"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 26/11/2009: Rich, K2WR will be active from St. Brelade, isle of Jersey (EU-013, WLOTA L0818) as MJ0AWR before the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). During the contest he will use the callsign GJ2A, as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL GJ2A via K2WR or GJ3DVC. QSL MJ0AWR via K2WR. [NG3K]
26/11/2009: Dario IZ2EER and Agostino IK2FIQ will operate from T70A, the club station of the Republic of San Marino's IARU Society on 26-30 November. This will include activity during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Band (80m) entry. QSL via the information on QRZ.com. [425 DX News]
26/11/2009: Look for Bud, AA3B to be QRV 26 November to 1 December from unthorpes, island of Antigua (NA-100 WLOTA L1118) as V26K. Activity will be on all HF bands, CW only, including the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/11/2009: Eric, K9GY will be active 26-29 November as YN2GY from Grenada, Nicaragua, including a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). Outside the contest he will be QRV on the WARC bands. QSL via home call, direct or via LoTW. [NG3K]
27/11/2009: John, G4IRN will be active from the island of Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA LH-0051) as 5B/G4IRN from 27-30th November, including a Single-Op/Single-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29th November). QSL direct to home call. [NG3K]
27/11/2009: Yoshi, JK2VOC will be active from Wuxi, China, as JK2VOC/BA4TB from 27-30 November, including a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). QSL via JK2VOC. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Alex, DV1UBY will be active as 4D1N from Quezon City, Luzon Island (OC-042, WLOTA L0081), during the CWWW DX CW Contest. Likely a Single-Op/All-Band entry. He will be also looking for DX contacts on 15, 20 and 40m with 10 watts until the end of the year. QSL 4D1N via DV1UBY, bureau or direct. [425 DX News]
28/11/2009: Dick, N6AA, will be active from Georgia as 4L0A during the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via EA7FTR. [OPDX Bulletin]
28/11/2009: Vaho, 4L8A will be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry, from Tbilisi, Georgia. QSL via K1BV, bureau or direct. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: A team of operators will activate the ITU Radioamateur Club Station, 4U1ITU during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry from Zone 14. The activity may possibly including 160m. QSL via QRZ.com. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Victor, RV2FW, will be active as 4X/RV2FW from Israel (temporary QTH on the Middetiranian coast DX-pedition operations) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. QSL via the UA1 QSL bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Alex, 4Z5KJ will be QRV as a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry from Israel during the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via W0MM, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Zoli, HA5PP to be active from Cyprus (AS-004, Mia MCI-002, WLOTA L0051) as 5B/HA5PP for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Marco, N5ZO will be QRV as 5R8ZO from Madagascar (IOTA AF-013, WLOTA L2455) during the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via OH0XX, either via OH bureau or his Panama address. [AT International]
28/11/2009: Kang, DS2AGH with the group will be active as 6M0HZ/2, a Multi-? entry from Kanghwa Island (AS-105), South Korea, in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via DS2AGH. [AT International]
28/11/2009: Tom, W2SC will be signing 8P5A from Warleigh Plantation, Barbados (NA-021, WLOTA L-0999) during the CQWW CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via NN1N, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Faisal, 9K2RR will be QRV from the 9K2HN station, Abdullah Al-Salem Area, Kuwait, during the CQWW CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry. QSL via 9K2HN, bureau or direct. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: The VooDoo Contest Group will be active from Sierra Leone during CQWW CW Contest, signing 9L5A. This year the operators are Ned AA7A, Nick G3RWF, Fred G4BWP, Bud N7CW, Gary ZL2IFB. They will enter the Multi-2 or Multi-Multi category. QRV in the contest will be on all six contest bands (CW only). Peri-contest there may also be some activity on WARC bands. The main call-sign is 9L5A, QSL via G3SXW (see qrz.com). G3RWF may also activate his 9L1NH call, AA7A his 9L7NS call, QSL via home calls. There will be no daily logs but LoTW upload will be soon after returning home. No cash donations are requested for this project, just the usual USD/IRC for direct cards. [G3SXW]
28/11/2009: Look for Tony, KM0O to be active from East Malaysia as 9M6/KM0O during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op entry. QSL route TBA. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Paul, A35RK will be active from Lifuka Island (IOTA OC-169), Tonga, as A35A during the CQWW DX CW Contest propably as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m)/Low-Power entry. QSL via W7TSQ, direct or LoTW [QRZ.com]
28/11/2009: Ali A71BX, Juma A71EM and Dave K5GN will be active from the QTH of A71BX, located in Doha, Qatar, for the CQWW DX CW Contest. They will use the callsign A73A as a Multi-Op/Single-Transmitter entry. QSL via EA7FTR, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Lee, HL1IWD and Harry, WX8C will operate as AH0/AH2Y and KH0/WX8C from Saipan (OC-086, USi NI002S, WLOTA L-1333) for the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via HL1IWD (but all of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators Aki JI3ERV, Kazu JK3GAD, Toshi JR7OMD and Nozomu JE8KKX will be active as AH2R from Tumon, Guam Island (OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA L-0064), in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via JH7QXJ, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Luis/EA8AY, Jeronimo/EA8NC and Jose/EA8CCD will be active as AN8R during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-? entry, from Santa Cruz, Tenerife Island (AF-004, DIE S-012, WLOTA L1276). QSL via EA8AY. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators BA7NQ, BA7JC, BA7JS, BA7IN, BD7IXG, BA7IA and OH7WV will be active as B7P during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single or Multi-Multi entry, from Foshan, Guangdong, P.R. China (WW Loc. OL63NA). QSL via BD7IXG. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators Andy LZ2HM, Ken G0ORH and possibly others will be from Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA LH-0051) active as C4I during the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via LZ2HM, direct CBA. [OPDX Bulletin]
28/11/2009: Marios, 5B4WN will be active from Nicosia, Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA L-0051), as C4W in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Jim, W7EJ, will once again be active from Morocco as CN2R during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op and possibly as a Single-Band (??) entry. QSL via W7EJ. [OPDX Bulletin]
28/11/2009: Stefano, IK2QEI will be active from Safi, Morocco, as CN3A for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry or Single-Op/Single-Band (80m), if new 80m system will be ready. QSL direct to I2WIJ. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Luis, CO6LP will be active from Santa Clara, Cuba (NA-015, WLOTA L-0032) during the CQWW DX CW Contest using a dipole and low power as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. QSL direct (QRZ.com). Joining Luis, will be Carlos CM8CAD as Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry (QSL direct); Eduardo CO8LY Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry (QSL EA7ADH direct); and Juan Carlos CO8TW Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry(QSL via HB9SVT. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Toni, OH2UA will be active using the callsign CR2X as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest from Ribeira Grande, Ilha de Saõ Miguel (EU-003, DIP AZ-002, WLOTA L2016). QSL via OH2BH, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Jose, CT1BOH, will be using the special callsign CR3E during the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry, from Santo da Serra, Ilha da Madeira (AF-014, DIP MA-001, WLOTA LH-0053). All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW or QSL via W3HNK. [OPDX Bulletin]
28/11/2009: Pedro CX5BW, Tom CX7TT and Fred K9VV will be signing CW7T in the CQWW DX CW Contest from La Paloma, Uruguay, as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via K5WW, direct preferred but bureau ok (long wait). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Ranko, 4O3A will be active as D4C from Sao Vicente Island (AF-086, WLOTA LH-1976), Cape Verde, in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via the bureau to CT1ESV, or direct to IZ4DPV. [AT International]
28/11/2009: Paul, HS4DDQ will be active from Bangkok, Thailand, as E20WXA during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band 40m/Low-Power entry. QSL E20WXA via the bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Wara, E21AOY will be active as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m)/QRP entry (4 Watts) from Nontaburi, Thailand, during the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via E21AOY, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Champ, E21EIC will be active from Bangkok, Thailand, during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via LoTW. JA QSL via JR5XPG only! [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Tony, E21IZC plans to be QRV from Samutsakhon Province, South-West Bangkok, Thailand for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band 20m/Low-Power entry. QSL direct (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Mauri, OH2BYS will be active as EA8CMX from Galdar, Isla de Gran Canaria (AF-004, DIE S-005, WLOTA LH-0969), in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (?) entry. QSL direct to OH2BYS. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators Hans-Juergen/DB7QJ, Tobias/DH1TW, Heijo/DJ1OJ, Simon/DJ4MZ, Hajo/DJ9MH, Stefan/DJ9NMH, Manfred/DK2OY, Matthias/DK4YJ, Ulf/DK5TX, Christoph/DK9TN, Renate/DL2MY, Ron/DL3BPC, Holger/DL5KUT and Bernhard/DL6RAI will be active from the URE Las Palmas section radio club station EA8URL, located in Las Palmas, Isla de Gran Canaria (AF-004, DIE S-005, WLOTA LH-0969) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL via EA8URL (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Call sign EA9/OL8R by Petr OK1FCJ will be active from Ceuta & Melilla in CQ WW CW contest. They will be operating as EA9/OL8R and EA9/OK1FCJ before contest. They plan to setup 2 verticals, one from SP7GXP 40m-10m, another one DF4SA Spiderbeam 18m 160m-80m-40m. It will be temporary setup, running low power only category. QSL via OK1DRQ or bureau. [F5NQL]
28/11/2009: Members of the Ondarroa Group will be active as EE2W during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Multi entry from Ondarroa (WW Loc. IN83SH, DME 48073), province of Biscay, Spain. QSL via EB2BXL. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Val, RD3AF to be active from Las Palmas, Isla de Gran Canaria (AF-004, DIE S-005, WLOTA LH-0969) as EF8M during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL direct to UA3DX. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Nodir, EY8MM will be active as a Single-Op/Single-Band (160m) entry from Dushanbe, Tajikistan, in CQWW DX CW Contest. Due to business commitment only first 24 hours of operation QSL K1BV via direct, bureau or LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: François, F5JNE and Claude, F5MCC will be active 28 November as F5JNE/p from Le Petit Versailles Castle (DFCF 21-087), in the city of Chatillon sur Seine (CP 21400), canton of hâtilon sur Seine (DDCF 21-08), Department Cotes-d'Amor/21 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV 80/40m, CW/SSB, starting 0700 UTC. QSL Bureau, SWL cards welcome. [F5NQL]
28/11/2009: Lionel F5NEP will be active 28 December as homecall/p from the Castle of Nouettes (DFCF 61-012), in the city of Aube (CP 61270), canton of L'Aigle-Ouest (DDCF 61-37), Department Orne/61 and Province Basse-Normandie (DPF 04). Starting around 0630 UTC 80 and 40 metre SSB, then 20 metre SSB. CW possible on request. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [radioamateur.org]
28/11/2009: Oliver F6ARC and Michel FM5CD will be active from Lamentin, Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001, DDFM 97, WLOTA L-1041) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry. QSL via F5VU, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Didier, FY5FY will be QRV from Kourou, French Guiana, as FY5KE during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/QRP entry. QSL via FY5KE, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Bob, GU4YOX will be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) from the island of Guernsey (EU-114, WLOTA LH-0013) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m)/Low-Power entry. QSL direct or via LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: A group of the contesters from Quito Radio Club will be active in CQWW DX CW Contest from Isla de San Cristobal (WLOTA L0094), Galapagos Islands (SA-004) as HC8N. They will be in the Multi-Multi category. Some of the operators are: Dave N3RD (40m), Bob W6RGG (20m), Dennis K2SX (10m) and possibly others. QSL via W5UE. [F5NQL]
28/11/2009: Look for Ted, HI3TEJ to be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic (IOTA NA-096, WLOTA LH-2974). QSL via ON4IQ, direct only. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Finn, HS0/OZ1HET will be QRV from the RAST HQ Club Station HS0AC, in Pathumtani, Thailand, for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL direct to HS0ZFZ. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Voravut, HS8JYX will be active from Krabi, Thailand, during the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m)/Low-Power entry. QSL direct, LoTW or eQSL. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Jeep, HS8KGG to be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry, from Bangkok, Thailand. QSL direct or via the bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Angelo, IW9HLM will be active as IR9X from S. Agata Li Battiati Catania, Sicily Island (EU-025, IIA SC-001, MIA MI-107, WLOTA L1362, WW Loc. JM77MN) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op entry. QSL direct to IW9HLM, or LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Fabio, IT9GSF will be active from the island of Sicily, SO2R style, as IU9T in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. He will operate with two radios on two bands with dueling CQs during low rate time (when?). Yagis on 4 bands, vertical yagi on 80 and 21 meters inv L on 160. Beverages on RX. Extremely good location for USA and Asia on low bands (800 m asl and slope terrain). QSL via IT9GSF. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Tom, VE3RSA to be active as J38XJ from the island of Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA L-0718) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/QRP entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: The JTDXA Contest Team will be QRV from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as JU1DX in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. Operators include JT1BV (Team Leader), JT1BL, JT1BZ, JT1CH, JT1BS, JT1DR and JT1CZ. QSL via QRZ.com. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Tom, WV6E to be active as a Single-Op/All-Band entry from Mongolia, using the callsign JV1A. QSL via WV6E (QRZ.com) [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Joel, KG6DX to be active from Latte Heights, Guam Island (OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA L-0064) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power/Assisted entry. QSL direct or via LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Jim, N6TJ will be active as KH6ZN from the island of Oahu (USi HI008S, WLOTA LH-1227), Hawaii (OC-019), Honolulu County, in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via the info at QRZ.com under KH6ZN. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Radio Club de los Andes, LU8YE will be active from San Martin de los Andes, Patagonia, Argentina, in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. Operators include Juan LU4YAU, Jorge LU4YAO, Sergio LU7YS, Fernando LW2DX, Alejandro LU7YZ, Guillermo LW1EXU, Gabriel LU3DAT and Alberto LU1DZ. Ricardo, LU1YW and the local crew will be supporting them with antenna works, Patagonian lamb and good wine from the region. QSL via EA7FTR, direct or bureau. Web site: lu8ye.blogspot.com/ [F5NQL]
28/11/2009: Rhein Ruhr DX Association members Will DF4PD, Detlef DK3QZ, Joerg DL3QQ, Kai DL3HAH, Hans-Peter DL1XW, Chris DL7CS, Mike DF3VM, Stefan DL5XX and Philippe LX2A will be active as LX7I from Eschdorf, Luxembourg, for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL via LX2A, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Martin, G4XUM will be QRV as MD4K from the isle of Man (EU-116, WLOTA LH-0449) for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry. QSL via G3NKC, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Dave, G3NKC to be active from the isle of Man (EU-116, WLOTA LH-0449) as MD6V during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Mat, MJ0ASP to be active from St. Brelade, isle of Jersey (EU-013, WLOTA L-0818), during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry. QSL via direct (QRZ.com) or by the RSGB bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Ian, G3WVG will be active as MZ5B from Eshaness, Mainland Shetland (EU-012, IOSA SH01, SCOTIA SI11, ARLHS SCO-075, BARLS A3838, WLH GM-026, WLOTA LH-0867, WAB: HU27) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band(?) entry. QSL via G3TXF, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Felipe, NP4Z plans to be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest from the island of Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA L-2802). There is the possibility that he will use KP3Z as the callsign. QSL via WC4E. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Jukka, OH6LI will be signing OH0V from the Aland Islands (EU-002, WLOTA L-1373) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (160m) entry, with the new antenna system. QSL via OH6LI, bureau preferred. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Tomi, OH6EI will be signing OH0Z from Aland Island (EU-002, WLOTA LH-1373) in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via W0MM. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Mar, ON4RU, will be using his contest callsign OQ3R from Ciney, Belgium, in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via ON4RU (QRZ.com). [OPDX Bulletin]
28/11/2009: Johan, OY2J and Tomas, OY3AA will be active from Torshavn, Streymoy Island (WLOTA L-2216), Faroe Islands (EU-018) as OY6A during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators Arno RV1AW, Willy RN4WA, Alex RU4HP, Alex RW4WR and Igor RA3AUU will be active as P33W from Tilirias, Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA L-0051) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via RA3AUU, bureau preferred. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: John, KK9A will once again be active from Iguana Villa, Malmok, island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA L-0033) as P40A for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via WD9DZV, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Jeff K8ND, Geoff PJ2DX (W0CG), Jim W8WTS, Jim W0NB, Jim WI9WI, Mal NP2L, Roger N4RR, Jeff KU8E, Tony HK1AR (W4OI) will be active as PJ2T from the Signal Point station, island of Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA L-0942) for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. There is some chance they might decide in their Thursday team meeting to run Multi-Multi. QSL via N9AG, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Jeff, KU8E will be active from the island of Bonaire (IOTA SA-006, WLOTA L1279) as PJ4/KU8E for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Low Power entry. No entry category was given. QSL via K4BAI, direct or bureau. [AT International]
28/11/2009: Look for Sergey RW9SW, Victor RV9SV, Dima RX9SR and Alex RX9SN to be active as RN9S from Orenburg, Asiatic Russia, during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL via RN9SXX. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for The UA2 Contest Club to be active from Kaliningrad as RW2F during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL via DK4VW, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Robert, S53R just got confirmation of his new callsign and will be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest as ST2AR, a Single-Op/All-Band entry. For the time being, QSL via S53R (Robert Kasca, P.O. Box 23, 5280 Idrija, Slovenia). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for the Khartoum Sea Scouts National Radio Club ST2KSS to be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry from Khartoum, Sudan. QSL via ST2M (please write out ST2KSS for sorting). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Dimis, SV9COL will be active from Heraklio, island of Crete (IOTA EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA LH-1400) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL direct, bureau and LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators Doug CO8DM, Rolando CO8DL, Alex CO8KA, Raul CO8ZZ and Josue CO7RR will be active as T48K from Las Tunas, Cuba (NA-015, WLOTA LH-0032), during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL via DK1WI (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Darren, G0TSM will be active from Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA L-2975) as TF/G0TSM during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. All Band but limited operation S&P. QSL via home call, direct or via LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Siggi, TF3CW to be QRV from Seltjarnarnes, Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA L2975), during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. QSL via LX1NO (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators Yngvi TF3Y, Kris TF3KX, Oskar TF3DC, Thor TF4M and Oddur TF3OO will be active as TF4X from the QTH of Thor TF4M, located in Otradalur, Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA L-2975) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via G3SWH, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Gaetano, IZ8GCB will be active from the island of Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA L1390) in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Laurent F5MNK, Dominique F6EPY, Jacques F6DZO, Jean F6FRR, Paul F6EXV and Gilles F6IRA; F6KNB team (Radio Club of Bordeaux) will be active from Cursan, France, as TM0R in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via F5GGL. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators Matthieu F5PED, Dany F5CW, Bruno F5AGB, Manu F5NCU, Mike F5IN, Serge F6DZS and Maurice F5NQL will be active from France as TM2S for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via F5PED. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Andy, N2NT will be active from the island of St. Kitts (NA-104) as V47NT during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL direct to W2RQ. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Noel VE2BR will sign VC2Z from Mercier, Quebec, in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op entry. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Ron VE3AT to be using the special callsign VC3O during the the CQWW DX CW Contest, probably as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via VE3AT. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Bernd/VK2IA and Kevin/VK6LW will be active from the VK6ANC Northern Corridor Radio Group (NCRG) club station, located in Whiteman Park, Western Australia (OC-001, WLOTA L1520), using the callsign VK6AA during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via DL8YR, direct or bureau. Visit the VK6ANC club station at: www.ncrg.org.au/ [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Stuie, VK8NSB will be active from Darwin, NT, Australia (OC-001, WLOTA L1520) in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via VK6NE, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Pai, VU2PAI to be active from Mangalore, India, during the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. He will try be active on 160 metres, if possible, with a new Inverted L antenna. QSL direct (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Prasad, VU2PTT will be active from Bangalore, India, during the CQWW DX CW Contest as either a Single-Op/All-Band or Single-Op/Single-Band (80m)/High Power entry. Prasad hopes to have his beam fixed in time or else he will do a full SOSB 80m running 400W to Inverted-L. QSL via the bureau, LoTW or direct (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Al, WP3C will be active from Utuado, Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA L-2802) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry. QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Peter, XU7ACY will be active from Sihanoukville [aka Kampong Som], Cambodia, during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via W2EN, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Bruce, XW1B will be active from Vientiane, Laos, for the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via E21EIC, bureau preferred. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Pri, YB0ECT, will be active from Jakarta, Java Island (OC-021, WLOTA LH-1660, WW Loc. OI33JT), Indonesia, during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band(20m)/Low-Power entry. QSL via K3AIR (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Nick, LZ1NK to be active as YM3A from Yenisakran, near Aliaga, Asiatic Turkey, for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. Expect some activity prior to the contest using the callsign TA3/LZ1NK. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Jorma, OH2KI, will be active as ZB2X during the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) possibly as a Single-Op/Single-Band or Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via OH2KI. [OPDX Bulletin]
28/11/2009: Andy, ZC4VJ will be active from Ayios Nikolaos, SBA Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA L-0892) for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL direct to M0URX. Bureau QSLs - request a card by email ONLY! [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Bob, G4DBW will be active from Ascension Island (IOTA AF-003, WLOTA LH-1491) as ZD8RH during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via home call. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: John, K6AM will be active from Grand Cayman Island (NA-016, WLOTA LH-1042) as ZF2AM during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: The East Coast Contesters Team, namely Lee ZL2AL, Stan ZL2ST, Holger ZL3IO, Peter ZL2LF and Mike ZL2FAR will be active from the North Island of New Zealand (OC-036, WLOTA L-0069) as ZM4T in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via ZL2AL, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Mike, NT6X will be active from Ascuncion, Paraguay, as ZP0R in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. Prior to the contest he will use the callsign ZP6/NT6X. QSL ZP0R via ZP5AZL, direct only. QSL ZP6/NT6X via home call. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Bernie, ZS4TX will be active from Danhof, Republic of South Africa, during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via LotW. [NG3K]
02/12/2009: St. Croix Island Christmas Festival - Sharon, K7WZB and Garry, K9WZB will be operating as K2V from the island of St. Croix (USi VI002S, WLOTA LH-2477, Grid FK77), U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106) from 2-14 December. QRV all bands 160-6 metres. They will be monitoring 6 metres most of the time for opening to US and Europe. Operating SSB, RTTY, CW and PSK-31 all bands. QSL via K9WZB, direct only (No Bureau!). Further info at QRZ.com under the callsign K2V. [NG3K]
03/12/2009: Operatprs Norbert/F6AXX and Alain/F6HBR will be active as XU7UFT from Sihanoukville [aka Kampong Som], Cambodia, between 3-8 December. Activity will be CW only on: 3520 7020 10115 14020 18071 21020 24891 and 28020 kHz, propagation permitting. QSL via F6AXX, by the bureau or direct (w/SAE and return postage). Look for direct QSLs to be answered after 15.Jan.2010. [OPDX Bulletin]
04/12/2009: Operators Dani XE3RR, Jose XE3PP, Benigno XE2WK and Zalo XE3N will be active Isla El Cerrito (IOTA NA-153) between 04-14 December with the callsign XF3RR. This operation is organized by the Radio Club Cancun and it will be a low scale operation as the island is a protected area of the government of Mexico so it is subject to many restrictions including not carrying much equipment or more than 4 people at once. QRV 80-15 metres, mainly SSB and RTTY. Suggested frequencies: SSB - 3.790, 7.060, 14.260, 18.140 and 21.260 MHz; RTTY - 3.585, 7.044, 10.104, 14.085, 18.104 and 21.085 MHz. QSL via EB7DX, direct only. [F5NQL]
04/12/2009: Curt, W3HQ will be active as W3HQ/VP2V from Virgin Gorda (NA-023, WLOTA L0347), British Virgin Islands from 4-16 December. Operation will be CW only. Bands will be mainly 160 and 10 meters on weekends, and WARC during the week. QRP 2-way skeds welcome. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
04/12/2009: Adhi, YB3MM will be active from Bawean Island (OC-197, WLOTA L-0269) as YB3MM/p from 4-8th December. QRV only on 15 metre CW. Operation in spare time due to limited electricity. QSL via IZ8CCW, direct or bureau. [F5NQL]
Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated CQWW DX CW Contest activity at: http://ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2009.html .. Good luck to all participants & have fun!!! ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
04/12/2009: Adhi, YB3MM will be active from Bawean Island (OC-197, WLOTA L-0269) as YB3MM/p from 4-8th December. QRV only on 15 metre CW. Operation in spare time due to limited electricity. QSL via IZ8CCW, direct or bureau. [F5NQL]
10/12/2009: Victor, N8OO and Andrei, NP3D will be active as HR2/N8OO and HR2/NP3D respectively from Honduras between 10-20th December. QRV all HF bands, CW, RTTY and SSB. Victor will participate in the 10 Metre ARRL DX Contest and Andrei will be in OK DX RTTY Contest. QSL info: HR2/N8OO - via home call or via UA9TF for ex CIS. HR2/NP3D, HQ2S - via RW6HS for ex CIS or via W3HNK. LoTW is OK. [NG3K]
10/12/2009: John, KL7JR will be active from Kluane Lake before and after ARRL's 10 Meter Contest. If the ice is thick enough, KL7JR will activate Jacquot Island, Yukon, a new one for CIsA. Main frequency: 28.460 or 14.260 MHz. QSL KL7JR CBA. [USi]
12/12/2009: Ghis, ON5NT will be active from Uruguay 12-17 December 2009 as CX5NT. He will be active on HF bands. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]
12/12/2009: A group of operators from Associazione Radioamatoriale Sardinia QRP Club will be active as IQ0QP/LH from Capo Sant'Elia Lighthouse (Cagliari-Sardinia-Italy) from 1800z 12 December to 1000z 13 December. A low power beacon will be active at the same time on 14.349.5 MHz (CQ CQ de IQ0QP IQ0QP). QRV on 20, 30, 40 and 80m using SSB, CW and Digtal modes. Modes as follows: 80M 3560 +/- 10 kc CW QRP, 80M 3686 +/- 10 kc CW QRP, 80M 3750 +/- 10 kc SSB QRP and QRO, 40M 7021 +/- 10 kc CW QRO, 40M 7039 +/- 2 kc CW QRPp, 40M 7090 +/- 10 kc SSB QRP and QRO, 30M 10.116 +/- 10kc CW QRP, 20M 14.061 +/- 10 kc CW QRP, 20M 14.070 +/- 10 kc Digital, 20M 14.090 +/- 10 kc Digital, 20M 14.290 +/- 10 kc SSB QRP and QRO. This activation counts for ARLHS SAR-019, WAIL SA-008, TWLHD WLH IS-015, WLOTA L-1608, IOTA EU-024, IIA SD-001, MIA MIS-035, WAIS FL15 and WW Loc. JM49NE. QSL direct to IQ0QP (QRZ.com). [F5NQL]
30/12/2009: Gunter TI7WGI, Andy DH8WR, Rene DL2JRM and Jens DL3ALF will be active from Playa del Coco Guanacaste, San Jose Island (NA-191), Costa Rica, as TI7XX between 30 December 2009 and 05 January 2010. QRV with 2 stations on air 160m-10m, using CW, SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL direct or bureau to DL2JRM. [rsgbiota.org]
31/12/2009: Wally VK6YS, Nigel VK6NI and Bruce KD6WW plan to be active as VK6IOA from the Pelsaert IOTA Group (OC-211) between 31 December 2009 and 04 January 2010. QSL manager will be VK4AAR. They are looking for one operator to join. Please contact Wally, VK6YS - vk6ys at iinet.net.au if you are interested, for more information. Website: www.westozdx.net/ [rsgbiota.org]
09/02/2010: Operators Jacques F6BEE, Phil FO8RZ, Nigel G3TXF and Gilles VE2TZT will be active from French Polynesia (callsign TBA - special call expected) between 09-25 February. QRV on 9 HF bands, 160-10m. Strong effort on low bands (160m and 80m). Entries in WPX RTTY and ARRL DX CW contests are planned. More info to follow. [NG3K] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
26/11/2009: Members of Chorley & District Amateur Radio Society will be operating GB0LD from the village of Hoghton in central Lancashire, England (EU-005, WLOTA L-1841). The station will be celebrating Lancashire Day, the actual date of which is Friday 27 November. However, they are so proud of Lancashire that the station will be active from Thursday 26 November to Sunday 29 November inclusive. The station will be operating on the HF bands dependent on propagation, with activity also planned on 2 metres and possibly 70 centimetres. QSL will be via the bureau. More information can be found on QRZ.com. [GB2RS]
27/11/2009: Preston Amateur Radio Society is running special event station GB1LD on Friday 27 November from their HQ for Lancashire Day. QSL via operators' instructions. [GB2RS]
28/11/2009: Southport & District Amateur Radio Club will operate a special event station from the market town of Ormskirk, in the south of the county, between 8pm and 10pm on November 27 under the club's callsign GX2OA to celebrate Lancashire Day. They would like to encourage as many Lancastrian operators as possible to sign in during the event and make contact with the station. All stations making contact will receive a special QSL card in return. At 9pm, at the same times as many other events around the country, the Lancashire Day proclamation will be read out followed by the Toast to the Duke of Lancaster, HM The Queen. [GB2RS]
28/11/2009: To commemorate the 151st birth-anniversary of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose ("Father of Radio Communication") Indian Hams are going to operate with special call-signs. Surabhi, VU2DSI will be active as AU8JCB from 28 November to 01 December. QRV 7070, 14270, 14200, 21280 and 28510 kHz. QSL via VU2DSI direct (QRZ.com), or via eQSL. [F5NQL]
28/11/2009: Special event station PB500GT will be active 28 November to 13 December to celebrate 500 years Great Tower of Breda (in Dutch Grote Toren). The Great Tower is 65 metres high and located in the middle point of the city. QRV 80, 40, 20, and 2 metres, using SSB and digital modes. QSL via PA1WLB, direct or bureau. [PA1WLB]
01/12/2009: Once again Santa's own amateur radio station OH9SCL will be active from Santa Claus Land (SCL) in the Arctic Circle, during the month of December. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. Among Santa's helpers, the following operators will be there operating: Raimo OH3BHL, Erkki OH9KL, Kimmo OH9MDV, Juha OH9MM and Aaro OH9RJ. QSL via OH9UV: Santa Claus Land, Napapiirin Yhdeksikot Ry, PL 50, 96101 Rovaniemi, Finland. A special "Santa Claus Land" award is available. For more information about the award, please visit the SCL Web page at: kotisivu.dnainternet.net/rakarttu/OH9SCL_2007/OH9SCL_2007 [OPDX Bulletin]
01/12/2009: A special amateur radio station will be operating at UNAIDS HQ in Geneva, Switzerland, from 1-7 December, with the special event callsign 4U1AIDS. They invite people to observe the "World AIDS Day" and demonstrate global HIV awareness. International World Aids Day 2009 Amateur Radio Certificate: Those amateur radio stations which have a radio contact with 4U1AIDS on any 3 amateur radio bands, will awarded a special commemorative certificate "World AIDS Day Award". Amateur radio stations that have radio contact with 4U1AIDS on 5 amateur radio bands will be awarded a special commemorative UNAIDS pennant. Special QSL card: For each radio contact with 4U1AIDS, a special QSL card will be sent. QSL information: For further information, please get in contact with: Andrey Fedorov, UNAIDS, 20 Avenue Appia, CH-1211, Geneva 27, Switzerland. Official UNAIDS WEB site: www.UNAIDS.org/ . Amateur Radio 4U1AIDS WEB site: www.DX-World.com/4u1aids [OPDX Bulletin]
U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ SIX METERS & UP -
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 24 November 2009)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: PLEASE NOTE - Be aware that in about 5 weeks time the IRCs that have been used for the last few years will no longer be valid at the post office. 31st December 2009 is the dead line for the current style ... but best to stop using them by end of November to allow transit time. The new one has the expiry date of 31st December 2013 ... just above the "UPU" logo at your right hand side. PLEASE START USING THEM IMMEDIATELY FOR SAFETY. [VK4AAR via K1XN] ---------------- 4W6AL- 90% of 4W6AL QSL Cards direct request was posted last monday, Nov 23th! Card is received today for several station in Europe. Others 10% will be out next week. [Algarve STAR DX Team] ---------------- ST - SUDAN: Robert, S53R has received his new callsign of ST2AK. Previously, Robert used ST2X. Robert will be participating in the CQWW DX CW Contest using the callsign ST2AR. For time being QSL via S53R. [VE9DX] ---------------- QSLs received Bureau - 4L6DL, 4W6R, 5X1NH, 8N4HQ, AO5HE, C4EURO, CS8HQ, EA6/GW0VML/p, EB1DH, GB2BML, GB2CLB, HG80HQ, HL0HQ, II2MM, IQ3UD, MJ/OE5HDN, P3CA, PJ2X, T88CQ, TC0W, UR7GW/p and VC1T.
QSLs received Direct - 4W6AL (CT1GFK), A61BK (NI5DX), CP4BT (EA5KB), E51NOU (N7OU), FG5LA (QRZ.com), FK8GM (WB2RAJ), FO/G3BJ (G3BJ), GP0STH (G4DIY), GT4IOM [ARLHS IOM-013] (GD4WBY), GW5NF (QRZ.com), J5UAP (HA3AUI), J69MV (QRZ.com), KD6WW/VY0 [NA-185 Thomson Island] (hc), R1ANB (RN1ON), TK9X (EA4URE), VQ9LA (QRZ.com), YO4ATW (QRZ.com) and ZL7/N7OU (N7OU).
QSLs received LoTW - 4U1UN, 5N0OCH, A25/DL7DF, AO8HQ, DX1J, FM5CD, FO8RZ, G3XRJ, GI5K, HK1X, OA4AHW, OQ5A, PR1T, RA0FU, S58P, SN0HQ, T30IW, T88CI, TX3A, VK4KW, WP2B, YR0HQ and Z36W. ============================================ SILENT KEYS -
ARRL Sweepstakes Manager Ken Adams, K5KA (SK) - Ken Adams, K5KA, succumbed to cancer and passed away on Sunday, November 22. He was 64. Adams -- an ARRL Life Member -- served as the first-ever Contest Manager for the ARRL Sweepstakes, coming on board in 2005. "Ken was a 'get it done' kinda guy," recalled ARRL Contest Branch Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X. "He took on the task of Sweepstakes Manager with great enthusiasm, rolled up his sleeves and championed the event like nobody else I've ever seen." Read more here . [ARRL]
It is with profound sadness that the NJDXA reports that Ron Levy, K2CO, has become a SK. Ron was the W2 incoming bureau manager for 18 years. He has always been active in NJDXA activities and was also the Webmaster of our website http://njdxa.org/ . His passing is a loss to the entire DX community.
George Milton Welles Badger, W6TC became Silent Key on 15 November 2009. ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
CR6A - Available now pictures and logonline about last Algarve STAR DX Team activity on 22.Nov.2009 from POR-116 Fuzeta Barra Lighthouse - East Point. QSO are OK for our awards (DFFA, DIA, DPRN... and others). All on: algarvedx.com/
73's Algarve STAR DX Team ============================================
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ