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Главная » 2015 » Октябрь » 2 » OCEANIA DX (OCDX) CONTEST

The main aim of the contest is to promote HF contacts with stations in the
Oceania region. Oceania stations can work other Oceania and non-Oceania
stations. Non-Oceania stations can only work Oceania stations.

We are pleased to announce that the 2015 contest includes two new plaques
aimed at Indonesian entrants - Karsono Suyanto YB0NDT is sponsoring a plaque
for the highest scoring entrant from Indonesia in the PHONE Single Operator
All Band category, and the YB Land DX Club is sponsoring a plaque for the
highest scoring entrant from INDONESIA with a General Licence (YD/YG prefix)
in the PHONE Single Operator 40M Band category

The OCDX Contest Committee is sad to report the passing of Mirek Rozbicki
VK6DXI earlier this year. Mirek was the sponsor of the Frank Vander Drift
VK3COF Memorial Plaque that was awarded to the highest scoring station from
Europe in the CW Single Operator ALL Band category. Slawek Barciuk VK3CTN
has kindly offered to pick up the ongoing sponsorship of this plaque. This
will now be known as the VK6DXI Memorial Plaque - in recognition and memory
of Mirek’s significant contribution to the OCDX contest and amateur radio
contesting more generally.

Here is an abbreviated summary of the rules for the 2015 contest:

PHONE: 08:00 UTC Saturday 3 October to 08:00 UTC Sunday 4 October
CW: 08:00 UTC Saturday 10 October to 08:00 UTC Sunday 11 October

Bands: 160M to 10M (excluding WARC bands).
Exchange: RS(T) + serial number.
QSO points: 20 points per QSO on 160M; 10 points on 80M; 5 points on
40M; 1 point on 20M; 2 points on 15M; and 3 points on 10M.

Final Score: The sum of the QSO points multiplied by the number of
prefixes worked (the same prefix can be counted once on each band).

Entry Categories:
Single Operator All Band QRP (max 5W)
Single Operator All Band Low Power (max 100W)
Single Operator All Band High Power
Single Operator Single Band QRP (max 5W)
Single Operator Single Band Low Power (max 100W)
Single Operator Single Band High Power
M1 - Multiple Operators and Single Transmitter (only one transmitted signal
at any time)
M2 - Multiple Operators and Two Transmitters (no more than two transmitted
signals at any time and on different bands)
MM - Multiple Operators and Multiple Transmitters (no more than one
transmitted signal at any time on each band)
Shortwave Listener (receive only) All Band

Trophies and plaques will be awarded as listed on the web site at Certificates will be awarded
to the winning stations in each of the categories above - for each continent
and country. A participation certificate will also be awarded to every
station that makes at least one valid QSO.

Log Submission Deadline: All logs must be emailed (or postmarked) NO LATER
than 31 October 2015. Logs are to be sent as an e-mail attachment to (for PHONE entries) or (for
CW entries).

More information about the contest, including the detailed rules, is
available from the Oceania DX Contest web site at .


Oceania DX Contest Committee

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