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Главная » 2010 » Январь » 22 » ICPO Bulletin (21-28 January 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (21-28 January 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
Amateur radio operators are asked to keep the frequencies 3720, 3977, 7045, 7265, 14265 and 14300 kHz clear for emergency traffic. The local amateurs Jean-Robert Gaillard (HH2JR), his father John Henault (HH6JH) and Pierre Petry (HH2/HB9AMO), who travelled to Haiti only in the beginning of this year, are all doing well. You may listen to a phone patch recording of HH2JR and W3ZU at:

More news from FO/DL3APO's team in Austral islands FO/A - They have now the two amplifiers, but they still wait for all antennas. They hope to have antennas with next flight (Friday). They work at this moment with "quick built" antenna (built with wires
for radials) and amplifier. They will be TX3D (special call-sign given by French ANFR of Papeete today) from Friday 23rd to the end of dxpedition. They can have internet connexion in another village and they will try to upload log as soon as possible.
Onlinelog will be on:
Best 73 de FO8RZ Phil web site is now on: [F5NQL]

20/01/2010: Igor UA3DJY has returned to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and will be active as 5I3A from 20 January to 1 March. He will try to be active on all bands. QSL via RK3AOL ( []

21/01/2010: Nick, G3RWF will once again be active from Port Fortal, Uganda, as 5X1NH between 21 January and 21 March. Activity will be on the HF bands. Nick prefers CW and likes the Digital modes (PSK and RTTY), but may work SSB whenever signals are good enough. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

21/01/2010: QSL Manager Allan, G0IAS reports that Harry, 7Q7HB (G0JMU) is again heading to the warmer climate of Malawi for a period of 3 months or so. He was stuck in Nairobi but was hoping to be in 7Q-land via Lusaka on Thursday (21 January). Activity will probably be on the Digital modes and CW. QSL as usual is ONLY DIRECT to G0IAS with sufficient funds for return cards. NO BUREAU cards. NO eQSLs. Just old fashioned paper cards DIRECT! [OPDX Bulletin]

21/01/2010: Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active again as H44MS from Honiara, Guadalcanal Island (IOTA OC-047, WLOTA LH-0086), Solomon Islands for three months. Expected arrival and departure dates are 21 January and 20 April. On 6-19 February he will be going to the Reef Islands (OC-065), Temotu Province along with Siegfried DK9FN (H40FN) and
Hans-Peter DG1FK (H40FK), and operate as H40MS. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

21/01/2010: Eddy, ON4AFU will be active as HS0ZJF/8 from Koh Samui (IOTA AS-101, WLOTA LH-1384) from 21-30 January. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

21/01/2010: Gerd, DJ4KW (V31YN) and Gisela, DK9GG (V31GW) will be active from Smugglers' Den, Consejo Shores, Corozal, Belize from 21 January to 28 February, including entries in the CQWW RTTY WPX Contest (13-14 February), ARRL International DX CW Contest (20-21 February) and the CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest (27-18 February). On 2-7 February look for V31YN/p to be active from the Blue Marlin Lodge, Dangriga Town, South Water Caye (IOTA NA-180). QSLs via home calls (direct or bureau), or
LoTW. Please no E-QSL. Further information at: [425 DX News]

21/01/2010: Michael, G7VJR (VP8DMN) and Martin, G3ZAY (VP8DFK) will be operational on the low bands from Darwin, East Falkland Island (IOTA SA-002, WLOTA LH-1479) between 21-29 January. QSL via G7VJR, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. An online log search will be available at: []

21/01/2010: Nick/9A6DX (YJ0DX), Hrle/9A6XX (YJ0XX) and Marko/9A8MM (YJ0MM) will be active as YJ0MM from Efate Island (OC-035), Vanuatu, between 21-28 January. QRV on 160-10m using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL manager for the expedition is 9A8MM, direct or automatically via the bureau. Full information is available on the Vanuatu 2010 website: []

22/01/2010: Gilford Castle in Northern Ireland will be activated on 22 January from 10pm on various HF bands using SSB and PSK as part of the Castles and Stately Homes on the Air scheme in Northern Ireland. The activation is being run by Bobby, 2I0ULL. [GB2RS]

23/01/2010: Jorge, CT1FMX will be active as homecall/p from the historic object "Aqueduto da Usseira" (WCA CT-0346, DMHP LR-089) on 23 January. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RN1CW]

23/01/2010: The Scottish-Russian Amateur Radio Society, MM0DGR/m will be working from the Braehead Moss National Nature Reserve (WFF GMFF-010) on Saturday, 23rd January. Operators: Jurij MM0DFV and John GM0WRR. Bands: 3.5 - 28 MHz, CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK. WAB Square NS95, Grid Locator IO85 (South Lanarkshire). Equipment: 10m Vertical Antenna + ATU, Icom IC-706MKIIG, 450W Mobile Power Amplifier. QSL-cards via MM0DFV (RSGB QSL-Bureau). [MM0DFV]

23/01/2010: Joey, W5BAK will be heading to Big Bend National Park, Texas, and grid reference DL88 for the ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes (23-25 January). He will be QRV using the callsign NA5RC, which belongs to the Baytown Red Cross Amatuer Radio Communications Club. He will be rover from several of the other area grids too but DL88 is the goal. QSL via W5BAK. [NG3K]

23/01/2010: Fred, PY2XB will be active from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003, DIB OC-01, WLOTA LH-1208) as PY2XB/PY0F from 23 January to 3 February, including an entry in the CQWW 160M CW contest (29-31 January) with the callsign PQ0F. Outside the contest look for Fred to be QRV on all bands, using CW, SSB and some RTTY and PSK. QSL both calls via PT7WA, direct or bureau. [PT7WA]

24/01/2010: Amadeu, CT2HGL will be active as homecall/p from the historic object "Ermida de St. Barbara" (WCA CT-0345, DMHP CO-157) on 24 January. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RN1CW]

26/01/2010: Tom, GM4FDM and Ronald, PA3EWP will be active as 6W/GM4FDM and 6W/PA3EWP from Senegal from 26 January to 9 February. They plan to concentrate on the low bands and RTTY, with an emphasis on North America and Japan. QSL 6W/GM4FDM via home call, QSL 6W/PA3EWP via PA7FM. Tom will upload his logs on LoTW, during the operation or as soon as he arrives home. [425 DX News]

27/01/2010: Laci, HA0NAR will be in west Africa end of January to end of February, 2010 visiting Senegal and Guinea Bissau. Dates QRV from each country are as follows: Senegal as 6W/HA0NAR from 27 January to 10 February; Guinea Bissau as J5NAR from 11-21 February. Laci will be activating IOTA groups AF-078 and AF-093 when there. More details to follow. [DX World]

04/02/2010: Andrew, VK2ACC will be active from Norfolk Island (IOTA OC-005, WLOTA LH-1469) as VK2ACC/9 from 4-9 February. QRV 40-6 metres, using SSB and maybe some PSK31, with 100W to Buddipole and end-fed wire. This will be a holiday style operation. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

06/02/2010: Jeff, VA3QSL will be QRV near IOTA frequencies as KP2/VA3QSL, CW/SSB/PSK on 40-15 metres from St. Thomas (IOTA NA-106, USi VI004S) and St. Croix (IOTA NA-106, USi VI002S, WLOTA LH-2477), USVI, from 6-14 February. This will be a vacation style operation. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [VA3QSL]

18/02/2010: Luc, F5RAV will be active from the 6W7RV radio shack in Somone, Senegal, from 18 February to 1 March. QRV on all HF bands. QSL via home call, direct with two green stamps and SAE. [NG3K]

20/02/2010: Operators Andy EA8CN, Manuel EA8NC, Anders SM6CNN and Luis EA8AY will be active from Tacoronte, Isla de Tenerife (DIE S-012, WLOTA LH-1276), Canary Islands (AF-004) as EF8N during the ARRL DX CW Contest (20-21 February) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via EA8AY, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

25/02/2010: Members of TIARA (Tokyo International Amateur Radio Association) namely Kawa AB2ST/KH2, Ken K0EN/KH2 and Toshio, KG6WTW/KH2 will be on the air from Guam (IOTA OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA LH-0064) from 25 February until 1 March. Activity will be on HF all bands, mainly beaming Europe. QSL all calls via JF1TEU, JARL bureau or direct. This project is the sequel to the one in 2008. []

26/02/2010: Peter, PA1LP will be QRV from Nieuw Nickerie, Suriname, between 26 February and 26 March using the callsign PZ5LP. He will be using a FT-857, G5RV with LDG Z100 tuner and 100 watts o/p. QSL via eQSL or LoTW. []

03/03/2010: Tim, NL8F plans to be active 3-10 March from Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003, Grid NH87) as VK9C/NL8F, or possibly VK9COF, including an entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7 March). QRV 80-10 metres, using vertical antenna, plus some 6 metre activity. QSL via K8NA ( [NG3K]

20/03/2010: Tim, NL8F will be active as E51COF from Rarotonga Island (OC-013), South Cook Islands, from 20-30 March, including an entry in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (27-28 March). QRV 80-10 metres using vertical antenna. QSL via K8NA ( [NG3K]

27/03/2010: Sergio, NP3QE will be active from Ponce, Puerto Rico (IOTA NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA LH-2802), during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (27-28 March) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL via [NG3K]

24/05/2010: Tomas, VK2CCC will be active as VK9CLH from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) from 24-31 May. QRV 160m/80m, spare time operation, including an entry in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30 May). QSL via online QSL request system, Lotw, bureau or direct. Further info at: [NG3K]

10/06/2010: Jim, WB2REM and Glenn, KD2JA will be operating the special call VQ5M from the Turks and Caicos Islands from 12-14 June during the ARRL June VHF Contest. This operation will be from Providenciales Island (IOTA NA-002, WW Loc. FL31VS). Operation for the contest will be on 6 metre SSB and CW only, with 7 element M2 antenna. QSL via KD2JA ( Other than the contest operation, from 10-17 June, Jim and Glenn will be operating on 160-6 metres, CW and SSB with their respective calls, VP5/WB2REM and VP5/KD2JA. QSL via home calls. [NG3K]

23/07/2010: Ryan N0OJ, Peter VK4FSSB, and Andrew VK4HAM will be active from Fraser Island (OC-142, WLOTA LH-2976) as VK4HAM from 23-26 July. Main focus will be the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July). QRV all bands before and after the contest. QSL via VK4HAM ( []

22/01/2010: On 22 January, PG Lincoln Shortwave Club will put GB4VK on the air for Australia Day. QSL direct to G4OSB. [GB2RS]

22/01/2010: Look for the special callsign ST26ASC to be used between 22-28 January. This activity coincides with the 26th Arab Scouts Conference from Khartoum, Sudan. QSL via ST2M ( [OPDX Bulletin]

23/01/2010: The PG Lincoln Shortwave Club in the UK will be QRV for an Australia breakfast Day on Sunday 24th January, the weekend closest to Australia Day, the event is organised by Lincoln City Council. The event is good fun, a fund raising event, the public turn up, hundreds and hundreds of them, and the Lincoln Short Wave club will be putting an amateur radio station in the mix. They will use the callsign G5FZ, first issued over 80 years ago, as 5FZ and they have also been granted GB4VK - a special event call. They would like to alert all you good guys - and gals - in Australia that they will be looking for calls from VK - they expect to be QRV on 14, 18 and 21Mhz conditions and sunspots permitting! They have a 60Foot trailer mounted tower with a 5 element beam on top.
[WIA News]

23/01/2010: The Scarborough Special Events Group will be on the air as GB4RNLI for the RNLI SOS week, commencing at 0000z on 23 January and ends at 2359z on 31 January. The QSL card will show the Scarborough Mersey class all-weather lifeboat and the D Class inshore lifeboat exercising in the South Bay with HMS Explorer, an Archer class P2000
coastal training craft and a rescue helicopter from RAF Leconfield. QSL via the bureau or direct to club call G0OOO. [GB2RS]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

21/01-20/04 H44MS: Guadalcanal Island LH-0086 QSL DL2GAC (d/b)
21/01-30/01 HS0ZJF/8: Ko Samui LH-1384 QSL ON4AFU (d/b)
21/01-29/01 VP8DMN: Falkland Island LH-1479 QSL G7VJR (d/b)
22/01-24/01 CR2X: Ilha de Sao Miguel LH-2016 QSL OH2BH (d/b)
23/01 MM0DGR/m: Scotland (main island) LH-1234 QSL MM0DFV (b)
23/01-03/02 PY2XB/PY0F: Fernando de Noronha LH-1208 QSL PT7WA (d/b)

23/01-25/01 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes USB+FM (23 1900z - 25 0359z)
23/01-25/01 K1DS/R: ARRL January VHF 6M-24GHz PA/MD grids QSL HC
23/01-25/01 K2QO: ARRL January VHF Grid:FN03ra 6&2M QSL
23/01-25/01 K4GUN/R: ARRL January VHF PA/MD/VA grids 6M-432MHz QSL HC
23/01-25/01 KC2QZF/R: ARRL January VHF 6M-432MHz NY grids QSL HC
23/01-25/01 KK6MC/R: ARRL January VHF 6M-1296MHz NM/AZ grids QSL HC
23/01-25/01 KR0VER/R: ARRL January VHF CO grids see:
23/01-25/01 N0JK/P: ARRL January VHF Grid:EM18 6M-432MHz QSL HC
23/01-25/01 N2LID: ARRL January VHF Grid:FN12 6M-432MHz QSL
23/01-25/01 N3NGE: ARRL January VHF Grid:FN20bd 6M-24GHz QSL
23/01-25/01 NA5RC/R: ARRL January VHF Grid:DL88 + others QSL W5BAK
23/01-25/01 VE3OIL/R: ARRL January VHF 6M-10GHz ON grids QSL HC
23/01-25/01 W4NH: ARRL January VHF Grid:EM84ao 6M-3.4GHz QSL
23/01-25/01 W9SZ/P: ARRL January VHF Grid:EN50rl 144-432MHz QSL HC
23/01-25/01 WB4AEG: ARRL January VHF Grid:EM74 50-432MHz QSL HC

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 21 January 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

ZA0IS (and ZA0/IK7JWX) x activity of 18-23 December 2002 and 2008 the
QSL Manager is IK7JWX.
For missed QSL, please email to and I will send you
again the QSL card.
SAZAN island is valid for:
A)IOTA award refer. EU-169,
B)Lighthouse award ARLHS refer. ALB-004,
C)Lighthouse WLOTA award new refer. LH-0028. [Alfredo IK7JWX]
VK6IOA Qsl Information -
The cards have just arrived from the printer and processing has started.
Hopefully they will all be completed by this coming weekend.
73 de Alan, VK4AAR
QSLs received Bureau - 5R8IC [AF-090], LY98FW, US0KW, V60DU and VK9LA.

QSLs received Direct - 3D20CR (DJ8NK), 5N0OCH (DL3OCH), 5R8IC [AF-090]
(F6ICX), 5T5BV (JA1PBV), 9G5TT (I2YSB), 9G5XX (I2YSB), CO7PH/P [NA-201]
(W3HNK), E71A (, EY7AF (, FK8HN (, FT5GA
LU2XX/p [San Sebastian Lighthouse, Tierra Del Fuego] (LU8XQB), OY9JD
(, P29VCX [OC-102] (SM6CVZ), P29VLR [OC-231] (SM6CVZ), PW6C
[SA-062] (K9AJ), TX5SPA (SP9PT), TX5SPM (SP9PT), TY5WP (PA7FM), V73NF
(OH4MDY), ZK1CG (E51USA) and ZY0T (OQRS).

QSLs received LoTW - 3D20CR, ED7AJR, EF7R, G6PZ, IV3TMV, K5D, OK3R,
P49X, PI4COM, PJ2X, PZ5RA, S56A, SN2K, TM6M, VK9XW, VK9XX and ZM4G.

>From the CQ Newsroom ...

It is with great sadness that we report that our friend and longtime colleague, Dave Ingram, K4TWJ, became a Silent Key this morning (Jan. 20), as a result of complications from a massive heart attack he suffered on New Year's Eve.

Dave has been writing for CQ at least since 1981 and has been a CQ columnist since 1982, starting with an amateur television column called World of Video. That column eventually broadened its outlook and became World of Ideas, Dave's signature monthly column in CQ. Regular topics included code keys, stealth antennas, building "new vintage" tube gear and mobiling. In addition, for the past decade, Dave has been CQ's QRP (low power) Editor and "How it Works" columnist. His enthusiasm for whatever caught his interest was contagious and spread widely through his informal yet educational writing style.

Funeral arrangements are not complete as of this writing. We will post additional information on the CQ website news page when it becomes available. Condolence cards may be sent to Dave's wife, Sandy, WB4OEE, at their Callbook address.

The editors

- This is a tremendous loss to the CW community. Dave was not only a super-nice, ethical guy, but his books about keys are an invaluable resource of information for collectors. I'm proud to have him listed as a FISTS member (#1435), and also to be the recipient of his infamous "Woody" key - made of a clothespin - that he sent out to those with whom
he had a special QSO.
73, Nancy WZ8C

- From the CQ Newsroom...
Many hams have inquired about making donations in memory of Dave Ingram, K4TWJ. His wife, Sandy, WB4OEE, asks that any such contributions be made to the American Heart Association.
Vadim Mohov, RU1AP has been reported Silent Key at the age of 85.

Far above 60 degrees North in the icy arctic reaches of Northern Finland lies a log house with an original Finnish sauna and cozy sleeping quarters along with the radio station OH8X with its massive antennas springing up from the barren tundra. See
Should you like to experience the deep North with its blazing Aurora Borealis coupled with unique polar openings to the United States, this is your chance. Radio Arcala will host four or five younger contest types participating as a multi team in the ARRL DX (CW) Contest on the weekend of February 20-21, 2010. The event will start Thursday evening on the 18th and finish on Monday the 22nd. SSB/WARC operating will also be available on those days, including on a limited scale during the contest weekend.
Your destination will be the city of Oulu from where we will take care of you. Just drop us a note and explain your desire as well as your potential as an operator on a multinational CW team. Send your email to team leader Marius Hauki, LB3HC [] and he will give you
more details. Please contact Marius soonest but no later than January 30th.
You may also approach your favorite Contest Club and/or contest operators in your area for their expected support in making your trip a reality. You would owe them an adventure report upon your return.
((( 73 )))
Jarmo OH2BN
D2CQ logs are now available on "CT's Logs Online"
QSL card via CT1IUA and all information can be found on
Algarve STAR DX Team
New logs uploaded on "CT's Logs OnLine"
CT1FMX/p, CT2FFC/p, CT2HQS/p and CT2IRY/p.
All are OK to DMHP, DPRN, WCA, WFF...
DPRN (Portuguese Natural Parks Award) is updated and available on:
After the publication of the most wanted list for 2009 by Carl N4AA, I have updated our web site with the Top Ten for the last 8 years (2002-2009) where you can find more than 300 QSL for this rare DXCC countries. The address is:

and if you don't read french you can use the automatic translator on the left side of the page. It's not perfect but it works so well! Of course some cards are still needed and the cooperation from every body is welcome. We don't need the paper card but only a .jpg file
(both side) is OK. Best wishes, Jean-Michel F6AJA.
ARRL: New ARRL Web Site Coming Soon!
It’s almost here! After more than two years of planning, designing and writing, the ARRL is anxiously awaiting the launch of the new ARRL Web site. We’ve been able to streamline several processes -- from the online store, to registering for a class, to finding a club -- plus we've created a new, enhanced member profile with many more options available.
We’ve made improvements with you in mind, making sure that we’ve created the easiest, most enjoyable online experience possible. The new Web site will be available the first week of February.
Richard Fisher, KI6SN, Named Editor of WorldRadio Online Veteran journalist and writer Richard Fisher, KI6SN, has been named Editor of WorldRadio Online, effective with the April issue, Publisher Richard Ross, K2MGA, announced today. Fisher will succeed Nancy Kott, WZ8C, who is stepping down.

Kott has been Editor of WorldRadio and WorldRadio Online for the past eight years, guiding the magazine through its transition a year ago from print to online publication. She announced her impending departure in the February issue, which was posted online today.
Fisher, 59, recently completed a 35-year career in newspaper print and online journalism in a variety of reporting, editing and management roles. He also has a 17-year association with WorldRadio, first joining the magazine in 1993 as its QRP (low power) columnist - a post he held until the magazine's transition from print to online in February 2009.

Fisher is currently a columnist for three magazines published by CQ Communications, Inc. In addition to his WorldRadio Online editing duties, he will continue to write the "Washington Beat" column for Popular Communications, the "Public Service" column for CQ Amateur Radio, and the "Trail-Friendly Radio" column for WorldRadio Online.

He has been licensed 45 years, obtaining his Novice ticket in 1965 at age 14. Fisher is an Extra class licensee who enjoys CW, building has own gear, QRP, contesting, ragchewing, 2-meter FM simplex, antenna experimentation and outdoor operations. He is a co-founder of the Adventure Radio Society.
Fisher begins his new duties as Editor on January 25th. []
SOS Radio Week 2010
SOS Radio Week 2010 starts at 0000 on 23 January and ends at 2359 on 31 January. During that time individual operators and amateur radio groups all over the UK and Ireland will be making as many contacts as they can to raise money for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. There are currently thirty individuals and groups registered and details of when
and where they will be operating from can be found on the event website at However, it's not too late to join in and register for the event. Simply go to the website and select the option to register for the event. [GB2RS]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

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