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Главная » 2011 » Ноябрь » 21 » Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1037
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1037
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1037
BID: $OPDX.1037
November 21, 2011
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, ARRL Letter, K1XN & GoList, N1DG, NJ1Q & ARRL DX, W2IRT, K3USC,
NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, KH6BZF, K8GI, K8YSE,
W8GEX (60m News), ND9M/VQ9JC, AT International, DK8JB & The DX News Letter,
DL1SBF,, DX-World.Net, ES1CW, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX,
OH2BN, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, RK3DT, RSGB IOTA Web
Site, SV1HER, UT1FG, VA3RJ & ICPO, VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) and VO1AU for
the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 13th-November, through Sunday, 20th-November there were
236 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3DA, 3V,
3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X,
8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A5,
A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3,
CU, CX, CY0, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP,
ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FS, FY, G, GD,
GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ,
I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S0, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP,
ST, SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T2, T32, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK,
TN, TR, TT, TU, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8,
VE, VK, VK0M, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, YA, YB,
YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZK2,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

3D2, FIJI. Yoshida, JA1NLX, will be active as 3D2YA from Yageta Island,
Yasawa IOTA Group (OC-156) between March 15-21st, 2012. Activity will be
on 80-10 meters, mainly CW, possibly RTTY and SSB. QSL via his home
callsign. He will QSL all QSOs via Bureau. The log will be uploaded to
LoTW when he returns home. Direct QSL will be welcomed with SASE (1 IRC
or 2 USDs). For more details and updates, see Yoshida's Blog page at:

3V, TUNISIA. SWL Ashraf "Ash", 3V4-002 (KF5EYY), will be active as 3V8SS
from the "Radio Club Station of Tunisian Scouts" in Sousse, during the
CQWW DX CW Contest (November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power
entry. QSL via LoTW or to LX1NO. Read about Ashraf on the following Web
page at:            

60 METERS CHANGES. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission released a
"REPORT AND ORDER" on November 18, 2011, with new 5 MHz rules for the
Amateur Radio Service. The effective date is 30 days after publication
in the Federal Register. Some of the FCC changes are to now allow Phone
(Upper Sideband), RTTY, Data, and CW; with specific limitations on the
use of these modes, as well as the maximum allowed power level is now
100 watts PEP (ERP) effective radiated power referenced to a dipole. The
FCC has deleted a channel and added a channel. The new 60 meter channel
list (for General, Advanced, or Amateur Extra Class license only) is as
follows (Suppressed Carrier):
    VFO Dial frequency
    5330.5 kHz USB (center of channel = 5332.0)
    5346.5 kHz USB (center of channel = 5348.0)
    5357.0 kHz USB (center of channel = 5358.5) New!
    5371.5 kHz USB (center of channel = 5373.0)
    5403.5 kHz USB (center of channel = 5405.0)
PLEASE NOTE: The FCC deleted the channel 5366.5 USB (center=5368.0)
and "replaced it" with channel 5357.0 kHz USB (center=5358.5).
For the complete FCC "REPORT AND ORDER" release, see:

6O, SOMALIA. Just a reminder that Darko, J28AA/E70A, will be active as
6O0DX from Somalia between November 21-30th. He usually operates on CW,
SSB and RTTY, and on 80-10 meters. QSL via K2PF or E77E.

9L, SIERRA LEONE. Remember to look for operators Karl/DK2WV, Jan/DJ8NK,
Andy/DL5CW, Andreas/DL9USA and Heye/DJ9RR to be active as 9L0W from
Banana Island (AF-037) between November 22nd and December 4th. Activity
will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. The suggested
frequencies were listed in OPDX.1031. Their operations will also include
participation in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via DK2WV. For more details
and update, visit:  

AH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Members of the Saipan BBQ Contest Club will be
active as AH0BT during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 26-27th) as a
Multi-2 entry. QSL via 7L1FPU, by the Bureau or direct (w/SAE and 2 USDs)
to: Kuniyoshi NAKADA, PMR9292, 3-23-3, Minami-Oi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo,
140-0013, JAPAN.

AU2, INDIA (Special Event). Look for special event station AU2JCB to be
active between November 19th and December 4th. Activity will be on 40-10
meters SSB, SSTV and PSK. Suggested frequencies are (depending on the
propagation): 28550, 28470, 24950, 21350, 21280, 14220, 14310, 7135 and
7030 kHz. The operator will be Surabhi, VU2DSI. QSL direct (with 2 IRCs)
to VU2DSI. Operations are to celebrate the 153rd anniversary of the birth
(November 30th) of Sir Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, India's great scientist
and inventor, who they consider the "Father of Wireless Communication".
For more details, see the following Web page at:

C5, THE GAMBIA. By the time you read this, the Czech-Slovak team (with
12 operators) should once again be active as C50C between November 20-28th.
Activity will be on the HF bands 160-10 meters (no 30/17/12m). Their main
goal is to participate in the CQWW DX CW Contests (November 26-27th) under
the callsign C5A. QSL via Brani, OM2FY. There are also some changes in the
contest crew. New team members Jano/OM2IB, Vitek/OK5MM and Zdenek/OK1DSZ
will replace OK1DIX, OK1DO and OK1RK who couldn't take part in the CW
contest for various reasons. The complete details can be found at:

C6, BAHAMAS. Brian, ND3F, will once again be active as C6AQQ from Nassau
(FL16 - Junkanoo Beach), Providence Island (NA-001) between November 24th
and December 6th. Activity will be mostly on the lower bands, but he will
also be in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/All-
Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via his home callsign, direct preferred or LoTW,
by the Bureau (long wait).

CR3/CT9, MADEIRA ISLANDS. Operators Ulrich/DJ2YA, Walter/DJ6QT, Suad/
DK6XZ, Ulf/DL5AXX, Frank/DL8WAA, Falk/DK7YY, Arunas/LY2IJ, Saulius/LY5W
and Kaspars/YL1ZF will be active as CR3L during the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 26-27th) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via DJ6QT. Operators will
probably be active as CT9/homecall before and after the contest.

E21, THAILAND. Champ, E21EIC, will be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/ALL-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via LoTW.
JA stations QSL via JR5XPG and all others via E21EIC. Visit Champ's Web
page at:            

E35, ERITREA (Update/Rumors). Erling, LA6VM, informs OPDX of the following
E35X information being passed around: "It has come to my attention that
rumors are going that I am planning an expedition to Eritrea using the call-
sign E35X. These rumors have no basis in any real situation. The E35X call-
sign was issued to the LA5X; Ham Forum group, headed by me, and used in
June 1994 just a week after their declared independence. This was the
first amateur radio activity licensed by the Eritrean authorities. A
possible cause for the rumor may be that I am working on updating the profile for LA6VM, to include my recent A52VM activity, and to
include all my previous expedition callsigns. At the same time, I have
updated the profile to include responsibility for our E35X expedition,
as the former QSL Manager, Ruth, LA6ZH, and her husband Thor, passed
away sometime ago. As far as I am informed, the current political situation
that Eritrea is in makes it unlikely that any permission for amateur radio
activity will be granted in the near future. We can only hope that this
situation will be eased; firstly for the benefit of the Eritrean people.
In an eased situation, I would guess that permissions for operation amateur
radio in Eritrea will be granted......
Oslo, 14th November 2011, Erling, LA6VM"

E5, NORTH COOK ISLANDS (Update). Bill, N7OU, is now active as E51MAN
from Manihiki, North Cook Islands, possibly until December 6th. Activity
apparently started on November 17th. Remember, activity will be on 160-10
meters, CW only, 500w to verticals, with his focus on Europe. QSL via N7OU.

E7, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. Operators Chris/9A5K, Mark/9A8A, Ranko/E70R,
Vlado/E70T, Fuad/E73CQ, Radomir/E74IW, Zoran/E76C, Braco/E77DX, Rob/E77E
and Chea/YU1EA will be active as E7DX during the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 26-27th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via E77E.

EL, LIBERIA. Remember to look for the VooDoo Contest Group to be active
from here beginning November 21st. This is their 23rd straight year, but
this time it will from a location just South of Monrovia, the capital of
Liberia. Their main goal is to be an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 26-27th) as a Multi-Multi category using the callsign EL2A.
Outside of the contest, the following mentioned operators will use their
own personal callsigns: Ned/AA7A (EL2NS), Roger/G3SXW (EL2A), Fred/G4BWP
(EL2WP), Mike/KC7V (EL2MF), Lee/KY7M (EL2LF) and Bud/N7CW (EL2CW). QSL
via their home callsign. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.

F8, FRANCE. Operators Maurice/F5NQL, Maurice/F5IYU and possibly others
will activate the Union Francaise des Telegraphistes (UFT) callsign
F8UFT from Zone 14 (JN17RR) during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November
26-27th) as a Multi-Single entry. All QSOs will be confirmed by the
Bureau. Those who want direct cards, QSL via Gerard, F6ICG (
The final log will be upload on LoTW after submitting to the contest

FY, FRENCH GUIANA. Operator Didier, FY5FY, will be active during the CQWW
DX CW Contest (November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (??)/Low-Power
entry. QSL via FY5FY.

GRID ACTIVITY (Wet). Yuri, UT1FG, will once again be traveling across
the Atlantic Ocean  and will be active from some "Wet grids" as UT1FG/MM
between November 25th, through the end of May 2012. First trip will be
from the Panama Cannal to Huelva, Spain (EA7), and then to Brunsbuttel,
Germany (From there, he will inform us later). Yuri is reportedly a crew
member on the ship, so activity will be during his free time. Operations
are expected on all amateur radio bands, 160-2 meters, 70 cm, and also
including the satellite. His activities will be mainly through the
satellite, but also look for him on the HF bands. He will also be active
on 6 meters, conditions permitting. QSL via his home callsign, direct
(see, by the Bureau or to his QSL Manager UX0FY.

GU, GUERNSEY. Dick, GU4CHY, will be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry. QSL via his
home callsign, direct (preferred) or by the Bureau (long QRX).

IOTA NEWS..............
  AS-018.  Operators Yuri/RA0FU, Vlad/RC0F and Igor/RU0FM will be active
          as RU0FM from Sakhalin Island during the CQWW DX CW Contest
          (November 26-27th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via LoTW.
          QSOs will be promptly uploaded to LoTW.

  AS-191.  (Update to OPDX.1033/1034) NEW IOTA! The 7Z7AA DXpedition from
          Jabal Al Lith, Saudi Arabia, is now active between now and
          November 25th. This is a rare IOTA. Activity will be on
          160/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Watch the
          IOTA frequencies. Operators mentioned are Abdul/7Z1CQ (team
          leader), Al/7Z1AQ, Suli/7Z1SJ, Ali/HZ1BT, Abdul/HZ1BW, Abdul/
          HZ1DG, Daher/HZ1DS, Hani/HZ1HN, Mohamad/HZ1MD and Nhaw/HZ1TL.
          QSL via 7Z1CQ. The 7Z7AA Web page is available at:
  EU-017.  Staff members of "DxCoffee" will be active as ID9DXC from the
          Aeolian group activating some rare or semi-rare rocks and
          islands valid for the I.I.A. (Italian Island Award). The
          activity will be spread out starting from the end of 2011
          throughout the entire year of 2012. It will begin November
          18th, from the Island of Panarea, Italian Island Award ME-006,
          World Lighthouse on the Air WLOTA LH-2210 (if weather conditions
          permit). A special card will be printed for each reference the
          team activates. QSL via Antonello Scauso, IT9YVO, direct or
          by the Bureau. If you want to follow the activities of ID9DXC,
          stay updated by visiting their Web site at:
          Also following on Twitter at:  @dxcoffee

  EU-092.  Jim, MM0BQI, will be active as MM0BQI/p from Tanera Mor (IOSA
          SC10, SCOTIA CN32), Summer Isles, between July 26-30th, 2012.
          Activity will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July
          28-29th) using his contest callsign GM1J. QSL both callsigns
          via MM0BQI, direct, by the Bureau and LoTW.

  EU-108.  Jim, MM0BQI, will be active as GB5TI from Lunga Island (IOSA
          NH17, SCOTIA DI09, WAB NH17), Treshnish Isles, Inner Hebrides,
          between April 27th and May 1st, 2012. Activity will be on the
          HF bands, on or near the usual island and IOTA frequencies.
          QSL via LoTW, direct or by E-mail Bureau requests.

  EU-112.  Jim, MM0BQI, will be active as MM0BQI/p from the Shiant Islands
          (IOSA OH18, SCOTIA DI32), Outer Hebrides, between July 14-22nd,
          2012. Jim reports that he has confirmed with the island owners
          and has permission to stay for the week. Final details will be
          worked out over the winter. Stay tuned for more details. QSL
          via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Log will be
          uploaded to LoTW.

  EU-125.  Rico, DO6EBB, will be active as OZ/DO6EBB from Fano Island
          (DIA NS-002) between June 17-30th, 2012. Activity will be on
          the HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL via his home callsign,
          direct or by eQSL.

  EU-189.  Operators George/EA2TA, Christian/EA3NT, Simon/IZ7ATN and Col/
          MM0NDX are planning to activate Rockall Rock (WLOTA 1694) as
          MS0INT between June 1-3rd, 2013 (Dates could change). The
          DXpedition is subject to sea and weather conditions. QSL via
          M0URX. For updates, check the Web site at:

  OC-033.  Sam, FK8DD, will be active as TX8NC from Lifou Island during
          the CQWW DX CW Contest between 0000-2200z, on November 27th.
          QSL via LZ1JZ.

  SA-095.  Just a reminder that Cezar/VE3LYC and Dino/CE3PG are expected
          to activate Pupuya Island between November 20-23rd (dates may
          change in case of bad weather conditions), using the callsign
          CE4A. Activity will be on 40/30/20/17 meters using CW and SSB.
          QSL via VE3LYC, PLEASE see the Web page for details. For
          updates, watch the DXpedition's Web at:
          LAST MINUTE UPDATE FROM CEZAR (Nov. 20th): "Weather looks good,
          not a lot of wind, and it is expected even better tomorrow
          morning, when we will attempt landing. If everything goes well,
          I hope to be on the air by no later than 18 UTC."

JD1, OGASAWARA. Yoshi, JG4IQC, will be active as JG4IQC/JD1 from Ogasawara
(AS-031) between November 23-25th. Activity will be limited to his spare
time because of work, but look for him on 20-10 meters CW. QSL via his
home callsign.

JD1, OGASAWARA. Hiroyuki "Harry", JG7PSJ, will once again be active
as JD1BMH from Chichijima Island (AS-031) between December 30th and
January 7th (2012). Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB
and RTTY. QSL via the Bureau to JD1BMH or direct to JG7PSJ. Visit his
Web page for more details at:

Nov/21st  AN      Nov/24th  HN      Nov/26th  HN-AN
Nov/22nd  LN-BN  Nov/25th  HN      Nov/27th  AN
Nov/23rd  AN

    NORMALITY              GEOMAG      K Values    Alpha
  -----------------        ------      --------    ------
  AN  - Above Normal      Quiet        K=0-1      0-7
  HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=2        8-15
  LN  - Low Normal        Active      K=3        16-29
  BN  - Below Normal      Minor Storm  K=4        30-49
  DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=5        50-99
  VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9      100-400

LOTW PROCESSING IMPROVING. The ARRL Letter is reporting this week:
"Logbook of The World (LoTW) is continuing to accept and process logs.
As of November 17th, the processing delay stands at 52 hours. There
are approximately 1.38 million QSOs in 5886 logs waiting to be processed.
If you have already uploaded a log, there is no need to upload it again;
by doing so, you will only add to the queue. Do not send entire logs that
contain previously uploaded QSOs; please use the date range option when
signing logs, selecting only those QSOs in a specific date range to
upload to LoTW. Following these guidelines will allow LoTW to process
the backlog at a faster pace. The ARRL IT staff continues to investigate
an anomalous series of events that began on October 29th, initially
creating the persisting backlog. The IT staff is also working diligently
to speed up the LoTW processing time and eliminate the backlog. Thanks
again for your patience."

LX, LUXEMBOURG. A team of operators will be active as LX7I during the
CQWW DX CW Contest (November 26-27th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via
LX2A. Also, visit the following Web page at:

MJ0, JERSEY. Mat, F5SHQ, will be active as MJ0ASP during the CQWW DX CW
Contest (November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry. QSL
via LoTW.

OFFICERS FOR 2012. Members of the North Jersey DX Association (which also
encompasses the 2nd district incoming QSL bureau) have recently elected
the following officers for 2012:
  President    : John Weber, WA2C
  Vice-President: Peter Dougherty, W2IRT
  Treasurer    : Gene Ingraham, N2BIM
  Secretary    : Ryan Jairam, N2RJ
Visit their Web site at:

PETE'S-DX-NEWSDESK GOING QRT! It was announced on Thursday by Pete Rayer,
ISWL Life Vice President, and administrator of the mailing list called
"Pete's-DX-Newsdesk" (which had subscribers in 39 countries) would be
closing down (deleting) the Yahoogroup. The reason given is that Ray
has recently been rushed into the hospital and has had several tests
and surgical procedures. He is now home as of Wednesday. He is scheduled
for more surgery in December and possibly in the spring. Ray states that
he is sorry for the loss of news and has "tried to reply to all the well
wishers in due course and to those, who sent adverse comments because of
the loss of service, ....well now the whole service is closing down. If
you are one of the above, please visit <> then scroll down
and see Jack's message." OPDX and its readers would like to wish Ray the
best and a speedy recovery. His source of DX input will be surely missed.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated November 20th)
  3V/UT6UA via UT6UA    FM1HN via NI5DX              PJ2/N0YY via W3HNK
  5R8IC via F6ICX        HI8/XE1KK via XE1KK and LoTW  RA/DL5EBE via DL5EBE
  7P8CC via EI7CC        J79KT via JN1NDY              TL8ES via IK3GES
  7Z7AA via 7Z1CQ        J79WTA via HB9MFM            TM90CRNF via F8KKH
  A61E via EB7DX        LZ1685PDB via LZ1KZA          V84SEA via V85TL
  C91NW via K9NW        M/SP7DPJ/M via SP7DPJ        V85/AH2Y via HL1IWD
  CE2/VE7SV via VE7WY    OM37TATRY via OM-Bureau      VP2MOR via W0OR
  EO12WFS via UR5WA      PA25OSK via PI4WAL            VQ91JC via ND9M
                                                      Z24EA via DL4EA

  Fred, IK7JWX, reports that all the QSLs for the recent 5C2J operation
  (AF-068 and CNFF-007) between September 23-28th, which were received
  direct will be sent out this week. PLEASE NOTE: All QSOs with 5C2P on
  September 21-22nd, are not valid for AF-068 because operations were
  from the HQ of ARRAM in RABAT (CN8MC). These QSOs were uploaded to LoTW.

  QSL STATUS TM5SM. Denis, F5RJM, reports that all the direct QSL card
  requests received as of November 15th, for the recent TM5SM activity
  from EU-081 have been mailed on November 16th.

  9H3TA, 9J2RI, 9M2ZAK, 9M6XRO, 6Y5/K1XM, AA4V/VP9, BD7LMD, C6AGU,
  and ZS6EV



OH2BN, dated November 17th, states (edited): "For the past several years,
the discussion about operating 48 hours nonstop has prompted many initi-
atives of doing so. Radio Arcala's team doctor, Ville, OH2MM, has special-
ized in food consumption prior to and during the contest. Several lectures
were given on this vital aspect of contesting.
  As CQWW SSB worked out fine with a new claimed overall SOAB European
record (CR2X by OH2UA), approaching 10,000 QSOs, and a Finnish record
(OH8X by OH6KZP), it was discovered that several team members struggled
to stay afloat for the entire 48 hours. Some came close to a knockout.
  CQWW CW will now be used semi-scientifically to record those ups and
downs and to seek ways of hanging on and avoiding a meltdown.

  OH8X, Northern Finland - Radio Arcala, OH8X, has invited Toivo, ES2RR,
        a 2010 WRTC medallist, to drive their contest machine for 48 hours
        nonstop, seriously, boots on.

  CR2X, Azores - Toni, OH2UA, is due for some unexpected undertakings at
        CR2X, but also determined to balance the effort needed to stay
        in the ring for 48 hours.

  OH0X, Aland Islands - Radio Arcala's new associated station, OH0X, will
        be operated by Pekka, OH2TA, and he is ready to do 48 hours for
        the first time, with some reservations and doubts.

  TC2X, Asiatic Turkey - Another new associated station, TC2X manned by
        Pertti, OH2PM, will try to offer Turkey (Asiatic) with maximum
        efficiency, with a modest setup but now with boots on, in a 48-hour

  OH2BH, Southern Finland - Will be piloted by Pasi, OH2IW, who has been
        sleeping for the past weeks so as not to need any nap time when
        the race starts. Can one sleep in advance? Maybe to some extent,
        with no boots.

  9H9BH, Republic of Malta - For his 50th straight year in CQWW, Martti,
        OH2BH, will be watching the bedlam poolside, maybe not boots on,
          but dipping his toe in deep water to provide a semi-rare multi.

  Why boots on? There's an old Finnish wisdom which holds that going to
sleep boots on may cause headache and mental disorder in the morning.
More Finnish wisdoms after CQWW CW. Until then, good luck in contacting
Radio Arcala's boots-on team.
  73 Jarmo OH2BN"

ST, SUDAN. Robert, S53R, will be active as ST2AR from Khartoum during the
CQWW DX CW Contest (November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power/
Unassisted entry. QSL via S53R.

SU, EGYPT (Update). Gab, HA3JB, will once again be active as SU/HA3JB
from Cairo between November 20-29th; his renewed license is valid until
November 30th. Activity will be on on CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. He
will also be in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/
Single-Band (??) entry. QSOs are valid for the HA-IPARC Award. QSL via
HA3JB, direct (w/SAE) to: Gabor Kutasi / H-8601 Siófok, P.O.Box 243,
Hungary. If you are IPA member please write/add your E-mail address.

SX100, GREECE (Special Event). Members of the Radio Amateur Association
of Greece (RAAG) will activate the special event callsign "SX100A" between
0000z Friday, December 2nd and 2400z Sunday, December 4th. Activity is
to celebrate the 100th anniversary in which the historic battleship the
"Georgios Averof" joined the "Hellenic Navy". The operation will take
place from the radio room of the "Georgios Averof". QSL via the Bureau.
For more information, see:

T32, EASTERN KIRIBATI. Six operators from the U.S. and Canada will be
active from Kiritimati Island (OC-024) between January 17th and February
2nd. The group will be active from the same location that the recent
T32C group operated from. The group is planning to operate during the
CQWW 160m CW Contest (January 27-29th) as a Multi-Op entry and use the
callsign T32XX. QSL via KB8TXZ. Outside of the contest, the operators
will be active on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK, using the
following callsigns:
  T32AU - Operator Dave/VO1AU; QSL via VO1MX
  T32CO - Operator Brian/KG8CO; QSL via KB8TXZ
  T32LJ - Operator Lee/N8LJ; QSL via K8ESQ
  T32TR - Operator Ted/K8AQM; QSL via KB8TXZ
  T32TX - Operator Jim/KB8TXZ; QSL via KB8TXZ
  T32WW - Operator Stan/AC8W; QSL via KB8TXZ
Look for the callsigns T32WW and T32CO to be operating on both RTTY
and PSK.

T6, AFGHANISTAN. Eric, K9GY, will be active as T6MO from the Helmand
Province (Grid MM21) during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 26-27th)
as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. Activity will be on 40/20/15/10 meters
only using 100 watts into a OCF dipole at 30 feet. QSL via K8GY.

TC3, TURKEY. Members of the "LZ Contest Group" will activate Asiatic
Turkey during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 26-27th) as TC3A and as
a Multi-2 entry. Operators mentioned are Nikolay/LZ1NK, Krasi/LZ2UW,
Christo/LZ3FN, Aleko/LZ3ZZ, Bedri/LZ4RR and Vesselin/LZ5VK. Activity
outside of the contest will be on the HF bands, 160-10 meters, using CW
and SSB. QSL TC3A via LZ1NK. For skeds before the contest, contact:

TL, CENTRAL AFRICA. Elvira, IV3FSG, will be active as TL8ES from M'Baiki
very soon. Activity will be on SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via IK3GES.

TX5, CLIPPERTON ISLAND. Another DXpedition to Clipperton Island is planned
by the Cordell Expeditions for March next year. The Cordell Expedition are
known for the following DXpeditions: 3Y0PI, XR0Y/Z, VK0IR, XR0X, K7C, etc...
The current list of radio operators are Bob/KK6EK (Co-organizer), John/
N7CQQ (Co-organizer), Alan/AD6E, Peter/W6OP and Dean/N7XG. The operators
will be part of the "Clipperton Project" which has invited a group of 20
artists and scientists from 9 different countries. Activity is expected
to take place between March 10-15th, 2012. They will use the callsign TX5Q.
The team will also deploy and use the innovative satellite-internet system
("DXA" Ver. 2) for real-time display of the expedition activities. In
addition to the radio operations, the team will carry out a variety of
other activities in support of the ecosystem and public awareness of
Clipperton. The entire "Clipperton Project" is described at:
Details about the TX5Q DXpedition are available at:
The team is currently looking for a doctor. QSL will be via N7CQQ. Look
for more details to be forthcoming.

VP9, BERMUDA. Alan, N3AD, will be active as VP9/N3AD from Bermuda (NA-005)
between November 22-28th. Activity will include the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via W3HNK.

VQ9, CHAGOS ISLANDS. Jim, ND9M/VQ9JC, informs OPDX that he is back on
Diego Garcia (AF-006) after 10 months off the island and is expected to
be active at least until March 1st, 2012. He states, "The local licensing
office renewed my regular license for two years and was also kind enough
to issue me another short-term special prefix callsign (VQ91JC [numerals
nine one]) to use between November 19th and December 4th. In fact, the
signed licenses were handed to me less than 90 minutes after I made my
request! I'll be on during the upcoming CQWW DX CW Contest as VQ91JC as
an All-Band/Low-Power entry." It seems that Jim is the only operator on
the island at this time. He mentions, "Larry, VQ9LA, and I left the island
within 48 hours of each other in January. Unfortunately, Larry is not
returning, and the only other regular operator, VQ9ZZ, has also left for
good." While Jim was away from the island, the club station on the island
has developed some major issues. He states, "Visitors over the last few
months disconnected a number of coax and other cables without labeling them
first, so I'm doing a lot of cable tracing (and labeling!). Much of the
cabling work that VQ9LA did over the years has been removed for no apparent
reason. The finals in both amps (Alpha 99 and AL80B) have failed, so I'll
be running barefoot for the foreseeable future. The amps are owned by the
Navy, but the Navy hasn't provided any equipment repair support for several
years, and I'll have to buy the replacement finals out of pocket, but that
won't happen for several months. Also, the log periodic (10-30 MHz) works
well, but the rotator binds around 20 degrees when turning clockwise (from
north towards east). There is an apparent issue with strain on the coax
caused by turning the rotator and maybe even the connection at the top of
the 30-meter tower; the SWR skyrockets when the rotator is turned beyond
20 degrees as it moves to the east. Fortunately, the problem corrects
itself when returning the antenna to the north or further west which makes
me think the cable may have become jammed beneath the rotator. For now, the
antenna will be left facing northwest rather than risk causing permanent
damage until I can get up there. This heading favors the path to Europe and
the Americas, but obviously hurts the paths to JA and VK/ZL to the east as
well as Long Path to NA to the south, but it can't be helped at this point.
The single remaining HF rig is an IC-760 which has a lot of years and miles
on it, but its performance is still adequate. (There's an FT-920 that is
barely good enough for QRP on a couple bands.) I brought an FT-857 from
home which I'm using to work the LEO satellites. It will also serve as a
back up for HF should the IC-760 come into hard times. I'll be putting up
a 5-element 6m beam. That antenna won't be on the tower, but should still
be high enough to take advantage of the openings that have finally started
appearing. I'll use the FT-857 for working 6m as well as the satellites.
My usual QRV hours are 1200-1630z on most days. Finally, there is no air
conditioning in the shack, so I leave both the front and back doors open
to get a little natural air flow. The geckos that live in the shack love
it because they don't have to go hunting for bugs any more; the bugs come
to them!"

XW, LAOS. Alex, RK3DT, is once again active as XW3DT from Laos. His
license is only good for three bands - 40/30/20 meters. He has been
on CW and SSB. Alex mentioned that his license cost him 6,000 USDs.
When OPDX asked Alex how long he will be there, he stated, "I will stay
until beer money dries out..." He suggests to send a QSL card to the
following address before December 3rd, 2011: Alex Sinchukov, P.O. BOX 11,
Lamma Island, Hong Kong.

XY, MYANMAR (Possible PSK Activity). In a E-mail (received on November
18th) from Simon, HS0ZIB/G6JFY, he informs OPDX that his QTH in Thailand
is only a few hours drive to Myanmar, and he has regularly visited the
country. His hotel/guesthouse businesses have enabled him to obtain initial
contact with the Myanmar Ministry of Tourism and via that route, he has
been in discussions with authorities from the Myanmar Ministry of Post
& Telecommunications and  the Ministry of Tourism, for almost a year
about an initial, "demonstration" DXpedition. Simon mentions, "The recent
political changes in Myanmar have increased the possibility of operating
an amateur radio station from Myanmar. My own position enables me to
operate on a regular basis, if this were allowed."
  He adds, "No 'high profile' expedition will currently be considered
by the authorities, (meaning no large teams, no high power, no large
antennas..etc). The use of simple equipment is a major reason why PSK
or other digital modes was proposed by me. PSK31, although a little slow
for handling multiple QSOs, does have the advantage of allowing split
operation by using the panoramic display of the application software. So
although I will be using simple equipment, I will be able to 'watch' say
a 1 kHz window above my operating frequency."
  Simon states, "I am waiting on the return of the Minister from a trip
to Indonesia before I learn whether or not my proposals have been accepted.
In any case, even if they are declined, I and my contacts in Myanmar are
fairly confident that I will obtain permission in the near future. Once
my trip is definitely going ahead, I will set up a dedicated web-site
with news of my expedition. Donations to assist me will be invited, but
due to my close proximity to Myanmar and the use of existing equipments,
the total cost for this expedition is not too high. I appreciate your
patience and hope that this will be the first of regular DXpeditions to
Myanmar." Stay tuned for updates.

ZK2, NIUE. Chris, GM3WOJ, who has been active as ZK2V, now reports that
he has received special permission to operate on the 60m band. The permit
is good to transmit on 5403.5 kHz between December 1-7th (Niue local time,
which equates to 1100z, December 1st, until 1100z on December 8th). He
states, "I am intending to install a more 'DX' antenna than the Inverted-
Vee I had in 2009, so hoping for some further DX." He also mentions,
"3.5 MHz and 7 MHz are very noisy here on the island, so I am hoping that
QRN will not be a problem." Chris will be active as ZK2V until December
20th. The QSL Manager for ZK2V and ZK2X is N3SL. All ZK2V and ZK2X QSOs
will be uploaded to the ARRL's LoTW - daily if possible.
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