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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 4 » UKEICC 80m Contests
UKEICC 80m Contests
UKEICC 80m Contests
These monthly one hour contests are different. They are timed to coincide with the hours of darkness over most of the UK and Ireland. They are open to all stations anywhere to enter, and the scoring is distance based - similar to the very successful 160m Stew Perry Contest. The first CW event will be held on the 24th September 2014, followed by the first SSB event on 22nd October 2014, thereafter alternating mode each month.
The contest exchange is simplified - no RST should be sent. These contests aim to encourage high quality operating, where each operator can balance speed of operating against logging accuracy. Those operators that can develop both of these essential skills will always do best.
Monthly winners will be announced with scores accumulating to give overall winners in each section at the end of the series.
1. Dates
Fourth Wednesday in the months of September through to May inclusive (4 contests on each mode per annum) Excluding December.

2. Times
2000 - 2100 UTC The contest ends 1 second after 20:59:59 - QSOs logged at 21:00 or later will not count

3. Modes / Frequencies
CW 3510-3560 kHz SSB 3700-3775 kHz

4. Exchange
4-character Grid locator – main square e.g. IO91, IO64, etc only (No RST should be sent)

5. Callsigns
Your normal station callsign should be used – no special prefixes are permitted and (currently) UK Special Contest Callsigns should not be used in these events.

6. Sections
Open: No more than permitted by the operator's licence, but not to exceed 1500W output
Low Power: 100 Watts or less
QRP: 5 Watts or less

7. Operator categories
7.1 Single Operator Connected: When the entrant, at any time during the the contest, for the purpose of finding, facilitating, or making QSOs –
(a) Connects, or is connected, to any network crossing the boundary of the entrant’s station, or
(b) uses any multi-channel decoder e.g. local Skimmer, or
(c) uses any method of communication other than RF corresponding to the frequencies and/or mode(s) of the entry.
7.2 Single Operator Unconnected: When none of the Connected conditions apply.
7.3 Entries in all 6 categories will be listed together in the Results, and also in 6 separate category lists. Separate Certificates will be awarded to the winners in each of the 6 entry categories. The Results will also show UK/EI entrants and DX entrants separately, listed by DXCC entity, again with separate Certificates being awarded.
Note - one aim of these contests is to improve operating skill, which is not necessarily the outcome of using the DXCluster, Skimmer, or RBN. Please consider entering the Unconnected category.

8. Antennas
No limits

9. Logging software
Any contest software logging package which supports the Stew Perry Contest is suitable for use in these contests e.g. SD, N1MM, N1MM+, WinTest, Writelog, (Note that the Cabrillo files produced after the contest will contain 59(9) reports even though they are not exchanged on-air during the contest)

10. Scoring
The number of QSO points for each contact depends on the distance between the two stations. This is computed by taking the distance between the centres of the two grid squares.
i.e. 0 - 500 km 1 QSO point
501 – 1000 km 2 QSO points
1001 – 1500 km 3 QSO points etc
For example, a QSO with a station 1850 km away will count for 4 QSO points.
As part of the adjudication process, if you have made a QSO with a Low Power or QRP station i.e. you were the receiving station in that QSO, your QSO points (for that QSO) are multiplied by the following factors :
Low Power section – QSO points are multiplied by 2.0
QRP section – QSO points are multiplied by 4.0
No multiplication factor will be applied to QSOs with stations that did not submit an entry, and to all QSOs with any station signing /QRP or /LP.

11. Entries
11.1 Cabrillo logs are required clearly showing your section and sent exchange, and must be received by the online server within 1 hour of the contest end time. The online server for uploading your logfile is reached via the link on the website. The results of each monthly contest will be announced on the UKEICC website within 12 hours. Many thanks to Tree N6TR for supplying us with the same software that is used for the Stew Perry Contest for our log-checking.
11.2 By entering this contest, you agree to your logfile and the associated UBN file created after the log-checking procedures being in the public domain.
11.3 Entries from stations attempting to indicate their power level by e.g. signing /QRP or /LP at any time during the contest will be treated as checklogs.

12. Penalties and additions
12.1 Callsign and/or exchange logging errors in any QSO will result in the loss of points to the value of your average points per QSO value (as calculated from your final unchecked score) times THREE.
12.2 Not-in-Log (NIL) errors, for whatever reason, will result in the loss of points to the value of your average points per QSO value (as calculated from your final unchecked score) times TWO.
12.3 In addition, logs which have zero errors ((Dupes are not errors - and should not be removed from your log) will result in a bonus of 20% of your score for that contest being added to your score in the next contest in the series. Similarly, logs which have only one error (in copying the exchange) will result in a bonus of 10% of your nett score for that contest being added to your score in the next contest in the series. These bonuses only apply to the next contest in the series and cannot be carried further forward.
12.4 Following the completion of the automated log-checking procedures, you will have access to your UBN/LCR file for that contest, again within 12 hours of the end of the contest. Please note that due to the short log-submission time and the fast production of results, no appeals can be made.

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