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Главная » 2012 » Январь » 27 » ICPO Bulletin (27 January - 03 February 2012)
ICPO Bulletin (27 January - 03 February 2012)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
27/01/2012:  Look for Ash, KF5EYY, to be active once again as 3V8SS from the
club station in Hammam Sousse, Tunisia, during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a
Single-Op/Low-Power entry, CQ zone 33. QSL via LX1NO, direct only. Website: [NG3K]

27/01/2012:  Tom, N1GN and Bill, NE1B will be active as C6ANM from Nassau
(Gambier Village), New Providence Island, Bahamas (NA-001, WLOTA 1115, WW Loc.
FL15GB) as a Multi-Single entry in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest, CQ zone 8. QSL
via LoTW preferred, or direct to WA2IYO. [NG3K]

27/01/2012:  Algarve STAR DX Team members Toze CT1GFK, Antonio CU8AS, Rudi,
HB9CQL and Hermann HB9CRV will be active as CR2W in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
from the QTH of Antonio, CU8AS, next to the Albarnaz lighthouse (DFP FAZ-02,
TWLHD WLH CU-008, WLOL AZO-016, WLOTA 0947, WW Loc. HM49JM), Ponta Delgada,
Flores Island (EU-089, DIP AZ-008), Azores (CQ zone 14). QSL via HB9CRV, direct
or Bureau. [Algarve STAR DX Team]

27/01/2012:  Ron, DL3BPC, will be active in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest from
Eschdorf, Luxemburg, as LX7I. Plans are for a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry, CQ zone 14. QSL via LX2A. [NG3K]

27/01/2012:  Look for Art, NN7A, to be active as V31JZ/p from South Water Caye
(NA-180), Belize, between 27 January and 1 February, 2012. QRV using low power,
mostly CW, on the HF bands. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]

27/01/2012:  Tino, VK3EGN, plans to be active in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
from Ocean Grove beach, VIC, Australia (OC-001, WLOTA 1520), as a Single-Op
entry, using a 3el vertical HW beam (kite lifted). QSL via the VK Bureau. [NG3K]

28/01/2012:  Laci, HA0NAR, his wife Susanne, and one other operator will leave
Budapest on 21st of January 2012. Via LAX and Nadi (Fiji) they will arrive to
Wallis [aka Uvea] Island (IOTA OC-054, DIFO FW-001, WLOTA 0389, WW Loc. AH16VS).
Plans are to run two stations in parallel 160-6 metres with solid state linears
(CW, SSB, RTTY) between 28th of January and 23rd of February 2012, using the
callsign FW0NAR. Their QTH will be located in Vailala village, Hihifo district.
Focus will be on the low bands, especially 160, 80, 40 and 30 metres with Spider
(18m) verticals. A week long side trip will also be organized to Futuna island
(IOTA OC-118, DIFO FW-017, WW Loc. AH05WQ) for IOTA hunters early February
(approx. 5-10 February). The team also plans to take part in the ARRL DX CW
Contest (18-19 February). QSL via Laci, HA0NAR. Further information, updates and
online logsearch will be available at: . Follow their progress
at: []

28/01/2012:  Operators Patrick F8NAN, Michel F8DFP, Freddy F5IRO (J28RO),
Jean-Marc F5RQQ and David F8CRS will be active as TM70TRS in the French REF
Contest from Department Puy de Dôme/63. QSL via F6KHX, direct or by the Bureau.

28/01/2012:  Andy, N8OFS (SMIRK #6737, IHRAS #0007), will be active during the
SPAR Winter Field Day (28-29 January) with IHRAS/RAOTA activations. Plans are to
run as "N8OFS/M and activating I-71 (224) nb Brunswick, I-71 (224) sb Brunswick,
I-271 (7) nb Richfield, I-77 (141) sb Bath, I-77 (141) nb Bath, and I-271 (7) sb
Richfield... (K8YSE, are you seeing this???)... from 1700Z Saturday January 28
2012 to whenever I'm done... The 'Plan' is to stay at each Rest Area for one
hour then move to the next one in order given above... I will be on 52.525FM
Simplex plus ALL the local 6 Meter /Repeaters I can hit... One particular
/Repeater has a 440 /Repeater linked to it for all you armchair ham types... The
setup will be the Kenwood TS-60 6 Meter ONLY mono-bander at 50W (if your SERIOUS
about 6, you'll find one on Ebay...), to 15ft of RG58 attached to the MFJ
Tri-magmount in the center of the cab roof to a Hustler MO-3 mast (which without
any adjustment at all is centered on 52MHZ not exceding a 1.4:1 SWR across the
ENTIRE band)... I'd LoVe to put up the DOMINATOR, but that'll just get me
arrested... CU on the air... 73 from the CrAzY 6 Meter FM only, sometimes found
in a Caboose guy". QSL via N8OFS, direct ( and eQSL. [N8OFS]

28/01/2012:  Giovanni IK5BCM, Giuseppe IK5CBE and Giovanni IK5CRH will be active
as TO4M from Mayotte (AF-027, DIFO FH-001, WLOTA 0376) from 28 January to 5
February 2012. They will run two stations with amplifiers, and will operate SSB,
CW, PSK31 and RTTY on 80-10 metres using wire dipoles and two rotary dipoles for
10 and 12m. QSL via IK5CRH, Bureau preferred. All of the QSOs will be uploaded
to LoTW and eQSL as soon as possible. Website: [425 DX News]

29/01/2012:  A team of opreators, consisting of Ralf DL3JJ, Juergen DF7TT, Rich
DK8YY, Ingolf DL4JS, Dan DL5SE, Oliver DL2ARD, Lu DL8ALU, Joraslav OK4MM,
Florencio YS1ZC, Mario YS1MAE and Mario YS1GMV will be active from Capricho
Beach House, Barra de Santiago, El Salvador, between 29 January and 10 February,
2012, as HU2DX. They will be QRV on 160-10m with main focus on the low bands.
QSL via DH7WW, direct or Bureau. Full information on their website at: []

30/01/2012:  From 30 January to 11 February 2012, a team consisting of Leo
PY/I8LWL, Pasquale PY/IZ8GDO, Davide PY/IW8EZV, Angelo PY2VA/P and Bruno PY2EN/P
will be active from the following Brazilian IOTA: Comprida Island (SA-024, DIB
SP-03) and Peruhibe Island (SA-071), Sao Paulo State. Expect activity on all
bands and modes. QSL via I8LWL. Website: []

31/01/2012:  Haru JA1XGI, will be active from Hawaii (OC-019) as W8XGI/KH6
between 31 January and 4 February, 2012. in April, Haru plans activity from
Tonga as A35XG. QRV mainly 20-6 metre, especially 30/17/12m, CW. QSL via home
call. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW []

01/02/2012:  John, ZB2JK, will be active from Phuket Island (AS-053, WLOTA 0701,
WW Loc. NJ97ET), Thailand, from February to April 2012 using the callsign
HS0ZIQ. He will be QRV from 40 to 10 metres, using FT1000MP with 200W and
homemade antennas. QSLs via ZB2JK direct after 14th April. [DxCoffee]

01/02/2012:  Members of the Buddies in the Caribbean 2012
( (Team #1) will mount a mini-DXpedition
to the island of Grenada (J3, NA-024, WLOTA 0718) from 1-9 February, 2012. The
Buddipole team which specializes in 100 watt or less low power radios, and the
Buddipole portable antenna systems, will be on their annual "suitcase
dxpedition" featuring battery-only portable from Grenada's scenic beaches or
mountain tops. The team members are Chris (W6HFP), Budd (W3FF), Bill (W7ZT),
Steve (WG0AT), Mike (KC4VG), Guy (N7UN), Paul (KB9AVO) and Wey (K8EAB).
Licensing is not yet complete but each operator is expected to receive their
J3/call. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or mail to operator's home call (SASE required).

01/02/2012:  Tak, JA1MZL and Ted, JJ1LIB will be active from the island of St.
Barthelemy (NA-146, DIFO FJ-001, WLOTA 0377) as TO3J from 1-7 February, 2012.
QRV on 80-10 metre CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via JA1HGY, direct or by the JARL
Bureau. Online logsearch will be available at the website.

01/02/2012:  Look for Dennis, WA2USA, to be active as WA2USA/4 from St. George
Island (NA-085, USi FL007S, Franklin county), Florida, from 1-27 February, 2012.
Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via WA2USA, direct or Bureau. Website: []

02/02/2012:  Gérard, F2JD, will once again be active from Copan, Honduras, as
HR5/F2JD. He will leave on 2 February and back on 6 May, 2012. He plans to be
active on all bands and modes. QSL via F6AJA. Online log will be available at: [F6AJA]

02/02/2012:  Gerhard, OE3GEA, will be active as OE3GEA/6Y5 from the island of
Jamaica (NA-097, WLOTA 0214), holiday style, from 2-12 February, 2012. Operating
50w and using an Outbacker antenna + dipole, look for him on CW only. QSL via
home call, direct or Bureau. []

03/02/2012:  Operators Marcelo PP5BK, Fabio PP5BZ, Edson PP5VK, Roni PP5ZB, Jose
PU5ATX and Claudio PY3OZ will be active as PS5F from Ilha Santana de Fora (IOTA
SA-088, DIB SC-10), Santa Catarina state, Brazil, from 3-6 February, 2012. Plans
are to be QRV on 40-10m CW and SSB. QSL via PP5BZ, direct or Bureau.

03/02/2012:  A German team consisting of Heidi DK1MA, Sid DM2AYO, Rolf DL7VEE,
Jan DL7JAN, Klaus DK1AX, Jürgen DF1AL, Heye DJ9RR, Dietmar DL2HWA and Uwe DJ9HX
plan to be active as ZK2C from the Namukulu Cottages, located in the north-west
part of the Niue Island (IOTA OC-040, WFF ZLFF-021, WLOTA 2139, WW Loc. AH51BB),
from 3-17 February, 2012. They will be QRV on all bands (160m to 6m) in CW, SSB
and RTTY with three stations on air simultaneously using 500 watt solid state
amplifiers and various antennas. QSL Bureau via DL7JAN or direct and OQRS.
Online log will be available at ClubLog. Further information and updates on
their website at: [

Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
activity at: ... Good luck to all
participants & have fun!!!

09/02/2012:  Look for Takeshi, JH1WGP, to be active as T88WG from the West Plaza
by the Sea Hotel, Koror Island, Republic of Palau (OC-009, WW Loc. PJ77FI) from
9-15th February, 2012. QRV 80-10 metre CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via
home call. [IMPAC]

10/02/2012:  Al, W6HGF, will be active as FP/W6HGF from the island of Miquelon
(DIFO FP-002, WLOTA 1417, WW Loc. GN17TC), St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) from
10-20th February 2012, depending on transportation, weather etc.. Operation is
planned to be focused on digital, mostly RTTY, including entry in the CQWW WPX
RTTY Contest (11-12 February) as well as a presence in the ARRL DX CW Contest
(18-19 February). QSL will be through LoTW, each evening as he can, and paper
QSL cards once Al gets back home. Website:

10/02/2012:  Look for special event station TM9AAW to be on air between 10-26
February, 2012. Activity is to celebrate the 9th Antarctic Activity Week.
Operation will be made by Francois, F8DVD, from his QTH of Macon in the east
part of France. WAP reference for TM9AAW is 220. QRV from 40 to 10 metres,
mostly SSB. QSL via F8DVD, direct (SAE + 1 IRC or 2 USD) or via the French REF
Bureau. For more details, see: or TM9AAW on

15/02/2012:  Elmo, EA5BYP and Javier, EA5KM have announced plans to be active
from Annobón Island [Pagalu] as 3C0E (AF-039, WLOTA 0174, WW Loc. JI28TO) and
possibly from Bioko Island (AF-010, WLOTA 2977) as 3C6A. They will arrive
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea by the middle of February (dates to be determined).
Plans are to be QRV on 160-6m CW, SSB and RTTY. They will also operate on 6
metres with a 5 element yagi (50.104 MHz CW; 50.145 MHz SSB). If they have free
time, look for 3C6A to be active on CW, SSB and RTTY from Bioko Island,
Equatorial Guinea. QSL both callsigns direct to EA5BYP (Elmo Bernabé Coll,
P.O.Box 3097, 03080 Alicante, Spain), with S.A.E. and enough postage to cover
return QSL (that is 2GS or 2IRC or 1GS + 1IRC). Check the 3C0E web site for
updated news and full dates at: []

16/02/2012:  Rochester DX Association (RDXA) Members Redd AI2N, Ken N2ZN and
Dave WJ2O will be active as PZ5RO from the QTH of Ramon, PZ5RA, located just
west of the Capital City of Paramaribo, Republic of Suriname (WW Loc. GJ25KU),
from 16-21 February, 2012. This will include a multi-single high power effort in
the ARRL DX CW Contest (18-19 February). QSL via AI2N. Further information can
be found at: [NG3K]

18/02/2012:  Marco, CE1TBN (ex-CE6TBN) will be active as CE1TBN/7 from las
Huichas Island (SA-064) between 18-20th February, 2012. He will be QRV on 20, 15
and 10 meters, mainly SSB and some CW, using 100 Watts. QSL via CE1TBN.

22/02/2012:  After their PZ5RO operation from Suriname look for Redd, AI2N and
Dave, WJ2O to be active from the island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033) as as
P40/AI2N and P40/WJ2O. QRV on all HF bands, holiday style. QSL via home calls.

26/02/2012:  Look for JJ0LUH (T88XG) and JA0EKI (T88XH) to be active from the
Republic of Palau (OC-009) between 26 February and 2 March, 2012. Activity will
be on 160-10m CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK61 and JT65. QSL both call signs via JA0EKI.

03/03/2012:  Yuri, N2TTA, will once again be active as KP2MM in the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (3-4 March) from Christiansted, island of St. Croix (USi VI002S, WLOTA
2477), U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106). His entry category will be
Single-Op/All-Band. QSL via LoTW, or direct only to N2TTA. Website: [NG3K]

10/03/2012:  Barney, ZS4U (ZS6TQ), will be active as 9Q6/ZS4U from the
Democratic Republic of Congo (Grid Loc. KI16) between 10 March and 5 April,
2012. QRV on 40-6m CW, SSB and PSK. QSL via K3IRV, direct preferred but Bureau
ok. []

24/03/2012:  Felipe, NP4Z (Los Chachos Contest Club), will be active from Santa
Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife Island (DIE S-012, EAA TF, WLOTA 1276), Canary
Islands (AF-004), as EE8Z in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (24-25 March). Plans are
for a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via EA8AY. [NG3K]

26/03/2012:  Stef, F5UOW, will be active as TO2R from Reunion Island (AF-016,
DIFO FR-001, WFF FFF-011, WLOTA 1812) between 26 March and 9 April, 2012. QRV on
the HF bands, casual operation. QSL via home call. []

10/04/2012:  The sinking of White Star Line's RMS Titanic on 15th April 1912
sent shock-waves around the world and has touched our hearts ever since. To
commemorate this tragic event, special event station GR100MGY will be activated
between 10-15th April, 2012. Some fifteen operators will man two 400 watt
transmitters on the eight HF bands from 3.5 to 28 MHz, using directional
antennas. Only CW will be used except on the open days, 14-15th April, when SSB
will help the public to understand the operation. Activity on VHF is also
planned. QSL information can be found on GR100MGY will be located at
0°37'18" West, 51°11'49" North, Locator IO91QE: Charterhouse, Hurtmore Road,
Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2DX, England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841). []

14/04/2012:  UBA Sectie ON4EKO will activate the special event station ON100TT
to commemorate the Titanic Centenary between 14 April and 31 December, 2012. QRV
on all HF and VHF bands, using all modes. QSL via ON4WDL, direct (with SAE + 2
green stamps) or by the Bureau. [UBA HF News]

01/07/2011:  Dave, VE3FOI, will use the special event callsign CG3B during the
entire month of July 2012 to celebrate the Bicentennial (200 years) of Peace
between the United States of America and Canada after the war of 1812, during
various Bicentennial functions in the Niagara on the Lake area, Ontario. A
special QSL card will be available from VE3FOI, direct (Dave Digweed, VE3FOI,
4117 Hazelnut Court, Vineland, ON L0R 2C0, Canada. SASE or $2 USD or via the
Bureau, attention VE3FOI. More information will be updated on the Niagara
Peninsula ARC's website at: . Also on This will be the
first of many special event stations between 2012 and 2014 regarding the
Bi-Centnnial. The Niagara Peninsula ARC takes pleasure in providing this special
call sign for General Issac Brock. [RAC]

27/01/2012:  The City of Schlitz (WW Loc. JO40SP), celebrates its 1200th city
jubilee in 2012. The picturesque castle town is nestled between the mountain
ranges Vogelsberg, Rhoen and Knuell. The medieval town center invites everyone
to explore the ancient walls and castles. The local HAMs are operating the
special event station DL0SLITISA (S-DOK: 1200SCHLITZ). QSL via the DARC Bureau.
[DX Newsletter]

29/01/2012:  Special event callsign 9M4CNY will be aired on 29 January 2012 from
Penang Island (AS-015, WFF 9MFF-016), WLOTA 2743). QRV on 7.088 and 14.288 MHz,
SSB only, from 0700 UTC - 1600 UTC. This special callsign is for the grand event
to celebrate the Chinese New Year Cultural & Heritage 2012 located at the
heritage precinct of Georgetown on 29th January 2012 (Sunday) from 3.00pm till
12.00am (0700-1600 UTC) organize by Penang State Government. QSL direct only
( [NG3K]

01/02/2012:  On 2nd February 2012, the Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio
Emissão-LABRE (Brazilian Amateur Radio League) will be celebrating their 78th
anniversary. In commemoration of the event, look for special operations to take
place between 1-5 February, on all bands and modes. Also, look for the National
LABRE station to be active using the special callsign ZY78AA during and
throughout the month of February. All QSOs will be confirmed with a beautiful
commemorative QSL card. To receive directly (by mail), send a SAE + IRC or 2
USDs. QSL to all LABRE callsigns via PT2AA. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/02/2012:  Special event station 8J1YMS will be active between 1 February and
31 March 2012 to celebrate the opening of the new Yoshikawa Minami Station,
constructed by the East Japan Railway Company (JR East) on the Musashino Line in
Yoshikawa (JCC 1343), Saitama prefecture, Kanto region, island of Honshu
(AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. It is scheduled to open on 17 March 2012. QSL via
the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/02/2012:  Special event station 8J9LITE will be active the entire month of
February 2012 for the Campaign for Amateur Radio License Electronic Application,
by Hokuriku Bureau of Telecommunications. (Utilizing the application system
"Denshi Shinsei·Todokede (or Electronic Application and Notification) System
Lite"). The Hokuriku Bureau of Telecommunications is located in Kanazawa(-city)
JCC 3001, Ishikawa prefecture, Chubu region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA
2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

27/01-29/01  CR2W: Albarnaz DFP:FAZ-02 WLH:CU-008 WLOL:AZO-016
                                  WLOTA:0947 QSL HB9CRV (d/b)
27/01-29/01  GJ2A: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA:0818 QSL K2WR (d)
27/01-29/01  VK3EGN: Australia (main island) WLOTA:1520 QSL Buro
28/01-23/02  FW0NAR: Uvea Island WLOTA:0389 QSL HA0NAR (d)
28/01-05/02  TO4M: Mayotte Island WLOTA:0376 QSL IK5CRH (b)
29/01            9M4CNY: Pulau Penang WLOTA:2743 QSL 9M2CLN (d)
01/02-31/03  8J1YMS: Honshu WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/02-29/02  8J9LITE: Honshu WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/02-01/04  HS0ZIQ: Phuket Island WLOTA:0701 QSL ZB2JK (d)
01/02-09/02  J3/K8EAB: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
01/02-09/02  J3/KB9AVO: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
01/02-09/02  J3/KC4VG: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
01/02-09/02  J3/N7UN: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
01/02-09/02  J3/W3FF: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
01/02-09/02  J3/W6HFP: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
01/02-09/02  J3/W7ZT: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
01/02-09/02  J3/WG0AT: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
01/02-07/02  TO3J: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL JA1HGY (d/b)
03/02-17/02  ZK2C: Niue Island WLOTA:2139 QSL DL7JAN (d/b)

- PSK2k, New Meteorscatter Software Available -
  The software is still in development and there was a lot of feedback and this
resulted in some changes in the software. Main reason were some issues with
non-decodable bursts. This is not caused by the signalstrenght or the decoder
but is a software packed synchronisation issue.
  A solution is being worked out at the moment and will be released in the next
couple of weeks when the testing period is finished. As the new version will use
a different packetlenght and therefore the current verion 4.7 or earlier will
not be able to decode the new code. Advised is to keep version 4.7 in a seperate
folder so you will be able to decode data received with version 4.7 or earlier.
  Klaus, DJ5HG, is working hard to work on the new concept and is running short
on free time to do this. It is expected to take a week or two before hearing
  Website: [MMMonVHF]

28/01-29/01  SPAR Winter Field Day - 6m & Up  28 1700z-29 1700z
28/01-23/02  FW0NAR: Wallis Island OC-054 Grid:AH16VS 6m 100W QSL HA0NAR (d)
28/01-29/01  N8OFS/M: IHRAS/RAOTA Activations 52.525FM Simplex QSL HC (d)
29/01-30/01  Classic Exchange CW 50.100 & 144.100 MHz  29 1400z-30 0800z
30/01            RSGB 70MHz UKAC SO Fixed/Open  2000z-2230z
01/02            MOON Contest 144 MHz CW/Digital/FM/SSB  1900z-2100z
03/02-17/02  ZK2C: Niue OC-040 50.102 up CW, 50.115 up USB QSL DL7JAN (d/b)

Contest Calendars:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 25 January, 2012)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

3B8FA, Patrice "Pat" Momple, has been inactive for a long time and is now QRV
again. He has chosen Buzz, NI5*_DX_*, as his QSL manager. Pat has only begun
using a computer about a month ago and Buzz has recommended a few logging
programs for Pat to use. There will be a learning curve for computer logging,
but Pat will master it quickly.
Buzz will be able to confirm only those contacts made with 3B8FA from January
23, 2012 forward. Buzz will be designing a card and having it printed. It will
take about 5 weeks for Buzz to receive the cards from the printer. [K1XN]
3D2T and T2T QSL cards are at the printers now.
I expect to begin QSLing by the end of January.
Bill Horner VK4FW
13 McConnell Rd
Maidenwell 4615 Australia
My web site:
QSL Manager for WP3A -
NEW QSL MANAGER after Jan-23-2012 is NP3O Rene Fonseca he is manager for:
KP2B, NP3X, NQ2A and WP3A
Please follow the instruction in QRZ. [WP3A]
QSLs via Bureau: 3Z5ØKCR, 4KØVB, 5B5ØAIV, 5H3VMB, 5R8VB, 5V7CC, 6W/LA9DL, 7Q7VB,

QSLs via Direct: 3XY1D (DL7UFR), 9A2AA (, 9N7MD (OQRS), BV100 [AS-102
KinMen Island] (BV2KI), BY1RX/4 [AS-160] (BA4TB), C5A (OM2FY), CN8KD (EA5XX),
EK7DX (, EX2A (, J6/W0MU (H/c), OH1VR/VP9 (H/c), PJ4T (KA2AEV),
PY2FN/p [SA-024] (H/c), RCØF (, RI1FJA (RX3MM), TR8CA (F6CBC), TU2T
(OQRS), UAØLSG (, V25RV (JN1RVS), VR2XLN ( and XF1C [NA-165]

QSLs via LoTW: 5B/G4IRN, 5X1NH, 6V7N, 8Q77EA, 9J2VB, 9XØVB, CEØY/G0KBO, CN8NK,
Z3ØM, ZK1EFD and ZS2I.
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:


For more information, contact:
Harold Kramer (WJ1B)
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio
(860) 594-0200 /

Richard Ross (K2MGA)
CQ Communications, Inc.
(516) 681-2922 /


ARRL & CQ Sign Agreement to Provide
ARRL’s Logbook of The World Support for CQ’s Awards

(Hicksville, NY and Newington, CT - Jan. 24, 2012) - CQ Communications, Inc.
(CQ) and ARRL - the national association for Amateur Radio, have signed an
agreement to begin providing support for CQ-sponsored operating awards by the
ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW) electronic confirmation system. The agreement
was announced jointly today by ARRL Chief Operating Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B,
and CQ Communications President Richard Ross, K2MGA.

CQ's awards will be the first non-ARRL awards supported by LoTW and will be
phased in, beginning with the CQ WPX award. Additional CQ awards will follow.
The ARRL’s LoTW system, an interactive database recording contacts between radio
amateurs was created in 2003 and has been adopted by 47,500 radio "hams"
worldwide. It already has records of 400 million contacts and grows weekly. The
target date for beginning LoTW support for WPX is April 1, 2012. Amateurs will
be able to use LoTW logs to generate lists of confirmed contacts to be submitted
for WPX credit. Standard LoTW credit fees and CQ award fees will apply.

ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, observed that this step gives
radio amateurs throughout the world an inexpensive and convenient means of
gaining credits toward CQ's popular operating awards. "LoTW has significantly
increased interest and participation in the ARRL's DXCC, Worked All States and
VUCC awards programs. We anticipate a similarly positive response to the
addition of the CQ WPX award. Amateurs will be able to spend more time operating
and less time chasing QSL cards."

CQ President Richard Ross, K2MGA, said he is very pleased to be able to move
forward with Logbook support for CQ awards. "We have had excellent results with
electronic confirmations for several years," he said, "and I am glad that we are
now able to begin expanding that convenience to those participants in our award
programs who use Logbook of the World. We look forward to a smooth launch for
WPX, and to the expansion of LoTW support to include the rest of our award
programs as well."

ARRL ( is the national association for Amateur Radio in the United
States and publisher of its membership journal QST. CQ Communications, Inc.
( is publisher of CQ Amateur Radio and several other magazines.
There are currently over 700,000 Amateur Radio licensees in the USA and
approximately 2.5 million worldwide.

To learn more go to  <>
DX University Press Release 2 -
This all-day program will take place on the Friday of the Visalia International
DX Convention, 20th April 2012. Among the lecturers are AA7A, G3SXW, K4UEE,
K9LA, N7NG, W3UR, W6OAT, W9KNI and XE1KK, many of whom are inductees of the CQ
DX Hall of Fame.

Learn the secrets of operating techniques for working DX, optimizing stations &
antennas for DXing, about propagation, information sources, awards, ethics,
remote operating, QSLing and much more. You will also get the DXpeditioner’s
view of how DXers should operate to get into the log.

Over half of the limited student places have already been reserved since
Registrations opened only three weeks ago. The fee is only $50, including lunch
and breaks, but this will increase to $55 for places reserved after 1st

Sign up now at:
Limited Future Activity From Jan Mayen -
  Recently the Norwegian government declared most of Jan Mayen a Nature Reserve
and banned landings and camping on most of the island. This means that tour
operators no longer visit since the main landing area is part of the Reserve.
  The only places left on the island which could be used as landing and camp
sites are in Kvalross-bukta and in Båtvika, in the very extreme (weather-wise)
southern part of Jan Mayen. This will mean that most visits to the north part of
the island (where previous landings occurred) will soon be impossible.
  Whilst radio amateur operations may still be possible from these two
locations, which are difficult to get to (rough landing, very strong winds with
sand storms, no access to any shelters or resources etc), it now appears JX5O
was probably the last major expedition to Jan Mayen and may well be for the
coming years. It also seems that only professional, licensed staff members at
the Olonkin base will be able to activate the island, with that in itself a rare
occurrence. []
R1/M will be deleted DXCC by Feb. 17th 2012 -
R1MV, MALYJ VYSOTSKI ISLAND (Deletion of MVI Coming!). Jari, OH2BU, reports:
"The day of deletion has now been confirmed: Finnish and Russian ambassadors met
today, January 17th, and exchanged the documents signed by the presidents of
both countries. The new agreement of the lease of Saimaa Channel will be in
force one month from today - February 17th. As the new agreement does not
include Malyj Vysotskij (R1MV ...), the island will be deleted from the
DXCC-list the day before, February 16th, 2012. This is, of course, subject to
the decision of ARRL DXCC Committee. It's unlikely that any DXpedition will come
on from the island before the deletion, although our Russian friends would have
a possibility to do it." [MMMonVHF]
JX - Jan Mayen
Following recent news that operations from Jan Mayen would become rare by
visiting ham groups, and likely activity only by professional, licensed staff
members at the Olonkin base, Svein LA9JKA will be based on the island beginning
March 22, 2012 for one year, using the callsign JX9JKA. QSL direct only to Svein
Rabbevag, Brendlia 12, N-6013 Alesund, Norway. No eQSL. []

V63 - State of Yap, Micronesia
William, V63YWR, is a new resident operator on Federai Island, Ulithi Atoll,
(OC-078), in the State of Yap, Micronesia. He is using an IC-718 and longwire,
but will soon have a Hexbeam sent from Hawaii. He uses amateur radio mainly for
family phone patches with AH7G in Hawaii but will happily exchange reports in a
relaxed fashion (not pile-up style) with callers after the phone patch business
is over. There are apparently no telephone lines on the island and local
inhabitants cannot afford to use satellite phones. This is amateur radio as it
used to be - I don’t remember hearing phone patches in operation since the
1970s! Phone patches in operation at 0730, worked at 0900, on 14245 kHz with
Dick, AH7G, and John, KH6DLK, also in the QSO. John also holds the callsign
V63JB and is helping them install an HF radio system on Federai. Dick, AH7G,
will be getting QSL cards printed for V63YWR later. []

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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