Украинский КВ портал
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Главная » 2017 » Март » 30 » SP DX Contest 2017
SP DX Contest 2017
   We invite you to participate in the 2017 SP DX Contest. The contest
always takes place the first full weekend of April. This year it is the
first two days of the month: April 1 -2. The contest is 24 hours long,
from 1500 UTC on Saturday to 1500 UTC on Sunday. The format of the
contest is "single-country": Foreign stations work only Polish stations.

You are receiving this e-mail because you have participated in the SP DX
Contest in previous years. We hope that this year you will shown up in
the contest again. There will be lots of Polish stations on the bands
which will be a lot of fun.

The Web page for the contest is There
you can find detailed information and the rules of the contest in
various languages.

During this contest you have the opportunity to qualify for the POLSKA
award. It will be relatatively easy to meet the requirements of the
award. There is no charge for the award if you qualify during the
contest. The rules of the award can be found on

We hope to hear you in the 2017 SP DX Contest!

SP DX Contest Committee

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