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Главная » 2010 » Октябрь » 15 » ICPO Bulletin (15-22 October 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (15-22 October 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
13/10/2010:  Andreas, DL3GA will be active from Ducos, island of Martinique
(IOTA NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA 1041, DDFM 97) from 13-20 October 2010,
using the callsign TO3GA. He will also participate in the Worked All Germany
(WAG) Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [FM5BH]

15/10/2010:  Finnish operators Simo, OH2HAN and Timo, OH3DF will be active
as LA/homecall from the Arctic Sea in Norway in the Village of Bugøynes, a
small fishing village, from 15-18 October 2010. QRV on the HF bands using
SSB and RTTY. The village is famous for King Crab or Kamtshatka Crab - which
they catch and sell world-wide. A special QSL card will be available via
their home callsigns. [OPDX Bulletin]

15/10/2010:  Will, AA4NC will be active as PJ7/AA4NC from the island of Sint
Maarten (IOTA NA-105) on 15-18 October 2010. QRV on all HF bands. Note: St.
Eustatius - probable a new DXCC entity on 10 October 2010. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

15/10/2010:  David, AH6HY will be active as PJ5/AH6HY from the island of
Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105) on 15-22 October 2010. Expect activity on all HF
bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

15/10/2010:  Between 15th October and 18th October 2010, group of OK
radioamateurs Pavel OK1MU (TA2ZAF), Honza OK2ZAW and Dan OK1HRA, under
special callsign TC03W, are going to activate the island of Giresun in the
Black Sea. The island belongs to AS-154, todays most wanted Turkish IOTA
group. The expedition will be working CW and SSB. The main band will be 20m
and 30m. QSL via OK bureau or direct via OK2GZ. On-line log, story,
photogallery, daily news and other information at: []

16/10/2010:  Radio Club Jan Hus members Sasa 9A3NM, Tom 9A5TO, and Franjo,
9A6M will be active as 9A5Y/p on 16th October 2010 from the Mali Kalinik
special botanical reserve (WFF 9AFF-031) and the Novaku'a special forest
reserve (WFF 9AFF-053). QRV on the HF bands, on or near the WFF frequencies,
propagation permitting. QSL via 9A7W, direct or bureau. [9A2MF]

16/10/2010:  Adrian, AA5UK will be active as EA6/homecall from the island of
Ibiza (IOTA EU-004, DIE E-023, MIA MB-003, WLOTA 0958), and possibly other
satellite islands, from 16-27 October 2010. QRV HF on SSB, Digital modes
including JT65a, and perhaps satellites (Grid Loc. JM09TB). QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. []

16/10/2010:  Laurent, F8FSC/p will be active on 16th October 2010 from the
Castle Mussy (DFCF 39-025) and the Mill du Haut (DMF 39-022), located in the
commune of Cousance (CP 39190), canton [county] of Beaufort (DDCF 39-03),
Department Jura/39 and Province Franche-Comte (DPF 10). QSL via home call,
bureau preferred. []

16/10/2010:  Frank, K1MMA (ARLHS member #1759) will be active from 1200z to
1800z on 16 October 2010 as homecall/p from the Stonington Harbor [Museum]
lighthouse (circa 1840, ARLHS USA-813, WW Loc FN41BH), run by the Stonington
Historical Society, in New London County, Stonington, Connecticut. QRV on 40
and 20 metre SSB. QSL via home call. [K1MAA]

16/10/2010:  Andy, W9NJY will be active as PJ4/W9NJY from Bonaire (IOTA
SA-006, WLOTA 1279) on 16-29 October 2010. He will operate all modes on
40-10 metres. QSL via WD9DZV. The log will be uploaded to LoTW on 1 January
2011. [425 DX News]

16/10/2010:  Craig, VK4LDX will be active holiday style as VK4LDX/p from
Fitzroy Island (OC-172, WFF VKFF-172 [Fitzroy Island National Park]) on
16-22 October 2010. QRV on 40/20/15 metres using SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. His
equipment will be an Icom IC706MKIIG with verticals. QSL via his home
callsign, by the bureau or direct. He does not eQSL or use LoTW. Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

16/10/2010:  George, N3GJ will be active as W3WFF on 16th October 2010 from
the Erie National Wildlife Refuge (WFF KFF-511) to help celebrate National
Wildlife Refuge Week. Activity is planned for 20m and 40m CW/SSB, 100w with
GP ant and battery. QRV after 1200z on 20m near WFF frequenciess looking for
Europe. QSL OK via N3GJ, LoTW, and WFF LogSearch. More NWR Week operations
will also be QRV 15-17th October (Website: [N3GJ]

18/10/2010:  Bill, N7OU is once again returning to the island of Rarotonga
(OC-013), South Cook Islands, and will be active as E51NOU between 18
October and 13 November 2010. Activity will be limited to his spare time
because of his Global Volunteer work on the island. QRV on 40-10 metres
running 100 watts into a vertical. QSL via home call, direct or by the
bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

20/10/2010:  Gabi DF9TM, Heiko DL1RTL, Frank DL2SWW and Ric DL2VFR are in
the planning stages of an IOTA operation from Tasiilaq/Ammassalik (NA-151),
Greenland. They plan to operate CW, SSB and RTTY as OX/Homecall between
20-30 October 2010. Further information is expected in due course. Website: []

20/10/2010:  Some of members of the Caribbean Contesting Consortium (CCC)
will once again activate Signal Point Station on Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA
LH-0942) between 20 October and 6 November 2010, including a Multi-Multi
entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) as PJ2T. Operators include
Geoff W0CG (PJ2DX), John K6AM, Gary K9SG, Bob N8NR, Wayne K8LEE, Joe W9JUV,
Helmut DF7ZS, Sam DL5RDO and Bernhard DL5RDP. Expect activity on all bands
prior to and after the contest as PJ2/homecall or their own PJ2 callsign.
QSL PJ2T via N9AG or LoTW. QSL others via their home calls. [OPDX Bulletin]

20/10/2010:  John, W5JON will once again be active as V47JA from the Calypso
Bay Resort hilltside QTH, overlooking the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean,
located on the island of St. Kitts (NA-104, WW Loc. FK87PG). QRV from 20
October to 10 November 2010 on 160-10m, using ICOM IC-7000, KL-400 Amp (350
watts) and ZS6BKW design all-band dipole. John will also be participating in
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. As in
the past, XYL Cathy (W5HAM) will be very busy pool side. QSL via W5JON
( [NG3K]

21/10/2010:  Operators Frosty K5LBU (A25CF), Bob K5ZOL (A25BI), Matt KD5TAN
(A25AN), Gianfranco I0ZY (A25ZY), Lor IK1MDF (A25DF), Pier IZ5MMB (A25MB)
and Jay W5SL (A25ASL) will be active from the Stevensford Game Reserve,
Sherwood Village, Botswana (WW Loc. KG47AC) between 21 October and 3
November 2010. QRV on 160-6 metres, all modes, with 3 stations running at
the same time. They will also participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31
October) using the callsign A25HQ. The team will also use the call A25HQ for
6 metre EME activity. QSL via the operators home call, direct or bureau. QSL
A25HQ via K5LBU. Website: [NG3K]

21/10/2010:  Filip, ON4TA (ex-6O0F) will be active as C56FR from the
residential village of Kerr Serign (WW Loc. IK13PK), Kololi area, The
Gambia,, between 21 October and 11 November 2010. This is NOT a DXpedition
but a private visit. Activity will be active on 20 and 17 metre SSB using
simple wire antennas and 100 watts. Filip also plans to experiment with Yagi
antennas on 6m, 2m and 70cm. He mentions that there "might be an opening on
2m or 70cm across the Atlantic...". QSL via home call, bureau preferred.
[OPDX Bulletin]

21/10/2010:  Randy, N0TG reports that "all is going fine ref our Dxpedition
to Sable Island (NA-063, CIsA NS004, WLOTA L-0758, WFF CYFF-001, WW Loc.
GN03CX). Operational dates have been set for 21-29 October, with departure
on 01 November 2010. Exact dates are still dependent on weather conditions
and other factors. Operators include Ron AA4VK, Rick AI5P, Gary VE1RGB and
Randy N0TG. They will be QRV using CY0/homecall on 160-6m, including WARC
bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY. ALL QSL requests via N0TG. Traditional bureau
cards will be via each operator's home call. An ONLINE QSL Request service
will be established as an optional method. Updates on the website as details
develop: [N0TG]

21/10/2010:  Modena DX Italia Team members Alessandro IK4ALM, Augusto
IK4RQJ, Luca IK3AES, Roberto IK4XCL, Alessandro IZ4AMS and Sergio IZ4BBF
will be active as II4PI between 21st and 24th October 2010 from Scanno di
Piallazza [Piallazza Island] (IOTA EU-155, IIA FE-001, MIA MI-104, WW Loc.
JN64ES), near the Gorino lighthouse. QRV on 160-10 metres, using all modes.
QSL via IK4ALM, direct or bureau. []

21/10/2010:  Mike JA6EGL (KK6WW/KH0), Yu JE6DND (KH0R), Take JA6JXN
(AC2BO/KH0), Nori JA6GLD (WH0AA) and Mune JR6DRH (KR1V/KH0) will be QRV from
Saipan Island (OC-086, USi NI002S, WLOTA 1333) on 21-25 October 2010. They
will operate on 160-10m CW and SSB. QSL direct to home calls. [425 DX News]

22/10/2010:  Dale, N3BNA, will be active again as CX/N3BNA between 22nd
October and 13th November 2010. He plans to be QRV on 60 metres this trip
using a sloping dipole off a tall tower. He may also try a half-square wave
antenna for more gain. QSL via KA2AEV. [OPDX Bulletin]

23/10/2010:  Ho-jong, DS5ACV and members of the Busan DX Club will activate
Suu Do (IOTA AS-081) as 6M0V/5 between 23rd and 24th October 2010. Expect
activity on all HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL goes to 6M0V, direct
or bureau. [NG3K]

27/10/2010:  George, K2DM will be active as VP2MDG from the island of
Montserrat (IOTA NA-103, WLOTA 1475) between 27 October and 2 November 2010,
including a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(30-31 October). Outside the contest he will be QRV on 160-6 metres. QSL via
K2DM. [NG3K]

29/10/2010:  Dave G1OCN (also M3IOP) and Carol 2E1DQZ will be active from
the island of Alderney (IOTA EU-114, WLOTA 0198) between 29 October and 5
November 2010, using the callsigns GU1OCN, MU3IOP and 2U1DQZ. Dave hopes
this information will be useful for those chasing the Island of Alderney and
other callsign prefixes. QSL via G1OCN and 2E1DQZ, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

30/10/2010:  BV100 Team members BM2AAV, BU2AT, BV2DD, BV2KI, BV2KS, BV2NT,
BX9AAA will be active as BV100 for the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October)
as a Multi-Multi entry, from Taipei, Taiwan (IOTA AS-020, WLOTA 0022). QSL
direct to BV2KI ( [NG3K]

30/10/2010:  Look for Michael, EA8/DL6MHW to be active from Tenerife Island
(DIE S-012, WLOTA 1276, EAA TF), Canary Islands (IOTA AF-004), for the CQWW
DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via home call and
LoTW. [NG3K]

30/10/2010:  Serge, UT5UDX will be active from the ER4DX QTH in Otaci,
Moldova, as ER0WW during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via RA4LW, direct only. [NG3K]

30/10/2010:  Dan, HR2DMR will be active as HQ2W from Progreso, Yoro,
Honduras, during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via HR2DMR, or LoTW. [NG3K]

30/10/2010:  The Aripa DX Contest Team will be active from Palermo, Sicily
(IOTA EU-025, IIA SC-001, MIA MI-107, WLOTA 1362), as IR9Y during the CQWW
DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL direct to IT9ABY.

30/10/2010:  Siggi, TF3CW will be QRV from Iceland (IOTA EU-021, WLOTA 2975)
in the CQWW DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL
direct to LX1NO. [NG3K]

30/10/2010:  Operators Carlos TI2KAC, Juan TI2JCY, Juan Carlos TI4ZM, Eddie
K4UN, Bob W4BW and Lex W4XO will be QRV near San Jose, Costa Rica, as TI0RC
in the CQWW DX SSB Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via the bureau to TI2KAC.

27/11/2010:  Chris, GM3WOJ will be active as GZ7V from Shetland Island (IOTA
EU-012, IOSA SH01, SCOTIA SI11, WLOTA 0867) during the CQWW DX CW Contest
(27-28 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via N3SL.
Website: [NG3K]

27/11/2010:  Operators Alan HC2A, Alfredo HC2SL, Rune SM5COP, Fredy SM6FKF,
Björn SM6LJU, Peter SM6MCW and Mats SM7BUA will be active from Nobol,
Guayas, Ecuador, as HD2M (QSL direct to SM6FKF) during the CQWW DX CW
Contest (27-28 November) as a Multi-Multi entry. The SM-operators will be
QRV as HC2/homecall before the contest. QSL via their homecalls. [NG3K]

27/11/2010:  Dan, HR2DMR will be active as HQ2W from Progreso, Yoro,
Honduras, during the CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28 November) as a
Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via HR2DMR, or LoTW. [NG3K]

03/12/2010:  Wim, OS1T reports that a DXpedition is planned from Kinshasa,
Democratic Republic Congo, using the callsign 9Q50ON from 3-13th December
2010. The callsign celebrates the 50 years independence of the Democratic
Republic Congo. The plan is to have at least two or three stations on the
air 24/7 on all bands. QSL to ON4BR either via the bureau or direct. Further
information and updates on their website at: [NG3K]

16/10/2010:  Members of the Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society (ERASD) will be
active as SU8JOTA from the Cairo International Scout Center on 16-17 October
2010. Activity is to celebrate the 53rd Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) and will
be on all amateur bands, 160-10 metres, near the world scout frequencies,
using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. The ERASD will be introducing the
scouts and girl guides to HF Digital communications (RTTY and PSK31). QSL
via SU1SK, CBA. For more information, visit the new ERASD activities page
at: [OPDX Bulletin]

16/10/2010:  Special event station GB1HS will be active on 16-17 October
2010 in conjunction with the 1st Hainault Scout Group annual Jamboree on the
Air (JOTA) station. This years event will be staged at Hargreaves Scout
Camp, Little Heath, Romford, England (EU-005, WLOTA LH1841). QSL direct only
to G0TOC. Website: [LEFARS]

16/10/2010:  On Saturday 16 October, Jack, G0FQN, Mark, G1PIE and Pam,
2E1HQY will be on the air from Ribblehead Station (WFF GFF-174, WAB SD77),
on the Settle and Carlisle line, celebrating 175 years of the Great Western
Railway using the callsign GB4SCL. QSL via 2E1HQY, direct or bureau. Further
details are on [GB2RS]

16/10/2010:  GB5BUS will be on the air from Bangor University’s Ffriddoedd
site Common Room, Bangor on 16 and 17 October as part of JOTA between 10am
and 6pm each day. There will be talk in on 145.550MHz, S22, during these
hours. QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

16/10/2010:  The Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society will be QRV on all bands
16-17 October 2010 as part of the International Scout JOTA. Callsign will be
GT1IOM, their club call. Not a special event station as such, but the QTH
will be the TT Grandstand in Douglas, Isle of Man (IOTA EU-116, WLOTA 0449,
WW Loc. IO74SE). They also hope to work digital depending on the number of
helpers they have available! More info from Dave 2D0YLX or Andy GD1MIP
(address on under the club call - GT1IOM) and their club page on
Facebook. QSL via GD1MIP. [Southgate ARC]

16/10/2010:  Special callsign II9CIRM will be in use from 16 October to 7
November 2010 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Centro Internazionale
Radio Medico (International Radio Medical Centre, the oldest organisation
providing radio-medical assistance in the world). QSL via IQ9TP, direct or
bureau. [425 DX News]

16/10/2010:  The Marconi Radio Club will operate two HF stations on 16th
October 2010 to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the first rescue of an
airship (America) by wireless. This was also the first wireless operation
from an airship. Two stations will be operating, one representing the
Airship America with W1AA/W and a second representing the rescue ship SS
Trent with W1AA/RNR. America and SS Trent used these calls in 1910. DX
please QSL via the bureau. Stateside via W1AA address OK on Two QSL
cards are available W1AA/W for The America Airship and W1AA/RNR for the
S.A.S.E. A certificate is also available to all stations who confirm QSOs
with both "W" and "RNR". PLEASE send a large S.A.S.E., big enough for the 8
½" x 11" certificate with enough postage for 3 ounces. $1.50 in stamps will
cover most of the USA. DX stations must include enough postage to cover the
return mailing cost to their country. Website: [K1VV]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

16/10-27/10   EA6/AA5UK: Isla de Ibiza WLOTA:0958 QSL HC (d/b)
16/10-17/10   GB1HS: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL G0TOC (d)
16/10-17/10   GT1IOM: Man Island WLOTA:0449 QSL GD1MIP (d/b)
16/10              GB4SCL: England (main) WLOTA:1841 QSL 2E1HQY (d/b)
16/10              GB5BUS: England (main) WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
16/10              K1MAA/P: Stonington Harbor, CT WLOL:USA-813 QSL HC (d)
16/10-29/10   PJ4/W9NJY: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL WD9DZV (d)
21/10-29/10   CY0/AA4VK: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL N0TG (OQRS)
21/10-29/10   CY0/AI5P: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL N0TG (OQRS)
21/10-29/10   CY0/N0TG: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL N0TG (OQRS)
21/10-29/10   CY0/VE1RGB: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL N0TG (OQRS)
21/10-25/10   AC2BO/KH0: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JA6JXN (d)
21/10-25/10   KH0R: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JE6DND (d)
21/10-25/10   KK6WW/KH0: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JA6EGL (d)
21/10-25/10   KR1V/KH0: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JR6DRH (d)
21/10-25/10   WH0AA: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JA6GLD (d)

KØPC - 16 Oct 2010 to 16 Oct 2010 - CW Only
Iowa QSO Party, Saturday Oct 16th, 1400z - 2300z. I will be working from 21
counties in northwest Iowa.
I generally run all CW for QSO parties but may try SSB if it slows down.
Counties in order: Kossuth, Palo Alto, Emmet, Dickinson, Clay, O'Brien,
Osceola, Lyon, Sioux, Plymouth, Cherokee, Woodbury, Ida, Sac, Buena Vista,
Pochahontas, Calhoun, Webster, Humboldt, Wright and Hamilton. QSL via home
call. [County Hunter Web]

NUØQ - Bill - 1* - October 16, 2010 to October 16, 2010 - SSB and CW
Iowa QSO Party - I expect to spend most time on 20 CW, 40 CW, and
(hopefully) 80 CW. Perhaps some SSB. No driver this year, so most operation
will be while parked. Here are the counties I hope to operate from, more or
less in order: Union, Ringgold, Taylor, Adams, Page, Montgomery, Cass,
Pottawattamie, Shelby, Audubon, Guthrie, Adair, Madison, Dallas and Polk.
QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

WØZQ - Saturday, October 16 to Saturday, October 16 - SSB and CW
Iowa QSO Party, 1400 to 2300z, Saturday, October 16. Will be activating the
following eight counties in this order: Hardin, Hamilton, Wright, Franklin,
Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, and Worth. Plan to spend about 55 minutes
in each county - in the morning hours will work in sequence 40, 20, then 15
CW, then with remaining time back to 40 then 20m SSB. In the afternoon same
plan but band order is reversed so its 15, 20, then 40m CW before SSB. I
will trying to take advantage of any daytime propagation on 15 and 20. Last
two stops I will add in 80m CW - no 75m SSB as the mobile (nor the operator)
like it. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

Rolf, DK2ZF and Martin, DK7ZB are active from south/east Pacific via EME.
LATEST NEWS from Rolf, DK2ZF dated 2010-10-13: The group decided to be qrt
until weekend on 2m and 70cm EME due to high DGR values and low activity.
Martin will be available time to time  on HF. Other time they are doing
sight seeing...
LOG and more infos at: [MMMonVHF]

16/10             Iowa QSO Party  6m-70cm
16/10-17/10  New York QSO Party  6m & Up
16/10             SVHF Fall Sprint - 902MHz & Up
17/10-18/10  Illinois QSO Party  6 & 2m
17/10             ON 2 Meter Contest
17/10             RSGB 2nd 50MHz Contest
17/10             Trofeo ARI 50MHz - Grosseto
21/10-03/11  A25HQ: Botswana Grid:KG47AC 6m EME 700W QSL K5LBU (d/b)
21/10-11/11  C56FR: The Gambia Grid:IK13PK 6m-70cm QSL ON4TA (b)
22/10-31/10  AA4VK/CY0: Sable Island NA-063 Grid:GN03CX 6m QSL N0TG (OQRS)
22/10-31/10  AI5P/CY0: Sable Island NA-063 Grid:GN03CX 6m QSL N0TG (OQRS)
22/10-31/10  N0TG/CY0: Sable Island NA-063 Grid:GN03CX 6m QSL N0TG (OQRS)
22/10-31/10  WA4DAN/CY0: Sable Island NA-063 Grid:GN03CX 6m QSL N0TG (OQRS)

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 14 October 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal
"Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

New address for CU3AN / CU4AP
Canada Rolo,33
9700-713 Terra-Cha
AZORES Islands
QSLs via Bureau: 3V3S, 5Z4/DL8NBE, 9M2/PG5M, 9XØR, A65DLH, A7/MØFGA, AH2R,
J79ZG, JX9JKA, OX/EA4NA, S92FM, TO4X, XR1H and ZK2V.

QSLs via Direct: 7P8JK (WB6OJB), 9XØTL (DL2RUM), A33A (K6HFA), AT6ØMY
(K5YY) and XX9LT (XX9AH).

QSLs via LoTW: 8P9NX, A52KR, A61BK, C4W, KC2NMZ/C6A, CE3BFZ, CK8G, CN8YR,
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

DX Bulletin 42  ARLD042
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  October 14, 2010
To all radio amateurs

ARLD042 Dissolution of Netherlands Antilles Creates Four New DXCC

The dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles has caused changes to
the DXCC List. As per the DXCC rules, the two Netherlands Antilles
DXCC entities will be deleted and moved to the Deleted Entities

Four new entities will be added to the DXCC List: (1) Curacao; (2)
Sint Maarten; (3) Saba and St Eustatius, and (4) Bonaire. The event
date and time for these changes was 0400 UTC, October 10, 2010.

Confirmations for these new entities will be accepted for credit
starting January 1, 2011. Other administrative changes and actions
will be announced as they are finalized.
Salinitas, El Salvador
Oct 10, 2010

The XVII Triennial Conference of IARU Region 2 has now ended in Salinitas,
El Salvador and the delegates of the 19 nations present are just now
returning home.

Problems regarding the defence of Amateur Radio, its promotion as well as
regional and local problems faced by Member Societies were discussed and
some action decisions were taken in the interest of all.

An official communiqué should be issued by the Region 2 Secretariat in the
next few days giving more precise information on the work done.

RAC President Bawden, VE4BAW, and RAC VPIA Lamoureux, VE2KA, have split the
tasks of attending all the committee works and a full report should be in an
upcoming TCA.

Daniel Lamoureux, VE2KA
Vice President International Affairs
Radio Amateurs of Canada

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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