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Главная » 2016 » Сентябрь » 14 » Scandinavian Activity Contest 2016
Scandinavian Activity Contest 2016 | 17:33 |
Dear all,
You're most welcome to participate in the upcoming Scandinavian Activity Contest as follows:
* CW: 17-18 September, 12 UTC - 12 UTC * SSB: 8-9 October, 12 UTC - 12 UTC
Each part of this "Polar Battle" gathers 1000+ contesters from all around the world. As the Nordic hams enter their radio huts en masse, SAC offers you a unique opportunity to work the propagationally challenged Arctic nations and practice your skills.
* Rules: http://www.sactest.net/blog/rules/
* Results booklet from SAC 2015: http://www.sactest.net/blog/sac-2015-result-booklet/
* Sponsored plaques (geographical, special skills, etc.): http://www.sactest.net/blog/rules/sac-sponsored-plaque-program/
* Learn about propagation to Scandinavia: http://www.sactest.net/blog/propagation/
* Announce your activity and challenge your friends: http://www.sactest.net/blog/announce_form/
73 & CU! SM5AJV, OH6KZP, OZ1BII SAC Contest Committee
Web: http://www.sactest.net
Категория: Соревнования |
Просмотров: 499 |
Добавил: uy5zz
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