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Главная » 2010 » Август » 27 » ICPO Bulletin (26 August - 03 September 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (26 August - 03 September 2010) | 07:09 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar
date (day/month/year) ============================================ 27/08/2010:
Dennis, KT8X will be on the air from Taiwan (AS-020, WLOTA L-0022)
as BW/KT8X between 27 August and 6 September 2010. QRV in his spare
time on the HF bands. QSL via LoTW. [ARRL DX News]
Martin DM5LP, Rene DD1RE, Dirk DD1UDW and Thomas DK3DUA will be
active as homecall/p on 27-29 August 2010 from the Saxon Switzerland
National Park (WFF DLFF-012). They will also participate in the
HSW-Contest (28 August) using the callsign DR5W. Expect activity on all
bands. QSL via home calls. QSL DR5W by the information at QRZ.com. [DK3DUA]
A team of 4 Australian amateur radio operators will be activating
YJ0VK from near Port Vila on Efate Island (IOTA OC-035, WW Loc.
RH42CG), Vanuatu, from the 27th of August to the 2nd of September 2010.
Team members include Chris VK3QB (Team Leader), Allan VK2CA, Luke VK3HJ
and Benton VK3CBV. They will be focusing on the HF bands (with special
attention to the WARC Bands) and hope to hand out a QSO to everyone
they hear. The stations will be fairly simple with power limited to
100 watts and antennae being verticals and dipoles. QSL via VK2CA,
direct or bureau. Website: yj0vk.vkham.com/ [VK3QB]
Giorgio, IZ4AKS will be active as 3B9/IZ4AKS from Rodrigues Island
(AF-017, WLOTA L-4265) between 28 August and 4 September 2010. He will
operate holiday style on 40-10 metres using 100 watts and a vertical
placed near the sea. A few days before and after this operation he
might be active as 3B8/IZ4AKS from Mauritius (AF-049, WLOTA L-0595). QSL
direct to home call. [425 DX News]
28/08/2010: Operators Silvia
EA1AP (YL), Juanjo EA1CJ, Jose Javier EA1JJ, Alberto EA1SA, Javier
EA2JB, Juan EA2RC and Roberto EA2RY will be active as EG1OTA from
Mouro Island (EU-142, DIE N-016, DME 39075, TPEA S) and lighthouse
(FEA D-1554, ARLHS SPA-153, WLOTA 2720) on 28-29 August 2010. QRV on
all bands from 80-10 metres. QSL via EA2RC. [OPDX Bulletin]
Michel, F8GGZ along with Laurent, F8FSC will be active as F8GGZ/p on
28 August 2010 from the Mill of Garnier (DMF 39-018), Commune of
Gizia (CP 39190), Canton [County] of Beaufort (DDCF 39-03), Department
Jura/39 and Province Franche-Comte (DPF 10). Look for activity on
80, 40 and possibly 20 metres. QSL via home call, bureau or direct.
28/08/2010: Laci, HA0HW will once again be
J48HW from the island of Thasos (EU-174, GIOTA NAS-037, MIA MG-124,
WLOTA L-4186, WW Loc. KN20HS) between 28 August and 7 September 2010.
Look for activity on all HF bands. On his way back Laci will spend
one day in Bulgaria, and he will operate from the LZ9W contest
super-station as LZ/HA0HW. QSL via HA0HW, via HA-Bureau or direct
(QRZ.com). [HA0HW]
29/08/2010: Niels, OZ7FOC says he will be
active as SV8/OZ7FOC from Samos Island (EU-049, GIOTA SAS-006, MIA
MG-099, WLOTA L-4163) from 29 August to 3 September 2010. QSL via
home call. [425 DX News]
31/08/2010: Alex, GM0DHZ and Andre,
GM3VLB are planning to activate many IOSA (Islands of Scotland) and
SCOTIA (Scottish Island Award) islands during a 3 week DXpedition in
September to the two IOTA groups -- Orkney (IOTA EU-009, IOSA OR01,
SCOTIA OI14, WLOTA 1652) and Shetland (IOAT EU-012, IOSA SH01, SCOTIA
SI11, WLOTA 1652) Islands. Using the callsigns GM0DHZ/p and
GM3VLB/p, all islands being considered for activation are
uninhabited, except two of them. Operators will fly to North
Ronaldsay Island (IOSA OR04, SCOTIA OI33, WLOTA 0778) on August 31st.
Then on September 2nd, they will take a fishing boat to Helliar Holm
Islet (IOSA OR30, SCOTIA OI15, WLOTA 3000). PLEASE NOTE: The following
islands listed are expected to be activated, but all depend on WX
conditions. Also, there are NO definite dates for any particular island,
but the following are listed as most likely to be activated in order
of likelihood: 3-15 September - Shetland Island Group: Isle of Noss
(IOSA SH11, SCOTIA SI09), Papa (IOSA SH25, SCOTIA SI06), Hildasay (IOSA
SH16, SCOTIA SI07), Vaila (IOSA SH12, SCOTIA SI10), Bigga (IOSA SH20,
SCOTIA SI19), Hascosay (IOSA SH15, SCOTIA SI21) and Linga [by Unst]
(IOSA SH27, SCOTIA SI23). Other possibilities, but not ruled out are:
Vementry (IOSA SH13, SCOTIA SI13), Papa Little (IOSA SH17, SCOTIA SI14),
West Linga [by Whalsay] (IOSA SH28, SCOTIA SI16), Linga [by Muckle
Roe] (IOSA SH26, SCOTIA SI17) and Balta (IOSA SH19, SCOTIA SI25). 16-20
September - Orkney Island Group: Papa Stronsay (IOSA OR34, SCOTIA OI25),
Linga Holm (IOSA OR31, SCOTIA OI21), Cava (IOSA OR18, SCOTIA OI09,
WLOTA 1555) and Calf of Eday (IOSA OR29, SCOTIA OI29). Other possibilities,
but not ruled out are: Swona (IOSA OR15, SCOTIA OI01), Switha (IOSA
OR16, SCOTIA OI03), Copinsay (IOSA OR19, SCOTIA OI12, WLOTA 0670),
Muckle Green Holm (IOSA OR32, SCOTIA OI20), Eynhallow (IOSA OR24, SCOTIA
OI24), Holm of Scock Ness (IOSA OR33 SCOTIA OI26) and Faray (IOSA OR23,
SCOTIA OI28). QSL via home calls. [OPDX Bulletin]
Loren, AD6ZJ, may once again be active from Singapore as 9V1/AD6ZJ
during September. Activity will be limited as time permits, mostly
during weekends and nights. Operations will be on any open bands, but
he will focus on the 30/17/12 metre bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL
via LoTW, by the bureau or direct to his home callsign. [OPDX Bulletin]
George, K3GV, will be active as K3GV/VY2 from Prince Edward Island
(NA-029, CIsA PE001, WLOTA L-0523) on 1-30 September 2010. Activity
will be on 15 and 20 metres around the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]
Gab, SU/HA3JB will be active from Cairo, Egypt, between September and
November 2010 to renew his license. He plans to operate CW, RTTY,
PSK31 and some SSB, including an entry in the CQWW RTTY Contest
(25-26 September). QSL via home call only direct with SAE. Please
write on your QSL card your e-mail address so you will get e-mail feedback.
Further info at: www.ha3jb.com/suha3jb.html [HA3JB]
John, ZS1LF will depart for Gough Island (AF-030) in September and
will remain there for one year. He plans to operate as ZD9GI in his
spare time, "after official working hours and weekends". John will
use dipoles (yagi antennas are not permitted) and will operate "SSB
at this stage, digital modes later". Activity on the amateur bands will
start after the supply ship, the SA Agulhas, leaves the island, and according
to The Daily DX John "does not expect to be QRV until early November".
QSL via ZS1A, direct (Johan Sevenster, 2 Roozeboom STR - de Bron,
Bellville, 7530, South Africa) or via the bureau. [425 DX News]
Yoshi, JK2VOC will be active as 9M6/JK2VOC from East Malaysia
[Borneo Island - Sabah, Sarawak] (OC-088, WLOTA L-0119) on 2-6 September,
2010. Activity will include the All Asia DX Phone Contest (4-5
September). QSL via JK2VOC. [OPDX Bulletin]
Operators Gerard PE1BBI, Kees PA5WT, Frans PC5T, Rob PE1ITR and Theo
PA1TK will be active from near Consthum, Clervaux canton, Diekirch
district, northern Luxembourg (WW Loc. JN39AX) starting 2 September
until 5 September 2010. Their main goal will be the VHF Contest on
4-5th September, but there will be HF activity as well on the bands
80 to 10 metres, CW/SSB. Also look for them on 70 MHz! Large Yagi antenna
systems will be built for 144 MHz and a spider beam and dipoles for
HF and a 5el. beam for 70 Mhz. Look for LX/PA1TK in the VHF Contest and
LX/homecalls the days before the weekend contest. Contest QSLs for LX/PA1TK
go via PA1TK, all others go via their home callsigns. Pictures and
the story can be found on: www.vhfcontesten.nl [NG3K]
A team from ARI Vinci (Ferdinando I5FCK, Giuliano I5HQG, Loris
IK5GFC, Piero IK5UIK, Giuseppe IK5YOJ, Luca IK5ZUB, Marco IZ5AJP, Rossella
IZ5BRO and Riccardo IZ5EBL) will be active as IA5/IQ5LV from Pianosa
Island (EU-028, IIA LI-016, MIA MI-074, WLOTA L-0968, WAIS DJ21) on
3-5 September 2010. They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes on all
bands, including 50, 144, 433 and maybe 1200 MHz. QSL via IZ5ENZ. [425
DX News]
03/09/2010: Juergen, NF6J plans to be active from
Battle Island (NA-044, CIsA NF-049) as VO2/NF6J on 3-10 September,
2010. QRV on 30, 20, 17, 15 and 12 metres, CW only. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
03/09/2010: Six
Brazilian operators will be active as ZY6Z from Morro de Sao Paulo
lighthouse (DFB BA-06, ARLHS BRA-157 WLOTA L-1624), Forte Morro de
Sao Paulo (WCA PY-00015, DFH BA-11) and Tinhare Island (SA-080, DIB
BA-05), Bahia State, on 3-7 September 2010. The Brazilian Navy schedule
could affect the dates. Operators include Jose PY6HD, Roberto PY6RT,
Nilzo PY6AWU, Ramon PY6KY, Cristovao PY7GK and Fernando PY2JY. QRV
on 80-10 metres using CW and SSB. Suggested frequencies are: CW - 3530,
7030, 14040, 18098 and 21040 kHz; SSB - 3755, 7060, 14260, 18128, 21260,
24950 and 28560 kHz. QSL via PY6HD direct only. Also QSL via LoTW (no
eQSL, no bureau). [OPDX Bulletin] ============================================ LOOKING
06/09/2010: Saad/N5FF will again be QRV from Syria as
YK1BA on 6-17 September 2010, with priority for those needing YK for a
new entity/band/mode. See QRZ.com for details. [NG3K]
Yigal, K2EFG/p plans to activate Fire Island (NA-026, USi NY013S),
Suffolk County, New York, and lighthouse (ARLHS USA-286, TWLHD WLH
K-060, WLOTA LH 1922) on 9-12 of September 2010. QRV mainly on 20/40m
and may go to 10/15m as the conditions allow, using a Buddipole antenna
working portable from the eastern part of the island. There may be a
time when Yigal will be directing a YP3 Yagi to the west (in-land). He
will be working at 3-4 hours as there is no power available at the dunes
where he can set up an antenna. The output will be 75-100W from an FT-857.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [islandchaser.com]
Jean-Claude F5IL, Christophe F5UBH, Luis F5THW and Juan F5IRC will
be active as TM5BATZ from Batz Island (EU-105, DIFM MA018, WLOTA
0680) on 10-12 September 2010. QRV 80-10 metres using Phone, CW, PSK31
and RTTY. QSL via F5IRC, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
Reiner, DK4VY will be active as OZ/DK4VY/p from Fanoe [aka Fanø]
Island (EU-125, DIA NS-002) on 12-17 September 2010. QRV holiday style
on 80-10m SSB, RTTY, PSK, (CW?), using 100W, Ant: LW, G5RV. QSL via
home call, bureau or direct. [rsgbiota.org]
17/09/2010: Aki,
JA1NLX plans to activate Dunk Island (OC-171), Queensland State,
Australia, on 17-24 September 2010 as homecall/VK4. QRV 80-10m, CW
only, using K2 or FT857 with microHAM CWKeyer / 5m long Buddistick
with a lots of radials. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Further
informtion, plus online log at: www.ne.jp/asahi/ja1nlx/ham/VK4_2010.html
17/09/2010: Kaz, JH1HRJ/ZL3JP will be active once again
as ZL7J on 17-21 September 2010 from Chatham Island (OC-038, WLOTA
1627). QRV on all bands, including WARC bands, with SSB/CW/RTTY
(possible). 160m and 80m will be encouraged by the new antenna
system. QSL card is OK via bureau or SASE direct to JH1HRJ (QRZ.com).
25/09/2010: A group of 4 amateurs Ralf DL2VM, Steffen
DJ5NN, Hartmut DL2LTM and Fred DL2TG will be active as OZ/homecall
from the Aro [aka Aaroe] Island (EU-172, DIA JY-003, WLOTA 0973)
between 25 September until 4 October 2010. Activity will be on 80-6m
and 2m in CW/SSB/FM/PSK. QSL okay via homecall, bureau or direct.
26/10/2010: Operators Martin, ON4PO (J45PO) and
Michel, ON4MW (J45MW) will be active between 26 October and 2
November 2010 from the island of Rhodes [aka Rodos] (EU-001, GIOTA
DKS-006, MIA MGD-028, WLOTA LH 0045). They will operate from the QTH
of SV5FRD, near Lalyssos (WW Loc. KM46CJ), and also participate in
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) using the callsign SX5P. QSL
direct to their home callsigns. QSL SX5P via the information on
QRZ.com. [NG3K]
30/10/2010: Operators BA7NQ, BA7JC, BA7IA,
others will be active as B7P from Foshan City (WW Loc. OL63NA),
China, as a Multi-Multi entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31
October). All contest QSLs will be sent via the bureau. Direct QSLs
can be sent to BD7IXG. [NG3K] ============================================ SPECIAL
27/08/2010: Celebrating the last flag-lowering
ceremony of the Italian Navy submarine "Leonardo da Vinci", special
event station II1IALV will be active from La Spezia on 27-29 August
2010. QSL via IK8XVA, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]
The Federacion Digital EA will operate five special stations between
27 August and 20 September 2010 during La Vuelta a Espana (Tour of
Spain), the long distance road bicycle race celebrating its 75th
anniversary in 2010: AM7LV (27 August-2 September), AM5LV (31 August-7
September), AM3LV (5-10 September), AM1LV (8-18 September) and AM4LV
(16-20 September). For more details, QSLling and information on the
relavent award visit: fediea.org/lavuelta/ [425 DX News]
The Cray Valley Radio Society will be celebrating a Festival of
Amateur Radio from the highest point in South London on Saturday 28
August between 12 noon and 6pm, located in the garden of The Bull
Hotel, Shooters Hill (WW Loc. JO01AL, WAB TQ4), London, SE18, England
(EU-005, WLOTA 1841). QSL via G4DFI. [GB2RS]
Special callsigns OE50AMRS, OE50XAM, OE50XCL, OE50XCW, OE50XLC,
OE50XMA and OE50XRM will be activated on all bands and modes from 1
September until 31 December to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the
Austrian Military Radio Society. QSLs via OE4RGC (all of the QSOs will
be confirmed automatically via the bureau). [425 DX News]
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the National Aerobatic Patrol
(the Tricolour Arrows aerobatic team of the Italian Air Force), special
callsign II3PAN will be in use from 1 September until 31 October 2010.
QSL via IV3IUM, direct or bureau. Information on the relevant award
at: www.iv3ium.it/freccetricolori/index.htm [425 DX News]
To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Mitaka-city, Tokyo prefecture,
Kanto region, Honshu Island (AS-007, WLOTA L-2376), Japan, special
event station 8J1M6O will be QRV from 1 September through 31 December,
2010. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
01/09/2010: To
celebrate the 2010 All Japan ARDF Athletic Meet, special event
station will be aired between 1 September and 24 October on all bands
and modes. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE
27/08-06/09 BW/KT8X: T'ai-Wan (main island Taiwan)
WLOTA:0022 QSL LoTW 28/08-29/08 EG1OTA: Isla Mouro WLOTA:2720 QSL
EA2RC (d/b) 28/08 GB4SH: England (main) WLOTA:1841 QSL
G4DFI (d/b) 28/08-07/09 J48HW: Nisos Thasos WLOTA:4186 QSL HA0HW
(d/b) 29/08-03/09 SV8/OZ7FOC: Nisos Samos WLOTA:4163 QSL HC (d/b) 31/08
GM0DHZ/P: N. Ronaldsay Island WLOTA:0778 QSL HC (d) 31/08
GM3VLB/P: N. Ronaldsay Island WLOTA:0778 QSL HC (d) 01/09-31/12 8J1M6O:
Honshu WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro 01/09-30/09 K3GV/VY2: Prince
Edward Island WLOTA:0523 QSL HC (d/b) 02/09-06/09 9M6/JK2VOC:
Borneo Island WLOTA:0119 QSL HC (d/b) 02/09 GM0DHZ/P:
Helliar Holm Islet WLOTA:3000 QSL HC (d) 02/09 GM3VLB/P:
Helliar Holm Islet WLOTA:3000 QSL HC (d) 03/09-15/09 GM0DHZ/P:
Mainland Shetlands WLOTA:1652 QSL HC (d) 03/09-15/09 GM3VLB/P:
Mainland Shetlands WLOTA:1652 QSL HC (d) 03/09-05/09 IA5/IQ5LV:
Isola Pianosa WLOTA:0968 QSL IZ5ENZ (d/b) 03/09-07/09 ZY6Z: Morro
de Sao Paulo DFB:BA-06 WLOL:BRA-157 WLOTA:1624
New Website For Lighthouse Spotting
at: hamspots.net/lh/ ============================================ COUNTY
W8JJ - Tim - August 27, 2010 to August 29,
2010 - SSB and CW This will be my last No Star run before finishing
up USA-CA. Starting at 1300z 8-27-10 - MI: Genesee, Saginaw, Bay,
Arenac, Ogemaw, Roscommon, Crawford, Otsego, Cheboygan, Mackinac,
Chippewa, Luce, Schoolcraft, Alger, Marquette, Baraga, Houghton and
Keweenaw. Starting at 1400z 8-28-10 - MI: Houghton, Ontonagon and
Gogebic. WI: Iron, Ashland, Bayfield and Douglas. MN: Saint Louis,
Aitkin and Itasca. Starting at 1200z 8-29-10 - MN: Itasca, Aitkin and
Saint Louis. WI: Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland and Iron. MI: Gogebic
and Iron. WI: Florence. MI: Dickenson, Menominee, Delta, Schoolcraft,
Mackinac, Cheboygan, Otsego, Crawford, Roscommon, Ogemaw, Arenac,
Bay, Saginaw and Genesee. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ SIX
28/08-29/08 Hawaii QSO Party 6 & 2m
included 28/08-29/08 Kansas QSO Party 6 & 2m included 03/09-05/09
IA5/IQ5LV: Pianosa EU-028 Grid:JN52 6m&Up QSL IZ5ENZ (d/b)
- Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt
(Updated 18 August 2010)
Information about current VHF
activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF"
at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:
www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL
The following operation is approved for DXCC
9XØTL - Rwanda 2010 Operation
73 es DX! Bill
Moore NC1L Awards Branch Manager ------------------------
via Bureau: ZK2DL.
QSLs via Direct: 1AØKM (IKØFTA), 6Y1LZ
(K1LZ), A61E (EB7DX), E4X (EA5RM), E71A (QRZ.com), JA1YUC/6 [AS-067]
(hc), JT5DX (JT1CO), JW/JA8BMK (hc), NP2N (QRZ.com), T32SI (SM6CAS),
V48M (W2OX), YB4IR (QRZ.com) and ZK3X [OC-048] (UR3HR).
via LoTW: None to report! :o( ============================================ LINKS
- IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ SOTA (Summits
On The Air) at: www.sota.org.uk/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
www.wcagroup.org/ENG/main.html WCA Reflector: wca_group-subscribe@yahoogroups.com WCAG
(World Castles Activity Group) at: www.wcagroup.org/ENG/wcag.html WFF
(World Flora & Fauna) at: wff44.com/ ============================================ BITS
CY0 NEWS RELEASE - August, 2010 Operation
dates have been modified slightly due to logistics matters: October
21 - 29, 2010. Unfortunately, Murray, WA4DAN has had to withdraw
from the dxpedition, due to business conflicts. He was the original
organizer and has been involved with all of the planning, since early
in 2009.
Gary Bartlett - VE1RGB has been recruited as the 4th
operator. Gary is a skilled CW operator, active competitor in
contests, experienced in handling pileups, a great technical
background. In addition, a plus is that Gary has previously operated
from Sable Island. Call signs are: CY0/AA4VK, CY0/AI5P, CY0/N0TG,
QSL "all" callsigns DIRECT Via N0TG or the
preferred QSL route is VIA the ONLINE QSL REQUEST Service. QSL
instructions and options are listed on our website: <http://www.cy0dxpedition.com/>
www.CY0dxpedition.com (Click on How to QSL) -------------------------------- Dear
My call is YO2DFA and I am the contest manager of the
YO DX HF Contest this year too.
If you receive this message
it's because you participated at the YO DX HF Contest in one of the
last 4 years!
The romanian radio-amateurs thank you for your
I would like to inform you that this year the
contest will take place in the weekend of 28-29 August.
complete contest rules can be found at the following address: www.yodx.ro/en/hf-contest/rules
results of 2009 edition can be found at: www.yodx.ro/en/hf-contest/2009/final-results
more details regarding the activity of YO radio-amateurs, please visit
the www.yodx.ro/ web page.
If in the contest you will fulfill
the conditions for an YO - 45P (1st class) award, this one will be
sent to you for free. No additional request will have to be sent. (www.hamradio.ro/media/dipl/nou/YO_45P.jpg).
looking forward to your participation at 2010 radio celebration of the
YO radio-amateurs and I wish you the best of luck!
73 Ovidiu
YO2DFA YO DX HF 2010 Contest Manager -------------------------------- Tom,
DL2RUM has extended his stay in Rwanda and will continue to operate as
9X0TL until the end of September. Final operating dates are: 29-Aug-2010
- 09-Sep-2010 and 19-Sep-2010 - 28-Sep-2010. QSL via home call.
[NG3K] -------------------------------- CHURCHES & CHAPELS ON
THE AIR (CHOTA) John, G3XYF is coordinating information for the
annual Churches and Chapels on the Air (CHOTA) event that takes place
this year on Saturday 11 September 2010. If you are planning to put
your local church or chapel on the air, please e-mail John with the
information to g3xyf (at) btconnect.com For more information on
Churches and Chapels on the Air, go to www.wacral.org [GB2RS] *******************************************
and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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