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Главная » 2010 » Апрель » 23 » ICPO Bulletin (22-30 April 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (22-30 April 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
22/04/2010: Helmut, DL7VOX will be active as DL7VOX/p from Usedom
Island (EU-129, GIA O-13) and lighthouse (Admiralty C2867.1, ARLHS
FED-359, WLOTA LH-1640) between 22 April and 11 May 2010. He will
operate mainly CW on the HF bands, using 100 watts and wire antennas.
QSL via DL7VOX, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

23/04/2010: Steve, W7VOA plans to be active as A52SW from Thimpu,
Bhutan, from about 23rd April until 1st May 2010, at least. He will
operate CW and SSB on 80-10 metres with 100 watts and a full-length. It
will be a business trip and Steve will be active mainly on weekends and
during his evening weekday hours. QSL via K2AU, direct or bureau. Logs
will be uploaded to LoTW. [425 DX News]

23/04/2010: Jens DK8MIL, Thomas DK9BTX, Mathias DJ9MD and Jan DK7JAN
will be active 23-26th April 2010 as DF0TM from the island of Amrum
(IOTA EU-042, GIA N-018, WLOTA LH-2464). QRV on the HF bands, CW and
SSB. QSL via the DARC bureau. If you need a direct reply send a SAE and
the equivalent of 1.70 EUR, which is the price for a standard world-wide
letter in Germany, or two IRCs (preferred) to: Jens Saße, Mühlenfeldstr.
8, D-28832 Achim, Germany. []

24/04/2010: Mirek, VK6DXI plans to be active from Tioman Island
(AS-046, WLOTA LH-3536) on 24-26 April 2010, using the callsign 9M8DX/2.
Holiday style operation using mostly CW on 30, 17 and 12 metres. QSL via
SP5UAF, direct or bureau. [VK6DXI]

24/04/2010: Kuro, AL5A will be active from the Himawari Hotel, island
of Saipan (USi NI002S, WLOTA LH-1333, WW Loc. QK25CE), Northern Mariana
Islands (IOTA OC-086) as AL5A/WH0 from 24-26 April 2010. He will focus
his activity to European stations. QRV 80-10 metres, using 100 watts on
CW and SSB. QSL via JA7JEC, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

24/04/2010: Members of the DARC in Dessau (DK0ZAB) will be active as
DK0ZAB/p from the Nature Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe (WFF DLFF-024)
between 0900z 24th April and 1800z 25th April 2010. QRV on the HF bands,
CW and SSB, using 100 watts with wire and vertical antennas. QSL via
DK0ZAB, direct or by the bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

24/04/2010: Josef, HB9CIC has announced that he will be on the air
while operating the Helvetia Contest the weekend 24-25th April 2010 from
the Munot Fortress (DCS SH-008, WCA HB-00440, WW Loc. JN47HQ),
Schaffausen, Schaffausen canton, northern Switzerland. The
castle/fortress was built by the inhabitants of Schaffhausen from 1564 -
89. He will operate in contest way, mainly on 40m, but also on other
bands. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [HB9TZA]

24/04/2010: Kilmarnock & Loudoun ARC members Graham MM0GHM and Gordon
MM0GOR will be active from the Isle of Eigg (IOSA NH03, SCOTIA DI19, WAB
NM48, WW Loc. IO66WV), Inner Hebrides (IOTA EU-008), as MM0KLR from
24-27th April 2010. QRV 80-10 metres using CW, SSB and digital modes.
QSL via the bureau to MM0KLR, or direct to MM0GHM. This activation was
to be GM6TW but due to transport problems M0UTD and MM0SSG will not be
able to join the activation. Info at []

24/04/2010: Kris, SP9UPK will be active 24th April 2010 as SP9YFF/p
from the Protected Nature Area Wzgorze Sw. Doroty - Bedzin-Grodziec
(SPFF-215, PGA BN-01). QRV holiday style on 80-15m, mainly SSB. QSL via
SQ9IDG, bureau or direct. [SP9BGL]

24/04/2010: Some members of the Tri-County ARC and ARC of Parker County
will be active as W5C on 24 April 2010 (1400z-2200z) for the first
activation of Campbell Island (USi TX059, Not IOTA, Parker County),
located on the Brazos river, State of Texas. QRV on 7.250, 14.250,
21.350 and 28.350 MHz SSB. QSL via KB5YLG (David Johnson, 820 Wood Ln,
Azle, TX 76020 USA).

24/04/2010: South Georgia United Methodist Amateur Radio Society
(WG4UM) will be operating from Way Key (NA-076, USi FL041S, WW Loc.
EL89LD, Levy County), Florida, on April 24th 2010 from approximately 9am
till we get tired that day. This will be a one day event because the
pastor has to work the next day. They will be operating 2 stations at
least. Frequencies will be focused on 14.245 and 21.315 MHz. There will
be some activity around 28.410 MHz. If you have any questions please
email them at: [USi]

25/04/2010: Nicola, I0SNY reports he will be active as BY1DX/I0SNY from
Beijing between 25 April and 16 May 2010. He will focus on 40 and 17
metres. QSL via I0SNY (direct only). [425 DX News]

25/04/2010: Nicolas, F5TGR will be active from the island of Martinique
(IOTA NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA LH-1041) as FM/F5TGR between 25 April
and 6 May 2010. QRV 40-10 metres, CW and SSB, during spare time vacation
style. QSL via the bureau preferred, or direct (Nicolas Quennet 63, Rue
Carnot 95240 - Cormeilles en Parisis - France) if needed. [NG3K]

25/04/2010: Look for Waldi, SQ9LOM/p to be active 25th April 2010 from
the Gora Grojec Nature Reserve (SPFF-199) between 0700-1100 UTC and from
the Sokole Gory Nature Reserve (SPFF-214) between 1300-1700 UTC. QRV on
80, 40, 20 and 15 metre SSB on wire antennas. QSL via home call, bureau
or direct. [SP9BGL]

25/04/2010: Randy, WD8MGZ will be active as V25WV from the Doctors
House, Codrington Village, island of Barbuda (IOTA NA-100, WW Loc.
FK97CC) between 25th April and 1st May 2010. For frequencies and
schedules, use and search wd8mgz. Also, contact Randy via
echolink (V21RW-R). He will be using a Icom 706 and a Yaseu 2 metre
mobile. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

26/04/2010: Les, W2LPL will be active from the island of Antigua (IOTA
NA-100, WLOTA 1118) as V26LPL on 26-30th April 2010. QRV mainly 20
metres with FT-857 at 100 Watts. QSL via home call ( [NG3K]

27/04/2010: Kazu, JA4CZM, will be active as T88NY from the Palau
Islands (OC-009) between 27-29th April 2010. Activity will be active on
the HF bands. QSL via his home call or LoTW. [OPDX Bulletin]

27/04/2010: Alfredo, IK7JWX will lead a team of operators to activate
two IOTA islands between 27th April and 4th May 2010. The team will air
(no specific dates were provided) Djerba Island (IOTA AF-083) plus
lighthouse (ARLHS TUN-022, WLOTA LH-1394) and Kuriat Island (IOTA
AF-092) plus lighthouse (ARLHS TUN-002, TWLHD WLH 3V-002, WLOTA
LH-0974). They will use the callsigns TS8P and TS8P/p (3V8SM). Operators
include Alfredo IK7JWX, Leo I8LWL, Raul IC8ATA, Titti IK8GQY (YL),
Armando IK8BPY, Ampelio IS0AGY, AntoNello IK2DUW, Rosy IW2NLC (YL),
Michele IK2GPQ, Simon IZ7ATN, Ruggero IK2PZC and Stanislav IZ2GRG.
Activity will be on all HF bands and 6 metres, using CW, SSB, RTTY and
PSK31. QSL via IK7JWY, direct or bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

28/04/2010: Thomas, HB9SVT will be active as DL/HB9SVT from Sylt Island
(EU-042, GIA N-16, WLOTA 2057) and various lighthouses from 28 April to
11 May 2010. He will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and BPSK31 on the HF bands.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Detailed information can be found
at: [425 DX News]

28/04/2010: Kaz ZL3JP/JH1HRJ will be active from Chatham Island (IOTA
OC-038, WLOTA LH-1627, WFF ZLFF-017), using the special and temporary
callsign ZL7J between 28th April and 3rd May 2010. Planning to be
arriving on Chatham Island 27th April and leaving 4th May, 2010. QRV
1.9MHz- 28MHz bands, using SSB and CW modes. QSL via JH1HRJ, direct or
bureau (e-QSL is also planned). [NG3K]

30/04/2010: Dinarco CU3HV, Carlos CU3CO, Jose CU3EQ, Pedro CU3DI, Mike
CU3HY and Joao CU3DR will be active from 30th April to 2nd May 2010 from
Forte Santa Catarina (WCA CT-00337, DMHP AZ-010, PIP AC-003), located on
Terceira Island (IOTA EU-175, DIP AZ-003, WLOTA LH-0524). Plans are to
be QRV using the special callsign CR1FSC (Forte Santa Catarina) on all
bands. QSL via CU3EQ, by the bureau or direct. [COTA]

30/04/2010: The Scottish Flora and Fauna team has applied for official
permission to visit Rùm National Nature Reserve (WFF GMFF-058) located
on the same name Isle of Rùm (IOTA EU-008, IOSA NH02, SCOTIA DI20). They
are planning their trip from 30th April to 3rd May 2010. They have
applied for a GB8RUM special call sign to be used from the island during
our expedition. They will keep you informed on the progress of this WFF
New One expedition organizing by the tireless GMFF Team. If anybody
would like to take part in this project please contact us beforehand so
that we can carefully plan our trip. More information is available at: [MM0DFV]

30/04/2010: Alberto, IW1PRT will be operatin QRP from Liechtenstein
between 30th April and 1st May 2010 using the callsign HB0/IW1PRT/QRP.
QSL Manager IZ1MKR - Bureau EURAO (preferred eQSL and Bureau EURAO).

30/04/2010: Team HAMCOW, W1ACT will be working IOTA, New England QSO
Party on 160m-450MHz and satellite from Martha's Vineyard (IOTA NA-046,
USi MA005S), Dukes County, Massachusetts, between 30th April and 2 May
2010. This will also be their 17th Annual Dx-Pedition to Gay
Head/Aquinnah Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-319, WLOTA LH-2804). Operators
include Roland N1JOY, KB1TQB, Dan W2DAN, Don N1PMB, Bill KB1G, Bob
KB1JBC and Steve KA1RCI. QSL via N1JOY - SASE Only Please! (Roland
Daignault - N1JOY, 19 Davis Road, Westport, MA 02790 USA). Follow
updates on their web page at: []

07/05/2010: A team of operators from Brasov will try to work from the
Piatra Craiului National Park (WWF YOFF-010) on 7-8th May 2010. Activity
will also include the CQ MIR contest. QSL via YO3JW, direct or bureau.

15/05/2010: The following stations will be using special callsigns
during the CWJF MMAA Contest (15-16 May): L73D Grupo DX Norte -
Argentina (QSL EA5KB); LP3U by LU3UI; ZX2F by PY2FN; PW2B by PY2HL; PQ4F
by PY4FQ; ZW25KL by PY4KL (Official CWJF 25th anniversary station); PT4C
by PY4XX; and PT5M (QRP) by PY5MJ. QSL via the respective operators
callsign. Full contest information can be found at: [PY4WAS]

16/05/2010: Look for Mic, DG5LAC to be active 16-21st May 2010 as
OZ/DG5LAC/p from Langeland Island (EU-172, DIA FY-019, WLOTA LH-0590).
QRV on 80-10m SSB, holiday style, with Windom antenna, FT-450 and 600W
PA. QSL to home call via eQSL, LoTW or bureau. []

17/05/2010: Adrien, VE3IAC will be active on 17-21st May 2010 as
VE3IAC/2 from Ile Verte [Green Island] (NA-128, CIsA QC015, WLOTA
LH-1404). This will be his first IOTA activation and he is looking
forward to the activity. QSL via home call, direct or by the bureau.

21/05/2010: Bill, VK4FW reports that a WFF dxpedition from Queensland,
Australian Mainland (OC-001, WLOTA LH-1520) will take place between
0000z 21st May and 2359z 23rd May 2010. Gary, VK4FD and Dale, VK4DMC
will be operating as VK4YN from the Undara Volcanic National Park (WFF
VKFF-506, WW Loc. QH21HS). QRV on the suggested frequencies as per the
WFF website (+/- QRM), using G5RV for 80m and WARC bands, double
extended Zepp 40 and 4 Element Tri-Band Yagi 10/15/20m. QSL MANAGER:
VK4FW, fastest way is via OQRS at [VK4FW]

22/05/2010: Operators of The Clube Radioamadores do Entroncamento,
CS1CRE, will be active 22-23rd May 2010 from the Belver Castle, located
in the Province of Portalegre (WCA CT-00053, DCFP C-053, DMHP PG-018,
DMP 1209. They plan to use the special callsign CS2BV on all bands
CW/SSB and Digital modes. QSL via bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

22/05/2010: The Radio Club Ushuaia LU8XW is planning an expedition to
the City of Tolhuin, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the radio
club. LU8XW will be active in SSB, CW, PSK, RTTY and Satellites, from
0100 UTC 22 May until 0300 UTC 24 May 2010. All contacts on this
expedition are all contacts are valid for Radio Club Ushuaia Permanent
Diploma. QSLs via WD9EWK and LoTW. (IOTA SA 008) - (W.A.P. - W.A.C.A
Ref ARG-23). Website: [LU6XV]

29/05/2010: Wut, HS8JYX will be active in the CQWW WPX CW Contest
(29-30th May) from Paknum Muang Krabi, Krabi province, Thailand, as a
Single-Op/Low-Power entry. No bands were given. QSL direct only or via
LoTW and eQSL. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Robert, S53R will be active from the Sudan as ST2AR during
the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30th May) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL
via S53R. [NG3K]

03/07/2010: Rich, K3RWN will be signing K3RWN/4 from Isle of Palms
(NA-110, USi SC001S, Charleston county), South Carolina, on 3-9th July
2010. He will attempt several Satellite contacts while on the island.
AO51 for sure; he may try some SSB Sats if he has the proper equipment.
QSL via home call ( []

05/07/2010: Operators Jorge CT1FMX, Pedro CU3DI, Jose CU3EQ, Dinarco
CU3HV will be active 5-8th July 2010 as CU4/homecall from several
fortresses on island Graciosa (EU-175, DIP AZ-004, WLOTA LH-0113),
Azores. July 5th activation of Farol Ponta da Barca (WCA CT-00418, DMHP
AZ-070, PFFP FP-143). July 6th activation of Forte do Corpo Santo (WCA
CT-01789, DMHP AZ-291 PFFP FP-164). July 7th activation of Ermida de
Nossa Senhora de Lurdes (WCA CT-01787, DMHP AZ-289) and Ermida de Nossa
Senhora da Ajuda (WCA CT-01788, DMHP AZ-290). July 8th activation of
Farol Ponta do Carapacho (WCA CT-00417, DMHP AZ-069, PFFP FP-144). For
all contact please QSL via their home calls, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

14/07/2010: UPDATE - Mine JA2NQG, Yuji JH2BNL and Shige JI2UAY will be
active af FW/homecall from Wallis and Futuna (OC-054, DIFO FW-001, WLOTA
LH-0389) from 14-24 July 2010. They will also try to activate Hoorn
Island (Futuna OC-118), while staying in Wallis and Futuna. The
callsigns requested are FW5M, TO2BNL and FW5FM, respectively. QRV
160-10m, in all classic modes. They will be active (on their way to
Wallis) from Nadi, island of Viti Levu (OC-016, WLOTA LH-0055), Fiji on
13th and 14th July 2010. QSL via home calls. [NG3K]

17/07/2010: Marq, CT1BWW will be active as S79BWW from the Anse
National Park (WFF SEY-004) on 17-31st May, 2010. His QTH will be the
Chalets d'Anse Forbans, Pirates Bay, island of Mahe (AF-024, WW Loc.
LI75SF), Seychelles. QRV 80-6m, using Kenwood TS480s, with a vertical
Force 12 XK40 and some wire, hardware. This activation is valid from
following Awards: DXCC, WAZ, WAC, WPX, IOTA, WFF, AAA, ZONE 39 and
BWWAward. Marq will also be participating in the RSGB IOTA Contest
(24-25th July). QSL via home call, direct or by the bureau. [CT1BWW]

22/07/2010: DARC OV Sued-Stormarn (DA0TT, DA0T) [DOK E38] members
Robert DH8HD, Hans-Joerg DO3HJW, Olaf DL4HG, Andy DG3XA and Andy DL7AT
will be active 22-27th July 2010 as OZ/DA0T/p from Mando Island (EU-125,
DIA NS-003 for the Danish islands award). QRV on all bands, CW and SSB,
including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25th July). QSL to DA0T,
DARC bureau preferred. []

23/07/2010: Members of the NA-128 Contest Group will activate the
special callsign XL2I from Île aux Coudres (IOTA NA-128, CIsA QC-009,
ARLHS CAN-234, WW Loc. FN47SJ), Province of Quebec, between July 23-25
2010 during the IOTA Contest to commemorate the 475th anniversary of
arrival of the explorer Jacques Cartier. The group will operate many
stations on all bands (80-6 metres) and all major modes (SSB, CW and
RTTY, PSK31) and a station will be dedicated to 6m. During the IOTA
Contest, a station will be dedicated to the contest exclusively on CW or
SBB. The QSL manager will be VE2CQ (direct or via bureau). [VE2CQ]

24/07/2010: Look for Doug GM0ELP and Simon M0GBK to be active as MM3T
from the Isle of Bute, Rubha Dubh (IOSA CL02, SCOTIA CS19, WLOTA
LH-1883, WW Loc. IO75JV), Clyde Islands (IOTA EU-123), for the RSGB IOTA
Contest (24-25th July). GM0ELP will work CW, while M0GBK will take care
of SSB, DXpedition Category Island/multi-op/mixed-mode/24hrs/low power,
QRV all bands. QSL via eQSL to MM3T. []

11/08/2010: Les, W2LPL along with his son Daniel, W2DBL will be active
11-15th August 2010 from South Africa as ZS6/homecall. QRV on the HF
bands, mainly SSB. QSL via their home calls ( [W2LPL]

11/08/2010: Look for Les, W2LPL and his son Daniel, W2DBL to be active
16-19th August 2010 from the Tuli Bloc, Botswanna as A25/homecall. QRV
on the HF bands, mainly SSB. QSL via their home calls ( [W2LPL]

22/04/2010: Special event stations GB4MBP located at Bass Point, The
Lizard, Cornwall and GB0MD located in Gillingham, Kent, England (EU-005,
WLOTA LH-1841) will be on the air on 22 April 2010 as part of the
International Marconi Day activities. QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

23/04/2010: Irina, UY2RY and Vitaly, UT7RW will be active as EN5R on
20-27 April from Redkovka, one of the many villages that were evacuated
after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster back in 1986. QSL via UY2RA, bureau
or direct. [425 DX News]

23/04/2010: The Amateur Radio Section of the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting
Corporation) and the Documentary Archives Radio Communications/QSL
Collection will operate, for only 72 hours, a special event station with
the callsign OE10M during the weekend of 23-25th April 2010
(0000-2400z). OE10M is an official "International Marconi Day" station.
Contacts made on Saturday, 24th April, are valid for the IMD Award. QSL
via OE QSL Bureau or direct to OE1WHC. Cards without SAE and (new!) IRC
or USDs to cover postage will be processed via Bureau. To see the QSL,
go to: [OPDX Bulletin]

23/04/2010: Special event station GB0VVV will be active 23 April 2010
from the Newark Air Museum, Newark Show Ground, England (EU-005, WLOTA
LH-1841) for Vulcan, Victor, Valient. QSL via [GB2RS]

23/04/2010: GB4MIW will be on the air 23 April 2010 from Needles
Pleasure Park, Alum Bay, Isle of Wight (EU120, WAB SZ38, WLOTA LH-2985,
WW Loc.IO90FQ) to celebrate International Marconi Day. QSLs will be sent
via the bureau to all contacts made; there is no need to send your card.

23/04/2010: Look for special callsign TC57A to be active from
Çanakkale, Republic of Turkey, on 23-25th April 2010 to commemorate the
Turkish 57th Regiment. QRV on all HF bands. QSL via TCSWAT / Op A. K.
Tevfik, TA1HZ, PO Box 73 Karakoy, Istanbul 34421, REPUBLIC OF TURKIYE.
Website: [TCSWAT]

23/04/2010: Special event station GB8MD will be active 23 April 2010
from Towyn in North Wales (EU-005, WLOTA LH-0453) to celebrate
International Marconi Day. QSL via G3ZME, bureau preferred. [GB2RS]

24/04/2010: On 24 April 2010, special event station GB5FHC will be on
the air from the Fraserburgh Heritage Centre, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
(EU-005, WLOTA LH-1234), to take part in the Marconi Day celebrations.
QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

24/04/2010: Special event station GB5LT to be QRV on 24 April 2010 from
Luttrells Tower, located at Calshot, near Southampton, Hampshire,
England (EU-005 WLOTA LH-1841). QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

24/04/2010: Organized by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, G4CRC/GB4IMD,
the International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur radio event
held annually to celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi (25 April
1874). It is not a contest, but an opportunity for amateurs around the
world to make contacts with historic Marconi sites using HF
communications techniques. This year's event will be held on 24 April
2010, from 0000 UTC through 2359 UTC. Details, including information on
the relevant Award Certificates and the listing of participating
stations, can be found at [425 DX News]

24/04/2010: Special event station 8N1TDU will be QRV between 24th April
and 10th October 2010 to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Tokyo
Denki (or Electricity) University's Radio Club and the 100th anniversary
of the Alumni Association. It is a private university in Chiyoda-ward,
Tokyo, Kanto region, Tokyo prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA
AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. The predecessor of the school was
founded in 1907. It was chartered as a university in 1949 with Yasujiro
Niwa as first president. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

28/04/2010: The JA QRP club will air the following special event
stations to celebrate World QRP Day between 28th April and 30th June
2010: 8J1P (QSL JA1BVA direct/bureau) from Kounosu, Saitama Prefecture,
Kanto region, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376),
Japan. 8J4P (QSL JA4MRL direct/bureau) from Okayama-City, Okayama
prefecture, Chugoku region, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001,
WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. 8J6P (QSL JARL Buro) from Kyushu Island (AS-007
JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-0963), Japan. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

29/04/2010: Patrizio, I0KHP will participate in this year's
International Marconi Day on 24th April from Villa dei Principi
(Civitavecchia, Rome). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [425 DX

29/04/2010: Look for special event station 8J6DON to be active between
29 April and 5 May 2010 to celebrate the Hakata Dontaku Port Festival,
Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka prefecture, Kyushu region, island of Kyushu
(AS-077, JIIA AS-077-001, WLOTA LH-0963), Japan. The festival originates
from the local custom dating back to the Heian period (13th century),
called 'toka' or 'matsubayashi,' during which the local people praised
the feudal lord on the occasion of New Year. It is said that the upper
class people of Hakata walked around the town on their way back from the
castle. The word 'Dontaku' comes from the Dutch word 'Zontag', meaning
holiday. The festival was first referred to as 'Dontaku' in the Meiji
period (late 19th century) when the once-prohibited 'matsubayashi' was
revived. Today it is celebrated as a citizens' festival and many people
from in and outside Fukuoka city, including from overseas, get together
on May 3rd and 4th to celebrate. The whole city eagerly awaits the start
of one of the most exciting carnivals in Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau.

29/04/2010: Activating Amateur Radio among Our Juniors 2010 will see
special event station 8J8YFA being activated between 29th April and 5th
May 2010 from Hokkaido (AS-078, JIIA AS-078-001, WLOTA LH-2967), Japan.
School ISS contacts are possible. QSL via the JARL bureau.

30/04/2010: To mark the 10th Anniversary of the closure of the World's
largest Maritime Radio Station Portishead Radio / GKA, a special
callsign GB10GKA has been granted. GB10GKA is being activated for a
period of one month 30th April 2010 through 27th May 2010. Hours of
operation will be dependent on individual operator's free time however,
it is intended that the callsign will be active extensively throughout
the licenced period. The operational schedule is as follows: G3YEC Rick
30 April thru 6 May QTH near Colchester, Essex; G3ZRJ Tony 7 May thru 13
May QTH near Hereford, Herefordshire; GW3UOF Mike 14 May thru 20 May QTH
near Treorchy, Mid Glamorgan, Wales; and G3TJE/G4HLN Pete/Larry 21 May
thru 27 May QTH Nr Burnham on Sea, Somerset. Operation will be primarily
on CW. Special Anniversary QSL cards will be produced to mark this
historic event, eQSL will also be used (QSL via G3ZRJ). Certificates for
contacting GB10GKA on more than 4 HF bands will be available via soft
copy thus at no cost to the winners. If you work us on more than 4 bands
please contact G3ZRJ (g3zrj.morsekey /at/ so that your
certificate can be sent to you via email. [F5NQL]

22/04-11/05 DL7VOX/P: Usedom Island FED-359 LH-1640 QSL HC (d/b)
23/04-26/04 DF0TM: Amrum Island LH-2464 QSL Buro
23/04 GB0VVV: England - main island LH-1841 QSL
23/04 GB4MIW: Isle of Wight LH-2985 QSL Auto Buro
23/04 GB8MD: Wales - main island LH-0453 QSL G3ZME (b)
24/04-26/04 9M8DX/2: Palau Tioman LH-3536 QSL SP5UAF (d/b)
24/04-10/10 8N1TDU: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
24/04-26/04 AL5A/WH0: Saipan Island LH-1333 QSL JA7JEC (d/b)
24/04 GB5FHC: Scotland - main island LH-1234 QSL RSGB Buro
24/04 GB5LT: England - main island LH-1841 QSL RSGB Buro
25/04-06/05 FM/F5TGR: Martinique Island LH-1041 QSL HC (d/b)
26/04-30/04 V26LPL: Antigua Island LH-1118 QSL W2LPL (
27/04-04/05 TS8P: Kuriat Island WLH:3V-002 TUN-002 LH-0974
QSL IK7JWY (d/b)
27/04-04/05 TS8P/P: Djerba Island TUN-022 LH-1394 QSL IK7JWY (d/b)
28/04-30/06 8J1P: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JA1BVA (d/b)
28/04-30/06 8J4P: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JA4MRL (d/b)
28/04-30/06 8J6P: Kyushu Shima LH-0963 QSL JARL Buro
28/04-11/05 DL/HB9SVT: Sylt Island LH-2057 QSL HC (d/b)
28/04-03/05 ZL7J: Chatham Island LH-1627 QSL JH1HRJ (d/b)
29/04-05/05 8J6DON: Kyushu Shima LH-0963 QSL JARL Buro
29/04-05/05 8J8YFA: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
30/04-02/05 CR1FSC: Ilha Terceira LH-0524 QSL CU3EQ (d/b)
30/04-02/05 W1ACT: Martha's Vineyard USA-319 LH-2804 QSL N1JOY (d)

24/04-26/04 AL5A/WH0: Saipan OC-086 Grid:QK25CE 6M 100W 4ele yagi
QSL JA7JEC (d/b)

25/04-01/05 V25WV: Barbuda Island NA-100 Grid:FK97CC 2M mobile
QSL WD8MGZ (d/b)

30/04-02/05 W1ACT: Martha's Vineyard NA-046 Grid:FN41 6M-70cm+Sat

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 21 April 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

24/04-25/04 - The Florida and Nebraska QSO Party Contests are being held
this coming weekend. This is a good time to pick up needed Florida and
Nebraska counties.

N9QS 5* MP - 4/24/10 to 4/24/10 - SSB and CW
Leaving Carbon County PA in the AM. I will try and run these counties:
In PA, Lehigh, Montgomery, Philadelphia, Delaware. In DE: New Castle,
Kent, Sussex: In MD: Wicomico,Somerset Worcester. In VA: Accomac,
Northampton, Independent City of Norflk, York and James City. Sometime I
have to drive and may miss some of the above counties. QSL via home
call. [County Hunter Web]

N8KIE - Robert - 3* - 4/23/2010 to 4/25/2010 - SSB Only
All Michigan Oakland, Livingston, Ingham, Eaton, Barry, Ionia, Kent,
Muskegon, Newaygo, Lake, Wexford, Manistee, Grand Traverse return trip
G.T., Kalkaska, Crawford, Oscoda, Ogemaw, Arenac, Bay, Saginaw, Genesee.
QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

Effective immediately, NI5DX is the QSL manager for the radio club
station in Martinique. The club call sign is FM4KA. All QSL requests
for contacts made with the club station in the past or in the future
should be sent to NI5DX. Buzz is waiting for past logs to be sent.
Cards will either be shipped to Buzz from Martinique or will have to be
printed. A very nice website for the club is available for viewing at: [K1XN]
QSLs received Bureau - VP6DB

QSLs received Direct - 4J3M (DL7EDH), 9J2FM (JA4ATV), C6AUM (K4RUM),
HH4/K4QD (hc), J37BO (K4LTA), LU5FC (, OD5/DL6SN (DO8LA), P49V
(, XX9TLX (DK7LX), YN2NW (K9NW) and ZS2DL (

QSLs received LoTW - 5WØOU, 7Z1CQ and ZK3OU
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

Northern California DX Foundation - Press Release 20 April 2010

At it's annual board meeting at the Visalia (California) International
DX Convention last weekend, the Northern California DX Foundation
elected two new directors, W6SZN and K6MM, bringing the board compliment
back to eleven members. W6OAT and K6ANP recently retired after many
years of dedicated service to NCDXF.

Kip Edwards W6SZN Kip was a board member of NCDXF in the 80's. He is a
Life member of ARRL, DXCC Honor Roll, 5BDXCC and 5BWAS. Kip has been on
a number of DXpeditions including Rotuma, and Clipperton. He has also
been past president of the Northern California Contest Club and is
currently the secretary/ treasurer of the YASME Foundation. Kip is an
attorney and resides at Kings Beach, Ca.

John Miller K6MM John is both an active DXer and very much into
contesting as past President as well as secretary/treasurer of the
Northern California Contest Club. John's other hobbies include antenna
experimentation, music composition and Harley Davidson motorcycles.
John and his wife live in San Jose. John is retired from a large
corporate consulting firm.

Please direct any questions to:

Glenn Johnson, W0GJ
Vice President, NCDXF
20 April 2010

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

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