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Главная » 2010 » Май » 28 » ICPO Bulletin (27 May - 04 June 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (27 May - 04 June 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
27/05/2010: Laci, HA0HW will be active as J48HW and SV8/HA0HW from
Thassos Island, Greece (IOTA EU-174, GIOTA NAS-037, MIA MG-124, WLOTA
LH-4186, QRA KN20HS) from 27 May to 7 June 2010. He will operate mainly
CW, with some SSB, RTTY and PSK31 as well, on the HF bands (mainly on
40, 30, 20 and 17 metres) and on 6 metres. He will take place in The CQ
WPX CW contest as J48HW. His rig are a FT-840 with a MOS-FET amplifier
and an IC-706 (for 6m only) with monoband Gps and dipoles on fishing
poles. QSL via home call, direct or via HA-bureau. [HA0HW]

27/05/2010: After an 11 year absence, Darrell, AB2E will be returning
to activate V26E on the island of Antigua (NA-100, WLOTA 1118) for the
2010 WPX CW contest as Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power! He will hopefully
be active on the air from Thursday 27 May through Monday 31 May 2010.
WARC bands and low bands will be concentrated on before and after the
contest (all CW). New QSLs will be ordered for the occasion, and all
logs will be uploaded to LoTW upon his return. As usual, QSL direct via
AB2E for any and all operations of V26E from 1993 to present. [NG3K]

27/05/2010: Eric, K9GY will once again be active as YN2GY from Granada
(WW Loc. EK71AU), Nicaragua, from 27-31 May. QRV all HF bands, plus 6
metres (100W, 3 ele quad, 50.115USB). His main focus will be the CQWW
WPX CW Contest (29-30 May) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via LoTW or direct
to home call. [NG3K]

28/05/2010: Operators Giovanni I2OGV, Ivano I2RFJ, Giuseppe I2ZBX,
Diego IZ2AMV and Andrea IZ2LSC will operate as 9A/homecall between 28
May and 2 June 2010 from Sveti Nikola Island (EU-110, ACIA IC-516, IOCA
CI-118, MIA MC-414, WLOTA LH-3152). QRV on 80-6 metre CW, SSB and RTTY,
with three or four stations. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.
On-line logs and further information at: [425 DX

28/05/2010: Operators Antonio, EA5RM, Roberto EA2RY, Fernando EA5FX,
Manuel EA7AJR, Jose EA7KW, Florent F5CWU, Alain F6ENO, Bernard F9IE,
Fabrizio IN3ZNR and Valery UT7CR) will be active as E4X from Ramallah,
Palestine (Grid Loc. KM71), from 28 May to 6 June 2010. QRV 160-6m using
CW, SSB and RTTY, with at least three stations active at the same time
on different bands and modes. QSL via EA5RM ( Web: [MMMonVHF]

28/05/2010: Mek, SP7VC will be on a fishing trip to Norway (Grid Loc.
JP54FI) and will be QRV between 28 May and 4 June 2010. Activity will be
during his free time on 80, 40 and 20 metres with 500W and dipoles. He
will also be active on 6 meters with 500W and 5 element yagi. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. Further info at: [DL8EBW]

28/05/2010: Several members of the Halifax Amateur Radio Club (VE1FO)
plan to be active as VE1FO/9 between 2200z 28 May and 2300z 31 May 2010
from Campobello Island (NA-014, CIsA NB001). Operators include Dick
VE1AI, Scott VE1QD, Howard VE1DHD, Gary VE1RGB, Ken VY2RU, Ella VE1PEI,
Cory N1URA and Beckie KB1IRZ. QSL via VE1FO, direct with SAE/SASE +
sufficient postage (1 IRC, or $2 US) or by the bureau. No US stamps on
SASEs please ... they are no good in Canada. []

29/05/2010: Ash, KF5EYY will be active as 3V8SS from Hammam Sousse,
Tunisia, during the CQWW WPX CW Contest as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via IZ8CCW. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Operators Terry BA7NQ, Yang BD7IXG, Shiyu Hu BD7KSF, Paul
BA7JS, and others will be active as B7P, a Multi-Single entry from
Foshan city (WW Loc. OL63NA), Guangdong, PR China, during the CQWW WPX
CW Contest. QSL via BD7IXG, direct or bureau. NO eQSL. Note: Site
maintenance and a test run scheduled on 23 May. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Look for Luis, EA8AY to be active as EF8E in the CQWW WPX
CW Contest from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Isla de Tenerife (AF-004, DIE
S-012, EAA TF, WLOTA LH-1276) as a Single-Op entry. QSL EF8E via EA8AY.

29/05/2010: Valery, RD3AF will be active as EF8M during the CQWW WPX CW
Contest from Santa Maria de Guia, Las Palmas Gran Canaria (AF-004, DIE
S-005, ESA GC, WLOTA LH-0969) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry.
QSL via UA3DX. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Frank, EA8DA will be active using the Canary islands Day
special event station callsign EG8GCA during the CQWW WPX CW Contest
from Gran Canaria Island (AF-004, DIE S-005, WLOTA 0969, ESA GC). He
plans to participate as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via EA8TH,
bureau or direct. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Adrian M3TVF, Mark M0MTT and Adrian MW0ZEN will be camping
on the island from Friday 28th May to Monday 31st May for the purpose of
running a Islands on the Air (IOTA) station for the duration of Saturday
10am to midnight & Sunday 10am to midnight. They will use the special
callsign GB0FHI from Flatholm Island (EU-124, WLOTA LH-0007), Wales. QRV
on the following frequency's 80, 40, 20 metre SSB & 2 metre FM & SSB.
Website: []

29/05/2010: Wut, HS8JYX will be active in the CQWW WPX CW Contest
(29-30th May) from Paknum Muang Krabi, Krabi province, Thailand, as a
Single-Op/Low-Power entry. No bands were given. QSL direct only or via
LoTW and eQSL. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Alessandro IK4ALM, Lorenzo IK6PTH and Roberto IK6QRH will
be active as homecall/p from Scoglio La Vela (not IOTA, IIA AN-001) and
Scoglio Le due Sorelle (not IOTA, IIA AN-002) on 29 May 2010. They will
operate SSB on 40 and 20 metres. QSL via IK4ALM (e-mail requests for
bureau cards to ik4alm at modxit dot it). [425 DX News]

29/05/2010: Look for Vince ID9/IT9EJP, Sebastiano ID9/IT9ZIR, Dario
ID9/IT9ZZO, Filippo ID9/IW9FRB and Ferdinando ID9/IW9HSK to be active
from Stromboli Island (EU-017, IIA ME-016, MIA MI-109, WLOTA LH-1996,
Grid Loc. JM78) between 29 May and 2 June 2010. They will operate SSB,
RTTY and BPSK on 80-6 metres. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.
Further info can be found at: [425 DX News]

29/05/2010: Chris, K4FH will activate River's Bend island (USi TN057,
Davidson County), State of Tennessee, on 29-30 May 2010. He will be
running QRP CW/SSB on 40 and 20 metres. CW will focus around 7.114 MHz
only. This will be a holiday style operation. QSL via home call. [USi]

29/05/2010: Jaime, WP3A will be active as KP2B from the STX Contest
Club (new QTH on North part of island), island of St. Croix (NA-106,
WLOTA 2477), USVI, as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW
WPX CW Contest. QSL direct to EA7FTR. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Felipe, NP4Z will be active as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry from the Puerto Rico contest club
station KP3Z, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA
LH-2802), during the CQWW WPX CW Contest. QSL KP3Z via N4AO (see [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Andy HB9CVQ, Will DF4PD, Chris DL7CS, Mike DF3VM, Hubert
DJ8VH and Philippe LX2A will once again activate the LX7I callsign, from
Eschdorf, Luxembourg, during the CQWW WPX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry.
QSL via LX2A, direct or bureau. There will be a live webcam on their
homepage during the contest. Website: [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Mat, MJ0ASP will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band entry in
the CQWW WPX CW Contest from St. Brelade, isle of Jersey (EU-013, WLOTA
LH-0818). QSL direct or via the bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.

29/05/2010: Timo, OH6GLE will be active as OG0Z from Aland Island
(EU-002, WLOTA LH-1373) during the CQWW WPX CW Contest as a
Single-Op/Single-Band (20 or 15m) entry. QSL via W0MM, direct or by the
bureau. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Jouko, OH1RX will be participating in the CQWW WPX CW
Contest as OH0J from Aland Island (EU-002, WLOTA LH-1373) as a
Single-Op/Single-Band (10m) entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

29/05/2010: Peter, ON3WAB will be active as homecall/p from the
following WFF Parks and Reserves: 29 May from the Yzermonding Nature
Reserve, Nieuwpoort (WFF ONFF-026); 30 May from the Hoge Dijken Nature
Reserve, Ettelgem (WFF ONFF-024); and 31 May 2010 from the De Gavers
Nature Park, Harelbeke (WFF ONFF-051). QRV mailny on 40 and 20 metres.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [ON3SSB]

29/05/2010: Look for Tom, DL4VM to be signing OZ/DL4VM from Fano [aka
Fanø, Fanoe] (EU-125, DIA NS-002) between 29th May and 12th June 2010.
QRV on 40-15m CW with 20 Watts and dipole. QSL via home call, bureau or
direct. []

29/05/2010: Andy, AE6Y will once again be active as P49Y from Sabana
Basora, island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033), for the CQWW WPX CW
Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call.

29/05/2010: Members of the UA2 Contest Club will be active from
Kaliningrad as RW2F for the CQWW WPX CW Contest as a Multi-Multi entry.
QSL via DK4VW. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Bob, 9V1QQ will be operating from Singapore (IOTA AS-019,
WW Loc. OJ11XH) during the CQWW WPX CW Contest as a Single-Op entry,
using his contest callsign S65Q. QSL via 9V1QQ, direct or bureau. [425
DX News]

29/05/2010: Robert, S53R will be active as ST2AR, a Single-Op/All-Band
entry, during the CQWW WPX CW Contest from the Sudan. QSL via S53R.

29/05/2010: Ali, TA2LM will be QRV as a Single-Op/Single-Band entry in
the CQWW WPX CW Contest from Istanbul, Turkey. QSL via [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Members of the JTRG will once again be active as W4K from
Peanut Island (USi FL479S, Not IOTA, WW Loc. EL96XS, Palm Beach County),
Florida, on 29 and 30 May. Operating from within the cold-war bomb
shelter built for President John F. Kennedy on Peanut Island, this will
be THE DXpedition event for the Palm Beaches and likely South Florida!
Buried underground and encased by lead, concrete and rebar, the DX
operating stations will be positioned inside the bunker. However, much
like the communications prior to the threat of a nuclear attack, we'll
be reaching out to the world as W4K! QRV all bands, including 6m (50.210
SSB/CW) and 2m (144.210MHz). QSL direct to W4JUP. Further info can be
found at:

29/05/2010: VUCC grid hunters who need Canadian grid EO40 may want to
listen for Mike, WB8BZK/VE3 who will activate EO40ud for six days from
Seseganaga Lake, in the Province of Ontario, between 29 May 29 and 3
June 2010. Band: 50 MHz SSB and CW. Frequencies: 50.135 MHz (starting on
the calling freq, 50.125 MHz and moving up to 50.135 during an opening).
Equipment: FT100D with 100W into a 3 element yagi up 30 feet, battery
powered. Activity times: Mike will check for activity each morning at
1230z and then again between 2230z and 2300z each evening. He will also
give it a try if the WX is too nasty to go out fishing. QSL with SASE to

29/05/2010: Bernie, ZS4TX will be active from South Africa as ZS9X in
the CQWW WPX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band entry. QSL via LoTW.
[AT International]

30/05/2010: Paolo, IK2MLS will be active as IA5/IK2MLS from the island
of Elba (EU-028, IIA LI-001, MIA MI-022, WLOTA 0609) between 30 May and
4 June 2010. QRV on the HF bands, casual operation. QSL via home call,
bureau or direct. []

30/05/2010: Members of the GEMILANG Radio of Persatuan Gemilang Daerah
Tutong will once again will be active on HF band with special callsign
V84SGR (new edition of V8GRS) on a Field Day to commemorate the 5th
anniversary of the inception of the Association on 30-31 May 2010. The
Beach on the Air (BOTA) station will be active from 1000z 30 May, until
0400z 31 May, at the Seri Kenangan Beach in Tutong, Brunei (OC-088,
WLOTA LH-1628). V85SGR will be operating SSB and the Digital modes on
40/30/20/17/15 metres. QSL via V8MVE. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/06/2010: 24 Hour Scottish Islands Amateur Radio Challenge - June
2010. Bob, GM0DEQ will be activating up to 15 Scottish islands within 24
hours in June using a sea plane as transport. His callsign will be
GB4DTD (Dawn To Dusk). Activity will be on the HF bands, 40-10 metres.
QSL via GM0DEQ. The island list is subject to change due to a few
factors governing their sea plane transport. The departure date will be
subject to WX too, and will be from Monday, 14th June 2010, onwards as
close to the longest day to maximize daylight flying. List of islands:
Islay (EU-008, IOSA NH22, SCOTIA CS25, WLOTA LH-1826); Jura (EU-008,
IOSA NH21, SCOTIA CS28, WLOTA LH-3078); Colonsay (EU-008, IOSA NH19,
SCOTIA DI05, WLOTA LH-1574); Tiree (EU-008, IOSA NH04, SCOTIA DI10,
WLOTA LH-2232); Coll (EU-008, IOSA NH05, SCOTIA DI12, WLOTA LH-2123);
Barra (EU-010, IOSA OH11, SCOTIA HI02, WLOTA LH-3126); Lewis (EU-010,
OI06, WLOTA LH-2463); Orkney Mainland (EU-009, IOSA OR01, SCOTIA OI14,
WLOTA LH-1652); Papa Stronsay (EU-009, IOSA OR08, SCOTIA OI18, WLOTA
LH-2271); Sanday (EU-009, IOSA OR10, SCOTIA OI30, WLOTA LH-2735); Eday
(EU-009, IOSA OR11, SCOTIA OI27); Westray (EU-009, IOSA OR02, SCOTIA
OI31, WLOTA LH-0945); Papa Westray (EU-009, IOSA OR03, SCOTIA OI32);
North Ronaldsay (EU-009, IOSA OR04, SCOTIA OI33, WLOTA LH-0778). Further
information will be published, when available, at:

02/06/2010: Waldi, SP7IDX will be active as LA/SP7IDX from Engeloya
Island (IOTA EU-062) on 2-17th June 2010. Activity will be holiday style
(DXing and fishing) on 20-10 metres using SSB and RTTY. He will operate
with 100 watts into a Hexbeam antenna. QSL via his home callsign. [OPDX

02/06/2010: Orlando, PT2OP will once again activate some lighthouses
and islands in the period 2-7 June 2010. Plans are to use the callsign
ZV8S from the Pedra do Sal lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-070, DFB PI-03) on
Santa Isabel Island [Grande de Santa Isabel] (IOTA SA-025, DIB PI-01),
in the Piaui (PI) State, northeast Brazil (WW Loc. GI97DE). During the
trip Orlando will activate the Luis Correia lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-061,
DFB PI-02). It is near, on the mainland (WW Loc. GI97FC). He wlll give
priority to activate the Pedra do Sal lighthouse, on Santa Isabel
island. He will activate the Luis Correia lighthouse when the weather
and transportation conditions permits, and use the callsign PS8/PY2TJ.
QSL ZV8S and PS8/PY2TJ via PT2OP direct preferred, or bureau. In this
adventure he will have the company of Hams from Teresina city, already
confirmed Milton, PS8HF, and Nelson, PS8NF (callsigns pending). All QSOs
will be valid for the BP Award (PR7JP manager) and Diploma Baden-Powell
the Radio (manager PY2AA). Also to be valid: IOTA Diploma, Diplomas of
ARLHS, DIB Brazilian Islands Award, DFB Brazilians Lighthouses Award,
South American Lighthouses Award, in addition to diplomas WAA (such as
Brazil), WAB (as Piauí), WAO (such Brazil) and DBDX (as Brasile if
worked on 160, 80 or 40 m) from the LABRE, PT2AA. [PT2OP]

02/06/2010: Takao, JE1WVQ, will be active as ZD8J from Georgetown,
Ascension Island (AF-003, WLOTA 1491), on 2-8 June 2010. QSL via his
home callsign. [OPDX Bulletin]

02/06/2010: The LABRE (Brazilian Amateur Radio League) Section Piauí
and Teresina DX Group will join Orlando on his expedition to Pedra do
Sal lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-070, DFB PI-03, WW Loc. GI97DE) on Santa
Isabel Island [Grande de Santa Isabel] (IOTA SA-025, DIB PI-01) and will
make it great event. Now, in addition to ZV8S, operated by Orlando,
PT2OP, also engage ZW8B station, which will be operated by an
experienced team composed of Flavio PS8BBC, Raimundo PS8DX, Jose PS8ET,
Milton PS8HF, Nelson PS8NF, Joao PS8PY, Luiz PS8RF and Dalton PS8TV. QRV
on 160-10 metres (SSB, PSK31 and RTTY), including 6 metres, 144 MHz
(SSB, FM and CW) and the satellites (SSB, FM and CW): AO-7 (A and B),
FO-29, AO-51, VO-52, SO-50, HO-68, SO-67 (if active) and ISS in repeater
mode if active. QSL via PS8HF: Milton Lima Ribeiro, Rua Mazerine Cruz,
2673, 64076-040 Teresina - PI, Brazil. Visit the group's Blog page at: [PS7AB]

03/06/2010: Max, DJ4EL will sign /p from Helgoland-Duene [Duene Island]
(EU-127, GIA N-15, WLOTA 2130) on 3-7 June 2010. Expect activity on the
HF bands, CW and SSB. QSL goes to home call, bureau or direct. Website: []

03/06/2010: David, OK1FJD / OK6DJ will be active from Liechtenstein as
HB0/OK6DJ/p on 3-6 June 2010. He will also participate in the IARU
Region 1 Fieldday. Equipment: TS480hx with G5rv and dipole antennas. QSL
via OK1DRQ, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

03/06/2010: Look for JT0YAB (UA9YAB), JT0YW (RW9YW) and JT0YPS (UA9YPS)
to be active from Lake Khoton, Altai Tavan Bogd National Park (WFF
JTFF-001) (western Mongolia) on 3-8 June 2010. They plan to operate on
all bands and modes with two stations and special attention for 6
metres. QSL via home calls (direct only) and LoTW. [425 DX News]

03/06/2010: Haru, JA1XGI/W8XGI will once again be active from Bonriki,
Western Kiribati [Gilbert Islands] (OC-017, WW Loc. RJ61NI), as T30XG on
3-9th June 2010. Activity will be on 40-6 metres, including the WARC
bands, using CW and the Digital modes. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or by the
bureau. Web page available at: [OPDX Bulletin]

Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated CQWW WPX CW Contest
activity at: .. Good luck to all
participants & have fun!!!

09/06/2010: PX8J - IOTA DXpedition - Lençóis Island SA-041. This
DXpedition will take place from 9-15 June. It will be carried out by a
group of 4 experienced DX operators who will be on the air around the
clock. This will give the worldwide IOTA community the opportunity to
confirm this rare IOTA group. Operators will be Ciro PY7ZY (Team
Leader), Fred PY2XB, Jim PY7XC and André PY0FF. Lençóis Island will be
activated for the first time. Likewise, a new DIB and a new Grid Square
will be activated (GI78nq). After returning from SA-041, the group will
activate São Luis Island (SA-016, DIB 07, DFB MA-07, WLOTA LH-0299),
from 16-18 June. The call will be PX8L. They are not sure if they will
have internet connection during the operation from SA-041. If it is not
possible to have a log on line in real time, the QSOs will be avaiable
as soon as possible during the return to the continent. QSL via PY7ZY,
direct only (P.O. Box 152, 58010-970 - Joao Pessoa - PB, BRAZIL). Full
info can be found at: [PS7AB]

12/06/2010: Karen, DL8HK will be active on 12 June 2010 as homecall/p
from the Hambacher Castle (RPB-039, WCA DL-00718). QRV on 80-20m using
SSB and CW. Rig: FT817 or FT857 - mobile operation possible. Antenna:
FD4 or mobile whip. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [WCA

12/06/2010: Look for Andy, M1LOL and Ray, M1REK to be touring the Outer
Hebrides islands (EU-010) on 12-17 June 2010, using the callsign
GM6TW/p. Schedule as follows: 12-13 June from Lewis and Harris (IOSA
OH01, SCOTIA HI21); 14 June from North Uist (IOSA OH02, SCOTIA HI13,
WLOTA LH-3287); 15 June from Benbecula (IOSA OH04, SCOTIA HI08) and
South Uist (IOSA OH03, SCOTIA HI06, WLOTA LH-2972); and 16-17 June from
the isle of Barra (IOSA OH11, SCOTIA HI02, WLOTA LH-3126). QRV on or
near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via M1REK, direct or via
the RSGB bureau. []

12/06/2010: Andy, N8OFS will be N8OFS/p (Caboose) for the ARRL June VHF
Contest (12-14th June) from Grid Locator EN91OR. Counts for Railroad
Depots On The Air (RRDOTA); AC&J Railroad, Jefferson, Ohio, (reference
OH-0001). Running Kenwood TS-60, 90W and PAR OA-50 Loop at around 30ft.
There will be only one frequency used, 50.225 USB from 1800z-2200z both
days, hunt and pounce outside that window. QSL info: eQSL preferred
(send to N8OFS/P), direct is OK (send to N8OFS/P) to either address
listed on This operation is also to help celebrate the AC&J
(ACJR) Railroads 26th Aniversary. [N8OFS]

19/06/2010: Look for Dave, AC0QG to be active as homecall/5 from South
Padre Island (NA-092, USi TX007S, Cameron County), State of Texas, on
19-21 June 2010. QRV mainly on PSK31: 17m and 20m day, 40m night. QSL
via eQSL AC0QG/5, LoTW AC0QG/5, or direct to AC0QG (

26/06/2010: Serge, UR7UT will be active on 26-27 June 2010 using the
special callsign EN1UCF from the Zolotye Gate (WCA UR-00067, UCFA
KV-002) in Kiev, Ukraine. QRV on the HF bands during the United activity
Days of Castles and Fortresses. QSL via UR7UT, direct or by the bureau.

26/06/2010: Karel, OK1TIR will be active on 26-27 June 2010 as
homecall/p from the Castle Spalene Porici (WCA OK-00717, CCA PL-067, WW
Loc. JN69TO). QRV on the HF bands during the United activity Days of
Castles and Fortresses. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

13/07/2010: Mine JA2NQG, Yuji JH2BNL and Shige JI2UAY will be activate
Wallis & Futuna and also Fiji between 14th and 24th July 2010. Their
schedule is as follows: 13-14 and 24 July QRV from Nadi, island of Viti
Levu (OC-016, WLOTA LH-0055), Fiji. They will use the callsigns 3D2NQ,
3D2BNL and 3D2FM respectively. 14-24 July QRV from Wallis [Uvea] Island
(OC-054, DIFO FW-001, WLOTA LH-0389) as FW5M, FWD2A and FW5FM
respectively. 16-17 July QRV from Futuna [main island] (OC-118, DIFO
FW-017) as FW5M/p and FWD2A/p. QRV on all bands using CW, SSB, FM, SSTV
and RTTY. Mailing address for direct QSL requests is shown in each
operator's page. Website: []

17/07/2010: Andy, N8OFS will be N8OFS/p (Caboose) for the CQ WW VHF
Contest (17-18 July) from Grid Locator EN91OR. Counts for Railroad
Depots On The Air (RRDOTA); AC&J Railroad, Jefferson, Ohio, (reference
OH-0001). Running Kenwood TS-60, 90W and vertical 'DOMINATOR' 5/8 wave
GroundPlane at around 30ft. 52.525FM locked, 52.490FM if the band goes
nuts. Andy will also be the "check-in" station for the AC&Js "Steam
Weekend". QSL info: eQSL preferred (send to N8OFS/P), direct is OK (send
to N8OFS/P) to either address listed on This operation is also
to help celebrate the AC&J (ACJR) Railroads 26th Aniversary. [N8OFS]

18/07/2010: Jim, PG4DX will be signing P4/PG4DX from the island of
Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA LH-0033) between 18 July and 6 August 2010. QRV on
all HF bands, mainly around the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL
via home call, bureau or direct. []

22/07/2010: Andreas, DD8ZJ and his son Tommy, DL8KX will be active as
OZ/homecall from the island of Moen [aka Mön, Møn] (EU-029, DIA SJ-017,
WLOTA LH-4630) on 22-25 July 2010, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA
Contest. Outside the contest they will use the callsign OZ/DD8ZJ, while
during contest they will be signing OZ/DL8KX only. QSL via home calls,
direct or bureau. []

23/07/2010: Perdigueiros Radio Team members Alexandre PY5BH, Vagner
PY5DC, Fleck PY5DJ, Fernando PY5FO and Goncalves PY5IN will be active as
PR5D from Ilha do Mel (SA-047, DIB PR-01, WLOTA LH-1435), Parana State,
Brazil, between 1700 UTC 23 July and 0300 UTC 25 July 2010, including an
entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest. QRV using SSB on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10
metres. Note: Free band - depending on propagation; during the IOTA 2010
Contest a Free band - band depending on propagation too. QSL via PY5DC,
direct or bureau. Further info at: []

24/07/2010: Kilmarnock and Loudoun ARC members Allan GM3OZB, Barry
GM3YEH, Bill GM3ZRT, Steve GM4OSS, John GM0DJG and Gordon MM0BIM will be
active as GM0ADX/p during the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) from
Staffin on the Isle of Skye (EU-008, IOSA NH07, SCOTIA CN14, WLOTA
LH-1626), Inner Hebrides. QSL via GM0ADX (see Website: []

24/07/2010: Operators Sergio IS0SSY, Daniele IK2SND, Sauro IK5EKB, Sal
IK8UND, Mauro IN3QBR, Walter IN3XUG and Gabriele IZ3GOM will be active
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) from the island of Sardinia
(EU-024, IIA SD-001, MIA MIS-035, WLOTA LH-1608) using the callsign
IS0B. They will enter as a Multi-mix Resident category. QSL via IK2SND.

24/07/2010: Tokyo Dental College RC members JE1SCF, JF1QQR, JG4IQC and
others will be active as JA1YUC/6 for the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July)
from Uji Island (AS-067, JIIA AS-067-006), JA6 Kagoshima prefecture, as
a Multi-Operator SSB entry. QSL via the JARL bureau or via JA1YUC
( [NG3K]

07/08/2010: Tommy, DL8KX will be active 7-14 August 2010 from Usedom
Island (EU-129, GIA/DID O-013, WLOTA LH-1640) using the callsign
DL8KX/p, and from Wolin Island (EU-132, SPIA SZ-002, WLOTA LH-4120)
using the callsign SP1/DL8KX. He will be able to activate both islands
as they are only 10km away from each other. Look for activity on, or
near, the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call, bureau
or direct. []

30/03/2011: Kirk, WE8A and Yuji, K8RLY will be active as homecall/KH0
from Siapan (USi NI002S, WLOTA LH-1333, Grid Loc. QK25), Northern
Mariana Islands (OC-086) between 30 March and 2 June 2011. QRV 80-10m,
plus 6m, using CW and SSB. WE8A/KH0 will focus on WARC bands SSB and CW,
and CW on regular HF bands (80-10m) plus 6m while K8RLY will operate
only PHONE including AM mode if requested. QSL direct only to their JA
addresses (see [NG3K]

26/05/2010: Special event callsign ON70UD will be activated from 26 May
till 26 June 2010 from the Radioclub Deinze - DNZ (ON6UD) in the
commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the massacre against civilians
Deinze, Vinkt and Meigem, a senseless use of violence to obtain power
during WWII. All major bands will be used in mode SSB, PSK and RTTY. QSL
via ON6UD. [ON5SD]

29/05/2010: Special event station II1IAFZ will be active from 0800 UTC
on 29 May until 1300 UTC on the 30th during a reunion of former crew
members of the Italian Navy frigate "Castore". They will operate SSB and
CW on 20 and 40 metres. QSL via operator's instructions. [425 DX News]

29/05/2010: Frans, PC2F will be active as PC100AR from 29 May to 26
June 2010 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Alfa Romeo, the famous
Italian automaker founded on 24 June 1910. QSL via PC2F, direct or
bureau. [425 DX News]

29/05/2010: Scheduled for 29 and 30 May, on John F Kennedy's birthday
members of the Jupiter Tequesta Repeater Group (W4JUP) will be
activating for the first time Peanut Island (USi FL-479, WW Loc. EL96XS,
Palm Beach County) JFK's old Cuban missile crisis bunker, Florida. They
will use the special event callsign W4K for the full 2 days. QRV on HF,
50MHz and 2 meters, using SSB and CW. 6m frequency 50.210 MHz SSB/CW; 2m
144.210 MHz; 20m, 40m to be determined at start of event by the HF team
CW ops on K3's). QSL via operators' instructions. Further information
can be found at: [N8OFS]

30/05/2010: Celebrating the anniversary of the local autonomous
Parliament's first session back in 1983, the Canary Islands Day is held
annually on 30 May. This year eight special event stations will be
activated from the eight inhabited islands of the archipelago. Look for
EG8FTV (Fuerteventura - DIE S-006, WLOTA 0883), EG8GCA (Gran Canaria -
DIE S-005, WLOTA 0969), EG8GOM (La Gomera - DIE S-014, WLOTA 1526),
EG8GRA (La Graciosa - DIE S-009), EG8HIE (El Hierro - DIE S-015, WLOTA
2005), EG8LPM (La Palma - DIE S-012, WLOTA 1648), EG8LZT (Lanzarote -
DIE S-007, WLOTA 0099) and EG8TFE (Tenerife - DIE S-012, WLOTA 1276) to
be operate SSB, CW and digital modes on 29-30 May 2010. The QSL manager
for all callsigns is EA8TH. [425 DX News]

30/05/2010: Look for TM24H to be active between May 30th and June 13th,
to celebrate the 78th edition of the "Le Mans 24 Hours" car race.
Activity will be on the HF, VHF and 50 MHz bands using CW, SSB, PSK and
RTTY modes. A special QSL card will be printed. QSL Manager is F6KFI.
Take a look at the interesting collection of QSL cards for this event
at: [OPDX Bulletin]

01/06/2010: From 1st to 30th June 2010 our club is organizing the "EPC
Fourth Year Celebration Month" (EPC FYCM). There will be many special
event stations working with the "EPC" suffix from all over the world. We
are looking for EPC operators in various countries to apply for the
special event station call signs locally to be active during the June,
2010. Please contact us if you are willing to apply for such special
event call sign in your own country so that we can make an accurate list
of all the participating stations beforehand, and inform PSK enthusiasts
all over the world through various DX news resources including our own
website. The only requirement is that the suffix of the special event
station must be "EPC", such as GB1EPC, GB0EPC, etc. Please don't concern
regarding the QSL design and printing expenses, our club will do that.
Even if you don't have a QSL manager, we can offer you our help.
We plan to issue a special series of EPC awards for contacts made with
EPC club and special event stations from 1st to 30th June 2010. This
will be the 4th anniversary celebration of the European PSK Club with
more than 11000 members at that time. Please contact us as soon as
possible if you wish to run an EPC special event station in June 2010
since it's going to be a great event amongst PSK enthusiasts. Further
info at: [EPC Managers]

01/06/2010: Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Harbin Institute of
Technology, special callsign BT90HIT will be in use on 1-10 June 2010.
QSL via BY2HIT. [425 DX News]

01/06/2010: Herbie - G6XOU will be participating in June's big European
PSK Club (EPC) event as GB8EPC - for the first 28 days of June, from
Walton on the Naze, Essex, England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841). As many of you
know, Herbie is the ISWL Council member who runs their QSL Bureau. So if
you work or hear this callsign, it will count for the ISWL's Monitor
award. June will definitely be the month to spend solely on PSK!. So you
have plenty of time to try out this mode and get active.

01/06/2010: Special event callsign 8J1ABIKO will be aired between 1
June and 31 December 2010 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of
Abiko-city, Kanto region, Chiba prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007,
JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. Activity is expected on all
bands and modes. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/06/2010: Look for special event station 8J1FUSSA to be active on all
bands/modes between June and October 2010 to celebrate the 40th
anniversary of Fussa-city, metropolitan Tokyo, Kanto region, Tokyo
prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376),
Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/06/2010: To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Toride-city, Kanto
region, Ibaraki prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001,
WLOTA LH-2376), Japan, special event station 8J1T40A will be QRV on all
bands/modes between 1 June and 31 October 2010. QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/06/2010: Special event station 8J4626H will be active on all bands
and modes 1-26 June 2010 to celebrate the 24th Yuhara Rotenburo no Hi
(or Yuhara-town Outdoor Hot Spring Bath's Day). QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/06/2010: Special event callsign 8N1F will be active on all
bands/modes between 1 June and 31 August 2010 to celebrate the 60th
anniversary of Fujiyoshida-city, Yamanashi prefecture, island of Honshu
(AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/06/2010: Special event station 8N1SKY will be active on all bands
and modes on 1-30 June 2010 to commemorate "Tokyo Sky Tree" - tower
constructing / transition to digital TV (634m in height, world's tallest
tower, for a complete transition to digital terrestrial TV
broadcasting - Japan's analog TVs will QRT by 24 July 2011). This
activity counts for the city of Tokyo, Kanto region, island of Honshu
(AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376). QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/06/2010: To celebrate Amateur Radio Day, special event station
8N649HAM will be QRV on all bands/modes between 1 June and 30 July 2010
from Okinawa [-pref.] (AS-017, JIIA AS-017-033, WLOTA LH-0275), Kyushu
region, Japan. On June 22, 1961 - 49 years ago - the first station by a
Japanese in Okinawa was on the air as KR8AB; and also, in Japanese, "4 =
shi" and "9 = kyu," so - "49" = "shi-kyu" = "cee-cue" = "CQ". QSL via
the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

The Following lighthouses were added to the WLOTA list recently:
LH 2826 VE3 Gereaux Island
LH 2839 VE3 Lighthouse Island
LH 2852 VE3 Partridge Island
LH 2871 VE3 Red Rock Island
LH 2882 VE3 Snug Island
LH 2897 VE3 Macklin Island
27/05-07/06 J48HW: Nisos Thasos LH-4186 QSL HA0HW (d/b)
27/05-07/06 SV8/HA0HW: Nisos Thasos LH-4186 QSL HC (d/b)
27/05-31/05 V26E: Antigua Island LH-1118 QSL AB2E (d)
27/05-02/06 VQ90JC: Diego Garcia Island LH-1645 QSL ND9M (d/b)
28/05-02/06 9A/I2OGV: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b)
28/05-02/06 9A/I2RFJ: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b)
28/05-02/06 9A/I2ZBX: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b)
28/05-02/06 9A/IZ2AMV: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b)
28/05-02/06 9A/IZ2LSC: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b)
29/05-30/05 CQ3L: Ilha da Madeira LH-0053 QSL DJ6QT (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EF8E: Isla de Tenerife LH-1276 QSL EA8AY (
29/05-30/05 EF8M: Isla de Gran Canaria LH-0969 QSL UA3DX (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EG8FTV: Isla de Fuerteventura LH-0883 QSL EA8TH (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EG8GCA: Isla de Gran Canaria LH-0969 QSL EA8TH (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EG8GOM: Isla Gomera LH-1526 QSL EA8TH (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EG8GRA: Isla Graciosa LH-0113 QSL EA8TH (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EG8HIE: Isla de Hierro LH-2005 QSL EA8TH (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EG8LPM: Isla de La Palma LH-1648 QSL EA8TH (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EG8LZT: Isla de Lanzarote LH-0099 QSL EA8TH (d/b)
29/05-30/05 EG8TFE: Isla de Tenerife LH-1276 QSL EA8TH (d/b)
29/05-31/05 GB0FHI: Flatholm WLOTA:0007 QSL Bureau
29/05-02/06 ID9/IT9EJP: Isola Stromboli LH-1996 QSL HC (d/b)
29/05-02/06 ID9/IT9ZIR: Isola Stromboli LH-1996 QSL HC (d/b)
29/05-02/06 ID9/IT9ZZO: Isola Stromboli LH-1996 QSL HC (d/b)
29/05-02/06 ID9/IW9FRB: Isola Stromboli LH-1996 QSL HC (d/b)
29/05-02/06 ID9/IW9HSK: Isola Stromboli LH-1996 QSL HC (d/b)
29/05-30/05 KP2B: St. Croix Island LH-2477 QSL EA7FTR (d)
29/05-30/05 KP3Z: Puerto Rico Island LH-2802 QSL N4AO (
29/05-30/05 MJ0ASP: Jersey Island (main) LH-0818 QSL d/b
29/05-30/05 OG0Z: Aaland (main island) LH-1373 QSL W0MM (d/b)
29/05-30/05 OH0J: Aaland (main island) LH-1373 QSL OH1RX (d/b)
29/05-30/05 P49Y: Aruba Island LH-0033 QSL AE6Y (d/b)
29/05-30/05 PJ2T: Curacao Island LH-0942 QSL N9AG (d/b)
29/05-30/05 PJ4A: Bonaire Island LH-1279 QSL K4BAI (d/b)
30/05-04/06 IA5/IK2MLS: Isola d'Elba LH-0609 QSL IK2MLS (d/b)
30/05-31/05 V84SGR: Brunei (Borneo main) LH-1628 QSL V8MVE (d)
01/06-31/12 8J1ABIKO: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/06-01/10 8J1FUSSA: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/06-31/10 8J1T40A: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/06-26/06 8J4626H: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/06-31/08 8N1F: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/06-30/06 8N1SKY: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/06-30/07 8N649HAM: Okinawa Shima LH-0275 QSL JARL Buro
02/06-08/06 ZD8J: Ascension Island LH-1491 QSL JE1WVQ (d/b)
03/06-07/06 DJ4EL/P: Dune Island LH-2130 QSL HC (d/b)

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 27 May 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

QSLs received Bureau - 4K9W, 5NØOCH, 7O1YGF, A45WD, CQ2I, CQ7P, DP1POL,

QSLs received Direct - 5WØYA (W7YAQ), 6W2SC (HA3AUI), A61BK (NI5DX),
J28AA (K2PF), J5UAP (HA3AUI), LZ1ND (, PJ6/K4UEE (hc), ST2AR
(S53R), V31QS (N4QS), V63DQ (JA1ADT), VQ9LA (NØQM), XV2RZ (OH4MDY),
Z21BB (W3HNK), Z33A (), ZK3YA (W7YAQ) and ZS2DL (NI5DX)

QSLs received LoTW - 5C5W, EA6/LU5FF, OL8ØOK, T77C, TN5SN, V31CW and
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WCA Reflector:
WCAG (World Castles Activity Group) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

UDCF - United activity Day's of Castles and Fortresses

Goals: Work on the air from historical places, monuments and the
architectural constructions relating to fortification to rise of
interest to historical and architectural heritage as well as
visiting extant historical monuments.

Radio hams of all countries and territories are invited.

Date: The latest weekend of June (Saturday and Sunday).
For 2010, on June, 26th-27th.

Get involved! Sign up now and arrange for fun weekend operating
from a local Castle or Fort / Fortress.

Full info at:
Please note that effective immediately the web site for Contest
Club Ontario formerly at will be found at

We are excited to now have our very own url using the club call
sign. Nothing else has changed though and the site will continue
to serve as your vehicle for recording and communicating club
activities. We welcome you to visit the site. Please update your
bookmarks accordingly.

Thanks and 73,
Director of Communications
Contest Club Ontario
VP8: Station F -

A new and brief film about "Base F-Faraday" on Galindez island"
(or Argentine islands station) 1954-1996.

Also an old one ralative to "Base F-Argentine islands" on Winter
island, the original settlement of 1947 to 1954 which is named
today "James Wordie hut" and became an historic site.

73 Michel F6DWQ & Mehdi F5PFP.
Leslie "Les" David Hepburn, ZL3FK, became Silent Key Friday 21 May 2010
in his 94th year. Ham operator since 1930.
Pierre, ZS8M, who is working on Marion Island (AF-021) for one year,
was very active during the last week especially on 20m and 17m from
0630-1000 UTC. He has been spotted on following frequencies:
7.140, 14.243, 14.200-14.225, 18.150 and 21.266 MHz. [DX Newsletter]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

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