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Главная » 2021 » Август » 8 » Worked All Europe DX Contest (WAEDC) CW
Worked All Europe DX Contest (WAEDC) CW

Dear fellow contesters!


The WAEDC Contest Committee would like to invite you to the next round of the WAEDC Contest Season Number 67!


The CW leg is taking place:  Saturday, August 14th 2021, 0000 UTC until Sunday, August 15th 2021, 2359 UTC.


Please use this upload link for your 2021 WAEDC log:


and follow the upload instructions.


We accept cabrillo logs only!


The upload is active from the contest start till deadline.

The DEADLINE is 7 DAYS ! This means, we need your log until August, 23nd 2021!


The QTCs are the bread and butter of this contest and all the competitive stations would appreciate to exchange QTCs for their score!


WAEDC Rules can be found here:


Please note, that we clarified the rules for the contest free segments and that QSOs with 000-reports only give credit, if a new multiplier is worked. Every BY-call-area gives now a multi for EU-stns.


ATTENTION! Since 2021 the TOP 5 entrants of each category have to provide an audio recording (RX & TX) but ONLY on request of the contest manager.


A WAEDC Webinar can be found here:


Due to the current situation according COVID-19, we kindly ask the Multi-OP-stations, to respect the local COVID-19-restrictions.


Good luck in the contest!


Hope to hear you on the bands.




Peter John, DL7YS

(WAEDC Manager)

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