNL. [NG3K]
15/06/2012: Volkmar, DL4AOJ, will be active as TF/DL4AOJ from the island of Grimsey (EU-168) from 15-19th June, 2012. QRV mainly SSB with some CW on the HF bands using his IC-706 (100 watts) and GPA 404 (40m/20m/15m/10m). QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [DX Newsletter]
15/06/2012: Phil, F4EGS, has returned to Ndjamena, Chad, and will remain there until 6th August, 2012. QRV on all HF bands as TT8PK. QSL via F4EGS, direct or by the REF Bureau. Website: www.qrz.com/db/TT8PK
15/06/2012: Dave, VO1AU, will be active as VR2/VO1AU from Lantau Island (AS-006, WLOTA 1617, WW Loc. OL62XG) from 1200 GMT 15 June to 2359 GMT 17 June, 2012. QRV on the HF bands with 100w and simple antennas, mostly CW, and on 50MHz when it opens. QSL via VO1MX. [DXAT]
16/06/2012: Special event station DQ125HSB (SDOK: 125HSB) will be QRV on 2 metre SSB on 16th June 2012 (1200-1700 UTC) from the Nature Park Harz (WFF DLFF-063). QSL via the Bureau. [DX Newsletter]
16/06/2012: Serge, UR7UT, will be active as EM7UT on the 16th and 17th of June 2012 and participate in WCW-2012 from the Arsenal, Kievo-Pechorskaya Fortress (WCA UR-00066, UCFA KV-001, URDA KV-06, WW loc. KO50GK). QSL via UR7UT, Bureau or direct. [RN1CW]
16/06/2012: Look for Keith, G3TTC, to be active holiday style as F/G3TTC from Chausey Island (EU-039, DIFM MA-004, DDFM 50, DPF 04, WLOTA 0424) between 16-22 June, 2012. QSL direct or via the RSGB Bureau to his home callsign. [rsgbiota]
16/06/2012: Marco, IS0BSR, will be active as IS0BSR/IM0 in the IARU Region 1 50MHz Contest (16-17 June) as from Sant'Antioco Island (EU-024, IIA CI-010, MIA MIS-032, WLOTA 1388, WW Loc. JM48FX), location Cannai 60m a.s.l. He will use FT857 + PA and 5 el. I0JXX, 2 el. DK7ZB. QSL via home call. [DxCoffee]
16/06/2012: Taka, JA8COE, will once again be active as JA8COE/8 from Yagishiri To (AS-147, WFF JAFF-034, WLOTA 2512, WW Loc. QN04QK), Hokkaido Prefecture, Rumoi Subprefecture, Tomamae District, from 16-18 June, 2012. QRV on 40, 20, 17 and 15 metre SSB, PSK and RTTY. QSL via home call, JARL Bureau or direct. [DX World]
16/06/2012: Andy, N8OFS/p (SMIRK #6737), QRV 2012-06-16 0000z till 2012-06-17 2359z from EN91or for the SMIRK 50MHz QSO Party. "I will once again be Broadcasting Live and Direct from the Big Caboose at the beloved AC&J Railroad for the 6M Sprint... This will be my Third of Six trips to the Caboose for 2012... 50W from the Kenwood TS-60 to the 'DOMINATOR'(tm) at 28.5ft, parked and locked on 52.525 MHz FM..." QSL via home call, direct only or e-QSL. [N8OFS]
16/06/2012: Look for Herman, ON4QX, to be active holiday style as P4/ON4QX from the island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033) between 16th June and 2nd July, 2012. QRV on all HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [DX World]
16/06/2012: Lovro, S50LD, will be active on 16th June 2012 (0500 till 0900 UTC) as S50LD/p from the Castle Vodriz (S5-114, WCA S5-00114). QRV on 7, 14, 21, 28, ?50?, 144MHz SSB, FM and maybe RTTY - depends on power source. QSL via home call. [S50LD]
16/06/2012: Look for W2CXN/p (Radio Clb & Soc of Brooklyn Tech HS) or W2UFT/p (UFT-ARC) to be active on 16th June 2012 from Governors island (NA-026, USi NY012 WW Loc. FN20XQ, New York county), State of New York. Activity will be on 20m SSB only (14.250 - 14.260 MHz). QSL via N2RQ. [USi]
17/06/2012: Jeff, N6GQ, will be active holiday style on the HF bands from the island of Malta (EU-023, MIA MM-001, WLOTA 1113) as 9H3ZZ from 17-29 June, 2012. QSL via LoTW or direct to home call. [NG3K]
17/06/2012: On 17th June 2012, National French Mills Day, members of the Radio Club F5KAI will activate F5KAI/p from the only horse powered mill left in the Nord-Pas-de Calais area. QRV from 0600 UTC to 1400 UTC, 80/40/20m, mainly SSB. QSL via the REF Bureau. [UBA HF News]
17/06/2012: ON6WL/p will be aired from "De Buylaers Lokeren" [Buylaers Nature Reserve] (WFF ONFF-065) on 17th June 2012, starting around 0700 UTC until 1100 UTC. This activation will also count for Kasteel Verloren bos (BCA OV-006, WCA ON-00338). Bands will be 40 and 20 metres. [UBA HF News]
17/06/2012: Rico, DO6EBB, will be active from Fano Island (EU-125, DIA NS-002) as OZ/DO6EBB from 17-30 June, 2012. QRV on the HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL via home call, direct or eQSL. [rsgbiota]
17/06/2012: Lovro, S50LD, will be active on 17th June 2012 (0500 till 0900 UTC) as S50LD/p from the Velenje Castle (S5-126, WCA S5-00126). QRV on 7, 14, 21, 28, ?50?, 144MHz SSB, FM and maybe RTTY - depends on power source. QSL via home call. [S50LD]
17/06/2012: Zbig, SP2IU, plans to activate several World Flora & Fauna areas as SP2IU/p as follows: Szaniecki Landscape Park (WFF SPFF-129) starting 0800z; and the Nadnidzianski Landscape Park (WFF SPFF-065 starting 1300z; on 17th June, 2012. On 18th June he will activate Kozubowski Landscape Park (WFF SPFF-052) starting 0800z. Zbig will be QRV on 40 and 20 metre CW and SSB. QSOs will be confirmed by QSL and WFF LogSearch. [SP9BGL]
17/06/2012: Look for Bill, W4TAA and Pete, VE3IKV to be active from the south coast of Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA 2975, Grid Loc. HP83) as TF/VX3T between 17-30 June, 2012. They will be active only on 6 metre CW and SSB, using 100W and 8-el yagi. QSL via VE3IKV, direct only (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
18/06/2012: Dave, AC0QG, will once again activate South Padre Island (NA-092, USi TX007S, Cameron County), Texas, as AC0QG/5 between 18 June and 13 July, 2012. QRV on the HF bands, on or near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call direct, LoTW or eQSL. [rsgbiota]
18/06/2012: Bernd, DL8AAV, will be active from the island of Orust (EU-043) as SD1B/6 from 18-30 June, 2012. QRV on, or near, the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via DL8AAV, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota]
21/06/2012: Dave, W9DR, will be operating from the British Virgin Islands (NA-023, WW Loc. FK78TR) on 6 metre CW and SSB between 21 June and 2 July, 2012. The call will be VP2V/W9DR and he will be on 50.115.6 Mhz CW and 50.115 Mhz SSB. He can work AM and FM on 6 metres also! Dave will be using SDR-1500 Rig with a HB Solid State Amp and a 6 element Innovantennas Yagi. Please submit conformation request (QSL) to W9DR's home address (QRZ.com). [MMMonVHF]
21/06/2012: Look for Dick, AH6EZ and Harry, K9DXA to be active as VY0/homecalls from Rankin Inlet, Kudlulik Peninsula, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut, Canada, between 21 June and 2 July, 2012. A side trip is planned to Marble Island (NA-185, CIsA NT-NEW!) for a few hours between the dates of 25-29 June. QSL direct to home calls. On 1st July, during Radio Canada Day contest, Dick and Harry will be QRV as VY0RAC (QSL via QRZ.com). [DX World]
22/06/2012: The Telford and District Amateur Society (G3ZME, FISTS #15554) will be visiting the Island of Guernsey (EU-114, WLOTA 0013, WAB WV27, WW Loc. IN89QK) between 22-27 June, 2012. Operators include David 2W0ZJA, Martyn G3UKV, Dave G8VZT, Jim G8UGL, Paul M0PNN, Peter 2E0ZSU, Richard M1RKH and Mike G4NKC. They will be operating on HF 160-10m, VHF 50MHz 70MHz 144MHz, UHF 1.3GHz and SHF 2.3GHz 3.4GHz 5.7GHz 10GHz 24GHz. You may follow the DX Expedition on twitter - 2W0ZJA will be tweating updates, frequencies, etc., http://twitter.com/#!/@2W0ZJA . VHF talk back and ON4KST chat will also be used. Locator Square of the camping site is IN89QK but members of the group may well move around the island looking for the best paths to UK EU etc. The team will also take part in the following contests over the weekends of 23-24th June 1.3GHz and 50MHz (CW) contests, UKug contests 24th June 5.7GHz, Cumulative 24th June 10GHz, Cumulative 24th June 24GHz, Cumulative 26th June SHF and the UKAC 2.3Ghz-24Ghz. They will be QRV at the peak to the es season so 50mhz will be a priority. QSL via G3ZME (Bureau) or via M0PNN (Direct). Further information can be found at: www.qrz.com/db/GP3ZME [rsgbiota]
22/06/2012: Operators Allan KV4T, Steve KI4GGJ, John AJ4T, Gaston W4CCF and Nicholas KJ4AVG will be active as homecall/p from Dauphin Island (NA-213, USi AL002S, Mobile county), Alabama, from 22-25 June, 2012. Look for KV4T/P on 17 metre CW. Look for AJ4T on 20 metre SSB. Others will roam the bands. QSL via the individual operator's home call. [rsgbiota] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
23/06/2012: The Montgomery County Amateur Radio Club (MARC) will use the special call sign W3M during its Field Day operations on 23-24 June, 2012. (Not on 23-24 July as previously reported). The group will hold their Field Day operations from the Davis Airport in northern Montgomery County, State of Maryland (WW Loc. FM19KF). QSL direct to NH7C (Steve Caesar, 3 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850-2327, USA). [MARC]
06/07/2012: A large group of ORARI DXpedition & Contest Team members will be active as YE0M from Pulau Kaliage Besar (OC-177, WW Loc. OI34GI), located within the Kepulauan Seribu [English: Thousand Islands] Marine National Park (WFF YBFF-025), Jakarta Province, Indonesia, from 6-9th July, 2012. Operators include YB0AA, YB0AZ, YB0HD, YB0JS, YE0YE, YB0AKM, YB0BUI, YB0ECT, YB0KVN, YC0KVM, YC0LOW, YC0LLY, YC0MXV, YC0RAN, YC0TSU, YC0VKI, YD0RVT, YB1PR, YB1MH, YB1CCF, YB1GJS, YB1KAR, YC1CDV, YC1KAF, YD1JZ, YD1GCL, YD1LUX, YD1MRI, YD1ORZ and YD1XUH. Activity will be on 160-2 metre CW, SSB and RTTY. All QSLs will be handled by their QSL Manager: OM Jel - YB1GJS. More details about Direct / Buro / LoTW will be available during the course of DXpedition. Website: www.ye0m.com/ [DX World]
08/07/2012: Frank, DL1FT, will be active holiday style as ES0FTZ during his vacation to Saaremaa island (EU-034, WLOTA 1401), Saare County, Estonia, from 8-19th July, 2012. His preferred bands will be 40 and 20 metres. QSL direct to DL1FT, or LoTW and eQSL. Website: www.DL1FT.de/ [rsgbiota]
10/07/2012: Philipp, HB9EYW, will be active holiday style as OZ/HB9EYW from Falster island (EU-029, DIA SJ-016, WLOTA 1961), county of Zealand, Denmark, from 10-19th July, 2012. He will focus his activity to 40 metres. QSL to his home call via the USKA Bureau. Website: www.qrz.com/db/hb9eyw [rsgbiota]
11/07/2012: Members of the Grupo DX Caracas plan to be active from La Blanquilla Island (SA-037, DIV-039, WLOTA 0894) as YW5B from 11-16 July, 2012. QRV on 160-2 metre CW, SSB, FM and the Digital modes. They will also be active on the Satellites. QSL manager TBA. [DX World]
13/07/2012: The Hamilton Amateur Radio Club (VE3DC) and the 1812 Special Committee is pleased to announce that special callsign XM31812 will be on the air 13-15th July, 2012 to commemorate the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. XM31812 will be operating on all Amateur Bands and modes during this period. Updates of times and bands will be posted as we confirm operators. QSL via VE3ATX. Website: www.wix.com/xm31812/xm31812 [VE3ATX]
28/07/2012: Members of the Shannon Basin Radio Club and the Galway Radio Experimenters Club will be active as EJ3Z during the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July) from the island of Inishbofin (EU-121, WW Loc O43VO), county Galway, Ireland. Plans are for a Multi-Op/Low-Power entry. Operators will be Enda EI2II, Nial EI4CF, Anthony EI6GGB, Fergus EI6IB, Brian EI8IU, Tony EI3HA, Pat EI9HX, and others. QSL via EI6GUB. [DXAT]
28/07/2012: Look for Tim, ON5HC, to be active as F/OO5C/p from Les Beaupins, Ile d'Oleron (EU-032, DIFM AT025, WLOTA 1369, WW Loc. IN96HA) in the RSGB IOTA Contest as a Single-Op/Low-Power/SSB only entry. QSL via ON5HC, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
28/07/2012: Adde, SM0SHG and Olle, SA0BVX will activate Bramon [Brämön] island (EU-087), Västernorrlands Län, Sweden, during this years RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July) as SB3X. Rig will be an Elecraft K3 with a 1KW amplifier into a Spiderbeam (10-15-20m). Probably also a dipole for 40m. QSL via SM0SHG, direct or Bureau. All QSO's will be uploaded to LoTW. [SM0SHG]
28/07/2012: Lyn, VK4SWE/VK4EI (FISTS #14132, SKCC #8458), will be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest from her home QTH on Sweers island (OC-227, WW Loc. PH92TV), Queensland State, located in the Gulf of Carpentaria. She will be QRV on all HF bands, running 100 Watts. Sweers island has become part of Mornington Shire, refernce MG4 for the VK Shires Award. QSL via VK4SWE, direct preferred but Bureau ok. [DX World]
03/08/2012: Special event callsign XL31812 will be aired from 3-5th August 2012 to commemorate the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. The station will be QRV from Fort Amherstburg (now Fort Malden), constructed in 1796, located in Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada. Fort Amherstburg was built by the Royal Canadian Volunteers at the mouth of the Detroit River to replace Fort Detroit, which Britain was required to cede to the United States of America in 1796 as a result of the Jay Treaty. The fort was constructed in 1796 and in use from 1796-1850's and controlled by King George III and Queen Victoria. QSL via VA3CSS. [RAC]
18/08/2012: The PA6FUN team will be active for the first time during the ILLW from the Trinti House Lightvessel no.8 [now the "Jenni Brynton"] (ILLW NL0047, ARLHS NET-187) from 18-20th August, 2012. The lightvessel is the home of radio Seagull, transmitting on 1395 kHz AM with 4KW or 15KWpep. QRV with one QRO-rig on 80, 40 and 20 metre AM, SSB, CW and RTTY, offshore somewhere from the Waddenzee. QSL via PA3HHT, direct or Bureau. [QRZ.com]
27/08/2012: Luc, ON6DSL, will be active holiday style as SV9/ON6DSL/p from various portable locations (SOTA) on the island of Crete (EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA 1400) between 27 August and 3 September, 2012. QRV on the HF bands using a FT-817ND QRP 5W ONLY SSB and multiband dipole. QSL via home call, UBA Bureau or direct. [NG3K]
29/09/2012: The following operators will be active in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (29-30 September) from Aland Island (EU-002, WFF OHFF-037, WLOTA 1373, CQ zone 15): Marko, OH8KVY, will be QRV as OH0I, as a Single-Op/Single-Band 20m entry (QSL via OH3BHL); Juha, OH9MM, will be a Single-Op/Single-Band 15m entry using the callsign OH0Z (QSL via W0MM); and Raimo, OH3BHL, will be a Single-Op/Single-Band 10m entry using the callsign OG0Z (QSL via W0MM). [NG3K]
06/10/2012: Special event callsign W4O will be QRV for the 24th annual Oliver Hardy Festival in Harlem, Georgia, on the 6th and 7th October, 2012. QRV on all bands and modes. QSL via K4KNS (QRZ.com). Further information can be found on their website at: ccarc.hamradioman.com/W4O.html
24/11/2012: Look for Jim, N6TJ, to be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest (24-25 November) as PY4W from Scarborough, island of Tobago (SA-009, WLOTA 0412) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via DL4MDO. [NG3K] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
15/06/2012: The Burnaby Amateur Radio Club (VE7BAR) has been granted permission to use the special event callsign CG7CWPC to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the C.W. Parker Carousel at the Burnaby Village Museum. QRV on all HF bands and modes from 15 June to 15 July, 2012. QSL via VE7EES, direct or Bureau. Website: www.ve7bar.org/ [RAC]
15/06/2012: The Kent Weald Radio Club will be holding a field event at Headcorn Airfield, Kent, England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841, WW Loc. JO01hd), from 15-24th June, 2012. This activity will encompass the two Museums on the Air weekends. Using the callsign of GB1HA, the station will use HF, VHF and UHF bands. QSL via the Bureau or direct to G4IMP QTHR. [GB2RS]
15/06/2012: The special event station PA300BPM is in honor of the 300th Buitensluisse Paarden Markt (Horse fair) in Numansdorp. This station is currently QRV until the 28th of June, 2012. QSL via PD2GSP, by the Dutch QSL Bureau (DQB) or by post (direct). [DX Newsletter]
15/06/2012: On the occasion of the 135-year old existence of the Greek Red Cross special event station SX135HRC will be active on all bands and modes from several locations until 31st July, 2012. SX135HRC will be activated by Stavros SV1EOS, located in Agia Paraskevi, Greece (WW Loc. KM17UX). SX135HRC/2 will be activated from Thessaloniki, Greece (WW Loc. KN10LP), by Pantelis SV2HWR (CW and SSB) and Panos SV7CUD (SSB and the Digital modes). SX135HRC/9 will be activated from the Heraklion region, island of Crete (EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA 1400, WW Loc. KM25LC) by Agelos, SV9IOJ (SSB only). QSL to SV1EOS via the Bureau, direct, or eQSL. [DX Newsletter]
15/06/2012: Look for special event callsign VC2L to be aired between 15 June and 15 July, 2012, to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Laval-Laurentides Amateur Radio Club. QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via VE2NHK, direct or Bureau. [RAC]
15/06/2012: Mike, VE3NOO, of Bath, Ontario, has been granted permission to use the special callsign VX3ROYL to commemorate the Bi-Centennial War of 1812 (Escape of the Royal George) between 15 June and 15 July, 2012. Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via VE3NOO, Bureau or direct. [RAC]
15/06/2012: Pete, VE3IKV, of Cobourg, Ontario, will activate the special callsign VX3T on 15 June 2012 for the Calgary Stampede Centennial celebrations. QSL VX3T via VE3IKV, direct or Bureau. [RAC]
16/06/2012: The Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society will be putting GB0BON on the air on 16th and 17th June 2012 at Rupert's Viewpoint, Naseby. It will be the 367th anniversary of the Battle of Naseby (June 1645) and the third anniversary of GB0BON. Look for them to be QRV on 80m-70cm as long as their generators provide power. QSL's are 100% via eQSL and they will reply to any cards sent direct via G4XEX or via the Bureau. [GB2RS]
16/06/2012: Eddie, G0VVT will be operating from Belleek Pottery Museum under the call of GB0BPM on 16th and 17th June 2012 for Museums on the Air. QSL via operators' instructions. [GB2RS]
16/06/2012: The Reading and District Amateur Radio Club (G3ULT) will be taking part in Museums on the Air on 16th and 17th June 2012 from the Museum of Berkshire Aviation, Woodley Airfield, Berkshire, England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841) using the callsign GB2MBA. They plan to use mainly 80m, 40m and 20m. QSL via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]
16/06/2012: As part of an International Museum Weekend (16-24 June 2012), a Ham Radio Special Event Station is being setup at the Auberge D'Italie, Merchants Street, at the capital city, Valletta (WW Loc. JM75GV) with a special all 9H9IMW. This exhibition is being setup from the vast collection of vintage radios of 9H1ES, Fortunato. The station is going to be operated from an exhibition hall entitled 'Vintage Wireless Military Museum' the exhibits include thirty vintage communications transmitters and receivers of the period 1938 - 1944, including wireless of post war. One of the exhibits is going to be H2S equipment (nowadays called Radar) which was invented in 1935 and was used by British royal air force (RAF) during second WW II. During the weekends, 9H9IMW will be aired on HF bands and VHF including 6 metres. QSL via 9H1ES, direct with SAE/SASE + sufficient postage. Further information can be found at: www.qrz.com/db/9H9IMW [UBA HF News]
16/06/2012: Richard, SM2TOS, and some other radio amateurs, using the callsign SE2EE, will make an expedition to the Lancaster bomber, which crashed at Porjus (WW Loc. JP97UA) in Sweden on 29 October 1944. The "Easy Elsie" Avro Lanchaster bomber Mk1 NF920 was one of 37 Lancaster bombers on mission to sink the German battleship Tirpitz in Norway 1944. The provisional date for the expedition will be 16-17 June, 2012. QSL via SM2TOS. You can find more information and pictures from the last expedition to the Lancaster bomber "Easy Elsie", if you look at SE2EE on QRZ.com. You can also find their website at: www.sm2tos.se/easyelsie/eng [Pete at the DX-Newsdesk]
17/06/2012: On 17th June 2012, the Radio club of Binche (ON7RY) will activate the Special Event Station ON44WAR from the historical place of Bruly-de-Pesche (Belgium) in order to commemorate the sacrifice of the Belgian Resistance (WW II). The timetable of activities will be as follows, from 09:00 AM up to 05:00 PM (UTC+2): - at the hour up to the hour and a half: CW transmissions with a Whaddon MK VII Paraset on 3.515 MHz, 3.541 MHz, 7.006 MHz, 7.010 MHz, 7.016 MHz and 7.025 MHz. - at the hour and a half up to the next hour: SSB transmissions on 40m. QSL information via ON7RY (direct or via the Bureau). [UBA HF News]
18/06/2012: Special event station VC390IC will be active between 18 June and 2 July, 2012, to celebrate the 90th Anniversary Kitchener Waterloo Amateur Radio Club. QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via VE3ZUP, direct or Bureau and eQSL. [RAC]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
15/06-18/06 KH0N: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JA6CNL (d/B) 15/06-17/06 VR2/VO1AU: Lantau Island WLOTA:1617 QSL VO1MX (d/B) 16/06-24/06 9H9IMW: Malta Island WLOTA:1113 QSL 9H1ES (d) 16/06-18/06 JA8COE/8: Yagishiri To WLOTA:2512 QSL H/c (d/B) 16/06-02/07 P4/ON4QX: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL H/c (d/B) 17/06-29/06 9H3ZZ: Malta Island WLOTA:1113 QSL N6GQ (d) 17/06-30/06 TF/VX3T: Iceland WLOTA:2975 QSL VE3IKV (d) 21/06-24/06 JD1BMG/JD1: Haha Shima WLOTA:2282 QSL JA2MET (d/B) 22/06-27/06 GP3ZME/P: Guernsey Island (main) WLOTA:0013 QSL G3ZME (B) ============================================ 6 METRES & UP -
15/06-18/06 KH0N: Saipan OC-086 Grid:QK25UF 6m CW 500w 4el QSL JA6CNL (d/B) 15/06-17/06 VR2/VO1AU: Lantau Island AS-006 Grid:OL62XG 6m 100W QSL VO1MX (d/B) 16/06-17/06 SMIRK 50MHz QSO Party SO/Phone/CW 16 0000z-17 2400z 16/06 AGCW VHF/UHF Contest 144MHz/CW/SO Only 16 1400z-1659z 16/06-17/06 IARU R1 50MHz - Memorial F8SH SSB/CW/SO/MO 16 1400z-17 1400z 16/06-17/06 IARU R1 50 MHz Contest CW/SSB/AM/FM 16 1400z-17 1400z 16/06-17/06 Memorial YO7VS 50MHz Phone/CW/SO/MO 16 1400z-17 1400z 16/06-17/06 RSGB 50MHz Trophy Contest SO Fixed/Open 16 1400z-17 1400z 16/06-17/06 CQRJ-VHF-Contest 2m/SO/MO/FM/SSB/CW 16 1500z-17 1500z 16/06 AGCW VHF/UHF Contest 432MHz/CW/SO Only 16 1700z-1759z 16/06 Kid's Day - Phone 6m Class 16 1800z-2359z 16/06-24/06 9H9IMW: International Museums Weekend Grid:JM75 6m QSL 9H1ES (d) 16/06 DQ125HSB: Nature Park Harz DLFF-063 2m SSB QSL DARC Buro 16/06-17/06 IS0BSR: Sant'Antioco EU-024 Grid:JM48 IARU R1 50MHz QSL H/c (d/B) 16/06-17/06 N8OFS/P: SMIRK (#6737) 6m QSO Party Grid:EN91OR 52.525FM QSL H/c (d) 17/06 W.A.B. 50MHz Phone SO/MO/QRO/QRP 17 0900z-1500z 17/06-30/06 TF/VX3T: Iceland EU-021 Grid:HP83 6m 100W 8el QSL VE3IKV (d) 19/06 LY 1296MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM 19 1700z-2059z 19/06 NRAU 1.3GHz Activity Contest SO/MO/Open 19 1700z-2100z 19/06 RSGB 1.3GHz UKAC SO/Fixed/Open 19 2000z-2230z 21/06 NRAU 70MHz Activity Contest SO/MO/Open 19 1700z-2100z 21/06-24/06 JD1BMG/JD1: Haha-jima AS-031 Grid:QL16BP 6m QSL JA2MET (d/B) 21/06-02/07 VP2V/W9DR: Br. Virgin Isls NA-023 Grid:FK78 6m CW/Phone QSL H/c (d) 22/06-27/06 GP3ZME/P: Guernsey EU-114 Grid:IN89QK 50MHz-24GHz QSL G3ZME (B)
Contest Calendar: www.qsl.net/va3rj/con_jun.html
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated: 12 June 2012)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SMIRK: www.smirk.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
QSLs via Direct: 3C6A (EA5BYP), 5H1DF (DL7DF), 9MØL (9M2TO), A35YZ (DL7DF), AL1F (cba), C31CT (EA3QS), FG5FR (QRZ.com), FS/F8PDR (H/c), FWØNAR (HAØNAR), FW0NAR/P (HAØNAR), GQ4ZUL (G4ZUL), HG15IPA (HA3JB/OQRS), HKØNA (N2OO), JX5O (ORQS), IT9ZEO (QRZ.com), PT5T (K3IRV), V73NS (W3HNK), VP2EST (KT8Y), XT2BW (WB2YQH), ZA1G (QRZ.com), ZA2ØQA (HAØNAR) and ZF2AM (K6AM).
QSLs via LoTW: 7O6T, 7Q7PRO, 9H1EJ, 9Q6AL, 9Z4AM, A92IO, CN8KD, CT1GPQ, CU2KG, DU3/NØQM, EA6AZ, HC2/W7SE, HKØNA, HSØZJU, LZ9Ø7SKB, MDØCCE, MU/PA2A, MWØZZK, OJØB, OZ9XU, PJ4C, PT5T, PYØFM, S59ABC, S79RR, ST2AR, TF2LL, TF3Y, TK4LS, V26E, VP2MQR, VP2V/NY6X, VP5/KE1B, XE1L, XU7ACY, YJØVK, YO6LV, ZL4PW, ZP6CW and ZQ2FK. ============================================ LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: www.wcagroup.org/ENG/wcag.html WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: www.wff44.org/program/wff/ WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at: www.wlota.com/ ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
German Class A amateurs get 472-479kHz from 13 June 2012 - The German administration (BNetzA) has made an official gazette announcement that from 13 June 2012, German radio amateurs with a Class A licence may use the band 472-479kHz. This announcement is in anticipation of forthcoming changes to the National Frequency Allocation Table. Power limit is 1W ERP and the maximum signal bandwidth is 800Hz. [GB2RS] ------------------------------ P29 - IOTA expedition UPDATE - An international team will visit 5 islands belonging to Papua New Guinea between 19th October and 4th November, 2012. The team will be: Derek G3KHZ, Hans SM6CVX, Hans-Peter HB9BXE, Eddy K5WQG, Axel DL6KVA and non-ham Stig Nyman. M/V Barbarian will convey the team, starting from Kokopo in New Britain on 18 November sailing via Kavieng to Emirau. Their schedule is as follows - 20-24 October from Emirau island (OC-103) using the callsign P29VCX; 27-31 October from Simberi island (OC-099) using the callsign P29NI; 02-04 November from Lihir island (OC-069), callsign TBA. The main team fly home on 6th November. Hans and Stig then continue to Buka island on the M/V Barbarian. The remaining journey will be by air. The plan the following activity - 06-09 November from Buka island (OC-135) using the callsign P29VCX; and 09-12 November from Manu island (OC-025) again using the callsign P29VCX. QSL P29NI via G3KHZ. Website with complete details can be found at: p29ni.yolasite.com/ [DX World] ------------------------------ WORLD CASTLES WEEKEND - Organized by the World Castles Activity Group, it will be held on 16-17 June. Several stations are expected to operate from fortresses and castles in the Azores, Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Information on the event can be found at: www.wcagroup.org/ [RN1CW] *******************************************
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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