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Главная » 2011 » Август » 1 » Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1021
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1021 | 08:48 |
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 1021 BID: $OPDX.1021 August 1, 2011 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q & ARRL DX, NG3K & ADXO, W3BTX, N4AA & QRZ DX, KH6BZF, WB6RSE, K8BL, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), KB0ZIA, AT Inter- national, CT1EEB, DL1SBF, DG8KAD & The DX News Letter, DxCoffee.com, DX-World.Net, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, HA0HW, HP1AC, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IZ2DPX, IZ3EBA, JT1CD, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, PA1AW, Pete's- DX-Newsdesk, RSGB IOTA Web Site, SM2LKW and VA3RJ & ICPO, VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) for the following DX information.
** EDITOR'S SPECIAL NOTICE: This week's bulletin was sent out earlier than normal to accommodate the late RSGB IOTA Contest announcements. Also, we wanted to provide the readers with a consolidated listing of the RSGB IOTA Contest participants.
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Saturday, 23rd-July, through Friday, 29-July there were 218 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J3, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH4, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, ST0, SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T32, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V8, VE, VK, VK9L, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
CE0Y, EASTER ISLANDS. Frank, I2DMI, will be active as CE0Y/I2DMI from Easter Island (SA-001) between July 30th and August 8th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, including 17/12 meters, using mostly RTTY. Suggested frequencies are: 3582, 7038, 14082, 21082, 24922 and 28082 kHz. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Log will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. For more info and online log, visit: http://www.mdxc.org/ce0yi2dmi
CT9, MADEIRA ISLANDS. John, IZ2DPX, will be active as CT9/IZ2DPX from the CR3L Santana station <http://www.cq3l.de/viewpage.php?page_id=? 1> on the Island of Madeira (AF-014) between August 7-21st. Activity will be on the HF bands and possibly 6 meters. QSL via his home callsign by the Bureau or direct to IK2DUW. Log available at: http://ik2duw.altervista.org/iz2dpxmadeira.html
IOTA NEWS (Remember the RSGB IOTA Contest is July 30-31st).......... IOTA CONTEST -- Complete details and can be found at: http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2011/riota.shtml
AS-014. Members of the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society will be active as A43MI from Masirah Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st). QSL Manager for this activitiy is A47RS.
AS-066. Vlado, UA0LCZ is now active as UA0LCZ/P from Popova Island and plans to be in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st). Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign.
AS-102. Koh, JH3GCN, is now active as BW9/JH3GCN from Kinmen Island and plans to be in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st). QSL via his home callsign.
AS-147. Yoshi, JJ8DEN, will be activating the following islands around the Hokkaido coastline as JJ8DEN/8: July 28-29th - Rishiri Island July 30-31st - Rebun Island August 1-2nd - Rishiri Island August 4-5th - Teuri Island August 6-7th - Yagishiri Island Activity will be on 40-6 meters (if possible, 160/80m) using CW, RTTY, PSK31 and JT65A. Sorry, no satellite. This schedule might be cancelled without notice due to sea conditions. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.
EU-040. Operators Jorge/CT1BOL, Joaquim/CT1DZR, Marco/CT1EAV, Jose/ CT1EEB, Antonio/CT1ENV, Tony/CT1FFU, Antonio/CT1FJL, Joel/ CT1HXB and Mino/CT1IZW will be active as CR5B from Berlenga Island between July 29-31st; during the RSGB IOTA Contest. Outside the contest, operators will use their own callsigns/P on all bands including the new 60m band. Authorized 60m band frequencies (CW/SSB) in Portugal are: 5288.5, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kHz. QSL portable callsigns to their home callsigns. QSL CR5B via CT1BOL.
EU-162. Nick, RA1QQ, will once again be active as RA1QQ/1 from Malyy Island and the Kandalakshskiy Lighthouse (RRA RR02-07, WLOTA LH-0768, ARLHS ERU-162, RLHA RLE-104, RDA MU-05) between July 28th and August 10th. Activity will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st). There is a possibility that Nick may visit other islands and lighthouses. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
EU-186. Operators from the Turkish IOTA Contest Team will be active as TC0G from Gokceada Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st). QSL via TA3TTT.
NA-045. Keith, K5ENS, is now active as XF1/K5ENS from Isla Mujeres until November 14th. Activity will be holiday style, but he will try to be on the air as much as possible. Watch for him on or near 14260 kHz most evenings. He has also been on 20 meters BPSK31. Keith also mentions that he is in operating distance to activate ARLHS MEX-139. He is using an Elecraft K3 w/100w with a N6BT Bravo-7K portable antenna custom built by Tom Schiller for Keith's special needs on this island. QSL via his home callsign direct or by LoTW, and eQSL. See QRZ.com for more details.
OC-227. YL Lyn, VK4SWE, a resident of Sweers Island, plans to be active during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st). QSL via direct or eQSL.
J2, DJIBOUTI. Jacob, KB0ZIA, is now active as J28FJ from Djibouti City until the spring of 2012. He informs OPDX that he is "kinda new to the whole DX thing" and "this going to be a learning experience for him as this is the first time ever he has operated outside of the U.S." He is currently set up to work 40-10 meters, but he may do some changes later. Jacob will be working mostly SSB but may work some Digital later if he receives some other equipment. He is now using a Yeasu FT-857D and a ATAS-120. He plans to make a special QSL card for his stay in Africa. QSL via his home callsign.
JT, MONGOLIA. Seihachi, JA7LU, will be active as JT1LU from Ulaanbaatar between August 1-7th. QSL via JA7LU, by the JA Bureau or direct to: 2-5-9, Kaga, Kashiwa-shi 277-0051 Japan.
KH6BZF PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (August 1-7th).... Aug 01 AN SOLAR REFERENCE KEYS Aug 02 AN -------------------- Aug 03 AN BN - Below Normal Aug 04 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET Aug 05 AN LN - Low Normal Aug 06 HN HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED Aug 07 HN-AN DIS - Disturbed VDIS - Very Disturbed
GEOMAGNETIC REFERENCE --------------------- QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between 0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between 7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less
LX, LUXEMBOURG. Following their successful 2011 DXpedition to Jersey, members of the "Low Land DXpedition Team" (LLDXT) are now planning a trip to Luxembourg. Operators Ronald/PA3EWP, Jo/PA9JO, Dennis/PA7FM and Alex/PA1AW will be signing LX/homecall between August 30th and September 6th. Activity will be on all modes and all bands between 160- 2 meters using several yagis and monoband antennas. The team is willing to accept activity requests reflecting the demand for LX worldwide. More details are available on their Web sites at: http://lx2011.lldxt.nl --or-- http://www.cqfriends.com/user.asp?username=lx2011 This DXpedition is supported by CQFRIENDS.COM, the new InterNet community for radio-amateurs. QSL all callsigns via PA1AW.
LZ, BULGARIA. Operators Laci/HA0HW, Tomi/HA4DX and Ivan/LZ1PJ will travel throughout Bulgaria from the Serbian border to the Black Sea area and will spend their holiday south of Burgas between August 6-21st. On their route they will stop in different Bulgarian National Parks and will try to operate for few hours from each place. Laci and Tomi will sign LZ/homecall. During their second week, they will make a side trip to one of the EU-181 IOTA islands (Sveta Anastasia Island or Sveta Ivan Island). All operations will take place mostly on 40/30/20/17 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via the operators national QSL Bureaus or to theirs QRZ.com addresses.
N3, UNITED STATES (911 Special Event). Look for special event station N3U/Flt93 (N3U/United Flight 93) to be activated once again between September 8-15th, to remind "Amateur Radio Operators World-Wide" of the tragic events that happened near "Shanksville (Pa), New York City nd Washington DC on September 11, 2001." This year's activity will take place during 10th anniversary and the Memorial Dedication for the victims of United Flight 93. QSL N3U/Flt 93 via W3PN, by the Bureau or direct (Please include SASE and enough return postage. If additional postage is needed...your QSL will be returned via the BUREAU). For more details, QRZ.com.
QSL INFO AND NEWS..................... QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated July 29th) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4J7WMF via RX3RC II8JC via IQ8BB SV8/HA6NL via HA6NL 5Q2T via OZ0J IM0/DL2RMC via DL2RMC SV8/HA7JJS via HA7JJS 8P9XC via DF1XC IT9/OE5JKL via OE5JKL SX8R via HA0NAR 9A/HA5AZZ via 9A3JB LA/SP7VC via SP7VC TK/I5KOV via I5KOV 9M2/KM9D via OM2SA MW0REN via DJ6OI TM2BI via F6KPQ DP3LUNA via DK1PM OZ/DK4MX via DK4MX UP80NR via UN7LAN EO2011U via UT7UU OZ/DL4FO via DL4FO UT/RU2FP/P via RU2FP ES4GP via ES5GP R34CZF via RV9CVA VE3ZZ/VY2 via VE3ZZ HR9/WQ7R via K5WW SM6/OE9LTH via OE9LTH WH0AU via JP3WAU IB0/OM3RM via OM3RM SN630LW via SQ3OGV XE1RK via EA5ZD IB0/OM7JG via OM7JG SV0XCC/9 via LZ1YE ZD8D via DL9HO
IL3A QSL REQUEST. Bureau cards for the "Extreme DX & Contest Group's" activities as IL3A from Venice Lagoon (EU-131) can be requested by E-mail from the QSL Manager IK3HHX (mariohhx@tiscali.it).
TI, COSTA RICA (Early Announcement). Operators Kyle/WA4PGM, Roy/WK4Y, Rich/AJ3G, Julius/N2WN and possibly others will be active as TI5N during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th, 2012) as a Multi-? entry. QSL via W3HNK.
VP6, PITCAIRN ISLAND. Operators Jacques/F6BEE, Nigel/G3TXF, Gilles/VE2TZT, Michel/FM5CD and Vincent/F4BKV have announced a major DXpedition to the famous, mythical Pitcairn Island (OC-044, CQ Zone 32) in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. Efforts will be made to give this extremely rare entity to deserving DXers on as many bands as possible, but especially on the low bands. The team's plan is to be active as VP6T between January 20-29th, 2012. Activity will be on 160-10 meters including the 30/17/12 meter bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY. The VP6T log will be uploaded to LoTW during the operation if possible, if not immediately after the operation. They try to update their VP6T log on "ClubLog" several times a day during the operation. This will help you track your progress across the bands. QSL Manager is Nigel, G3TXF. In addition to the usual routes (Direct QSLing, QSLing via the Bureau and E-mail requests for Bureau cards to "QSL at G3TXF dot com"), they will also be using the new "Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) provided by ClubLog." For more details and the suggested frequencies, visit the VP6T Web site at: http://www.vp6t.org
ST0, SOUTH SUDAN (Update). The world's newest country and DXCC entity continues to be active on the air until August 10th, as ST0R. Updates from their Web page indicate that they now have five stations running and the 6 meters beacon (on 50.105 MHz). As this was being typed, activity has been on all bands (except 160m) on CW. SSB operations have been on 40/20/17/15/12/10/6 meters, while RTTY operations have been on 30/17/15 meters. Totals as of 1318z, July 29th, are 47011/QSOs with 14235/Unique callsigns. The breakdown is: 24364/CW, 16417/SSB and 6230/RTTY. Currently, there are 10 operators there: Paul/N6PSE, Dmitri/RA9USU, Valery/RG8K, Jun/JH4RHF, Andreas/DH8WR, Fabrizio/IN3ZNR, Manuel/EA7AJR, Jose/EA7KW and Antonio/EA5RM. Hrane/YT1AD return home on June 27th, and was replaced by David/AH6HY. Others U.S. team members will arrive there around August 2nd. They report that the pile-ups are very heavy and they have to work by numbers to handle the pile-ups. They state, "Main target still is to give the new country to as many people as possible and we'll start to work others bands during upcoming days." For more details and updates watch: http://www.dxfriends.com/SouthernSudan2011 QSL via EA5RM direct. Their OQRS will be activated after the DXpedition. Online log is available on the Web page at: http://www.dxfriends.com/SouthernSudan2011/log.php ADDED NOTE: To see which actual operator you worked, hover your cursor over the green check mark and their picture and callsign comes up. Cool!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following stations are expected to be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st, 2011) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Bill, NG3K, for providing OPDX readers with the following consolidated listing of the participants in the 2011 RSGB IOTA Contest. For a more detailed listing (and up-to-date changes/corrections) in HTML format, please visit Bill's Web page at: http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/iota2011.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contest DXCC IOTA Island QSL Callsign Entity Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9A/DK3CH Croatia EU-170 Dugi Otok DK3CH 9A/S56A Croatia EU-110 St Nicholas LoTW; QSL via S56A 9A/S57UN Croatia EU-136 Rab S57UN 9A1CKL Croatia EU-170 Zirje Auto Buro; QSL via DK8ZZ direct A43MI Oman AS-014 Masirah A47RS AA4XX USA NA-067 Harker's LoTW AD5WB USA NA-143 Galveston LoTW; QSL via AD5WB, Buro or direct, also eQSL BA3EO/4 China AS-146 Changdao BA3EO;QSL OK Buro or direct BV100 Taiwan AS-102 Kinmen BV2KI BW9/JH3GCN Taiwan AS-102 Kinmen Island JH3GCN BY1CW/4 China AS-146 Changdao BA4EG; QSL via Buro or direct CR5B Portugal EU-040 Berlenga Grande CT1BOL CR6W Portugal EU-150 Insua CS1GDX D93I South Korea AS-080 Anmyon LoTW; QSL via DS4NYE, Buro or direct DC1HPS/p Germany EU-042 Pellworm DF6QC Germany EU-127 Helgoland DF6QC DF8HS/p Germany EU-128 Fehmarn DF8HS; QSL via DARC Buro or direct DL5KUD Germany EU-057 Ruegen DL5KUD Buro DL6DQW/p Germany EU-129 Usedom DL6DQW; QSL via Buro or direct DL6MHW Germany EU-057 Ruegen DL6MHW DL9LBG/m Germany EU-128 Fehmarn DL9LBG DL0KWH/p Germany EU-129 Usedom DL0KWH Buro DM6V/p Germany EU-129 Usedom DL5AXX E2E Thailand AS-107 Si Chang HS0ZFZ; QSL via Buro or direct ED1M Spain EU-142 Mouro EA1DR EF8M Canary Islands AF-004 Gran Canaria UA3DX EI1DD Ireland EU-115 Ireland EI1DD Buro EJ3Z Ireland EU-121 Inisbofin EI3Z EJ0PL Ireland EU-007 Great Blasket EI5JQ ES4GP Estonia EU-149 Vaindloo ES5GP Buro ES0U Estonia EU-034 Saaremaa ES2DJ Buro F5KKD France EU-068 Sein F5RAB/p France EU-095 Ratonneau F5RAB F6KPQ/p France EU-048 Belle Ile en Mer FG5KC/p Guadeloupe NA-114 Les Saintes FG5KC; QSLvia Buro, direct, or eQSL FP/K9OT St Pierre & Miquelon NA-032 Miquelon LoTW; QSL via K9OT, Buro or direct (w/RP) G7N England EU-120 Isle of Wight G5XV GJ2A Jersey EU-013 Jersey LoTW; QSL via GJ3DVC GJ6YB Jersey EU-013 Jersey G3SWH GM1J Scotland EU-092 Tanera Mor LoTW; QSL via MM0BQI, Buro or direct GM2T Scotland EU-008 Tiree LoTW; QSL via GM2T, Buro or direct, also eQSL GM7A Scotland EU-008 Gigha GM7A Buro; QSL via GM7AAJ direct GM7V Scotland EU-010 Benbecula N3SL GM7X Scotland EU-123 Isle of Arran GW3SQX Direct GM0ADX Scotland EU-008 Skye GM0B Scotland EU-123 Isle of Bute MM0BHX GW5O Wales EU-124 Holy GW5O Buro HS7AT/p Thailand AS-101 Samui HS7AT Direct IB0R Italy EU-045 Ventotene IK8HCG Direct IC8FBU Italy EU-031 Capri IC8FBU IC8WIC Italy EU-031 Capri IC8WIC IF9/IT9BXR Italy EU-054 Favignana IT9BXR Buro IH9YMC African Italy AF-018 Pantelleria IH9YMC IJ7A Italy EU-073 San Pietro IK7IMO; QSL via Buro or direct IM0P Sardinia EU-165 San Pietro IM0P IQ7HK Italy EU-091 Isola Grande IK7FPX IT9EJW/p Italy EU-166 Lachea IT9EJW; QSL via Buro or direct IT9RZU Italy EU-025 Sicily IT9RZU J45K Dodecanese EU-001 Kasos LoTW; QSL via SV9DJO J48NL Greece EU-174 Thassos J48NL K1VSJ USA NA-046 Martha's Vineyard K1VSJ; QSL via Buro or direct K5KUA/p USA NA-143 Galveston K5KUA; QSL via Buro or direct LA Norway EU-062 Vega LoTW; QSL via home call LA/DB5YB Norway EU-036 Averoya DB5YB Buro LA8OM Norway EU-055 Finnoy LA8OM Buro LA9RY Norway EU-055 Stord LA9RY LZ0I Bulgaria EU-181 Sveti Ivan LZ1BJ MI0UDX Northern Ireland EU-122 Rathlin LoTW; QSL as per QRZ.com MM3T Scotland EU-123 Isle of Bute eQSL MM0TFU/p Scotland EU-123 Isle of Arran LoTW; QSL via MM0TFU direct MP0HTJ Guernsey EU-114 Guernsey M0TZO; QSL via Buro or direct N2US/3 USA NA-139 Assateague LoTW; QSL via N2US, Buro or direct N4A USA NA-067 Core Banks N4YDU Direct N4I USA NA-067 Core Banks W4OTN; QSL OK via Buro or direct NP3QE Puerto Rico NA-099 Puerto Rico NP3QE NP4DX Puerto Rico NA-099 Puerto Rico W3HNK OG5A Finland EU-140 Kuorsalo OH5AD OH/DL2JRM/p Denmark EU-125 Romo DL2JRM; QSL via DARC Buro or direct OH/G4FSU Finland EU-097 Emsalo G4FSU; QSL via RSGB Buro or direct OH1TD Finland EU-096 Korpo OH1TD OY1CT Faroe Islands EU-018 Streymoy OY1CT Direct OZ/DF2SD Denmark EU-125 Fano LoTW; QSL via DF2SD, direct or Buro OZ/DG5LAC Denmark EU-172 Bjorno LoTW; QSL via DG5LAC, Buro or direct OZ4FF Denmark EU-030 Bornholm OZ4FF OZ7BQ/p Denmark EU-172 Drejo LoTW; QSL via OZ7BQ, Buro preferred OZ8SW Denmark EU-029 Sjaelland OZ8SW OZ7VEA Denmark EU-030 Bornholm DL7VEA; QSL via Buro or direct OZ0TX Denmark EU-125 Mando DL7AT; QSL via Buro or direct PA/ON6CQ Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland ON6CQ PA3FKN Netherlands EU-038 Texel PA3FKN PF4C Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland ON4ON PR5D Brazil SA-047 Ilha do Mel PY5DC Direct PY7CRA/p Brazil SA-046 Itamaraca PY7CRA R6AF/p Russia (Europe) EU-185 Sudzhuk R6AF RA1QQ/1 Russia (Europe) EU-162 Malyy RA1QQ; QSL via Buro or direct RA0FF Russia (Asia) AS-018 Sakhalin LoTW; QSL via RA0FF, direct RC3W/1 Russia (Europe) EU-119 Morzhovets RW3WWW RI1AA Russia (Europe) EU-133 Novik UA1AIR RN1N/p Russia (Europe) EU-147 Yakostrov RN1N; QSL via Buro or direct RW0MM/p Russia (Asia) AS-066 Reyneke RW0MM SA1A Sweden EU-020 Gotland SM1TDE Buro SA6G/7 Sweden EU-137 Ven SM6CUK SF2X/p Sweden EU-135 Ledskar SM5EFX; QSL via Buro or direct SK0HS/5 Sweden EU-084 Vassaro LoTW; QSL via SM0MPV, Buro SP8RX/1 Poland EU-132 Wolin DJ0IF SV5DKL Dodecanese EU-001 Rhodes LoTW; QSL via SV5DKL SX8R Greece EU-174 Thassos HA0NAR SY9M Crete EU-015 Crete SV9CVY SZ8L Greece EU-052 Meganisi SV8GKE TC0G Turkey EU-186 Gokceada TA3TTT TM1G France EU-094 St Nicolas F6CNM; QSL also via ON6DP TM2BI France EU-048 Belle Ile en Mer F6KPQ TM7T France EU-039 Grande ON7EQ; QSL via ON Buro or direct UA0LCZ/p Russia (Asia) AS-066 Popova Island UA0LCZ UA1NFA/p Russia (Europe) EU-147 Yakostrov UA1NFA; QSL via Buro or direct V47JA St Kitts & Nevis NA-104 St Kitts W5JON VC1D Canada NA-126 Bon Portage VE1DHD VC1Z Canada NA-154 Pictou VE1CDD VD1B Canada NA-198 Bell LoTW; QSL via VO1LM, Buro or direct, also eQSL VE3ZZ/VY2 Canada NA-029 Prince Edward VE3ZZ; QSL via Buro or direct VE7RSV/p Canada NA-091 Broughton VE7RSV; QSL via Buro or direct VK4NM/p Australia OC-142 Fraser M0OXO Direct VK4SWE Australia OC-227 Sweers QSL via direct or eQSL VK9HR Lord Howe Island OC-004 Lord Howe EB7DX W1ASB/p USA NA-136 Ram W1ASB W4/DF2MM USA NA-142 Santa Rosa DF2MM W4O USA NA-067 Hatteras N4YDU Direct W4OTN USA NA-067 Core Banks W4OTN; QSL via Buro or direct W4S USA NA-142 Santa Rosa LoTW; QSL via W4PC, direct W4T USA NA-083 Tangier K5VIP W6UX/p USA NA-144 Anacapa K6GEP WB8YJF/4 USA NA-067 Ocracoke WB8YJF Direct WD5IYT USA NA-092 Mustang LoTW; QSL via WD5IYT as per QRZ.com XM2I Canada NA-128 Isle aux Grues VE2CQ YB3MM Indonesia OC-021 Java IZ8CCW YB9WZJ/p Indonesia OC-239 Doom YB9WZJ Direct ZD8D Ascension Island AF-003 Ascension DL9HO
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