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Главная » 2010 » Январь » 25 » OPDX IOTA News
25 January, 2010
Island activities:

EU-118. RARE IOTA (Update)! Operators Oscar EA1DR, George EA2TA,
Christian EA3NT, Col MM0NDX and Bjorn SM0MDG are planning a DXpedition to Flannan Isles (a extremely difficult island to land on) between June 18–21st.

Last activation was in 2002 (also in 1989 and 1995). Callsign will be MS0INT. Their main target will be working as many JA stations as possible and giving everyone a fair chance of working the EU-118 IOTA reference.

Therefore, they aim to be active on 80-10 meters trying to get advantage on the best bands, with 2 simultaneous stations on the air, one on CW and another on SSB.

They state,"Since our stay on the island is limited, please remember that 1 QSO will be enough, no matter the band." QSL Manager will be M0URX. Their Web page is now available at:

NA-079. (Update) Members of the Amateur Radio Outdoor Adventures, Inc., will be activating Grid Square EL84, March 11-15.

Activity will be from Fort Jefferson, Garden Key in the Dry Tortugas (USI FL-013S, USA-316, Monroe County, Florida) 72 miles west of Key West.
Team members are: Mike AC2V, Dave N2NL, Chris KN3ZIG, Pete AI4QY, Gary K4MF, Max KJ4EUT, Dan W4UH, Pete WD4IXD, Fred K9VV, Vick WA0USA, Zoli HA1AG and Jennifer LeSueur.

Activity will be on HF, Satellite and Digital. Callsign was
still not provided. A Web page is now available at:

Compiled by OPDX

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