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Главная » 2010 » Февраль » 19 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (18-25 February 2010)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (18-25 February 2010) | 08:19 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 16/02/2010: Yue, BD1GT will stay in Algiers, Algeria, for the next year. He just got is 7X ticket which is issued as 7X0GT. He intends to be QRV from 160-10m, all modes possibles. QSL via HC BD1GT or according to the instructions at QRZ.com. [F5NQL]
18/02/2010: Luc, F5RAV will be active from the 6W7RV radio shack in Somone, Senegal, from 18th February to 1st March using the callsign 6V7T. QRV on all HF bands. QSL via home call, direct with two green stamps and SAE. [NG3K]
18/02/2010: Mat, MJ0ASP, will be active from Morocco as CN2MR between 18-26 February. Activity will be on 40-10m, CW, with emphasis on the WARC bands. He likes to contest, so he will probably be in the ARRL International DX CW Contest. QSL via his home callsign (see QRZ.com).[OPDX Bulletin]
18/02/2010: Dave, G3TBK will once again be active as J88DR from the island of St. Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492) between 18th February and 15th March 2010, including an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest. QRV on all bands 160-10 metres using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or by the Bureau. [NG3K]
18/02/2010: Rick, K6VVA will be active from Providenciales (NA-002), Turks & Caicos Islands as VP5/K6VVA from 18-24th Frebruary. QRV holiday style on all bands. He will also participate in the ARRL International DX CW Contest, using the callsign VP5Z, entry category to be decided. Note: VP5Z callsign chosen in honor of my longtime friend Jim Neiger, N6TJ (ZD8Z). QSL ONLY VIA N6AWD, direct or Bureau. Website: www.k6vva.com/ [NG3K]
18/02/2010: Eric, K9GY will be active as YN2GY from Nicaragua on 18-22 February 2010, including a SOAB entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL direct to home call and LoTW. [425 DX News]
20/02/2010: Dimitri RA3CO and Yury RL3FT will be active from New Providence (Nassau), Bahamas (IOTA NA-001, WLOTA LH-1115) as C6AWL during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via RX3RC (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Eduardo, CO8LY will be active from Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (IOTA NA-015, WLOTA LH-0032) during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m)/Low-Power entry. QSL via EA7ADH. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Look for Juan Carlos, CO8TW to be active from Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (IOTA NA-015, WLOTA LH-0032) in the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m)/Low-Power entry. QSL via HB9SVT. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Operators Walter DJ6QT, Falk DK7YY, Wolfgang DK9VZ, Hein DL2OBF, Tom DL5LYM, Juergen DL6WT and Frank DL8WAA will be active as CR3L from Santana, Madeira Island (IOTA AF-014, DIP MA-001, WLOTA LH-0053) during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL via DJ6QT, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Jorge, CT1FMX and Sergio, CT2HQS will be active from Arco da Memoria (WCA CT-1005, DMHP LR-091) on 20th February 2010. Plans are to work as homecall/p on all bands. QSL via home calls, direct or Bureau. [RN1CW]
20/02/2010: Dej E21YDP and Champ E21EIC will be active from Bangkok, Thailand, as E21YDP for the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via E21YDP. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Operators John W2GD, Don K4ZA, Alex RZ3AZ and Valery RD3AF will be active as EF8M from Santa Maria de Guia, Las Palmas Gran Canaria (IOTA AF-004, DIE S-005, ESA GC, WLOTA LH-0969, WW Loc. IL28FC) during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via UA3DX. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Operators Andy EA8CN, Manuel EA8NC, Anders SM6CNN and Luis EA8AY will be active from Tacoronte, Isla de Tenerife (DIE S-012, WLOTA LH-1276), Canary Islands (AF-004) as EF8N during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via EA8AY, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: François F5JNE along with Gerard F6ICG will be active from the Castle of Saint Verain (DFCF 58-105), City of Saint Verain (CP 58310), canton [county] of Saint Amand en Puisaye (DDCF 58-20), Department Nievre/58 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05) on 20 February 2010. QRV 80 and 40 metre SSB and CW, starting around 0700 UTC. QSL via F5JNE, bureau preferred and SWL cards are welcome. [F5NQL]
20/02/2010: Look for Patrick, F8DYD/p to be active 20 February 2010 from the Castle of Bois-Doucet (DFCF 86-065), commune de Lavoux (CP 86800), canton [county] Saint Julien l'Ars (DDCF 86-24), Department Vienne/86 and Province Poitou Charentes (DPF 19). QRV 80 and 40 metre SSB, with some CW. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F8DYD]
20/02/2010: Fabio, IK4QJF will be active as HI3/IK4QJF from the Dominican Republic (IOTA NA-096, WLOTA LH-2974) from 20th February to 5th March 2010. He will operate SSB and digital modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]
20/02/2010: Lothar,DK8LRF, intends to become active as HK3JCL again working in SSB, Pactor, RTTY and PSK31 mainly on 20m and 40m from 20th February until Easter 2010. His QTH will be the finca Mariposa nr Restrepo/Meta, at the foot of the Eastern Cordillera. His equipment includes a Kenwood TS-50, an Annecke antenna coupler, PTC II and a Rhombus antenna (4 x 63m) pointing to Central Europe. QSLs via Bureau to DK8LRF. [DX Newsletter]
20/02/2010: Rene, HP1DCP will be active from Los Santos Province, Republic of Panama, as HP1DCP/9 during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via EA5KB. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Dave, G3TBK will be active as J88DR from the island of St. Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492) during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Operators Mike DF3VM, Will DF4PD, Chris DL7CS and Philippe LX2A will be active as LX7I from Eschdorf, Luxembourg, for the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via LX2A, direct or Bureau. Web: www.lx2a.com/ [NG3K]
20/02/2010: The Scottish-Russian Amateur Radio Society (www.srars.org/) MM0DGR/p will be operating from the Blawhorn Moss National Nature Reserve (GMFF-009) on Saturday, 20th February, 2010. The portable station will be located at the Langside Wood (southwest corner of the reserve, near small town Blackridge). Grid locator IO85CV, WAB NS86, EU Area SC32 (West Lothian), IOTA EU-005, WLOTA LH-1234. QRV on frequencies ± QRM: 20 m (SSB 14.244 MHz); 30 m (BPSK63 10.142 MHz, CW 10.124 MHz); 40 m (SSB 7.144 MHz), running 300 Watts and various antennas. QSL-cards via MM0DFV (preferably RSGB QSL Bureau). For more info please have a look at: www.srars.org/wff-reports/gmff-009.htm [MM0DFV]
20/02/2010: Al, WP3C will be active as NP4DX from Utuado, Puerto Rico (IOTA NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA LH-2802) during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry. QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Marius LB3HC, Andreas LA8AJA, Rag LA6FJA and Antti OH7EA will be QRV from Arcala, Finland, during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via OH2UA. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Club Station Friendship Amateur Radio Society FARS, RW0CWA will be active from the RW0CN QTH, 70km north of Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, using the contest callsign RT0C during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL via RW0CF, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Jim, T6AF will be active from Kabul, Afghanistan, for the ARRL DX CW Contest (20-21 February) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via LoTW, eQSL or WA2EWE by the Bureau or direct. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Look for Carlos TI2KAC, Juan Carlos TI2JCY, Mauricio TI4ZM, Bob W4BW, Eddie K4UN, Lex W4XO, and Keith W4KTR to be active from Quepos, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, as TI8M during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL via TI2KAC. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: John WC0W, Robert K5PI and Mike K5N will be active from San Ignacio, Belize, as V31TP during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via WC0W (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Phil, G3SWH and Jim, G3RTE will be active from the The Sunset Hotel, located on the most northerly part of Christmas Island (IOTA OC-002, Grid Loc. OH29) from 20-27th February 2010. Both Phil and Jim will use the callsign VK9X/G6AY with activity on 80-10 metres, CW only, using 100 watt transceivers with wire antennas on the top of the cliff. No 160m activity planned. Propagation permitting, they plan to have two stations on air for as many hours every day as possible. QSL via G3SWH, direct or Bureau or e-mail QSL request. Further information can be found at: www.g3swh.org.uk/christmas-island.html [G3SWH]
20/02/2010: Look for Kurt, W6PH to be active from the island of Bermuda (IOTA NA-005, WLOTA LH-0201) as VP9/W6PH during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL direct to home call (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Look for Peter, NO2R to be active from Victory Hill, Kompong Som (Sihanoukville), Cambodia, as XU7ACY during the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. Peter will be All Bands if he gets the C3 up in time. QSL via W2EN, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]
20/02/2010: Look for John, K6AM to be QRV as ZF2AM from Grand Cayman Island (NA-016, WLOTA LH-1042) in the ARRL DX CW Contest. He plans a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
21/02/2010: Mike, CU3HY and Paulo, CU3CC will be active as homecall/p on 21st February 2010 from the Castelo São João Baptista (WCA CT-00147, DMHP AZ-001, DMP 1901, DCFP C-147) and Pico das Cruzinhas (WCA CT-00425, DMHP AZ-077) located in Angra do Heroísmo, Angra Heroísmo county, Ilha Terceira (IOTA EU-175, DIP AZ-003, WLOTA LH-0524). QRV on the HF bands from 1500-1800 UTC. QSL via home calls, Bureau or direct. [RN1CW]
21/02/2010: Operators Fazlay S21RC, Manju S21AM, Sohel S21S and Aminul S21D plan to be active as S21DX from St. Martin's Island [aka Narical Gingira, which means Cocos island] (AS-127, WLOTA L-2351), Bangladesh, from 21-25 February. They will work mainly in SSB and some RTTY using a 5 band Spiderbeam, dipoles and vertical antennas. Their power source will be batteries. Unfortunately their QSL manager EB7DX confirms QSLs only direct. Further information can be found at: www.s2dx.org/ [NG3K /DXNL]
21/02/2010: Jeff, K0UU will be active as ZF2MN/ZF8 from Little Cayman (IOTA NA-016, WLOTA LH-1490) on 21-28 February 2010. He will operate CW on 40-10 metres. QSL via K0UU, direct or LoTW. [425 DX News]
22/02/2010: Helmut DL3KBQ as 9UXEV (correct call), Henry DL2RSI as 9U1RSI, Peter DH2KI as 9U1KI and Jürgen DJ2VO as 9U1VO will operate from the Safari Gate Hotel in Bujumbara, Burundi, from 22nd February to 6thMarch. QRV on the HF bands using CW, SSB and digital modes with 100W and vertical antennas. QSL to homecalls via DARC Bureau or direct. [NG3K]
22/02/2010: Jan, DL7JAN will again be on DXpedition in 2010. Destination this time is Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam (IOTA OC-088, WLOTA LH-1628) as V88/DL7JAN between 22 February and 3 March. Activity is planned from 160-10m using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL to DL7JAN, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
23/02/2010: Joerg, OE6VHF will be active as 8Q7JK from Thulhagiri Island, North Male Atoll (WLOTA LH-3911), Maldive Islands (AS-013) between 23rd February and 5th March. QRV 40-10m, mostly SSB, using 100W and dipole antennas. QSLs will be sent out via GLOBALQSL. [NG3K]
24/02/2010: Wolfgang, OE1WWL will be active as 9M2/OE1WWL from Langkawi Island (IOTA AS-058, WLOTA LH-2020) on 24-28th February 2010. He plans to operate some SSB using 10 watts and a wire. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [425 DX News]
24/02/2010: John, K3TEJ will be active as J7N from the island of Dominica (IOTA NA-101) between 24 February and 11 March, including Single-Op entries in the CQWW 160M SSB (26-28 February) and the ARRL DX SSB Contests (6-7 March). Outside the contests John will be QRV using CW and RTTY. QSL direct via his home call (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
24/02/2010: Willi, DJ7RJ will be active from the island of Kos (EU-001, GIOTA DKS-043, MIA MGD-016, WLOTA LH-1730, Grid KM36) as SV5/DJ7RJ from 24 February to 17 March. He will work 160m to 6m using CW and SSB preferably on the low bands. QSL direct to home call. [NG3K]
24/02/2010: Michel, F6GWV and Gildas, F6HMQ will be active as TO2T from Guadeloupe (IOTA NA-102, DIFO FG-001, WLOTA LH-0644) from 24th February to 8th March 2010. QSL via F6HMQ, direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]
24/02/2010: Art, NN7A will be active from the Turneffe Islands (IOTA NA-123), Belize, as V31JZ/p between 24 February and 3 March. QRV holiday style operation. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
25/02/2010: The Palos Verdes Amateur Radio, K6PV will be active from Santa Catalina Island (IOTA NA-066, USi CA016S, WLOTA LH-2912), Los Angeles County, California, from 25-28 February. Planned operation on ususal IOTA frequencies, mostly 20 metre SSB. May be available to work CW, RTTY and/or PSK31. Operators include Ray N6HE, Dan W6DC, Mel K6SY, Doris K6KSY, Jeff K6JW, Homer K6HKT, Ginger KG6TAU, Bob AB6SY, Joe K5KT and Marian K5KKT. QSL direct to K6PV (Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Club) or via the Bureau. They have a special K6PV IOTA cards for the activation. Web page at: www.palosverdes.com/pvarc/ [rsgbiota.org]
25/02/2010: Members of TIARA (Tokyo International Amateur Radio Association) namely Kawa AB2ST/KH2, Ken K0EN/KH2 and Toshio, KG6WTW/KH2 will be on the air from Guam (IOTA OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA LH-0064) from 25 February until 1 March. Activity will be on HF all bands, mainly beaming Europe. QSL all calls via JF1TEU, JARL Bureau or direct. This project is the sequel to the one in 2008. [dx-hamspirit.com]
25/02/2010: Operators Nilzo PY6AWU, Jose PY6HD and Roberto PY6RT will be active as ZZ6Z from Santa Barbara Island (WLOTA LH-0463) in the Abrolhos Archipelago group (IOTA SA-019) on 25-28th February 2010. The Brazilian Navy schedule could affect the dates. Activity will be on 80-10 metre SSB. QSL via PY6HD, direct only. [OPDX Bulletin]
Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated ARRL International DX CW Contest activity at: http://ng3k.com/Misc/adxc2010.html .. Good luck to all participants & have fun!!! ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
26/02/2010: Frank DL4VCG and Philippe LX2A will participate in the CQWW 160M SSB Contest (26-28th February) from Eschdorf, Luxembourg, as a Multi-Op entry. QSL via LX2A. Web: www.lx2a.com/ [NG3K]
26/02/2010: John, K6AM will be active as ZF2AM from Grand Cayman Island (IOTA NA-016, WLOTA LH-1042) as a Single-Op entry in the CQWW 160M SSB Contest (26-28th February). QSL via home call, Bureau or direct. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
26/02/2010: The Baden Powell DX Group, Guara DX Group and Labre-Paraiba will operate as ZV7C from the Cabo Branco lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-015 and DFB PB-01, WW Loc. HI22OU), Paraiba State, Brazil, during the 2nd South American Lighthouse Week (26-28th February). Team members include PR7AB, PR7AF, PR7AYE, PR7HR, PR7HT, PR7PB, PR7SD, PR7TS and PU7GFL. QRV 80-10 metres using CW, SSB and PSK. Approximate frequencies: SSB - 3.700, 7.120, 14.280, 21.280 and 24.480 MHz; CW - 3.515, 7.015, 14.022, 21.022 and 28.071 MHz; PSK - 3.580, 7.037, 14.071, 21.071 and 28.071 MHz. QSL via PT7JP, direct (QRZ.com) or Bureau. [PT2OP]
08/03/2010: Pista, HA5AO will be back to the Trading Post Lodge, Roma (near Maseru), Kingdom of Lesotho, once again as 7P8AO, between 8-22nd March 2010. He plans to working on the HF bands, 80-10 metres, on CW, SSB and RTTY. The station setup: ICOM 7000 transceiver with 300 W solid state PA, 10.2 m wire vertical antenna with SG-235 automatic antenna coupler. He should like to be on the air as much time as possible, however, please note, that this is a single operator mini expedition. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. Logsearch will be available on his website: ha5ao.novolab.hu/. [HA0HW]
12/03/2010: From 12-20 March 2010 you'll be able to contact the first 2010 Dxpedition by the Provins ARC (F6KOP) to Ouessant Island (IOTA EU-065, DIFM AT001, WLOTA LH-0208), located in Department Finistere/29 and Province Brittany (DPF 06). An international crew, will operate from there as TM7CC. As usual, there are some newcomers, coming to learn the Dxpedition traffic. Among the operators, lead by Frank, F4AJQ are namely : Bob N6OX, Gabriele I2VGW, Bernard F9IE, Jean-Paul F8BJI, Alain F6ENO, Ghislain F6CEL, Robert F5HTR, Michel F5EOT, Martin F4UKP, Olivier F4FLF, Philippe F4EAT, Jean-Michel F4DLM, Gerard F2VX, Henri F1HRE and Michel F1AFW. QRV from 160-10m, using CW, SSB, Digitals (RTTY, PSK31 and more). QSL via F9IE, direct or bureau. Further information can be found at: www.tm7cc.com/ [F5NQL]
28/03/2010: Brian KG8CO (JD1BNJ), Stan AC8W (JD1BNK), Ted K8AQM (JD1BNM) and Steve K8QKY (JD1BNQ) will be active from Chichi-jima (JIIA AS-031-003, WLOTA LH-2269, Grid Loc. QL17), Ogasawara islands (IOTA AS-031) between 28th March and 12th April 2010. QRV 160-10m using CW, SSB and RTTY. JD1BNJ (Brian) will operate only RTTY and PSK31; JD1BNK (Stan) will operate mainly HF CW; JD1BNM (Ted) will be on the low bands, CW; and JD1BNQ (Steve) will be on all the HF bands CW plus 6 metres. QSL all calls via K8AQM, direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LotW. [F5NQL]
07/04/2010: The French TM5EL DX Group will be active on Sein Island (IOTA EU-068, DIFM AT007, CP 29990) in Department Finistere/29 and Province Brittany (DPF 06), France on 7-14th April 2010. Plans are also to activate the Grand Phare lighthouse (DPLF PB106, ARLHS FRA 066, TWLHD WLH F-027, WLOTA LH-2721, WW Loc. IN78NA). Operators include F4BCG, F4FCS, F5RAB, F6AXN, F6DXE, D6DPD, F8AEJ. TM5EL will be active on the HF bands, 6m, 2m, 70cm, and 23cm using SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via F6KHI, direct or Bureau. [F5NQL]
22/05/2010: The "Ring Deutscher Pfadfinder" (group of German Radio-Scouts) will be qrv from Roemoe Island (IOTA EU-125, DIA NS-001, Grid Loc. JO45) as OZ1RDP from 22-24th May 2010. QRV on HF, 50, 70 and 144 MHz. It is the 15th meeting at OZ1RDP. QSL via DL9BCP, direct or Bureau. Further details at: www.oz1rdp.de/ [MMMonVHF]
22/05/2010: This year the Boy Scouts Of America turns 100 year old. The special event callsign WS8BSA will be aired on 22nd May 2010 from 1400-2100 UTC. QRV on 80, 20 and 15 metres. QSL via KE8X (QRZ.com). Further information will be available closer to the date of activity. [N8OFS]
19/11/2010: A team of operators, namely Gerd DJ5IW, Markus DJ7EO, Heye DJ9RR, Franz DK1II, Chris DL1MGB, Dietmar DL3DXX, Andy DL5CW, Tom DL5LYM, Felix DL5XL, Ben DL6FBL, Dieter DL8OH, Joerg DL8WPX and Robert SP5XVY will be active from Raoul Island [aka Sunday Island], Kermadec Islands (IOTA OC-039) as ZL8X from 19th November to 5th December 2010. They will use 7 stations all capable of all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY). The well-known Braveheart with his captain Nigel Jolly will bring the team and their equipment to the island and will support us with general logistics. Further information will be available at: www.kermadec.de/index.php [ZL2IFB] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
IIØMETEO operating during the 7th Antarctic Activity Week 22-28 Febr.2010 Italian Air Force Base "Mario De Bernardi" is located at Pratica di Mare near Rome. This is the greatest Italian military airport and the second Base in Europe for largeness. It is a Center of several IAF units, amongst which we cite the most important ones: Experimental Flight Unit (with 311th Flight Group), 14th Flock (with 8th and 71st Flight Groups) and 15th CSAR Flock (combat SAR). On the same IAF Base, stands the National Center of METEOROLOGY and AERONAUTICAL CLIMATOLOGY (CNMCA). The weather station of Pratica di Mare is the main reference unit for the IAF Meteorological service and for World-wide Meteorological Organization, therefore the site from where Meteorologists are studying and acquiring practice to leave for Antarctica during the Italian Research expeditions at MZS Station. Thanks to the General Staff of the IAF Gen. BA Daniele Tei , to Col. Costante De Simone Commander of CNMCA and the Official Commanders of Pratica di Mare AFB who granted permission and support, a group of referenced Italian Hams representing WAP-Worldwide Antarctic Program (www.waponline.it) , will operate from inside the Base during the 7th AAW using a special callsign IIØMETEO (WAP-190) just issued by the Ministry of Communications. Operators will be: IK2IWU Carlo, I1HYW Gianni, IW2MNO Marcello, IK1MDF Lorenzo, IZ8EWB Gian Luigi, and IK5DEZ Maurizio. QSL via IK2IWU. www.waponline.it/ [I1HYW]
GW (Wales) - 25th March to 30th March 2010 - Members of the Strumble Head DX and Contest Group will be activating the club call signs over the weekend of the CQ WPX phone contest - MW9W and MC0SHL. Not only will they be on the air in the contest as single band entries, but they will also be on for a few days before and after the contest. Most of the operation will be on SSB but there is promise of some RTTY on various bands including 30M. Logs will be uploaded onto LOTW at the end of the week and if they can the boys will also try to upload to the logsearch on their QSL managers website. All QSL's should go via Tim M0URX where full details are on http://www.m0urx.com/ where full details are available. Details of all the clubs activities, and photographs of the group, are also on the club website http://www.mc0shl.com/ [G1VDP]
LZ - BULGARIA - To commemorate 132nd anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman yoke by Russia, Balkan Contest Club LZ1KZA will operate with special event callsign LZ132GO from 1st till 31st of March 2010. LZ132GO counts for 10 points towards "St. Teodosii Tyrnovski" award: http://www.balkanclub.org/awards.htm . QSL via LZ1ZF. [F5NQL]
18/02/2010: In a joint even venture between the Northampton Radio Club & the Coventry Amateur Radio Society to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Daventry Experiment, GB75RDF & GB0RDF will be operating from the Ex BBC site at Borough Hill, Daventry during February. GB4RDF will be operating from the Birth of RADAR Memorial from 18th February until 17th March 2010. Details can be found on QRZ.com. QSL all calls via G1BHR, direct or Bureau. [GB2RS]
18/02/2010: The Portuguese Navy Hamradio Club - NRA and the Navy itself feel proud to announce a double Special Event. In this month of February we celebrate the 1st centenary since radiotelegraphy has begun naval official service in the navy. To celebrate it, two Special Event Stations [CR5100AM and CR5100VZ] plus an onboard station CS5DFG will be active. One Station located in Lisbon another Station located 15 miles south of Lisbon and the third one not much far from the others, will be active on the next February 18th and 20th in the period of [0900 - 1900] UTC. A Special QSL Card and a Special Award have been issued by the Navy and NRA to be addressed to all stations that contact one of these three stations in the dates and periods above. Look for any of these stations on the bands and be awarded with a Special QSL Card and Award. Contacting us or waiting another hundred years to do so, is your choice. [ZLDXC]
20/02/2010: GG100RE will operate from Eltham in south-east London on Saturday 20 February for Thinking Day on the Air, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Girl Guide movement. Two stations will be active throughout the day, with Guides of all ages passing greetings messages on 80, 40 and 20m. The station will be operated by Cray Valley RS. QSL via G4DFI. Full details on QRZ.com. [GB2RS]
20/02/2010: Special event station GG100WD for Wilton Division Guides will be operating in Batley on the weekend of 20 and 21 February. The station will be operational on HF, 2m and 70cm from 11am on Saturday to 2pm on Sunday. QSL via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]
22/02/2010: The 7th Antarctic Activity Week will be held from 22-28 February, with various countries and special callsigns active. Look for the following: DA0ANT WAP-128 (QSL DC2SF), K4A WAP-073 (QSL K6EID), K4K WAP-176 (QSL K4MZU), II2ANT WAP-030 (QSL I2JJR), IR1ANT WAP-002 (QSL I1HYW). Further information about the event plus full list of participating stations can be found at: www.waponline.it/ [Worldwide Antarctic Program]
22/02/2010: Operators Javi EC1KV, Dani EB1LA, Carri EA1CUB, Luis EA1CS, Juanjo EA1WX, Juan Carlos EA1AUM, Gil EA1HFM and Fernando EA1GHT will be active 22-28 February as AO1ANT for the celebration of the 7th Antarctic Activity Week. Their reference will be WAP-180 and the SSB, CW, PSK31 and RTTY modes, will be activated, in all the amateur bands from 10 to 160 metres. QSL via EA1GHT, Bureau or direct. For more info see: www.qrz.com/db/ao1ant [EA1GHT]
22/02/2010: Paul, K8PG will be active from Chatham, Michigan, as N8A for the 7th Antarctic Activity Week. QSL via K8PG (QRZ.com). [K8PG]
U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
18/02-22/02 C6APG: Grand Bahama Island LH-0527 QSL K4PG (d) 18/02-15/03 J88DR: St. Vincent LH-0492 QSL G3TBK (d/b) 20/02-21/02 8P3A: Barbados Island LH-0999 QSL VE3DZ (d/b) 20/02-21/02 C6AWL: New Providence (Nassau) LH-1115 QSL RX3RC (d) 20/02-21/02 CO8LY: Cuba Island LH-0032 QSL EA7ADH (d) 20/02-21/02 CO8TW: Cuba Island LH-0032 QSL HB9SVT (d/b) 20/02-21/02 CR2X: Ilha de Sao Miguel LH-2016 QSL OH2BH (d/b) 20/02-21/02 CR3L: Ilha da Madeira LH-0053 QSL DJ6QT (d/b) 20/02-21/02 EF8M: Isla de Gran Canaria LH-0969 QSL UA3DX (d) 20/02-21/02 EF8N: Isla de Tenerife LH-1276 QSL EA8AY (d/b) 20/02-05/03 HI3/IK4QJF: Dominican Republic LH-2974 QSL HC (d/b) 20/02-21/03 J38A: Grenada Island LH-0718 QSL K4LTA (d/b) 20/02-21/02 KP2M: St. Croix Island LH-2477 QSL AI4U (d/b) 20/02 MM0DGR/P: Scotland LH-1234 QSL MM0DFV (b) 20/02-21/02 NP4DX: Puerto Rico Island WLOTA:2802 QSL W3HNK (d/b) 20/02-21/02 PJ2T: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL HC (d/b) 20/02-21/02 VP9/W6PH: Hamilton Island WLOTA:0201 QSL HC (d) 20/02-21/02 ZF2AM: Grand Cayman LH-1042 QSL K6AM (d/b) 21/02 CU3CC/P: Ilha Terceira LH-0524 QSL HC (d/b) 21/02 CU3HY/P: Ilha Terceira LH-0524 QSL HC (d/b) 21/02-25/02 S21DX: Saint Martin's Island LH-2351 QSL EB7DX (d) 21/02-28/02 ZF2MN/ZF8: Little Cayman LH-1490 QSL K0UU (d) 22/02-03/03 V88/DL7JAN: Brunei (Borneo main) LH-1628 QSL HC (d/b) 23/02-05/03 8Q7JK: Male Atoll LH-3911 QSL OE6VHF (b) 24/02-28/02 9M2/OE1WWL: Pulau Langkawi LH-2020 QSL HC (b) 24/02-17/03 SV5/DJ7RJ: Nisos Kos LH-1730 QSL HC (d) 24/02-08/03 TO2T: Guadeloupe Island LH-0644 QSL F6HMQ (d/b) 25/02-01/03 AB2ST/KH2: Guam Island LH-0064 QSL JF1TEU (d/b) 25/02-01/03 K0EN/KH2: Guam Island LH-0064 QSL JF1TEU (d/b) 25/02-28/02 K6PV: Santa Catalina Island LH-2912 QSL d/b 25/02-01/03 KG6WTW/KH2: Guam Island LH-0064 QSL JF1TEU (d/b) 25/02-28/02 ZZ6Z: Ilha Santa Barbara - Abrolhos LH-0463 QSL PY6HD (d) ============================================ SIX METERS & UP -
N8OFS/P (Caboose) EN91AE pre-announcement: I will be N8OFS/P (Caboose) for the ARRL June VHF Contest (EN91or) Counts for RRDOTA (RailRoad Depots On The Air) OH-0001... Kenwood TS-60, 90W.. I will be running 2 Antennas with a switchbox Horizontal - PAR OA-50 Loop @ around 30ft, Vertical "DOMINATOR" 5/8 wave GroundPlane @ around 20ft... There will be only ONE frequency used, 50.225 USB; a /Beacon will also run on 50.225+/- at certain times. QSL info: eQSL Prefered (send to N8OFS/P), Direct is OK (send to N8OFS/P) to either address listed on QRZ... This operation is also to help celebrate the AC&J (ACJR) Railroads 26th Aniversary... More "exact" details to follow... [N8OFS]
18/02-24/02 VP5/K6VVA: Provo NA-001 Grid:FL31VS 6M 100W 7elM2 QSL N6AWD 24/02-17/03 SV5/DJ7RJ: Kos Island EU-001 Grid:KM36 6M 100W QSL HC (d)
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 17 February 2010)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ US COUNTY HUNTING - USA-CA
AF5Q - 3/20/2010 to 3/21/2010 - SSB, CW and Data Operating in the Oklahoma QSO party single op rover Saturday, March 20, 2010 Comanche, Kiowa, Tillman, Jackson, Harmon, Greer, Beckham, Roger Mills, Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Woodward, Woods, Major, Garfield, Noble, and if time, Payne and Pawnee. Sunday Tulsa, Creek, Payne, Lincoln, Okfuskee, Seminole, Pottawatomie, and if time Cleveland and McClain. I will be QRV primary 20 and 40m with checks on 80 and 15, 10 and 6 at times. I will be operating SSB, CW, and digital Hope to hear ya call me... QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
As of the beginning of February, NI5DX is the QSL manager for 9M6TMT, Tom, and 9M6RHM, Abdul. Buzz already has the logs for 9M6TMT and is awaiting cards being sent from Tom to Texas. Tom is very active and can often be found on the same frequency as 9M6JC, John, one of the other DX stations that Buzz assists. No log information has been transferred yet for 9M6RHM, but will be shortly. [K1XN] ---------- QSLs received Bureau - 5H1MS, 6V7G, 9M6DXX, A25OOK, C91OK, E44M, HF90CC, HH2FYD, J28JA, J5C, OE100TMW, OJ0B, PC400BKL, SN1200SP, TC2T and V73PX.
QSLs received Direct - 5H3EE (OQRS), 6W/EI6DX (RX3RC), CE0Z/SM0CUK (hc), CP4BT (EA5KB), DQ11APOLLO (DF3JO), FK8CP (QRZ.com), S58N (QRZ.com), T32BJ (G3BJ), TL0A (QRZ.com), UA0FO (QRZ.com), VP2MNK (DJ8NK), VP2V/KN5H (hc), XV3RRC [AS-157] (RZ3EC) and YS4/N0AT (hc).
QSLs received LoTW - XR0Y ============================================ SILENT KEYS -
Chris Walters, N0HVK, of Florissant, Missouri, became Silent Key on 07 February 2010.
Herbert "Pete" Hoover III, W6ZH (ex-W6APW) -- the grandson of Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States, and the son of former IARU and ARRL President Herbert Hoover Jr, W6ZH (SK) -- passed away on 04 February 2010. He was 82. ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
5R - Michele, IK5ZUI will be 5R8UI from Nosy Be island (IOTA AF-057, WLOTA LH-3042), Madagascar, starting early March 2010 and he will stay there probably for one year. QSL via home call. [F6AJA]
CYØ - SABLE ISLAND The scheduled 2009 Operation that was placed on HOLD due to family illness is proceeding with the planning for a Dxpedition in the Sept/Oct 2010 time frame. The web site will be updated as more details are available. (WWW.CY0dxpedition.com). Operators include: WA4DAN, AA4VK, N0TG and AI5P. [N0TG] ---------------- Hi Friends on website http://www.strangeradioteam.com you can see the: TX5SPA/TX5SPM Story ... DXpedition 2009 Special TNX to Les, SP3DOI for this nice article. 73 Oreste, IZ8EDJ ---------------- The online log for TX4T is now active and updated; please checkyour contacts at : http://www.fo2010.org/?page_id=12 ---------------- New logs added on "CT's Logs Online" from CT1FMX, CQ0ODX and CT2GZE activities on http://algarvedx.com/logonline You can find more than 116 logs online from CT HAMs activities or non CT HAMs but in Portugal territory. If you did any kind of radio operation in CT, CT3 ou CU (CT8), youn can send us your log for "CT's Logs Online" Algarve STAR DX Team ---------------- Dear Friends, Ham's, The " Application Form for the Istanbul 2010 AWARD " is ready on the next link and at the main page of www.ta0u.com ( pdf & doc ) with the AWARD Rules... http://www.ta0u.com/2010/Award/ApplicationForm.pdf
For the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture AWARD the next event will be the TC2010PSG. The event will be between 20-21-22 / March / 2010 http://www.ta0u.com/2010/eng/pdf/TC2010PSG.PDF
Next week end, 19-20 February 2010 all the station for Istanbul 2010 AWARD ( TC2010CCE - Europe - / TC2010CCA - Asia - / TC2010CCI - Islands ) will be qrv for the Russian WW PSK Contest on different bands...
Some pictures from the oppening night of the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture is on the next links http://www.ta0u.com/galeri.asp http://www.ta0u.com/galeri2.asp?id=10
The catalogue for Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture AWARD and the Rules is on the next link http://www.ta0u.com/2010/eng/pdf/2010AWARDCatalogue.pdf
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. Best regards 73! de TA0U / Urcun CANEL TCSWAT TC Special Wireless Activity Team www.ta0uu.com www.tcswat.org ta0u@ta0u.com ta0u@tcswat.org *******************************************
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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