23 February, 2010
Island activities:
NA-066, W6, California State South:
The Palos Verdes Amateur R.C. plans
an activity as K6PV from Santa Catalina Island from Feb 25-28.
QSL via K6PV (direct/bureau).
SA-019, PY6, Abrolhos Archipelago:
PY6HD, PY6RT and PY6AWU are going to be
QRV as ZZ6Z from Santa Barbara (DIB BA-01, DFB BA-014) from Feb 25-28.
QSL via PY6HD direct (see QRZ.com).
SA-077, PY1, Rio de Janeiro State East Group:
A group of Brazilian scout
amateurs will be active as PV1S, PT2OP/p, PY1LVF/p and PY1NEZ from
Santana Island (ARLHS BRA-062, DFB RJ-04) between Feb 25 and Mar 1.
QSL PV1S and PT2OP/p via PT2OP, PY1LVF/p and PY1NEZ/p via PY1NEZ (d/B).
Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW) ----------------------------------------
K6PV LH 2912 St.Catalina Feb 25-28
PT2OP/p LH 0714 Santana Feb 25-Mar 1
SV5/DJ7RJ LH 1730 Kos Feb 24-Mar 17
TO2T LH 0644 Guadeloupe Feb 24-Mar 8 ZF2MN/ZF8 LH 1490 Little Cayman Feb 21-28 ZZ6Z LH 0463 Sta.Barbara Feb 25-28 8Q7JK LH 3911 Thulhagiri Feb 23-Mar 5 9M2/OE1WWL LH 2020 Langkawi Feb 24-28
The "Radio Club URUGUAYO" will be QRV as CW3R from the Punta Negra Lighthouse (ARLHS URU 015) during the "South American Lighthouses Weekend" on
Feb 26-28.
They will work with two stations in CW, SSB and Digital modes
on 80m-10m.
QSLs direct via : Radio Club Uruguayo, PO Box 37, 11000,
Montevideo, Urugay
Compiled by Fredy, DE0MST
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
e-mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de