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ICPO Bulletin (18-25 November 2011) | 13:49 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 18/11/2011: Team Vertical members Gene KB7Q, Fred KE7X, Walt N6XG, Jeff N6XR, Mike WA6O (C6AAW), Kenny K2KW to be active on all bands from North Palmetto Point, Eleuthera Island (IOTA NA-100), Bahamas, from 18-28 November, 2011. They will sign C6A with their personal callsign. They will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as a Multi-Multi entry, using the callsign C6AAW. QSL via WA4WTG. [NG3K]
18/11/2011: Bill, N7OU, is currently active as E51MAN from Manihiki Atoll (IOTA OC-014) until 6 December 2011. QRV 80-10m CW only, with focus on Europe. QSL via N7OU. [dx-world.net]
18/11/2011: The callsigns ID9DXC and II9DXC will be used by the staff of DxCoffee to transmit from the Aeolian group (IOTA EU-017) activating some rare or semi-rare rocks and islands valid for the I.I.A. (Italian Island Award). The activity will be spread out starting from the end of 2011 throughout the entire year of 2012. It will begin on 18 November 2011 from the island of Panarea (EU-017, IIA ME-006, MIA MI-070, WLOTA 2201), if weather conditions permits. A special card will be printed for each reference the team activate. QSL via Antonello Scauso IT9YVO direct or bureau. If you want to follow the activities of ID9DXC, stay updated by visiting: www.dxcoffee.com/id9dxc/ [dx-world.net]
18/11/2011: Massimo, IW0HEU, is currently active as II0MZ from the Mario Zucchelli Station (IOTA AN-016, AA I-01, WAP ITA-01, WFF IFF-025), located in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica, until February 2012. Active mainly on 40m and 20m, SSB phone only. Also active during centennial of South Pole Conquering. Fixed and Maritime working conditions. QSL via IW0EFA, bureau preferred. Information and updates can be found at: www.qrz.com/db/II0MZ [AD1C]
18/11/2011: Joe, K5KUA, will once again be active as K5KUA/5 from Galveston island (NA-143, USi TX001S, Galveston county), Texas, from 18-23 November, 2011. Casual operation on the HF bands. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [rsgbiota.org]
18/11/2011: Within the next few days, look for Elvira, IV3FSG, to be active from M’Baiki, Central African Republic as TL8ES. Activity on the HF bands using SSB, RTTY and PSK. Length of stay is not know at this time. QSL via IK3GES. [dx-world.net]
18/11/2011: Gregor DF7OGO (VP2MGO), Tom K3WT (VP2MWT), Ron N0AT (VP2MTA), Vlad N0STL (VP2MTL) and Bill W0OR (VP2MOR) will be active from Gingerbread Hill (WW Loc. FK86VS), St. Peters Parish, island of Montserrat (IOTA NA-103, WLOTA 1475) between 18 November and 6 December, 2011. They will be signing VP2MWG (QSL via N0AT, direct, bureau and LoTW) during the CQWW DX CW (26-27 November) and ARRL 160 Meter (2-4 December) Contests; before and after the contests they will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres. QSL via home calls. Website: www.vp2mwg.comeze.com/ [425 DX News]
19/11/2011: Radio Club HB9HI will be homecall/p from the Castle of Severy (DCS VD-075, WCA HB-00705) on 19 November, 2011, from from 10:45 to 12:15 UTC. QRV with 2 stations: one on 7.060 MHz (+/- QRM) SSB, and the other on 20m SSB, at the same time. QSL via HB9HI, direct or bureau. [HB9TZA]
19/11/2011: Bill, K9HZ, will once again be active as J68HZ from Labrelotte Bay, Castries, island of St. Lucia (IOTA NA-108, WLOTA 1336) between 19 November and 3 December 2011. Activity is usually on 80/40/20 metre CW and SSB. Suggested frequencies are: CW - 3550, 7050 and 14050 kHz; SSB - 3770, 7155 and 14155 kHz. He also suggests to watch 40 or 20 metres between 1600-2400z daily. QSL via his home call. [OPDX Bulletin]
19/11/2011: Manel, EA3EGB, will be active as ON/EA3EGB from Castle Linkebeek (WCA ON-00479, BCA VB-045) on the 19th of November 2011. QRV SSB only on 80, 40, 20 and 17 metres. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. Log will be uploaded to WCA e-Log. [EA3EGB]
20/11/2011: After last year's successful expedition to Banjul, The Gambia, during which the Czecho-Slovak team participated in the CQWW CW contest to gain the world trophy in the Multi-Multi category, Richard OK8WW/OM2TW and Jiri OK1RI organize another contest DXpedition to this country. A group of 12 ops from OK and OM will operate under the callsign C50C from 20 November until 29 November, 2011. Their main aim is to participate in both parts of the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) using the callsign C5A. Plans are to be QRV on the HF bands 160-10m. Operators will be: Richard OK8WW/OM2TW, Jiri OK1RI, Joe OM5AW, Jiri OK1DO, Norbert OM6NM, Jan OM2IB, Lada OK1DIX, Petr OK1FFU, Zdenek OK1DSZ, Vlada OK1NU, David OK1RK and Vitek OK5MM. QSL via Brani OM2FY, direct or bureau. Website: www.om0c.com/ [dx-world.net]
20/11/2011: Cezar, VE3LYC and Dino, CE3PG have embarked on a project to activate Pupuya Island (IOTA SA-095) on 20-23 November 2011 (dates may change in case of bad weather conditions), using the callsign CE4A. The operation will take place under the auspices of the Radio Club de Chile. Given the difficulties associated with operating from Pupuya Island, various contingencies will be considered, including radio equipment, power, transportation, landing, and camping. QRV on 40, 30, 20, and 17 metre CW and SSB, with two stations (100 watts) and multiband verticals. QSL via VE3LYC, direct or bureau. Further information can be found on their website at: ce4a.yolasite.com/ [dx-world.net]
20/11/2011: Valery, R5GA, will be active as P4/R5GA from the island of Aruba (IOTA SA-036, WLOTA 0033) from 20-28 November, 2011. This will include a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) using the callsign P40F. QSL via R5GA and LoTW. [NG3K]
21/11/2011: Mike, K9NW, will be active as C91NW from Mozambique between 21-29 November 2011. QRV from 160-10m on CW/SSB/RTTY, possibly 6m too. During the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) look for C91NW as a Single-Op/All-Band entry from CQ zone 37. QSL via home call. [dx-world.net]
21/11/2011: "The VooDoo Contest Group will enter the CQWW CW contest this November for the 23rd straight year. This time we will be located just South of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, call-sign EL2A (QSL via G3SXW), multi-multi category. Operation with personal callsigns will commence on November 21st: AA7A Ned - EL2NS; G3SXW Roger - EL2A; G4BWP Fred - EL2WP; KC7V Mike - EL2MF; KY7M Lee - EL2LF; and N7CW Bud - EL2CW. QSL via home call. LoTW uploads will be fast! We look forward to working everyone in the biggest and best contest of the year! Many thanks in advance for wonderful support from the Liberian Radio Amateur Association." [Roger/G3SXW]
21/11/2011: Operators Mike W0MU, Jim N1NK and Jonathan G0DVJ will be active from the Chateau Devaux, Cap Estate, located on the north end of the island of St. Lucia (NA-108, WLOTA 1336, WW Loc. FK94MC), between 21 November and 1 December 2011. QRV as J6/homecalls on 160-6 metre CW. SSB and the Digital modes. They will also participate as a Multi-Op entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) using the callsign J6M (QSL via N1NK and LoTW and OQRS). Derek J6/VE3CZF will be joining the team for the contest. Equipment will consist of K3 X 2, KPA 500, SteppIR 2 ele beam with 30/40, 5 band Hex beam, 31 foot vertical, Microham Keyers X 2 for RTTY and PSK etc., Multiband Dipole and Bandpass filters. QSL via home calls, direct and LoTW. Full details, including online logs and OQRS system can be found at: www.w0mu.com/DX/ [N8OFS - that 50MHz guy with the caboose!]
21/11/2011: Look for Hiro JA6WFM and Naomi JM6EBU to be active as JF6YME/6 from Yoron Shima [Shima = Island] (IOTA AS-023, WLOTA 0287), part of the Amami Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, from 21-23 November, 2011. QRV on the HF bands using CW and SSB. Check the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via JA6WFM, direct or by the JARL bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
21/11/2011: Steve, G3ZVW/AF6SU, will once again be active as ZD8N from Ascension Island (IOTA AF-003, WLOTA 1491) between 21 November and 2 December, 2011. He has been off the island for almost three years. Activity will be on 80-10 metre CW, SSB and the Digital modes. He is also expected to participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November). QSL via his home callsign, by the bureau or direct. [OPDX Bulletin]
21/11/2011: Oliver, W6NV (ZD8W, QSL via home call) and Jorma, OH2KI (ZD8X, QSL via home call) will be active from Ascension Island (IOTA AF-003, WLOTA 1491, CQ Zone 36) from 21-29 November 2011. They will participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as ZD8W (Multi-Single); before and after the contest they will focus on the low bands. [NG3K/425 DX News]
22/11/2011: A German team consisting of Jan DJ8NK, Andy DL5CW, Andreas DL9USA, Karl-Heinz DK2WV and Heye DJ9RR wil be active as 9L0W from the Banana Islands (IOTA AF-037), Sierra Leone, between 22 November and 4 December, 2011. QRV on 160-10 metre CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. They will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November). QSL via DK2WV. Full details on their website at: www.mdxc.org/9l0w/ [dx-world.net]
22/11/2011: Operators Nikola/VE3EY and John/VE3TA will be active as FJ/homecall from the island of St. Barthelemy (IOTA NA-146, DIFO FJ-001, WLOTA 0377) from 22-29 November, 2011. Activity will include the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as a Multi-Single entry, using the callsign TO3A. QSL via their home callsigns. QSL TO3A via VE3EY. [OPDX Bulletin]
22/11/2011: Dennis, K2SX and Les, W2LK will be active as V31SX and V31AO from Placencia Village, Stann Creek District, Belize (WW Loc. EK56TM) from 22-29 November, 2011. This will include a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) from CQ zone 07. They expect to be on 6M and RTTY before the contest. QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]
23/11/2011: Nick, G3RWF (FOC 1902), is returning to Fort Portal in Western Uganda on 23 November, 2011 for three weeks. He will be taking a new amp with emphasis on low bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [dx-world.net]
23/11/2011: From 23th November to 6th December 2011 Sigi, DL7DF, will be on holiday with his XYL Sabine in Kenya. Sigi will operate on all bands from 160m to 10m in CW, SBB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV as often as possible. The location is Diani Beach at the coastline of Kenya near Mombasa. Equipment will consist of a transceiver K2, a linear XV600, a Lowband Vertical, some dipole antennas as well as a laptop computer. QSL via DL7DF, direct or bureau. Website: www.dl7df.com/5z/index.html [NG3K]
23/11/2011: Jeff, N1SNB, will be active as 6V6V from the Le Calao shack, Somone, Senegal (CQ Zone 35), from 23-29 November, 2011. He will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. Outside the contest expect activity on all bands and modes. QSL via N1SNB. [NG3K]
23/11/2011: Emilio, IZ1GAR, will be active from Pantelleria Island (IOTA AF-018, IIA TP-001, MIA MI-124, WLOTA 0041) as IH9/IZ1GAR from 23-28 November 2011. Activity will also include a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry, CQ Zone 33, in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) using the callsign IH9R. QRV on all bands/modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
23/11/2011: Yoshi, JG4IQC will be active (on 20-10m CW) as JG4IQC/JD1 from Chichi-jima (AS-031, WLOTA 2269, JCG 10007), Ogasawara, on 23-25 November, 2011. The main purpose of this visit is for work, so activity will be only during spare time. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [dx-world.net]
23/11/2011: Dave, WJ2O, will be active as KH6/WJ2O from the KH6RC rental QTH located in Ocean View, island of Hawaii (IOTA OC-019, USi HI025S, WLOTA 0065, WW Loc. BK29CC), Hawaii county, Hawaii, from 23 to 30 November 2011. He will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November). Outside the contest Dave plans to be QRV on the WARC bands, 100% CW, no phone, no digital, no six metres. He will also be running my "near real time logging" from wj2o.com/. QSL direct to home call (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
23/11/2011: Bavarian Contest Club members Mario DJ2MX, Simon DJ4MZ, Matthias DK4YJ, Ulf DK5TX, Christoph DK9TN, Luise DL2MLU and Ben DL6RAI will be active as TK/homecall (QSL via home calls) from the island of Corsica (IOTA EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390) from 23-28 November, 2011. QRV on 160-10m, all modes. They will participate in the CQ-WW-CW Contest (26-27 November) as TK4W, in the Multi-2 category. An OQRS for TK4W will be available on their website, or QSL direct to DJ2MX (QRZ.com). [425 DX News]
23/11/2011: Look for Art, N3DXX, to be active as VP2V/N3DXX from the island of Virgin Gorda (aka Tortola), British Virgin Islands (IOTA NA-023, WLOTA 0347), from 23-30 November 2011. Art will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. Outside of the contest he plans to focus activity on 160 metres. QSL via AA7V. [NG3K]
24/11/2011: Kazu, JH8PHT, will be active from Saipan Island (IOTA OC-086, USi NI002S, WLOTA 1333), Northern Mariana Islands, as AH0KT from 24-28 November, 2011. Activity will include the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
24/11/2011: Look for Steve, K6AW, to be active as EY8ZE from Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 24-28 November, 2011. He will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (TBD) entry from CQ zone 17, using the callsign EY3M. QSL via W5UE. [NG3K]
24/11/2011: Joeke, PA0VDV will be active as PJ2/PA0VDV from the island of Curacao (IOTA SA-099, WLOTA 0942) from 24 November to 13 December, 2011. He will operate CW only on 80-10 metres, and will *not* participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest (look for him on 30, 17 and 12 metres during that weekend). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]
24/11/2011: Masa, K1GI, will be active as PJ7I from the island of Dutch Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105, WLOTA 0711) from 24-28 November 2011. QRV on 80-10 metres using a FT-450 w/500w amplifier into a Hexagonal beam (20-10m) and a Quarter Lambda vertical (80/40m) antenna. QSL via JG2BRI, direct or via the JARL bureau. Online logsearch will be available at ClubLog. Website: www.qsl.net/pj7i [OPDX Bulletin]
24/11/2011: Look for Bud, AA3B, to be active from Gunthorpes, Saint George Parish, island of Antigua (IOTA NA-100, WLOTA 1118) using the callsign V26K from 24-29 November, 2011. Activity will include a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
24/11/2011: Pete, VE3IKV / VA3RA, will be active from the island of Anguilla (IOTA NA-022, WLOTA 1474, Grid Loc. FK88) as VP2ERA between 25 November and 3 December, 2011. This will include an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November), Single-Op on 40-10m. After the contest he will be QRV on the 17m and 12m WARC bands plus 10m and 6m. QSL via VE3IKV, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
24/11/2011: Mike, AJ9C, plans to be active as YN2CC from Grenada, Nicaragua, between 24th November and 5th December 2011. QRV on 160-10 metre CW, SSB and RTTY, including entries in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) and the ARRL 160-Meter CW Contest (2-4 December). QSL route is via LoTW or direct to AJ9C with SASE/SAE + sufficient postage. [NG3K]
25/11/2011: Pete, VE3IKV / VA3RA, will be active from the island of Anguilla (IOTA NA-022, WLOTA 1474, Grid Loc. FK88) as VP2ERA between 25 November and 3 December, 2011. This will include an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November), Single-Op on 40-10m. After the contest he will be QRV on the 17m and 12m WARC bands plus 10m and 6m. QSL via VE3IKV, direct or bureau. [NG3K] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
26/11/2011: Brian, N3IQ, will be active from Junkanoo Beach, Grand Bahama Island (NA-080, WLOTA 0527), Bahamas, as C6AQQ in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry, CQ zone 08. QSL via ND3F. [NG3K]
26/11/2011: Dick, GU4CHY, will be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest from Castel, isle of Guernsey (EU-114, WLOTA 0013, CQ zone 14) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry. QSL via QRZ.com. [NG3K]
26/11/2011: A team of operators will be active from Eschdorf, Luxembourg (CQ zone 14) as LX7I, a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via LX2A. Website: www.lx2a.com/ [NG3K]
26/11/2011: Robert, ST2AR, will be QRV for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Assisted entry from Khartoum, Sudan (CQ zone 34). QSL via S53R. [NG3K]
26/11/2011: Alan, N3AD, will be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest as VP9/N3AD from Hamilton Parish, island of Bermuda (NA-005). Plans are for a Single-Op/Low-Power entry from CQ zone 05. QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]
27/11/2011: Sam, FK8DD, will operate from Lifou Island (OC-033, DIFO FK-012, WLOTA 0578) during the CQWW DX CW Contest on 27th November 2011 between 00:00 and 22:00 UTC. He will use the callsign TX8NC from CQ zone 32. QSL via LZ1JZ, direct or bureau. [LZ1JZ]
26/12/2011: Operators Cecile ON5TC, Ronald ON5TQ, Michel ON6QO and Peter ON8VP will be PA/homecalls from the island of Schouwen-Duiveland (EU-146, WLOTA 3089) from 26-29 December, 2011. QRV mainly in CW, occasionally on SSB. Bands 40, 30 and 20m. QSL via home calls. [rsgbiota.org]
17/01/2012: From 17 January to 2 February 2012, a team of six operators will be active from Kiritimati [Christmas Island] (OC-024, WW Loc. BJ12HA) in Eastern Kiribati. Each team member will operate with their own callsigns, with activity on 160m to 6m CW and SSB. T32WW and T32CO will also operate both RTTY and PSK. The group will put in a full Multi-Op effort for the CQWW 160m CW Contest (27-29 January) as T32XX (QSL via KB8TXZ). The operators are as follows: Dave, VO1AU (T32AU - QSL via VO1MX); Brian, KG8CO (T32CO - QSL via KB8TXZ); Lee, N8LJ (T32LJ - QSL via K8ESQ); Ted, K8AQM (T32TR - QSL via KB8TXZ); Jim, KB8TXZ (T32TX - QSL via KB8TXZ); and Stan, AC8W (T32WW - QSL via KB8TXZ). The team will operate from the same location as the recent T32C DXpedition. Website: www.qrz.com/db/T32AU [dx-world.net]
23/02/2012: Operators Ray N6HE, Jeff K6JW, NZ6L, Bob AB6SY, Clay AB9A, Diana AI6DF and Bill KG6WVF will be active as K6PV/6 from Santa Catalina island (NA-066, USi CA016S, WLOTA 2912, Los Angeles county), California, from 23-26 February, 2012. QRV on 20m SSB mostly, with some on 40m SSB. They will also be in the NAQP RTTY and CQWW160 SSB Contests. Plans are to be 160-80-40-20-15m-10m capable on SSB, CW, RTTY, and maybe PSK31. QSL direct to QRZ.com address for K6PV. [rsgbiota.org]
10/03/2012: A multi-disciplinary expedition to Clipperton Island (NA-011, DIFO FO-001, France Flora & Fauna award reference FFF-017), called The Clipperton Project, will be carried out during March 2012. As part of The Clipperton Project, Cordell Expeditions will carry out an amateur radio and scientific expedition, activiting Clipperton for radio amateurs with the callsign TX5Q. The goals of the project are: 1) Implement an advanced version of DXA; 2) Conduct amateur radio operations to enable amateurs to make a contact with Clipperton (the DXpedition); 3) Carry out activites in support of the wildlife sanctuary and facilities on Clipperton Island. Team members include Robert KK6EK, John N7CQQ, Alan AD6E, Peter W6OP and Dean N7XG. Activity is planned for 10-15 March 2012. QSL manager will be John N7CQQ. Further information and updates can be found on their website at: www.cordell.org/CI/ [dx-world.net]
27/04/2012: Look for Jim, MM0BQI, to be active as GB5TI from Lunga Island (IOSA NH17, SCOTIA DI09, WAB NH17), Treshnish Isles, Inner Hebrides (EU-108) between 27 April and 1 May, 2012. QRV on the HF bands, on or near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL Information: Direct, email bureau requests and LoTW via GB5TI. [rsgbiota.org]
17/06/2012: Rico, DO6EBB, will be active from Fano Island (EU-125, DIA NS-002) as OZ/DO6EBB from 17-30 June, 2012. QRV on the HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL via home call, direct or eQSL. [rsgbiota.org]
14/07/2012: Jim, MM0BQI, plans to be active as MM0BQI/p from the Shiant Islands (IOSA OH18, SCOTIA DI32), Outer Hebrides (EU-112) from 14-22 July, 2012. Jim has confirmed with the island owners and has permission to stay for the week. Final details will be worked out over the winter and posted here in due course. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [rsgbiota.org]
26/07/2012: Jim, MM0BQI, will be active as MM0BQI/p from Tanera Mor (IOSA SC10, SCOTIA CN32), Summer Isles (EU-092) from 26-30 July 2012. This will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July), using his contest callsign GM1J. QSL both calls via MM0BQI, direct, bureau and LoTW. [rsgbiota.org]
01/06/2013: Operators George EA2TA, Christian EA3NT, Simon IZ7ATN and Col MM0NDX plan to activate Rockall Rock (EU-189, WLOTA 1694) as MS0INT from 1-3 June, 2013. Dates could change. The entire expedition is subject to near perfect sea/weather conditions. QSL via M0URX. Website: eu189.com/ [rsgbiota.org] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
18/11/2011: Paul Godley, 2ZE was sent to Ardrossan in December 1921 by the ARRL as part of the transatlantic tests. This resulted in the first short wave transatlantic amateur radio signals being received in Scotland (EU-005, WLOTA 1234). The Scots, Crocodile Rock Amateur Group will put GB2PG on the air to commemorate the 90th anniversary from 18 November until 15 December 2011. QSL via GM0DEQ. More details at www.gb2pg.blogspot.com/ [GB2RS]
19/11/2011: Special callsign AU2JCB will be in use on 40-10 metre SSB between 19 November and 4 December 2011 to celebrate the birthdate of Indian physicist and radio pioneer Jagadish Chandra Bose. QSL direct to VU2DSI (QRZ.com). [425 DX News]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
18/11-15/12 GB2PG: Scotland (main island) WLOTA:1234 QSL GM0DEQ (d) 18/11 ID9DXC: Isola Panarea WLOTA:2201 QSL IT9YVO (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MGO: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL DF7OGO (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MOR: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL W0OR (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MTA: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL N0AT (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MTL: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL N0STL (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MWT: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL K3WT (d/b) 21/11-01/12 J6/G0DVJ: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 21/11-01/12 J6/N1NK: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 21/11-01/12 J6/W0MU: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d) 19/11-03/12 J68HZ: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL K9HZ (d/b) 21/11-23/11 JF6YME/6: Yoron Shima WLOTA:0287 QSL JA6WFM (d/b) 21/11-02/12 ZD8N: Ascension Island WLOTA:1491 QSL G3ZVW (d/b) 21/11-29/11 ZD8W: Ascension Island WLOTA:1491 QSL W6NV (d) 21/11-29/11 ZD8X: Ascension Island WLOTA:1491 QSL OH2KI (d) 22/11-29/11 FJ/VE3EY: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL HC (d/b) 22/11-29/11 FJ/VE3TA: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-28/11 IH9R: Isola di Pantelleria WLOTA:0041 QSL IZ1GAR (d/b) 23/11-25/11 JG4IQC/JD1: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-30/11 KH6/WJ2O: Hawaii Island WLOTA:0065 QSL HC (d) 23/11-28/11 TK/DJ2MX: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-28/11 TK/DJ4MZ: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-28/11 TK/DK4YJ: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-28/11 TK/DK5TX: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-28/11 TK/DK9TN: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-28/11 TK/DL2MLU: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-28/11 TK/DL6RAI: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b) 23/11-30/11 VP2V/N3DXX: Virgin Gorda WLOTA:0347 QSL AA7V (d) 24/11-28/11 AH0KT: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JH8PHT (d) 24/11-13/12 PJ2/PA0VDV: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-28/11 PJ7I: Sint Maarten Island WLOTA:0711 QSL JG2BRI (d/b) 24/11-29/11 V26K: Antigua Island WLOTA: QSL AA3B (d/b) 25/11-03/12 VP2ERA: Anguilla Island WLOTA:1474 QSL VE3IKV (d/b) ============================================ 6 METRES & UP -
-The 144 MHz EME NewsLetter - Current Issue November 2011- Since 2003 DF2ZC publishes the 144 MHz EME NewsLetter. This is a free service for the EME community. Bernd, DF2ZC, informed us that the latest edition of the EME-Newsletter is now available at: http://www.df2zc.de/newsletter [MMMonVHF]
18/11-06/12 VP2MGO: Montserrat NA-103 Grid:FK86VS 6m CW/SSB QSL DF7OGO (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MOR: Montserrat NA-103 Grid:FK86VS 6m CW/SSB QSL W0OR (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MTA: Montserrat NA-103 Grid:FK86VS 6m CW/SSB QSL N0AT (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MTL: Montserrat NA-103 Grid:FK86VS 6m CW/SSB5 QSL N0STL (d/b) 18/11-06/12 VP2MWT: Montserrat NA-103 Grid:FK86VS 6m CW/SSB QSL K3WT (d/b) 19/11-20/11 ARRL EME Contest SO/MO/50-1296 MHz 19 0000z-20 2359z 19/11 PODXS New Member Jamboree PSK31 6m included 0000z-2359z 21/11-01/12 J6/G0DVJ: St. Lucia NA-108 Grid:FK94MC 6m CW/SSB QSL HC (d) 21/11-01/12 J6/N1NK: St. Lucia NA-108 Grid:FK94MC 6m CW/SSB QSL HC (d) 21/11-01/12 J6/W0MU: St. Lucia NA-108 Grid:FK94MC 6m CW/SSB QSL HC (d) 22/11 LY 2.4G & Up Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM 1800z-2159z 22/11 NRAU Microwave Activity Contest SO/MO/Open 1800z-2200z 22/11 The 50MHz Open Cumulative 1800z-2200z 22/11 RSGB 50MHz UKAC 2000z-2230z 24/11-26/11 V31SX: Belize Grid:EK56TM 6m 50W 4el yagi QSL LoTW 25/11-03/12 VP2ERA: Anguilla NA-022 Grid:FK88 6m 100W QSL VE3IKV (d/b)
Contest Calendar: www.qsl.net/va3rj/con_nov.html
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 16 November, 2011)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SMIRK: www.smirk.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
TWO COUTRIES CLOSE QSL BUREAUS - Two more countries have closed their QSL bureaus. The first is TU, Cote d'Ivoire, and the other is V7, Marshall Island. If you work one of these countries, make sure you get QSL route information or QSL direct. ------------------------------ All the direct QSL card requests received until Nov 15, 2011, for the late TM5SM activity from EU081 have been mailed. Tks Denis, F5RJM [F5NQL] ------------------------------ QSLs via Bureau: None to report! :o(
QSLs via Direct: 4L1UN (EA7FTR), 5Z4/JA7SGV (H/c), BA4DW (QRZ.com), C31CT (EA3QS), H77REX (TI4SU), HSØZBS (HB9AMZ), IT9EJW/p [EU-166] (H/c), J88DR (G3TBK), KØAP/5 [NA-089] (H/c), NHØS (JF2SKV), OJØUR (OQRS via MØURX), PJ5/SP6EQZ (H/c), S59N (QRZ.com), STØR (EA5RM), T88UE (OQRS via DL5AXX), T8XX (OQRS via DL5AXX), TZ6TR (QRZ.com), YJØANR (NQ7R), YL2AG (QRZ.com) and Z35T (QRZ.com).
QSLs via LoTW: 4O3A, 6Y5/K1XM, 7Q7GM, 9H3TA, AA4V/VP9, C6AGU, CN8KD, FJ/OH2YL, GMØGAV, GWØETF, HI3TEJ, LA6YEA, NN3W, OE2LCM, OK1CDF, OL1C, PI4DX, PJ4T, PJ7J, PJ7X, S58MU, TI9KK, TX3T, TX5A, TX7M, UA2FX, UA3AP, YJØVK, YV5MSG, ZL6RWC and ZS6EV. ============================================ LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: www.wca.qrz.ru/ENG/main.html WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: www.wff44.org/program/wff/ WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at: www.wlota.com/ ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
Helsinki November 17, 2011
For the past several years, the discussion about operating 48 hours nonstop has prompted many initiatives of doing so. Radio Arcala's team doctor, Ville, OH2MM has specialized in food consumption prior to and during the contest. Several lectures were given on this vital aspect of contesting.
As CQWW SSB worked out fine with a new claimed overall SOAB European record (CR2X by OH2UA), approaching 10.000 QSOs, and a Finnish record (OH8X by OH6KZP), it was discovered that several team members struggled to stay afloat for the entire 48 hours. Some came close to a knockout.
CQWW CW will now be used semi-scientifically to record those ups and downs and to seek ways of hanging on and avoiding a meltdown.
OH8X, Northern Finland: Radio Arcala, OH8X has invited Toivo, ES2RR, a 2010 WRTC medallist, to drive their contest machine for 48 hours nonstop, seriously, boots on.
CR2X, Azores: Toni, OH2UA is due for some unexpected undertakings at CR2X, but also determined to balance the effort needed to stay in the ring for 48 hours.
OH0X, Aland Islands: Radio Arcala's new associated station, OH0X will be operated by Pekka, OH2TA, and he is ready to do 48 hours for the first time, with some reservations and doubts.
TC2X, Asiatic Turkey: Another new associated station, TC2X manned by Pertti, OH2PM, will try to offer Turkey (Asiatic) with maximum efficiency, with a modest setup but now with boots on, in a 48-hour effort.
OH2BH, Southern Finland: Will be piloted by Pasi, OH2IW who has been sleeping for the past weeks so as not to need any nap time when the race starts. Can one sleep in advance? Maybe to some extent, with no boots.
9H9BH, Republic of Malta: For his 50th straight year in CQWW, Martti, OH2BH will be watching the bedlam poolside, maybe not boots on, but dipping his toe in deep water to provide a semi-rare mult.
Why boots on? There's an old Finnish wisdom which holds that going to sleep boots on may cause headache and mental disorder in the morning. More Finnish wisdoms after CQWW CW. Until then, good luck in contacting Radio Arcala's boots-on team.
73 Jarmo OH2BN ------------------------------ COMMONWEALTH CONTEST 2012 PRIZE DRAW.
2012 will be the 75th Commonwealth Contest (March 10th and 11th 2012) and to celebrate this we are going to have a prize draw which every entrant making more than 75 valid QSOs will be entered. And what a prize for the lucky winner - a RFSPACE SDR-IQ Software Defined Radio generously donated by Martin Lynch of ML&S.
The SDR-IQ is a 14-bit software defined radio receiver. It offers a broad range of spectrum analyzer and demodulation capabilities over the whole 0.0001-30 MHz band. The SDR-IQ can be used as a short wave receiver, as a spectrum analyser, as a panadaptor and as a precision measuring instrument.
All stations located in one of the Commonwealth Contest Call areas are eligible for this prize draw - making this a truly Commonwealth event.
What do you have to do to get into the prize draw? All the entrants to the 2012 Commonwealth Contest who have, after adjudication, 75 or more valid QSOs will automatically be entered for the draw. The full rules for the 2012 contest are at www.beru.org.uk and you are urged to read them carefully. Make sure that you work more than 75 QSOs to leave some margin in case some of your QSOs are disallowed for some reason.
More information at http://www.beru.org.uk/2012prizedraw/prizedraw.html and on the Commonwealth Contest website at http://www.beru.org.uk/ [G3PJT] ------------------------------ WORLD CASTLES AWARD PROGRAM After a few months of testing the WCA E-log is up and running now. The author and manager is Jiri, OK5NN (ex-OK2SJI). The WCA E-Log allows an easy QSO check for the World Castles Award Program. [DX Newsletter] ------------------------------ XW3DT - LAOS Alex, RK3DT, is again active as XW3DT from Laos. He was last QRV in January this year. Currently XW3DT is licensed for three bands; 40, 30 and 20m. When sending a QSL card, make sure it's to the following address before December 3, 2011. P.O. BOX 11, Lamma Island, Hong Kong (see QRZ.com). [dx-world.net] *******************************************
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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