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I.C.P.O. Bulletin (03 - 11 December, 2009) | 14:19 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 03/12/2009: Operatprs Norbert/F6AXX and Alain/F6HBR will be active as XU7UFT from Sihanoukville [aka Kampong Som], Cambodia, between 3-8 December. Activity will be CW only on: 3520 7020 10115 14020 18071 21020 24891 and 28020 kHz, propagation permitting. QSL via F6AXX, by the bureau or direct (w/SAE and return postage). Look for direct QSLs to be answered after 15.Jan.2010. [OPDX Bulletin]
04/12/2009: Operators Dani XE3RR, Jose XE3PP, Benigno XE2WK and Zalo XE3N will be active Isla El Cerrito (IOTA NA-153) between 04-14 December with the callsign XF3RR. This operation is organized by the Radio Club Cancun and it will be a low scale operation as the island is a protected area of the government of Mexico so it is subject to many restrictions including not carrying much equipment or more than 4 people at once. QRV 80-15 metres, mainly SSB and RTTY. Suggested frequencies: SSB - 3.790, 7.060, 14.260, 18.140 and 21.260 MHz; RTTY - 3.585, 7.044, 10.104, 14.085, 18.104 and 21.085 MHz. QSL via EB7DX, direct only. [F5NQL]
04/12/2009: Curt, W3HQ will be active as VP2V/W3HQ from Virgin Gorda (NA-023, WLOTA L0347), British Virgin Islands from 4-16 December. Operation will be CW only. Bands will be mainly 160 and 10 meters on weekends, and WARC during the week. QRP 2-way skeds welcome. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
04/12/2009: Adhi, YB3MM will be active from Bawean Island (OC-197, WLOTA L-0269) as YB3MM/p from 4-8th December. QRV only on 15 metre CW. Operation in spare time due to limited electricity. QSL via IZ8CCW, direct or bureau. [F5NQL]
05/12/2009: Sang Hoon Lee, DS4NMJ will be active as DT8A from the Korean Antarctic base King Sejong (AA HL-01, WAP KOR-01) on King George Island (AN-010, WLOTA L-0312), South Shetlands, for 14 months, from 5 December 2009 through 31 January 2011. He plans to operate on all bands mainly CW, with some SSB and RTTY. QSL via HL2FDW. [425 DX News]
05/12/2009: François F5JNE, along with Claude F5MCC will be active on 5 December as F5JNE/p from the Old Castle (DFCF 89-311), in the city of L'isle sur Serein (CP 89440), canton [county] of Isle sur Serein (DDCF 89-18), Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). The Castle is located on an island on the River Serein and this island is valued reference 89059R, for the French inland, rivers and lakes islands award, for which this activity will also count. QRV 80/40m starting 0700 UTC. QSL via F5JNE, bureau preferred and SWL cards are welcome. [F5NQL]
05/12/2009: Members of the Regionalis Radios Sportklub Puspok-ladany (HA0KHW), namely Laci HA0HW, Viktor HG0NDZ, Zoli HA0IH, Tomi HA4DX and Geza HA4XG will activate more Hungarian National Parks during the month of December. Look for them to be QRV as HG0WFF/p from: Duna-Drava Nemzeti Park (HAFF-003) on 5-6 December, Nyugat Mecsek Tajvedelmi Korzet (HAFF-033) on 7-8 December and Kelet Mecsek Tajvedelmi Korzet (HAFF-024) on 9-10 December. QSL via HA0HW, bureau preferred [HA0HW]
06/12/2009: Manel, EA3EGB will be active on 6 December as EA3EGB/p from the La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park (EAFF-117), in Catalonia, northeastern Spain. QRV 40-10 metres, using SSB, RTTY and PSK-31. Equipment: Icom 751-A, 100 watts; the aerial: Vertical (40, 20, 18 m.), Dipole (40-80 m.). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [QRZ.RU]
06/12/2009: Mark, AA1AC will be active from Bermuda (NA-005, WLOTA LH-0201) 6-12 December as VP9/AA1AC, on all HF bands. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]
08/12/2009: Fernando, EA1BT will be active from Ducos, island of Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001, DDFM 97, WLOTA LH-1041) from 8-15 December as TO1BT. QSL via home call [F5NQL]
10/12/2009: Victor, N8OO and Andrei, NP3D will be active as HR2/N8OO and HR2/NP3D respectively from Honduras between 10-20th December. QRV all HF bands, CW, RTTY and SSB. Victor will participate in the 10 Metre ARRL DX Contest and Andrei will be in OK DX RTTY Contest. QSL info: HR2/N8OO - via home call or via UA9TF for ex CIS. HR2/NP3D, HQ2S - via RW6HS for ex CIS or via W3HNK. LoTW is OK. [NG3K]
10/12/2009: John, KL7JR will be active from Kluane Lake before and after ARRL's 10 Meter Contest. If the ice is thick enough, KL7JR will activate Jacquot Island, Yukon, a new one for CIsA. Main frequency: 28.460 or 14.260 MHz. QSL KL7JR CBA. [USi]
11/12/2009: Peter XU7ACY (ex-NO2R) and Wim XU7TZG (ex-ON6TZ) will be active from Koh Russei (aka Bamboo) Island (IOTA AS-133) from 11 until 14 December as XU7KOH. QRV all bands 80-10 metres on the regular IOTA and PSK-Frequencies, using PSK, SSB and CW. QSL only direct (2US$ + SAE) to ON7PP. [NG3K]
11/12/2009: Krasimir LZ1KQ, Mustafa TA2TX, George LZ1GHT, Bogdan LZ1OB and Dimi LZ1ZX will be QRV from Turkey (WW Loc. KM38WN) in the BCC Meteor Scatter Contest (11-15 December) using the callsign YM3M. Activity is planned for WSJT, HSCW, CW and SSB on 6 and 2 metres. Equipment - 2 metre: IC910H + 3SK129priampl Ant-2x15 el dj9bv pw=QRO; 6 metre: FT957 - 50w, 5 el.yagi. QSL via operator's instructions. [F5NQL] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
20/12/2009: Look for special event station 8J6HAM to be active from 20.December.2009 to 08.March.2010 for the 9th Nishinihon (or West Japan) Ham Fair, to be held in Tosu-city, Saga-prefecture, Kyushu (AS-077, JIIA AS-077-001, WLOTA LH-0963), Japan. HF contacts QSL via the JARL bureau; Satellite contacts QSL via JA6PL, direct or bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
28/12/2009: Sam, G4OHX will be active as 5R8HX (callsign just recently confirmed) from Madagascar (IOTA AF-013 and WLOTA LH-2455) between 28 December, 2009 and 3 January, 2010. Activity will be mainly CW. He will also be active from South Africa as ZS5/G4OHX between 4-17 January. QSL via his home callsign direct only. [G4OHX]
15/01/2010: Peter, HA3AUI will once again be active from Cabrousse (near Cap Skiring), Senegal, as 6W2SC and from Cab Roxo, Guinea-Bissau, as J5UAP between 15 January and 31 March. QRV 160-10m, mainly digital, other modes on request, using K3, 500W, 5Band Spiderbeam, Verticals. QSL direct or bureau via HA3AUI. For all info, including QSL and OnLine Log, please visit: cqafrica.net/ [NG3K]
03/01/2010: Operarators Alan VK3XPD, Kevin VK4UH and Michael VK3KH have planned a VHF/UHF/Microwave DXpedition to Norfolk Island (OC-005, WLOTA LH-1469, WW Loc. RG30xx), using the callsign VK9NA, between 03-14 January. The DXpedition has created interest in the USA, and although the team thinks they are beyond their reach, they will be beaming into the Pacific on 6 metres and 2 metres and are hopeful of working A35 and E51. Digital modes will be an integral part of their operation, and they are set up to run WSJT on all bands. They will also be active on the Meteor Scatter net, and will also be happy to consider skeds at other times. Bands - 6 Metres 100W 3 elem Yagi; 2 Metres 360W 10 elem Yagi; 70 CM 70W 23 elem Yagi; 23 CM 90W 1.2 Mtr dish; 13 CM 20W 1.2 Mtr dish; 9 CM 20W 1.2 Mtr dish; 6 CM 15W 1.2 Mtr dish; and 3 CM 5W 1.2 Mtr dish. Radios: FT897D and FT817ND. Modes: SSB, FSK441, JT65A, B&C and CW. QSL via VK3KH. [F5NQL]
12/03/2010: Ray ZL4TY (home call VK4DXA) and Paul ZL4M (home call ZL4PW) will be activating Stewart Island (OC-203) from Friday 12-23 March. This will be a 2-station operation using verticals for 160 - 30m and a Spiderbeam for 20-10m. QSL via home calls. [F5NQL] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
05/12/2009: II0SB/mm from an Italian Navy Coast Guard patrol boat (QSL via IS0MKX) and II3SB from Burano Island (IOTA EU-131, IIA VE-010, QSL via IW3IE) will be two stations participating in the 5th International ARMI Contest to be held on 5-6 December (details at www.assoradiomarinai.tk). [425 DX News]
07/12/2009: Look for special event station 5P15COP from Sjaelland Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-001) to be active between 7-18 December. Activity is taking place during the big United Nations "Copenhagen Climate Change Conference" (en.cop15.dk/). Operators would like to invite all radio amateurs worldwide to show their concern and care about the environment and climate, by contacting this special event station. Operations will be on 160-6 metres using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via OZ5BAL, direct or by the bureau. For more details about the project, QSL card and awards available, please visit: www.5p15cop.dk/news.php/ [OPDX Bulletin]
U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
02/12-14/12 K2V: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL K9WZB (d) 04/12-16/12 VP2V/W3HQ: Virgin Gorda WLOTA:0347 QSL HC (d/b) 04/12-08/12 YB3MM/P: Pulau Bawean WLOTA:0269 QSL IZ8CCW (d/b) 05/12-31/1/11 DT8A: King Georges Island WLOTA:0312 QSL HL2FDW (d/b) 08/12-15/12 TO1BT: Martinique Island WLOTA:1041 QSL EA1BT (d/b) ============================================ SIX METERS & UP -
05/12-06/12 ARRL EME Competition 6m-1.2GHz 05 0000z-06 2359z 06/12 RSGB 144 MHz AFS Contest 0900z-1700z 07/12-18/12 5P15COP: Copenhagen Grid:JO65 6/2M QSL OZ5BAL (d/b) 08/12-14/12 International 70cm MS Contest 08 0000z-14 2359z 09/12 MOON Contest 432 MHz 1900z-2100z 10/12 NRAU 50 MHz Activity Contest 1800z-2200z
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 27 November 2009)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ US COUNTY HUNTING - USA-CA
K2HVN - Bill - 2* - Sat. Dec. 5 to Sat. Dec. 5 - SSB and CW Will have 20cw/ssb, 30 and 40cw; DE-Kent and Sussex; MD- Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester. Will try to run county lines to save time. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]
N9QS - Roy - 5* - 12/11/2009 to 12/12/09 - SSB and CW Return trip home from Branson, Mo: Webster, Wright, Texas, Howell, Shannon, Carter, Reynolds, Wayne, Bollinger, Cape Girardeau. From here I will probably take I-55 north to home. Bands will be 20/30/40 metres. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
ALGERIA: Avoid cards and money. The 7X2ARA callsign was spotted a lot especially on 17m/cw, on Nov 26&27. There were no traffic under this callsign on the indicated bands and modes, Yves/7X0MT says. [F5NQL] ---------------- QSLs received Bureau - 3V8SS, 4K9W, 4O/EA1DR, 6V7O, 9J2FM, 9K2/SP4R, 9M2TO, 9M6/N1UR, A52RY, C91YI, CE8A, D68WL, DP1POL, DU7/PA0HIP, H40FN, J3/DL7CM, J6/W0SA, KG4SS, KH6OO, KL7HBK, UK/JI2MED, V5/DL2SL, VP6PR, XR7A, YS1G, ZD7X and ZK3MW.
QSLs received Direct - 3D2GM (PG5M), 4U1UN (HB9BOU), 4W6AL (CT1GFK), 5B4KH (QRZ.com), 8R1DB (N3DB), A41MX (EB7DX), FK/JA1NLX [OC-033] (JA1NLX), FP/G3ZAY (G3ZAY), JT1CO (QRZ.com), OH1AA [EU-096 Parainen Island] (IZ0EHO), R1ANC (RN1ON), T2G (PG5M), T30GM (PG5M), TG9NX (QRZ.com), TX5SPA (SP9PT), TX5SPM (SP9PT), UA2FFW (QRZ.com), VY0O [NA-230] (VE3LYC) and W3HNK (QRZ.com).
QSLs received LoTW - 3D2CW, 3DA0MM, 3DA0SV, 3DA0VA, 3W2KF, 4X/EA5RM, 5B/AJ2O, 5C8M, 5H3/SM1TDE, 6V7D, 6V7Q, 6W2SC, 7P8CF, 7P8DA, A35DX, AO8A, BA4DW, C56YK, CN50ZLZ, CQ9T, CR3R, CS94MD, CU3BL, CU3F, D2BB, D25L, E21YDP, EA9AM, ER3R/p, ER5DX, ES1WN, ES3AX, ET3JA, F6ENO/p, F6HBI/p, FM5CD, FP/M0TDG, FS/K1XM, FT5GA, GA3YOR, GI4SNA, OX3XR, RW6HS, S04R, ST2BF, T68G, TF3CW and TX3A. ============================================ SILENT KEYS -
Andrey Golopurov, RU1AO, SK At age 43, tragically was broken the life of the member [ALRS] Andrey V. Golopurov, RU1AO. Returning home for the participation in CQWW CW Contest, Andrey perished on 27 November 2009 in the explosion and derailment of the Nevskiy Express (Moscow-St Petersburg train that killed 26 people on 27 November).
Antenna expert Jerry Sevick, W2FMI, SK Jerry Sevick, W2FMI, became a Silent Key on November 29 after a brief illness. Sevick was a renowned authority on antennas and transmission line transformers, and was active on the air until just days before his passing. He was 90 years old. Sevick is best known among hams as author of "Transmission Line Transformers," "Building and Understanding Baluns and Ununs," and "The Short Vertical Antenna Handbook." He was also a prolific author of magazine articles in both amateur and professional technical media.
Paul Knight, KE5OVA, SK Paul Knight KE5OVA of Abilene, Texas, became Silent Key the morning of 25 November 2009 after being ill for some time.
V. Roy Jackson, ZL4BO, SK Duncan, ZL3JT, has just reported that Roy Jackson, ZL4BO, of Invercargill, New Zealand has become Silent Key. ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
ANTARCTICA: OR4TN was active 01.December.2009 (2145Z on 7008.00KHz) from the Princess Elisabeth Station. [9A6AA] ---------------- CS25M and CS26X logs added at "CT's Log Online" database on http://algarvedx.com/logonline QSL Manager, CT1EHX is now OK to answer all QSL request for CS25M, CS26X, CS27R and CS28MCF. 73'S Algarve STAR DX Team ---------------- FRENCH POLYNESIA - Tahiti Phil/FO8RZ, has moved his 80m doublet. At his new place it has more clear place, between two trees. Bareoot 100w, Phil made some contacts with Africa (Senegal, Nigeria ..), but for Europe it will be more difficult. The best area for the moment seems to be USA/JA/VK/ZL and FK. QSL via F8BPN, direct, French Bureau or LotW.) http://f5phw.chez.com/index.php?lng=fr [F5NQL]
FRENCH POLYNESIA - Tahiti Phil/FO8RZ who will take part in the FO/2010 team with Jacques, F6BEE, and along with Nigel/G3XTT and Gilles/VE2TZT, informs us that the FO/2010 web page (courtesy of Laurent/F1JKJ) is now available at: www.fo2010.org/ . This all HF bands and CW/SSB/Digit dxpedition will make emphasis on low bands so efficient antennas are to be brought for 80/160. They will be active on other bands also. Your remarks and wishes are welcome; don’t forget to write something of you on the guestbook. More information to be published in due time. [F5NQL ---------------- Railroad Depots On The Air Activation - Cap, W4AMW will operate from KY0001, the Union Station Depot in Owensboro, Kentucky, on 5 December on 7055 from 1700 to 1800 UTC and 14045 from 1800 to 1900 UTC. He will be using a 1945 Vibroplex from the short-line Camus Prairie RR depot in Cottonwood, Idaho. It belonged to Mildred Pinson, a RR telegrapher from 1944 until 1970. Cap will be more than happy to QRS to 5 wpm or whatever speed you can copy. 7055 is also the frequency USS Midway will be using that same day from San Diego. If you have QRM out west of here we will QSY down a bit. 14060 won't pose a problem with Midway. Hope to hear a lot of RR activity Saturday. QSL via home call. [N8OFS] ---------------- Jan 30-Jan 31, 1700Z-1700Z, Saint Marys, GA. Camden County Amateur Radio Society, KB4CC. Activation of Cumberland Island USI# GA-002S IOTA# NA-058. 14.260 14.040 7.055 7.030. QSL via: CCARS - USI#GA-002S, PO Box 2203, Kingsland, GA 31548. Web site at: www.ccars.org/ [N8OFS] ============================================
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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