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Главная » 2010 » Март » 16 » IOTA news от OPDX
IOTA news от OPDX
15 March, 2010

Island activities:

EU-127. (IOTA/WFF Op)
A German team will be activating Neuwerk Island and the National Park Hamburg Wadden Sea (WFF DLFF-005) between March 19-21st using the callsigns DA0GLH and DF0WFF.

Their QTH will be from a building by the lighthouse on Neuwerk. This building is 700 years old (the oldest building of Hamburg City) – therefore the callsign DA0GLH will be used and a special DOK"700NWK" number will be provided.

Access to the island is only possible during low tide. In case of bad weather, the German team will not be able to go to Neuwerk. Operations are expected to start very late on the 19th, and they will stay for about 48 hours.
Operators mentioned are: Matthias/DK7LV, Peter/DJ4RU, Friedrich/DL4BBH, Henning/DB5BZ, Helmut/DL1BGC, Ric/DL2VFR, Frank/DL2SWW and Gabi/DF9TM. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and PSK, as well as 2m and 70cm on FM.

QSL via the DARC Bureau for both callsigns. If necessary, direct via DL2VFR. They will upload the logs to the WFF log search Web page at:

EU-118. RARE IOTA (Update)!
Operators Oscar/EA1DR, George/EA2TA, Christian/EA3NT, Col/MM0NDX, Vincent/F4BKV and Bjorn/SM0MDG are planning a DXpedition to Flannan Isles (an extremely difficult island to land on) between June 18-21st. Last activation was in 2002 (also in 1989 and 1995). Callsign will be MS0INT.

Their main target will be working as many JA stations as possible and giving everyone a fair chance of working the EU-118 IOTA reference. Therefore, they aim to be active on 80-10 meters trying to get advantage on the best bands, with 2 simultaneous stations on the air (possibly 3 stations in daylight), one on CW and another on SSB. They state, "Since our stay on the island is limited, please remember that 1 QSO will be enough, no matter the band."

QSL Manager will be M0URX. The team is still looking for
sponsors. For updates, visit their Web page at:

NA-182. (Update)
John, VE8EV, is planning to activate Greens Island in the Northwest Territories (NWT) in the Inuvik Region East Group between April 15-20th. As a SSB only operator, John would like to bring along a good CW operator too. He would also like to have the 2nd operator to be able to coordinate
a fundraising campaign and not be afraid of a little winter
Arctic camping.

If interested in participating in this IOTA operation, please contact John at:

Visit John's Blog page at:
Online logs will be uploaded as soon as possible after the

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