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Главная » 2010 » Декабрь » 17 » ICPO Bulletin (17-24 December 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (17-24 December 2010) | 12:17 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================
15/12/2010: UPDATE- Zorro JH1AJT (S21Z), Ted JJ1LIB, Jon KL2A, Lee DS4EOI and A51HI will be active as S21YX from Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 15th-21st December 2010. Plans are to be QRV on 160-10 metre CW and SSB, with and emphasis on the 160, 80 and 40 metre CW. The operation has the support of Dr. Zahudul Haque Shipon, S21VA, Vice President of the Bangladesh Amateur Radio League. QSL via JH1AJT. [425 DX News/dx-world.net]
17/12/2010: Markus, HB9KNA is currently active from El Salvador as YS1/HB9KNA until 12th January 2011. QRV on 160-10m, all modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [DX Newsletter]
17/12/2010: Wx permitting, Ian M0IAA and Andy M0GGR will activate Fairburn Ings (WFF GFF-214), West Yorkshire, this Friday 17th December 2010 using their own callsigns (/p). The operation will be on 80, 40 and 20m bands, where appropriate, running 100w into OCF and/or Dipole antennas. Fairburn Ings is an all time new and first time activation so be ready for the pile up! QSL will be via M0OXO (www.m0oxo.com/). [M0OXO]
17/12/2010: Francis, ON6LY will once again be active as OP4A/p from the Groot Schietveld Nature Reserve (WFF ONFF-135) from 1615 UTC 17th December until 0500 UTC 18th December 2010. QRV on 40m CW, PSK31 and on 18th ecember he will try to take part in the OK RTTY contest, but only 50watts on 40 metres. As usual the logs are uploaded to WFF, LotW and eQSL. [ON6LY]
17/12/2010: Mike, VP8DMH is currently active from Station "KG" - Fossil Bluff (AA G-19, WAP GBR-10, WFF GFF-041), Alexander Island (IOTA AN-018), Palmer Land, for a week or two; maybe as long as until Christmas. He will be using a K3 and will be QRV mainly 20 metres, around 14260 kHz, in his spare time. QSL via G0VGS.
18/12/2010: Members of Oeste DX Gang - Azores team, inc. Ivo CU3BR, Carlos CU3CO and Dinarco CU3HV, will be active as CS4ODX/p on the 18th or 19 th of December 2010 from Imperio dos Remedios (Ilha Terceira) (WCA CT-01630, DMHP AZ-138, IDES-013) and Ermida de Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem (WCA CT-01916, DMHP AZ-304). Both references are located on the island of Terceira (IOTA EU-175, DIP AZ-003, PIP AC-003, WLOTA 0524). QRV on all HF bands between 1000-2000 UTC. QSL via CU3HY. [RN1CW]
18/12/2010: Look for Michel, F8GGZ/p to be active on 18th December 2010 from the Mill of Nilly (DMF 39-029), commune of Courlaoux (CP 39570), canton [county] of Lons le Saunier Canton Nord (DDCF 39-15), Department Jura/39 and Province Franche-Comte (DPF 10). QRV mainly 80 and 40 metres. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [radioamateur.org]
18/12/2010: Joe, KC0VKN will be active as PJ7/KC0VKN from the island Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105) on 18-23 December 2010. CW is his referred mode, and he plans to operate holiday style, probably on 40-10 metres depending on operating times and openings. [425 DX News]
19/12/2010: Stephen, G7BXU will be spending the Christmas and New Year holidays in Freetown, Sierra Leon, between 19th December 2010 and 7th January 2011. He hopes to be on air most days using the callsign 9L1BXU. His equipment will be a FT-897 and a G5RV antenna. QSL direct to his home callsign after his return. [OPDX Bulletin]
20/12/2010: Giulo, IW3HVB will be active from Rarotonga Island (IOTA OC-013) as E51HVB from 20-24th December 2010. QRV holiday style mainly on 40 and 20 metre SSB; possible operations on 17/15/12/10m if propagation is good. Suggested frequencies are: 7057, 14267, 18137, 21267, 24957 and 28567 kHz. QSL via IW3HVB, direct or bureau. Website and online log: www.arimarcon.it/ [OPDX Bulletin]
21/12/2010: German operators Peter, DG1FK and Sigi, DK9FN will once again return to Temotu Province and be active as H40FK and H40FN, respectively, this time from Nendo Island (IOTA OC-100) between 21 December 2010 and 3 January 2011. Activity will be on CW, PSK and RTTY. Operations will probably be on 160-6 metres, depending on the band conditions. QSL H40FN via HA8FW, and H40FK via DG1FK. More details should be forthcoming. [OPDX Bulletin]
21/12/2010: Ryosei Aimiya, JH0IXE will be active as T8CW from the Republic of Palau (IOTA OC-009) between 22nd December 2010 and 6th January 2011. QRV on 160-6 metres, using RTTY, PSK31, WSJT (JT65A), CW, SSB and SSTV. "I think that I will mainly operate a digital mode". QSL via home call. [NG3K]
24/12/2010: Giulo, IW3HVB will be active from Aitutaki Island (IOTA OC-083) as E51HVB from 24-28th December 2010. QRV holiday style mainly on 40 and 20 metre SSB; possible operations on 17/15/12/10m if propagation is good. Suggested frequencies are: 7057, 14267, 18137, 21267, 24957 and 28567 kHz. QSL via IW3HVB, direct or bureau. Website and online log: www.arimarcon.it/ [OPDX Bulletin]
24/12/2010: Makoto, JI5RPT (JD1BLY) and Harry, JG7PSJ (JD1BMH) will once again be active from Chichijima Island (IOTA AS-031, WLOTA 2269, WFF JAFF-090, JCG #10007) between 24 December 2010 and 8 January 2011. QRV on all bands 160-10m, with focus on the lower bands, using CW, SSB, Digital and the satellites. JD1BLY will be active between 24 December 2010 and 3 January 2011, while JD1BMH will be active between 30 December and 8 January 2011. QSL via the bureau to the JD1 callsigns or direct to their home callsigns. [OPDX Bulletin] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
26/12/2010: Ulmar, DK1CE (160-10m CW), Mathias DJ2HD (SSB and RTTY; if the conditions allow he will running the 10m DARC contest on 9th January 2011) and Ewald DJ2BQ (RTTY) will be active as V5/homecall between 26th December 2010 and 16th January 2011, from Namibia. QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the bureau. [NG3K]
28/12/2010: Dani, YB2TJV reports that the first amateur radio lighthouse activation from Indonesia will take place between 28th December 2010 and 4th January 2011. Special callsign YE2H will be used to activate Klirong Lighthouse (ARLHS IDO-374, WLOTA 1660), in the south beach of Kebumen City, Indonesia (WW Loc. OI42TF), Central Java Province South Coast (IOTA OC-021), during the 75th anniversary of Kebumen City. Team operators include Dani YB2TJV, Eko YC2DSI, Seno YB2LSR, Jon YB2ECG, Heroe YC2DBG, Yuli YC2CYU, Anto YC2LCT, Kus YC2CSY, Nur YC2FAJ, Bowo YC2MOJ and Budi YB2CNF. QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via YB2TJV, direct (Box 123 Kebumen 54300-Indonesia) with SASE/GS, or via the bureau. Further information at QRZ.com under the callsign YE2H. [YB2TJV]
02/01/2011: Pete, K8PGJ will be active as ZF2PG from Grand Cayman Island (IOTA NA-016, WLOTA 1042) on 2-9 January 2011. When he is not scuba diving, Pete will be working DX. While on the beach, he will be running with a battery pack and thus portable with an elevated 20m vertical dipole wire antenna with two or maybe 4 counterpoise. Pete is also going to borrow some other fixed antennas so he will be able to work 40, 20 and 15 metres. On 20 metres, watch around 14200 and 14250 kHz. QSL via his home callsign. [dx-world.net]
04/01/2011: Nao, JK1FNL will be active from the Maldive Islands (IOTA AS-013) as 8Q7FF on 4-9th January 2011. QRV on 160-6m, using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
16/01/2011: Stefan, DL9GRE and Hermann, DL2NUD will be active from New Caledonia (IOTA OC-032, DIFO FK-001, WLOTA 1280) as FK/homecall on 16-19th January 2011. Stefan will be QRV on the HF bands, while Hermann will operate 2m and up EME. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
20/01/2011: Jeff, K8ND and Jim, W8WTS will be active as PJ2/homecall from the Signal Point contest station, island of Curacao (IOTA SA-099, WLOTA 0942) between 20th January and 3rd February 2011. They will also participate in the CQWW DX 160m CW Contest (28-30 January) as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry, using the callsign PJ2T. QSL via their home calls, direct or bureau. QSL PJ2T via N9AG, direct and LoTW. [CCC]
01/02/2011: Allan, VK2GR will again be active as P29CW from Western Province, Papua New Guinea (IOTA OC-034, WLOTA 0084, WW Loc. QI03pv), between February and September 2011. Look for him during his spare time on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via Tommy Horozakis, VK2IR, PO Box 13, Sans Sousi, NSW, 2219, Australia. [dx-world.net]
19/02/2011: Bruce, 3W3B will be active from Danang, Vietnam, for the ARRL DX CW Contest (19-20 February) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry, from CQ Zone 26. QSL direct to E21EIC. [NG3K]
04/03/2011: Alan, N3AD will be active from the island of Antigua (IOTA NA-100, WLOTA 1118) on 4-7th March 2011 as V26M. He will also be active in ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6 March) in SOAB HP Category. QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]
07/03/2011: Randy N0TG, Ron AA4VK and Murray WA4DAN have set tentative dates for their next try to activate Sable Island (IOTA NA-063, CIsA NS-004, WLOTA 0758, WFF CYFF-001). They plan to be QRV as homecall/CY0 on 7-15th of March 2011. QSL: OQRS to be available and preferred, otherwise QSL direct to N0TG (QRZ.com). Updates and website at: www.cy0dxpedition.com/ [NG3K] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
17/12/2010: UBA section NOK celebrates their 25th anniversary with the callsign ON25NOK during the month of December 2010. QSL via ON7YX, bureau preferred. [UBA]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
24/12-3/1/11 JD1BLY: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL Buro 28/12-4/1/11 YE2H: Klirong WLOL:IDO-374 WLOTA:1660 QSL YB2TJV (d/b) ============================================ COUNTY HUNTING (USA-CA) -
Ron AF5Q - 21 Dec 10 to 21 Dec 10 - SSB and CW I will be making my first of few trips this week to take care of some last counties requests seen on the site. Sent out a few Christmas counties. This trip will consist of, in order... Oklahoma: Harmon, Jackson, Greer, Kiowa, Tillman, Cotton, Jefferson, Stepehens, Grady and Caddo. I will be running 20/40m SSB & CW, and will go elsewhere by request. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ 6 METRES & UP -
18/12 RAC Winter Contest 6m & Up included 0000z-2359z 19/12 ARRL Rookie Roundup 1800z-2359z Phone:50.125-50.200 MHz CW:50.080-50.100 MHz RTTY:50.300-50.320 MHz 20/12 PODXS New Member Jamboree 6m included 0000z-2359z 22/12-6/1/11 T8CW: Palau OC-009 Grid:PJ77 6m QSL JH0IXE (d/b) 24/12-3/1/11 JD1BLY: Chichijima Island AS-031 satellites QSL Buro
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 15 December 2010)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, Awards Branch Manager, reports that the following have been approved for DXCC credit: 7Z1HB - Saudi Arabia; 2007 to the present operation. H40HP - Temotu Province; 2009 operation. -------------------------------- QSLs via Bureau: 3D2GM, 3X5A, 4O/KA1ZD, 5L2MS, 9M6/LA6DL, 9M6LSC, 9U0A, 9U1VO, AH2R, BH4QAK, EKØB, ET3JA, GB1ØSP, HF185ØL, HS1CKC, J88DR, JX9JKA, OX2A, PA1ØCC, T2G, TO7RJ, TY6A, V25V, V88/SM3TLG, W2RDX/6Ø, XU7XRO and YS1G.
QSLs via Direct: 3W1M (OM3JW), 4O5ØA (QRZ.com), 6Y5WJ (GØNAN), 9G5SG (JA7SGV), 9LØW (DK2WV), A73A (EA7FTR), CE8A (CE6NE), CO4SM (HA3JB), E4X (EA5RM), FT5GA (F5OGL), G3TXF (QRZ.com), LZ1UQ (eMail-PayPal), PJ2/DL5RDO (hc), PJ4B (PA8A), PJ4I (DL9USA OQRS), PJ5/AH6HY (hc), PJ5/K1XM (hc), TX5TES (FO5RH), V26B (KA2AEV), V47KP (W2OX), VE7DP/7 [NA-061] (hc), VP2MDG (K2DM), VP8/LZ1UQ (eMail-PayPal), VQ9LA (NØQM), VYØX [NA-208] (VE3LYC), XW3ZNR (IN3ZNR) and ZD8ZZ (K7ZZ).
QSLs via LoTW: 4O5ØA, EE2K, FS/K9NB, N1BUG, OT5A, OZ6TL, P4ØL, RV2FW/1, SM5CAK, SP2DWG, TI5N and UR3LPM. ============================================ LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air) at: www.sota.org.uk/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: www.wca.qrz.ru/ENG/main.html WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: wff44.com/ WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at: www.wlota.com/ ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
KH5 - JARVIS ISLAND, OC-081 DXpedition to Jarvis Island (OC-081) organized by Radio Expeditions Inc has been postponed until November 2011. During the first half of 2010 the US Fish Wildlife Service developed a draft "Compatibility Determination for Amateur Radio Operations at the Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge". This document contains the rules and constraints for DXpeditions at Jarvis and was made available on 21 Jun 2010 for public comments to arrive not later than 5 July. The FWS Honolulu office staff reviewed the comments, made a number of changes and submitted a final draft for approval at their regional office in Portland, Oregon. The final version was released on 28 July and revised applications for a permit were accepted until 25 August. The constraints in the Compatibility Determination required a radical restructuring of Radio Expedition Inc's plans, reducing both the number of stations and the time on the air. Since more than one amateur radio group submitted an application which met the requirements of the compatibility determination, a lottery among the qualified groups was held at the FWS Honolulu office by the refuge manager on 30 August. Radio Expeditions Inc was fortunate to be selected. However, due to the time required to establish the rules for amateur radio operations from Jarvis, the late selection date, and the lead time required to schedule and prepare the MV Braveheart, the expedition has been postponed one year. November remains the best month to visit Jarvis Island from a propagation standpoint, with the largest combination of openings predicted to Europe on both 160/80m and 12/10m. [DX Newsletter] -------------------------------- NEW SOUTH POLE STATION ACTIVE -
Over the last several weeks I have learned that the old South Pole Station has been completely dismantled and all ant operations are now taking place at the New South Pole Station (Amundsens Scott Base) including operations from KC4AAA.
The new location has been assigned the number WAP-36. An announcement has been made on the WAP web site with all the details, effective dates, etc.
_http://www.waponline.it/NewsInformation/tabid/178/Default.aspx_ (http://www.waponline.it/NewsInformation/tabid/178/Default.aspx)
_http://www.usap.gov/videoclipsandmaps/spwebcam.cfm_ (http://www.usap.gov/videoclipsandmaps/spwebcam.cfm)
The current operator at KC4AAA is Andy WA2DKJ. He has been active for a few weeks. He is on regularly 14.243 Mhz 0100-0400 UTC. As always I will encourage him to operate during times suitable for Europe and Asia. They are running about 800w and a Telrex 6 element 20m monobander, but have other antennas available as well.
Happy Antarctic DX Chassing this season. 73 de Bob K4MZU k4mzu.ne -------------------------------- SB QST @ ARL $ARLB030 ARLB030 New Rules Governing Vanity, Club Station Call Signs to Take Effect February 14
ZCZC AG30 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 30 ARLB030 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT December 16, 2010 To all radio amateurs
SB QST ARL ARLB030 ARLB030 New Rules Governing Vanity, Club Station Call Signs to Take Effect February 14
On Wednesday, December 15, new rules affecting vanity and club station call signs within the Amateur Radio Service were published in the Federal Register. They can be found in PDF format at, http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/2010-31349.pdf. These new rules will go into effect on February 14, 2011.
Thirteen months ago, the FCC announced its intention of modifying Part 97 as it applies to the vanity call sign system and club station call signs, aligning the rules to prior Commission decisions. Last month, the Commission released a Report and Order (R&O), outlining its decision. Along with the changes to the call sign rules, the FCC made "certain minor, non-substantive amendments" to portions of Part 97.
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